[Custom Stuff] Tools of the Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Swift Second Striker

Artifact : 3

Repair : 3

Attunement : 5 motes

The Swift Second Striker is an artifact automata that is usually seen as a component of an artifact vehicle, but it can and has been used as a larger and more offensive variant of the Ever Vigilant Guardian.

Each Swift Second resembles an oval pod that flares outwards from an array of glowing crystal lenses, giving it a manta-like look or perhaps the flared hood of a cobra. The automata is crafted out of red and white jade and has a single hearthstone slot to provide power for its essence weaponary and flight system. It is, however, larger than an Ever Vigilant Guardian, with most of its mass taken up by its flight system and weaponary.

The automata can be commanded to attack a specific target, or to attack the same target as its user is. The small essence cannon, fuelled by the power of the heartstone, is used for offense; allowing it to shoot bolts of essence at enemies on its own initiative as well as to shoot as its owner strikes an opponent in a syncronized strike.

Ordering the artifact to attack someone is a reflexive action that allows it to attack on its normal tick. Typically, it'll only attack any given target once, up to three seperate targets. It can be ordered to attack a single target up to three times.

The array of sensors in the artifact include essence sonar, allowing it to flood an area of ten yards around it with essence, where those entering it are automatically detected as its field of essence is warped by the entry and movement of the foreign essence. Stealth charms such as Mental Invisibility Technique which require a MDV to be overcome have to overcome a mental dodge of 1/2 of (15 + user's essence trait). Against stealth charms that require an awareness roll to defeat, the automata gets a perception + awareness pool of 10 (with a bonus of their opponent's essence score in die).

If designed as part of a larger artifact vehicle or warstrider, one of this automata adds one artifact level to the larger artifact, and increases the committement/activation cost of the vehicle by three motes per Swift Second. Also such Swift Seconds may attach themselves to the vehicle to conserve power or take advantage of movement or stealth charms.

Each Swift Second requires a hearthstone of level two or higher to function.


Strength 2 / Dexterity 5 / Stamina 5

Perception 5 / Intelligence 3 / Wits 5 / Willpower 10

Archery 5 / Awareness 5 / Dodge 5 / Integrity 5 / War 5

Dodge DV : (10 + User's Essence Trait)/2

Soak : 10L / 13B (Jade plating 8L/8B, Hardness 5L/5B)

Health Levels : -0 x 4 / -2 / -4 / I

Virtues : Automaton: Never fails Valor checks, never makes others

Attack Die Pools

Speed 4 / Accuracy 12 / Damage 16B or 12L / Rate 3 / Range 100 / Piercing
Kani Skimmers

Artifact 4 / Repair 3

Resembling large jade ovals that are 6 foot long and 12 foot wide, the Kani skimmers were one of the most common means of aerial patrol vehicles in the First Age, as well as skimishing units. Unlike the stylish Warbirds, the Kani were the workhorse of the Aerial legions of the Solar deliberate.

The artifact is, in essence, a modified warstrider flight systems that has been armour plated and equipped with essence weaponary. The flight system take in air via vents in the undercarriage of the Kani skimmers, before charging it with essence as it pushes it out the single large thrust port in the rear. The Kani leaves a wake of glittering essence that slowly fades behind it as a result of its flight system.

A small armoured seat at the front of the vehicle allows the pilot the same visual capabilities as if he were flying a Chariot of the Infinite Heavens. The control system of the Kani is derived from the Chariot.Static essence fields keep the air around the pilot still, but don't do anything to prevent pilots who don't strap in from falling off.

Even during the Shogunate, the Kani skimmers were a common sight as they were relatively easy to craft and repair, at least compared to the other options available.

Out of the countless Kani skimmers built in the First Age and during the Dragonblooded Shogunate, a paltry 100 remain in the vaults of the Realm, while another 250 remain in active service in the air fleet of the Seventh Legion. There are also scattered handfuls elsewhere in Creation.

Twin pincer-like pods on the side of the Kani's cockpit swing outwards and forwards to point directly at the front of the vehicle with twin concussive essence cannons that focus their energies at a single target.

Maximum Speed : 100mph (50 yards/tick), 150 in steep dive

Maneuverability : +2R (Lore 1, ride 3)

Endurance : Level 2+ hearthstone, requires maintenance every every 20 hours use or it takes 1 level of unsoakable lethal damage per 10 hours in arrears.

Crew : 1/1

Cargo : a small locker behind seat for personal gear such as armour

Armour : 10L/15B

Health Levels : Ux10/Mx5/Cx5Ix2/D

Weapons : Twin essence beam cannons (locks on single target)

- Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage 15B Piercing, Rate 1, Range 150

- Cost : 5 mote per shot

Notes :

Inserting a second level 2 or higher hearthstone in the power system negates the cost of firing the essence cannons.

