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Fandom Cyberpunk/Edgerunner Partner Search


New Member

Quick info

I am looking for a partner to enjoy long-term RPs within the universe of Cyberpunk 2077 and Night City providing the background. It's totally fine if you only watched the Edgerunners series!
Your character doesn't need to be a native to the streets of NC, I'm sure we can figure out an interesting plot how you ended up here.

Or you can come up with a custom backstory for your character that fits the universe.

For myself:
I like to act as the Game Master/Story Teller and I'll be happy to provide a diverse cast of characters, a lot of fun opportunities and story moments in this great universe. Canon characters - both from the game and the series - are totally fine and I'm happy to include what- and whoever we both enjoy.

Rags to riches, slice-of-life, drama, angst and romance are all themes for a game I would adore! And Night City being Night City, violence is always looming.
Romantically I'm fine with almost any pairing, but MxM is off the table - sorry! LGBTQ+ is appreciated, especially FxF pairings. Since I'm GMing for you, I have absolutely no issue to explore multiple and complicated relationships - just don't expect a harem.

About Myself

Hey! 💗 You can call me Nika! (she/her)
My time zone is CEST / GMT+2
I'm 27 years old from Central Europe and I have over 10 years of roleplaying and writing experience - it's one of my favorite hobbies!
I'm an avid gamer, reader and movie enthusiast. I also dabble in Mangas and graphic novels! Big fan of Hard Rock, Heavy Metal and Synthwave - Music makes almost everything better!

What I'm Looking For

  • You should be 21+ years old - my stories include mature themes and I don't feel comfortable with a partner that is much younger than that.
  • Literate to advanced literate partners! English isn't my native language either, but you should be confident in your writing skills! I'm neither a Grammar-Nazi nor expect perfect spelling.
  • Absolutely no chat speech or *gasps in horror* asterisks!
  • Let's try to be friends! Since I'm in it for the long run, I think some kind of connection between us is almost mandatory.
  • Ghosting sucks, but it happens. I hope we'll be better than that, but I will try to be understanding if it happens. Since I want to be friends with you, it should be no problem to drop a quick message that RL is getting too much or you're just not feeling our RP right now.
  • Play-by-post is fine, but I also enjoy live-chat-sessions. Discord is fine, but we could also use a different kind of messenger, just ask? :)
  • I'm up for different kinds of fandoms in the future, Cyberpunk is just my favorite poison for the moment.

Anything that's left
I haven't been on a forum like this in ages, so I feel a bit out of my depth. Excuse the very basic formatting and such.
If anything I said struck your fancy, just drop me a PM and say hello. I'm easy to talk to, promise! :)

This is a WIP so I will work on this post some more in the future, I just want to get out there and hopefully connect with someone!

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