D.N. Anites [Inactive]

The Librarian

Elder Member
I stretched as I emerged onto the deck of the house,Ranger padding up beside me. I lowered an arm to scratch him behind the ears absently. "Well boy,what do ya think?",I asked him,"Should I expect some new Gifted today?". He barked and began wagging his tail. "Yeah?", I asked him with a small smile, then looked back out to the forest and said, "Well then, I better prepare the other rooms.". I turned and went back inside, starting to get out fresh linens for the beds.
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Ashe sprinted quickly down a steep mountain swiftly on all fours "Hurry, get him don't let the mongrel escape!" the sound of gun shots could be heared echoing throughout the forest, the hunters were upset that a certain wolf had stolen their kill and sure would have liked a new fur coat. The wolf ran at an astonishing speed, much faster than any average wolf "what the heck is that thing?!" the hunters were really frusterated now and Ashe couldn't dodge every bullet they sent his way, one shot him in the side making the intimidating looking wolf with the scar over his eye to howel in a pained distress call to any nearby wolves he ran to a house knowing they wouldn't be allowed to shoot on private property he winced in pain being forced to revert back to his normal form he whimpered softly falling to the ground with a low thud he glanced up to see a human, assumingly the owner oft the house and a wolf with him, he growled defensively at the man and his Wolf he snarled softly too weak to really be any louder he bare his teeth not wanting to have to trust a human with his life, despite the situation that didn't change his deep hatred towards humans.
I was busy pulling the linens out for the second bedroom while a construct dusted the first room(how those cute little balls of fire held things, I didn't know) when Ranger's ears perked up. I glanced at him in interest, then narrowed my eyes when he began growling. He raced out of the room and down the stairs, me following him close behind, to scratch at the door. I motioned for him to get back from the door and, pausing to raise a translucent shield around the both of us, flung it wide open.

Lying on the front lawn was a person, a Gifted if his wolf ears were anything to go by, bleeding from his side. Ranger growled a bit before I shooshed him, tilting my head at the softly growling - okay, whimpering - wolf boy. I took a few steps forward, preparing some healing magic, but stopped when he bared his teeth in a louder growl. "Okay, injured animal approach then.", I murmured, holding my hands up, palms out, to show I was unarmed and subtly nudging Ranger back inside.
He looked at the human with dark unforgiving eyes "Leave me alone..." he said in a low tone "I would rather die here than have to depend on one of your kind"

(sorry it's short i'm at school.)
"'Fraid I can't let that happen. You see, having a teenage boy dying of a gunshot wound on the front lawn sorta lowers the property value, and if I can't sell this place for top dollar then how am I gonna afford that new Gifted training facility?", I asked him, crossing my arms in stubborn refusal, "So either you let me treat your wounds, or I get to introduce your head to a frying pan.".

The gifted sighed mumbling something under his breath, he hated to admit it but if this guy was persistent on treating his wounds in his current state he couldn't fight him and he was probably serious about the frying pan. He said nothing and tucked his ears to his head showing him he wouldn't bite, literally and he rolled on his stomach showing him the side where the wound is clearer to see and also revealing his scars from where he was branded reading J.G Ashe lied down hating the situation he was in... training facility? what kind of training would a gifted need?, and for what?... maybe he was like them, maybe he was training them to use as weapons... all humans were the same, they were deceitful, manipulative beings they told him he could trust them, first they gave him a home, fed him, clothed him and taught him how to talk. But then once they had him thinking he was safe they threw him in a cage and took him to an auction... he could never forget that and he'll never make the mistake of trusting their kind ever again this man was no exception.

-Dramatic Flashback Time- (I'll do flashback's in 1st person)

I was lying down on the concrete of the city outskirts, it was raining and I was cold some people passed by but either didn't notice or didn't care. I looked into a broken mirror someone was planning on throwing away and I was curious looking at my reflection in the mirror, who was the person in there staring at me? he had pointy wolf ears and a fluffy tail, he was young only a child he was dirty and had scrapes and bruises everywhere. Was that person really me? I heard someone yell something at me in some language I didn't understand but I heard a few words I'd heard them say before like "Dog" and "Stray" A stray dog? what did that mean? I had no idea why they were so angry but I got kicked for whatever I did... all I knew was I was alone now... mommy and daddy were scared when I grew a tail and ears they didn't know what to do they blamed something called the D.N. Anites, I was only 2 at the time and I didn't understand what they were saying, I still don't really understand but they didn't want me for some reason afterward... why was I so different than the other kids? they used to pet my head and call me "puppy" I only remember some words so I don't know how to talk to anyone.