Pilots are treated as if with 75% cover from the rear and below, and 50% cover from the all other directions.
As mentioned, some custom Dragon-Blooded Archery Charms

Essence Scattering Shot

Cost: 3m; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Graced Arrow, Unobstructed Hunter's Aim

To the children of Sextes Jylis, the spirit is just as susceptible as the flesh. This charm supplements an archery-based attack, transforming it into a glowing streak of elemental essence appropriate to the Dragon-Blooded firing it. The Supplemented attack can only be soaked by Stamina and other natural soak. The attack now deals damage directly to the target's essence pool, starting with any peripheral motes. Every two levels of Bashing damage or every level of Lethal Damage removes 1 mote, while every level of Aggravated damage removes 2 motes. The lost motes are converted into a number of elemental expressions equal to the number of motes lost, and the expressions are based on the attacking Dragon-Blooded's aspect (most often harmless arcs of electricity for Air Aspects, small pebbles for earth aspects, a splash of sparks for fire aspects, a sudden spray of water for water aspects and tumbling leaves for wood aspects). Motes removed do not apply to any anima banner the target might have.

Thorns of the [Element] Dragon

Cost: - (1m per unit of ammunition); Mins: Archery 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Elemental, Obvious

Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Graced Arrow, Harvest of the Hunter

This charm removes the need for an archer to even carry ammunition, because the Dragon-Blooded can coax elemental arrows from their own animas. When a Dragon-Blooded reloads an archery-based weapon, he can spend 1 mote to create a generic unit of ammunition appropriate to his aspect. Regardless of the elemental aspect, they bypass the immunity to archery effect of Elemental Defense Technique and similar passive effects that derive their protection from the wholesale destruction of the ammunition before impact.

Thorns of the Air Dragon creates incandescent arcs of lightning that deal Strength +4 Lethal damage, but soak derived from armor that is mostly metal is doubled

Thorns of the Earth Dragon creates sharpened spars of rock, dealing Strength +2 Lethal damage

Thorns of the Fire Dragon does not create the standard ammunition, instead creating the essence equivalent of firedust. While Thorns of the Fire Dragon does not add any bonus to damage, they instead multiply the range of the flame piece by half the Dragon-Blooded's Essence.

Thorns of the Water Dragon creates a fierce jet of water, dealing Strength +2 Bashing damage, and any knockdown the target might naturally suffer has it's difficulty increased by 1

Thorns of the Wood Dragon shapes wickedly sharp splinters of wood that deal Strength +0 Lethal damage, but they also possess the Piercing tag, reducing the effectiveness of physical armor

Unlike many elemental charms, a Dragon-Blood can purchase more than one version of this charm, and he is not required to purchase the version for the element to which he is aligned first. Regardless of the element he uses however, it is always considered a Wood aspect charm for the purposes of determining whether the one-mote surcharge for out-of-aspect Charms apply.

At Essence 5, as long as the Dragon-Blooded's Anima Flux is at the 16+ mote level, there is no mote cost for the use of this charm, so long as the elemental aspect of the version used match that of the Dragon-Blooded

Mighty Log Practice

Cost: 4m; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Unobstructed Hunter's Aim

This Charm supplements an Archery-based attack, forcing the target to check for Knockback at a difficulty equal to (Archery). If the target suffers knockback, they travel a distance of (Essence) yards, but take no additional damage from the knockback itself (if knocked off a high ledge, they would still take falling damage as normal).

Coils of the Wood Dragon

Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Obvious

Duration: Permanent or Until broken

Prerequisite Charms: Life Swelling Sap Strike, Mighty Log Practice, Thorns of the Wood Dragon

The Dragon-Blooded makes one Archery-based attack as part of activating this Charm, infusing a piece of ammunition that must be made of either wood, Green Jade, or Wood Essence with the infinite vitality of wood itself for the cost of three motes and one willpower. A target hit by this attack suffers no damage. Instead, the ammunition transforms into a wave of Wood Essence that solidifies into a living tree large enough to cover a target that could fit within a sphere with a radius equal to the Dragon-Blooded’s Essence rating in yards. Subjects of this charm are assumed to have 75% cover against attacks while incased in the tree. This tree is considered to have the effective statistics as a Wood Statue (Bashing Soak 4, Lethal Soak 2, 3 Health Levels until Damaged and 16 Health Levels until destroyed), although all damage must be rolled against it until the end of the scene, whereupon it becomes a completely inanimate object. Breaking out from under the tree with a feat of strength requires a miscellaneous action and a (Strength + Athletics) total of the Dragon-Blooded’s Essence rating. Victims trapped by this Charm suffer the same impairment as characters held in a grapple but remain conscious and can take actions within these limits. The tree does not restrict the target from breathing, but targets find themselves unable to recover motes through Essence Respiration or Hearthstones while entangled within the tree, as the wood absorbs this essence to fuel its rapid growth. This charm treats Ghosts as material for all purposes, and a Ghost that runs out of Essence while encased in the tree immediately passes into Lethe

