d.grayman rp (accepting)

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
you are a new exorcist to the black order. you must help to defeat millenium earl.

character sheet:




anti-akuma weapon:



name:Nichole Kastana


appearance:short black hair with bangs to neck, African American with light skin,hazel eyes,glasses,5'41/2 wearing a plaid skirt, long sleeve shirt covering her arm, has a scar that is covered by her bangs.

anti-akuma weapon:her right arm it glows as she runs at her target she then punches so hard that a hole goes through them and she grabs the soul at the same time.

history:her mother had passed away from a fatal disease, she asked the earl to bring her back and paid the price. she was cursed over her right eye the scar was that of claws from a monster. she had to kill her mother the akuma that was once her mother.

personality:shy,kinda quiet,distant from people and doesn't talk a lot.
Name: Kayle

Age: 15


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History: He doesn't really have a good one. He was just separated from his friends and family one day, and ended up here. Yupp...

Anti-Akuma Weapon: Bow and arrows

Personality: Kayle is very sweet and outgoing. He is also probably the friendliest people you'll ever meet.
Nichole looked up at the Black order and gulped. she adjusted her bag and walked to the door. it said''who are you?!'' she squeaked and said''i-i'm Nichole Kastana!'' he looked at her and said''SHE'S CURSED AAAH GET HER AWAY!''
Saine Freaked out by the loud voice and fell out of what looked to be a bed,he sat up scratching the back of his head looking around."eh?..."He had no idea where he was,he noticed a door and slowly got up as he moved to it. reaching to find a handle he was successful and pulled the door open to be blinded by a bright light,covering his eyes with his arm he slowly got used to the light. He looked around and still had no idea where he was,he decided to go where he heard the loud voice.
Kayle fell down when he heard this. "EEK!" He screamed, jumping up and running away.
Saine made it to where he heard the voice,but it looked like just a wall to him. He knocked on it after hearing voices on the other side,"Hello???" He asked placing his ear against the wall so he could listen better."Anyone there?...."His voice sounded scratchy as he tried to speak and things were still pretty blurry for him.
Kayle looked around. What were those noises? He stood up slowly, and looked around.
Saine huffed as the other side went silent and then banged on the wall with both his hands."Hey!!"He tried to yell but it was difficult for him to for some reason,his voice seemed to strain as he tried to speak. All he knew though was that there was something on the other side of this wall and he wanted to know what it was,besides the he didn't know where he was so he really wanted to get out of here too.
Nichole said''PLEASE LET ME IN!" a teen with long raven hair said''WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOU SCUM!" nichole eeked and the teen came at her with his sword. a albino ran out and said''BAKANDA STOP!" nichole looked up afraid.
Kayle heard more noises and came upon a a long raven-haired teen charging at a teen with his sword. An albino teen rushed out and shouted "BAKANDA, STOP!" The girl looked scared. Kayle felt bad for her.
Saine had held his ear against the wall as he listen to voices on the other side,"What the heck?..."He asked himself out loud as he listened.He then started looking around to see if there was a way to the other side,but he saw no door. How was he going to get over there? He tried to think as he just stared at the wall,but nothing came to mind.

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