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Fandom Cyberpunk Edgerunners AU: Scrap Metal



Cyberpunk Alleyway.jpg
Howdy chooms and welcome to Night City, a city of dreams where anything can happen.

Heya, you can call me Truly!

-What I am searching for-

I am searching for a partner who is familiar with Cyberpunk 2077/Edgerunners as this plot includes spoilers for the game and show.​

Looking for a partner who is around my age 18+ this is purely for my own comfort.

I am looking for somebody who will add to the narrative I have in mind with well fleshed out OCs.

I will be playing as Rebecca and potentially other canon characters and am also open to my partner including come cannon muses.

I would love for this story to become a slowburn angsty romance but I am entirely willing to keep it more focused on the grittier elements of the Cyberpunk world.

I typically write 1-3 solid paragraphs (8-15 sentences per para) and would prefer if somebody could match that or at least try their best.

This roleplay will include some violence and angst so if those are triggers I suggest searching elsewhere :3

Spoilers Ahead

Do Not Proceed If You Haven't Seen Cyberpunk Edgerunners

You Have Been Warned

The Plot

The plot takes place in the year 2079, this is exactly two years after the events of Cyberpunk 2077. We can either decide on a set ending to the game's events or leave this vague and drop hints to what could have happened in the aftermath of Silverhand and Vincent/Valerie. However regardless of ending this Night City will be different from the one we see in Edgerunners and 2077 in distinct ways. With the rise in crime and cyberpsycho attacks the police department is more corrupt than ever and in complete shambles. (Good cop OCs always welcomed :3) Ripperdocs and cyberwear are becoming more widespread as cheaper faultier cyberwear than ever before is hitting the streets. The factions will all be largely the same as the games world however I will be adding a new gang to the city. The newest gang in the city is run by a mysterious netrunner who has recruited chrome junkies and ex animals in droves and supplied them with homemade and high tech gear. This group call themselves The Primals and are extremely bold, dangerous, and are rapidly rising in power. Any other changes to the general setting or factions can be decided bewteen us as we discuss OCs.

Somewhere nestled bewtween two abandoned power plants in the heart of Santo Domingo is a ripper doc who likes to keep to himself. He goes by Herc and most of his clients assume this is an alias. Herc refuses to install any and all combat implants; instead he opts to help those in need by producing cyberwear that aids the differently abled or helps cosmetically. The man doesn't charge clients that are down on their luck and instead typically operates on a favor system. By offering free surgery he is able to keep himself afloat with a small rotating band of mercenaries who he helps and who assist him in staying afloat whether by fighting off threats to Herc and his safety or outright hunting those who have threatened him. Recently while exploring a scrapyard for spare parts Herc came across a fresh corpse, this wasn't uncommon for Night City. Upon closer inspection the corpse appeaered familiar. A small pale blue arm poked from the layers of filth with sparks at it's fingertips and a twitch as if it were still alive. Attached to the slender limb was a large deep red cybernetic hand that dwarfed the body's relative stature. Herc continued to hunt for scrap for a few hours. On his walk back to the car he passed the same twitchy cybernetic corpse. It seemed livelier than before but this was only due to Herc paying closer attention to it on his return. The blue skin on the wrist was slightly charred in places and the arm was cracked nearly in half at the elbow. "I s'pose that poor fella's been trash compacted hundreds of times in the last decade or so, must be made of sterner stuff to still be shaking around like that." Examining his bag of parts he noticed the load was much lighter than his typical haul. With a reluctant sigh the man grabbed a hold of the warm metallic hand and yanked the remains from the junk pile. Attached to the valuable cyberwear that he planned to repurpose was an old client of his. It was a small woman who he had given cool blue skin way back when she was a pre teen, her deep red cybernetic eyes were wide open and shooting small sparks that burnt her somehow still smooth cheek. "Poor girly, I reckon her body ain't letting her die because of them gonk implants she had done, her brain doesn't know if it should shut off or keep listening to the machines." He hung the girl over his shoulder until her reached his car where he gently placed her down and buckled her in as if she were in any danger. On his ride home just as he was turning the corner to his secret little shop he was met with a shocking surprise. A raspy voice chirped out from his back seat sending chills down his spine. "Lucy you better bail, David's doing this all for you. If you stay here he is going to do something stupid, how can you live with that?" Herc's eyes shot wide open with fear and when he turned back the girl again laid lifeless with only her eyes twitching.

Upon returning to his lair the man immediately started to operate on the girl, first he examined her head only to find that parts of her brain were still working alarmingly well. He sighed "Poor lass, you can still feel all that pain can't ya." Immediately he began to work away stripping away as many parts of Rebecca as he could. After Adam Smasher there wasn't much left of her to salvage, or so he thought. About halfway through his procedure he noticed that Rebecca's brainwave activity was spiking again. Herc looked down at the girl and saw tears leaking from her eyes as her body began to flail and spasm. He furrowed his brow and started to inject her with powerful painkillers until she was immobile. After two years of silent agony Rebecca or what was left of her were at peace. The man glared at the girl and shook his head "Saving you don't feel right to me. By all things holy you should be scrap metal. But it don't feel right letting you die now either especially after so long stuck in that never ending hell." Herc worked tirelessly for the next six hours straight. First he took the faulty implants out of her head, the constant ringing of static in her head for two years ended in an instant. Next her lungs and heart were replaced with the best he had to offer. Even her bones were brought back with titanium reinforcement. When all his work was done Rebecca felt like Frankenstein. She had all of her memories but now they were distorted by this unnatural humming in her head, the cyberwear that forced her stay alive had certainly affected her psyche. Her body was as pale blue and shiny as before but she was still far too weak to move. The old man sighed "I've got other clients to save darlin so I'm gonna find somebody to watch ya until I'm able to run some more tests."

Rebecca sighed and sat back in his chair. Her breathing was frantic as it was the first manual breath she had mustered since she was crushed. Her head pounded and her ears were ringing as she gasped for air and glared around the small dingy workshop. Metal glimmered from all the shelves surrounding her and the fluorescent light overhead flickered despite them being between two power plants. Having two power plants directly next to eachother seemed pointless enough and them being abandoned by corpos only made the waste of space more ridiculous. Rebecca's hair was much shorter now, it more closely resembled Lucy's hairstyle in a short bob cut. At least Herc had the curtesy of giving her a stylish makeover when he cut her matted singed hair from her scalp. Footsteps started to draw nearer from down an adjacent hallway. The blue girl stared limply at the door to her operating room waiting for whatver or whoever was going to burst in and greet her.

Feel free to comment or pm me if you are interested in this! I love ooc communication and would love to add some colorful OCs and drama to this! It wasn't directly mentioned in my sample/starter but Rebecca will be working with mild cyberpsychosis and with amnesia. Anyways you're all lovely and handsome and if you've read this far have a tremendous day :3


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