The Dragon-Blooded can use this charm at a cost of three motes only to plant a tree in whatever surface he targets, which can be used for supplies for Craft (wood) actions and all manner of stunts. If this tree is planted in a Shadowland, the area under its branches is no longer treated as a Shadowland.
I'm not a big fan of the Magitech, and I don't see how in these tumult times the realm will let anyone of these precious few items out of it's borders.

Sorry, but that's one of the few things I dislike in Exalted. Then again, that means that you will not be enounctering Solars who have a warstrider with them.
Regarding Custom Archery Charms

Essence Scattering Shot - I don't feel that this charm fits in with the theme of the DBs. In fact, I don't think any Exalted needs charms that draw off Essence from other Exalts. just atatcking them, and sometimes veen talking to them is gonna force them to spend essence.

Thorns of the [Element] Dragon - By Unit of ammunition, do you mean one arrow?

The text seems to contradict itself a bit on one point:

When a Dragon-Blooded reloads an archery-based weapon, he can spend 1 mote to create a generic unit of ammunition appropriate to his aspect.
Unlike many elemental charms, a Dragon-Blood can purchase more than one version of this charm, and he is not required to purchase the version for the element to which he is aligned first.
Other than that, seems ok.

Mighty Log Practice - seems ok.

Coils of the Wood Dragon - seems a bit on an exessive effect for both the the requirements and the cost, I'd probably up it to Essence 5 at least, and up the cost to 10m and 1wp, minimum. And even then, i'd probably not allow the effect such trees have on Shadowlands. if such were the case the Teresstials would have overpowered the Shadowlands. every Wood aspect of Essence 4 would have raised small groves every day that would destroy the Shadowlands and give him the ability to call up even more arrows.
I'm not a big fan of the Magitech, and I don't see how in these tumult times the realm will let anyone of these precious few items out of it's borders.
Sorry, but that's one of the few things I dislike in Exalted. Then again, that means that you will not be enounctering Solars who have a warstrider with them.
I'm hoping to use an Essence Capacitor Jewel, which does have a repair rating. Abyssals, 216. I'm not sure if you consider it Magitech or not.
Tikor said:
I'm not a big fan of the Magitech, and I don't see how in these tumult times the realm will let anyone of these precious few items out of it's borders.
Sorry, but that's one of the few things I dislike in Exalted. Then again, that means that you will not be enounctering Solars who have a warstrider with them.
I'm hoping to use an Essence Capacitor Jewel, which does have a repair rating. Abyssals, 216. I'm not sure if you consider it Magitech or not.
Not one of them skin mount amulets from 1e?
Elemental Lens are ok, as are the Capacitor gems. You cannot have a capacitor gem higher than 3 dots.

Haku, i'll take a look at your charm later, i haven't forgotten them.
Regarding Custom Archery Charms
Essence Scattering Shot - I don't feel that this charm fits in with the theme of the DBs. In fact, I don't think any Exalted needs charms that draw off Essence from other Exalts. just atatcking them, and sometimes even talking to them is gonna force them to spend essence.
Alright, I'm cool with that

Thorns of the [Element] Dragon - By Unit of ammunition, do you mean one arrow?
One arrow, one bolt (if the Dragon Blooded has used any kind of Crossbow before), or one charge of firedust if you are using the Fire version. Pretty much any kind of personal Archery weapon. If there are other Archery weapons that use other kinds of ammunition and the Dragon Blooded has experience with them, he could adjust the charm's effect to work on them as well.

Note that this doesn't allow the dragon blooded to makes sacks and sacks of ammunition at will, the charm only works when the dragon-blooded is reloading the weapon, and once the ammunition is fired it's used up. Unloading the weapon would make the ammunition go away.

The text seems to contradict itself a bit on one point:
When a Dragon-Blooded reloads an archery-based weapon, he can spend 1 mote to create a generic unit of ammunition appropriate to his aspect.
Unlike many elemental charms, a Dragon-Blood can purchase more than one version of this charm, and he is not required to purchase the version for the element to which he is aligned first.
Other than that, seems ok.
Holdover from an earlier draft where it was more like Dragon-Graced arrow and you could only make one kind of arrow.

