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D&D 5e

Hey, this sounds cool. I would love to be a character (not the DM for this one)! ^-^ 
I'm interested. I could even dust off the old DM hat and run a long forgotten campaign as long as you guys don't mind being constrained to one city.
A localized campaign can work well, allows the players to have a more visible impact on the world around them as opposed to grander scale games.

I've been considering running something but the site's continued failure to replace their dice roller has made it a hassle to try and run anything with dice.
Thanks guys! I like the idea for the campain and for the dice thing we could always do it on roll 20.
Thats generally the case, most people are here for the standard fare. 

Can't quite set up a game here due to the lack of rolling system and lack of interested people. 
rpol is a good site. It has a built in dice roller and it is to dice games what rpnation is to freeform. I use both. I'd rather have one site for everything, but the pool here is so small. The problem with rpol though is the lack of dedicated players. Lots of butterflies. So if we could get the work ethic of rpnation with the mechanics of a site like rpol, then that would be great. 
Didn't rpnation use to have a die rolling system?

Also Id be interested too.. got a fresh new Cleric I'd like to run through a 5e game.

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