That's when a girl came she was human and looked about 5 or 6 years old "Are you okay?, did those adults hurt you?" she looked confused at first she started petting my head like they all did still looking puzzled "You have ears... so your one of the gifted thingy's daddy talked about" I only understood about 1/2 of what she said he knew he was asked if he was okay "No, it happen alot..." I tried to answer.

"You mean it happens often?" I nodded

"Why are they so mean to you?" She asked


She leaned in and looked at a scrape I had gotten from broken glass and smiled putting a bandage on it with little smilies on it. "That's better!" she smiled "What's your name puppy?, you shouldn't be out on your own like this, you literally smell like wet dog you need a bath" even she called me a puppy...


"Yeah, what do they call you?"

"... I don't gots one"

"What do you mean you don't have one?"

"I forget..."

She ran her finger along his dirty face collecting dirt and ashes "Ashe!, I'll call you Ashe!, haha! it's nice to meet you Ashe my name is Jessica!" ever since then Jessica and I were always together she used to come see me every day when she told her parents she was going to play she was my first friend I didn't know the only person I ever cared about would someday become the person I feared most... we used to be inseparable but little did I know she would come to like me a little too much and would someday treat me like property.
I smiled softly and whistled. Ranger bounded out of the house a few moments later with the first aid kit, growled a bit at the injured wolf boy, then trotted back into the house. I shook my head in amusement, then walked over to the Gifted slowly. I knelt down beside him and set the kit on the grass, eyeing his back warily. My gaze was immediately drawn to the bleeding area, and through the liquid I could make out a hole. Gunshot wound, then. But who'd be out here to shoot at a..., I began to wonder, then let the thought trail off as I realized. People were chasing after him.

"Ah. You were being hunted, then.", I said softly, flicking my gaze to the woods surrounding the cabin, "Not good. You need to get inside as soon as possible.". I pressed my hand to the hole and let energy flow down my arm and into him, numbing the area. Then I opened the first aid kit, took out some tweezers and hand towels, and with a bit of hesitation, pushed the tweezers into the hole. I felt my stomach starting to rebel, but forced my retching down to focus on the task at hand. Bullet, bullet...
Ashe stayed still trying to ignore the pain of the tweezers probing the gun wound he remained silent while he tried to pretend that he wasn't fatally wounded and again having to rely on human help. He figured if he talked time might pass by faster "You said something about a training facility for gifted... what do you mean by that?" Ashe knew nothing of the war or any of the current issues, Jessica had made sure he never found out. He was curious as to why he was training gifted and why was he helping him?... he didn't understand, he had heard there had been an uprising of gifted saying they were better than humans but he didn't think that could be related, right?... 
(lol, I'm gonna have my characters go back and forth)

Xera yawned walking down the forest path. She had been informed that there was a man that lived nearby who planned on training gifted, she was hoping that maybe she could help him with this, the more trainers the better right? and she had experience training soldiers both gifted and not. She followed the sound of a gunshot and a howel which led her to a bloody gifted and who she assumed was said man treating his wounds... and improperly she might add "Gah!, out of the way you have to clean it first" she moved him out of the way and sprayed a disinfectant before anything else.

Ashe growled "Stupid woman!, don't touch me!"

Xera rolled her eyes "Well somebody's not having a good day"

"You think!?"

"I'm trying to help you, you should be more appreciative"

"What's wrong with you people?!, why wont you just let me die?!"