Mighty Log Practice - seems ok.

Coils of the Wood Dragon - seems a bit on an exessive effect for both the the requirements and the cost, I'd probably up it to Essence 5 at least, and up the cost to 10m and 1wp, minimum. And even then, i'd probably not allow the effect such trees have on Shadowlands. if such were the case the Teresstials would have overpowered the Shadowlands. every Wood aspect of Essence 4 would have raised small groves every day that would destroy the Shadowlands and give him the ability to call up even more arrows.
That's a great deal of Essence for a charm of any kind.

I based it on the abyssal thrown charm that freezes targets, and this one has a higher essence cost, creates an effect that is weaker that the abyssal version, and it doesn't actually hurt the target beyond keeping it from regaining essence, which isn't really that hard of thing to get around.
I'll review the Abyssal charm' date=' but Teresstail Charms should, in my opinion, be less potent than those of the Celestials.[/quote']
I don't think you'll have to defend this opinion too hard.
I'll review the Abyssal charm' date=' but Teresstail Charms should, in my opinion, be less potent than those of the Celestials.[/quote']
I'm in total agreement. That's why I reduced it's power. I can (begrudgingly) see raising the minimum Essence to 5, and I can see removing the "eliminates shadowland aspect of it". I can also see raising the cost to affect someone else to five motes and one willpower, but I'd like to keep the stunt version relatively cheap.

Also, while there is no reason another Dragon-Blooded couldn't create these same charms, in this case they would be custom charms that the character developed himself. The only version of Thorns of the [Element] Dragon that he would have made would be the Wood version, but with a little effort he could put together the other versions.
I'll review the Abyssal charm' date=' but Teresstail Charms should, in my opinion, be less potent than those of the Celestials.[/quote']
I'm in total agreement. That's why I reduced it's power. I can (begrudgingly) see raising the minimum Essence to 5, and I can see removing the "eliminates shadowland aspect of it". I can also see raising the cost to affect someone else to five motes and one willpower, but I'd like to keep the stunt version relatively cheap.

Also, while there is no reason another Dragon-Blooded couldn't create these same charms, in this case they would be custom charms that the character developed himself. The only version of Thorns of the [Element] Dragon that he would have made would be the Wood version, but with a little effort he could put together the other versions.
You should definitely remove the "eliminates shadowland aspect of it." That is something well beyond the capabilities of Terrestrials, considering it doesn't appear in any of the Celestial Charm trees until Essence 3.
For mundane equipment, I'd like to see a list of what you plan, but unless it's very expensive stuff, or lots and lots of stuff (and you didn't take the Arsenal or Resources Background, that might be fishy.
Would it be possible to get ridiculous numbers of chakram (well, shuriken really, but functionally there isn't a difference) with backing rather than resources? Technically as a monk I shouldn't have any personal resources anyway, and it would take way too much arsenal for the sort of numbers I'm wanting (dozens at least).

Also, I have a custom artifact to submit. I'm kinda going for an Alexander Anderson from Hellsing feel (though he throws four-pointed shuriken rather than bayonets)...

Coat of Many Blades - Artifact 4

This long white coat, woven from steelsilk, starmetal, and white jade thread, holds countless tiny openings into Elsewhere in its interior. The sleeves can contain dozens (perhaps hundreds) of small blades, both pockets can contain any mid-sized object one can slide into the openings, and by reaching into the body of the coat one can store a pair of inanimate objects of virtually any size. Additional enchantments on the coat allow for the reflexive drawing of any object so stored. One must committ 8 motes to attune the Coat of Many Blades, and the resilient cloth also provides some protection to the wearer (as silken armor).
You know, if you're an Immaculate you'll probably want an Infinite Jade Chakram, as that's the form weapon for Air Dragon Style. If you're not, and studying Night Breeze or something similar, well then, this seems like a pretty sweet artifact to work with such.
To start with I'm just going with Thrown charms, eventually I'll probably start getting air dragon style, but the infinite chakram just wouldn't be as cool looking.
I can understand the coolness factor of so many Chakram, but you will probably not need more than two or three dozen. And remember that you can just get the Infinite Jade Chakram, and not worry about so many weapons.

As for the Cloak, I'd probably limit how many blades it can store, and am not too keen on this:

both pockets can contain any mid-sized object one can slide into the openings, and by reaching into the body of the coat one can store a pair of inanimate objects of virtually any size.
Between that, the reflexsive drawing, the dozens of blades, and the protection it afford, I kinda not sure about it.

arrrg, fhg beat to mentioning the Infinite Jade Chakram

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