Daeana the Umbreon


I draw pretty

Name: Daeana, sometimes Dae for short


Species: Umbreon


Gender: Female (she/her)

Faction: Former soldier (mew)

Island: Runark


swift, bite, quick attack, confuse ray



Generally quiet, Daeana is very reserved and thoughtful. She is known for her collected demeanor and actively maintains a levelheaded, logical mindset. Because she is prone to long periods of introspection and self-reflection, she tends to overthink her actions and their ripple effects on those around her, sometimes long after the event has passed. Daeana is deeply critical of herself and is somewhat of a perfectionist. Given the responsibilities she has as a healer, it’s understandable that she takes failure to help someone as a personal blow. Despite this, she is relatively confident and is a good speaker.

Though Daeana avoids hurting others without reason, she is capable of and willing to fiercely fight off any threats to those close to her and is capable of going great lengths for justice and revenge. Her fighting style relies on multiple critical strikes using her knowledge of healing to quickly size up opponents and fixate on their weaknesses. Even though she will readily help others when it’s at no inconvenience to her, she is hesitant to involve herself heavily in others’ personal matters. She has a habit of staying socially aloof and keeping her thoughts to herself while voicing her personal opinions very little.

Daeana hates the war more than anything in the world. She has a grudging, slightly jealous admiration for Feulis’s ideals, but her attachment to her family in Runark is too strong for her to consider leaving without good reason. While she was raised to help all pokemon in need, her experience as a medic taught her to emotionally remove herself in moments of crisis to the point of being able to let pokemon die if she deems them too costly to save. However, she values those close to her very much and, though she maintains a detached and objective disposition, tries to talk them out of the war effort for what she will admit are selfish reasons. Even though she despises the war, she talks about it little and her experiences on the battlefield even less.

On the whole, Daeana is a very intellectual, slightly aloof, wounded soldier trying to make sure no one else close to her leaves for the war and doesn’t come back. She has a lot to say on the war, but doesn’t speak it directly. She cares very deeply about her remaining family and wants to protect them, but she’s afraid of being overbearing so she stays somewhat distant.


Daeana grew up on Runark with her little brother Glyph and their solitary mother.  She believed strongly that it was Mew’s wish for all pokemon to be compassionate and kind to one another, despite their differences. These are the ideals that Daeana grew up with and, even from a young age, she was very protective of her family and Glyph in particular. However, when both of them were still Eevees, their mother was struck with a terrible illness and, though the healers of Runark did all they could, it amounted to nothing in the end. It was that night when Daeana stepped up as the older of the siblings to take care of Glyph, prompting her evolution. As if to make up for the healer’s inability to save her mother, Daeana divided her time learning the art of healing and looking after Glyph. She was on top of him constantly, making sure nothing happened to him. Glyph, who had always been very proud of his homeland and his deity decided to enlist in the Runark military as soon as he was old enough. To his mild annoyance, Daeana followed him. Their lineage wasn’t one of war heroes, but Glyph was dead set on joining the war effort and Daeana, not wanting to lose her only living relative, would stop at nothing to make sure her brother didn’t get hurt. Using her medicinal knowledge, she gained a spot training under the current medic, while also learning to fight beside the newly evolved Jolteon and the other soldiers.

Eventually, he confronted her and told her to stop babysitting him. Daeana tried to voice her concerns that one day he might not come home, but Glyph was angry and didn’t want to listen to what the Umbreon had to say. After that, the two of them grew distant. Daeana was still concerned from afar, but she knew better than to make her worry known to him. Time went on and the two of them split off into their respective roles. The current medic was a battle-scarred Bayleef who never told Daeana his name. Referred to by the other soldiers only as ‘Medic’, he spent absolutely no time on formalities, instead getting right to teaching what he had learned over the years in his position. “You can’t save everyone,” he’d say, “so you have to make sacrifices. That is the essence of triage.” Medic often criticized her slow and methodical work, saying that on the battlefield that time could be used to save another life instead of making someone who would already live more comfortable. Though he was a little harsh, Daeana had a lot of respect for him and his skill. There was an understanding that what others may perceive as heartlessness, was in reality the most efficient way to save the most lives.

For her first real taste of war, she and Glyph were part of an attack on Destirae. When they landed, they were ambushed by the native Arceus supporters and did not have the strength or the numbers to stand against them for long. Medic was out on the battlefield giving immediate care to fallen pokemon, while Daeana finished patching up the pokemon who were carried away from the fray. Many pokemon died in her care. A Charmeleon from died from a head injury even though he pretended to be brave about it, asking to return to the battle. An Electrike had their ribcage punched in by a fighting type and begged Daeana to help them even though there was little she could do. Two Pidgeots, knowing they would die from their burns, spent their last moments calling out for their son back on Runark. The whole experience was worse than Daeana could have possibly imagined even with Medic’s vivid descriptions. Throughout the battle Daeana kept an eye on her brother, praying to Mew that he wouldn’t get hurt.

While going out to receive wounded soldiers, Daeana saw the Bayleef struck down by an Arceus soldier. The Scyther, whose sole intent was to punish the nonbelievers, turned its attention towards the injured pokemon. Daeana stared at the motionless body of the previous medic, feeling a rage building inside of her the likes of which she never felt before or since. She lunged forward knowing that she had to protect the fallen soldiers but most of all, she had to make this Scyther pay for taking Medic’s life.

After it was all over, Daeana had taken the life of the Scyther at the cost of her right paw and her left ear. Realizing they would be better off living to fight another day, the retreat was called and Glyph broke from the rest of the army to escort Daeana onto the ship with the other wounded. The tattered Umbreon returned to Runark with many of the other injured soldiers and a bitter distaste for war. After she was patched up, Glyph came and visited her for the first time since they joined the military, joking how the tables have turned and now he was the one looking out for her. Though she begged him not to, after Daeana had recovered enough to care for herself, Glyph returned to the war. After he left, she assumed the role of Runark’s resident healer, taking a much more passive approach than that of a medic in the war. She also took it upon herself to raise the freshly orphaned Pidgey. Still carrying regret from how she acted around Glyph (who she returned to good terms with), she is careful about balancing providing Pip with everything he needs and giving him room to make his own decisions.


Dae is aro/ace and hates the smell of oranges


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