She could tell already this one must've been mistreated by someone, you could see the hurt in his eyes, much further than physical pain he was emotionally unstable... "I'ts okay I understand, we wont hurt you"

How could she!- how could anyone possibly understand! he just glared at her looking like he was about to kill someone, but did nothing

not even bothering to use tweezers simply used a silver dagger to nudge the bullet out, she then took out a local anesthetic to numb the pain before using a needle and thread to close the wound and bandaged up his bare waist. "There, that's how its done." Ashe was still utterly p*ssed and was snarling defensively again "Now leave me alone!, I don't understand you humans!"
"Human?!", I cried in mock outrage, "How dare you, sir! I am a perfectly respectable Gifted. Hmmph.". And with that, I began to ignore him in favor of the girl.

"Thank you for that, though how you knew I hadn't cleamed it first I've no idea.", I said a bit sheepishly, then confessed, "I always jumble up whether you clean it first or remove the bullet first, but I guess you solved that for-".

I stopped dead as I remembered exactly why we were having this conversation, glancing down at the wolf boy. "Not to alarm you or anything, but is there a chance the people that shot you are still around?".
Ashe got up slowly "Well I don't really care what you are you look like one and even humans can learn amateur magic, and yes the hunters got kinda angry I was smart enough to get to private property" you couldn't tell when he was lyimg down but now that he was standing you could see he was really tall about 6,2 that's when a whole pack of wolves came "Delayed reaction..."

Xera turned to the guy who asked her a question "I've seen too many wounds like this to count I had to fix alot of guys in my line of work"
"Well that's not morbid.", I said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at the wolves amassing behind the injured wolf boy. "Responding to your howl, I presume?", I asked him.
Ashe nodded "Yeah, but they were kind of late as you can tell" he squatted down and squinted at one of the wolves grabbing it's nuzzle and shaking it's head, the wolf growled and to the untrained eye seemed like it was about to attack but the wolf instead nipped Ashe's ear playfully and started licking the gifted's face like a dog who hasn't seen it's owner all day. Ashe although it was slight actually smiled for a minute "Yeah, I know Maggie I missed you too" he had been part of this pack for awhile and they were worried by Ashe's distress call. A female wolf walked up to Ranger sniffing him like canines did to say hello, she lightly patted at the other wolf's nose wanting to play

Xera turned back to the shorter male "Well, I might as well state my buisness here, I heard that you are trying to start training here, if that's correct I want to help you get it started, I may be human but I know how to handle myself." her eye was hurting again, she hated this annoyance that came with her powers she was cursed by a satanic priest and he said that "Many horrible things would happen to her" but the only thing she noticed so far was she was slowly going blind in the cursed eye.
"Really? Great! Well, sort of. There aren't...actully, uh...any Gifted to, ah, train yet. Although...", I trailed off, discreetly pointing at wolf boy and miming whacking the back of his head.
Nichole hummed to herself walking through the forest. Her pets were close to her keeping their guards up. Nichole said"hey guys did you hear something? " as they neared the place. She bit her lip nervous. Not liking this place. So she hid behind a tree going invisible. Kiki sighed sitting on cassey's head and said"coco cmon!" Rolling her eyes. They saw others and tensed. Nichole inched out from behind the tree and gulped following. Still invisible though.
Ashe groaned "Why me?" he could tell where he was going even without the pointing "There's gotta be others more willing..." Xera tried to hide her chuckle, looked like she had some negotiations to do. "Alright then wolf boy-" she was interrupted "It's Ashe..." He wasn't proud of that name but it was his... "Well anyways, Ashe I'm sure you realise if it weren't for us you would still have a bullet in your side and probably be somebody's fur coat soon enough. I know you may not see training as the best idea but I would say you should owe us something..." As much as he hated to admit it he was in debt to these people and he definitely didn't want to feel like he owed them anything. He sighed "Fine, I'll agree to whatever training you want me for as long as that means I don't owe you anything, I never leave a debt unpaid, it's the way we are if you do something for a wolf we will never go back on our word it would harm our sense of honor. This doesn't mean I'll do what you want just that I'll do what it takes to pay you back" Xera smiled knowing that would work, all canines have the same sense of nobility, if you save a dog's life they'll never forget it.
Juliet smiled up at the sky as she skipped down a thin forest path. The lovely blue was partially concealed by shadowy branches and leaves, but that didn't stop the girl from admiring the glimpses here and there. She had been walking through this forest for many days now, camping at night when it got cold. She was strangely well rested for a wandering traveler, but that's because Juliet could always make herself at home. Plus, she was never alone. She always had a strand of diamonds floating around her to keep her company. But today was different. Voices began to drift on the wind, snapping Juliet out of her fascinated gaze. She quickly began to look around for the source of the voices. She spotted a break in the trees up ahead, a clearing perhaps? She quickened her pace, reverting to a run rather than a skip, until she got to the edge of the clearing. She saw a house and a few people in front of it. She wasn't sure if they'd noticed her, so she studied them quietly for a moment. She hadn't seen people in over a week, so she couldn't help but be a bit excited.
"Maybe later" she whispered back Ashe didn't pay attention to what they said because his sensitive senses caught someone, actually two... both female he wandered off to investigate on his own "Whoever you are I know your here, no sense in hiding show your face wanderers, both of you."
Juliet, who had no intention of hiding, stepped out in front of the boy. He was much taller than her, and she had to look up at him to see his face. She tilted her head slightly to study the boy and smiled as she rocked on her heels causally.

