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One x One Two kingdoms one land (Partner already found)



Age/date of birth:


Appearance: (realistic appearance or a realistic animation of your character. No anime)







Present location:

Name: Dechtaria (deck-TA-ria) Faladel (fal-A-del)

Alias: Taria

Age/date of birth: She was born in the third age making her 2034 years of age in May. (still considered to be in her twenties if judged by a human on her appearance)

Species: Woodland Elf

Appearance: (realistic appearance or a realistic animation of your character. No anime)


Bio: Taria was born to the king himself Faladel who's brother is the ruling king who has destroyed many lands of the creatures, causing them to take haven in the Fae Realm. He cursed the family name in his rampage of power during that time, causing Taria's family to shun him and never speak a word about him for as long as they live. Taria was born into a very spiritual family, who believed that plants and animals are our friends; thus making it their general priority to protect the forest and the forest animal from any harms way. They are called the woodland elves or the copper elves by some creatures since they export most of their copper for trade with other passing ships for fabric, and other necessities. She has one living brother since her sister who is now deceased, died from an illness that could not be saved by herbal medicine nor magic which plays a big factor in the woodland kingdom. Taria know wore the ring that her deceased sister had given her, as a symbol that her sisters spirit will carry on throughout the land. Her mother taut her the practice of herbal medicine making, and healing spells. Taria viewed herself as an adventurous girl who wanted to try a bunch of new things, her father made her captain of the guards; not because she was Faladel's only living daughter but because she proved to her father that she had what it takes and plus she was excellent with a bow and arrow as well as a sword.

Likes: shooting her bow and arrow, reading, painting, traveling, nature walks, and helping others.

Dislikes: violence, arrogant people, her uncle, and people who mean harm to her family/friends as well as the forest they protect.

Weaknesses: although she never ages, she still has a human body which is fragile to sharp things.

Abilities/powers: she has earth and nature magic, to help deal with the animals and plants in the forest that she protect. Taria has enhanced agility, reflexes, hearing, and is excellent when it comes to sword fighting and archery.

Relationships: None at the moment

Present location: In the kingdom of Faladel

Occupation: Captain of the guards


(One of her bow and arrows)

(Her second bow and arrow that she mainly uses during battle when traveling)

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[bg=black][h][color=white]Character Name/Nickname[/color][/h][/bg]


Hair Color:
Eye Color:[/b]

A physical description of the character including where their equipment is mounted on their body.[/centerblock]

[tabs][tab=Personal Information]







[tab=Abilities & Inventory]

[sh]Unique Traits[/sh]

[sh]Fighting Style[/sh]












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Zephyr Dracon


Name: Zephyr Dracon

Nickname(s): N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 97

Height: 6'3

Weight: 154lbs

Hair Color: Pure Diamond

Eye Color: Silver

Zephyr is one of the many Eladrin in hiding, but that doesnt change the way he carries himself. As a moon elf, Zephyr keeps himself at a higher standard than anyone and in doing so keeps his demeanor at a constant exemplary structure. His long hair remains brushed. His skin flawless and moist. His body tempered through countless hours of forging through the forest, hunting, milling and accomplishing the dangerous jobs of an alchemist. Zephyr wears black alchemy robes his master gave him. Over his left shoulder is a pauldron that stretches down over his arm into a protective armor of tempered leather. On his person he keeps a sword on his waist, a dagger on his thigh and a abnormal Nether Lantern on his belt.

  • Race: Eladrin

    Affiliation: Rebels | Himself

    Job: Alchemist | Swordmage


    Zephyr is a true artist, but not necessarily in the typical sense where he is out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, he is perfectly capable of this. Rather, it's that he uses aesthetics, design and even his choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. Zephyr enjoys upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, he has expressed more than what people want to see. Zephyr is charming, sensitive, creative, passionate and curious about the world unexplored. Unfortunately over the years he has become fiercely independent, unpredictable, temperamental, competitive, honest and has gained a fluctuated self-esteem.


    Zephyr only has a few wants in this world and those few things would drive him to the ends of the Realm and further if it meant he could have them. Zephyr wants the world to be at peace so he can go one day without someone knocking on his door asking for pills or potions. Another is that he wants to make the world safe for his best friend so they can be reunited. Finally, Zephyr wants to become a master alchemist.


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