"Hi, sorry to alarm you. I was just observing," Juliet reassured him kindly. Two of the diamonds that had been floating near Juliet's head began to buzz lightly, and they quickly flew away from Juliet to observe to stranger. They were making sure he wasn't a threat.
Ashe couldn't help but watch the diamonds fly around him, his tail involuntarily wagged and his ears perked up as he instinctively chased them in circles like a cat and a laser pointer. He shook his head getting ahold of himself "I apologize, I should be able to control myself better..." he usually didn't trust other people especially females but this girl didn't seem to be hiding anything... he put his hand up to his spiked collar sadly wondering why he kept it. He had a sad expression and his ears drooped against his head as he remembered...

-Flashback Timez- Age: 16

I sat down alone in the same alley as always and waited for her to come, thanks to her kindness I hadn't gone hungry since knowing her I wagged my tail happily when I saw her familiar face and was curious when she came with a collar that read "Ashe" on it. She walked up to me with a smiling face "Guess what!?, daddy said that they were going to let me have a puppy!, Ashe you don't have to be a stray anymore!" I was utterly confused

"But... I'm not really a dog I'm still a person"

"Silly!, I know that but you can still be our puppy daddy has a building full of people with superpowers!, he says "Ashe is one of them." he said "Bring him here and he'll have a home."

I was still shocked by all this all of a sudden I had a collar around my neck and had a leash to match "But I don't want to be someone's pet!, w-wait!" she was so excited about it... from that day on I lived in a large building full of gifted and Jessica's dad taught me english and groomed me, gave me clean clothes and a warm bed... life was looking good and being a pet wasn't all that bad and he got spoiled too.
Juliet giggled as the boy chased the diamonds, and studied his movements. But then his hand went to his collar and his ears dropped. He was obviously upset about something, causing Juliet to frown briefly. She saw his eyes zone out and realized his mind had wandered elsewhere, probably to a memory. Juliet took this moment to process her situation,and couldn't help but feel excited. This boy was Gifted, thereby making him the first Gifted she had ever encountered.

"You look upset. Well, don't be too sad, okay? Things'll look up eventually." Juliet tried to convince him. Her voice was soft, happy, and comforting. She wasn't ever sure what had upset him, but it was her instinct to reassure others in times of doubt. She didn't like others to be sad, but she knew that sometimes that's what people needed.
I drummed my fingers together and whispered, "Excellent...", grinning a grin that I hoped was evil-looking. Then I noticed that wolf boy - er, Ashe - had wandered away and was talking to a girl.

A girl that had diamonds floating around her.

"Oooh, sparkly...", I muttered, walking in a daze towards the girl.
Xera was kind of creeped out by the look on the boy's face "Err... are you okay?" Ashe didn't know why he was remembering her all of a sudden but he must have looked sad with the shiny girl trying to comfort him. "It's okay... its just something from my past its been haunting me lately, I just have to man up and face it... she's not the same person anymore" he realised what he was saying probably made zero sense "Sorry I shouldn't be ranting to you about my problems I'm sure you have your own"

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