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Multiple Settings Custom Settings - [Superhero, Supernatural, Fantasy]


New Member
Hey hey! The name's Babbly and wherever you are, hope you're having a good time! I'm looking for some RPs, short, long-term or otherwise. Here's some information about me.

- I'm 26 years old.
- I use he/him pronouns.
- I have about 10+ years of experience in roleplaying.
- I am extremely flexible about writing length. Sometimes a conversation between two characters will be short and sweet, whereas more intense scenes tends to be multi-para. I am capable of writing up to great lengths.
- Full-time worker. I work an intense corporate job, so some days might be chill, other days I might just be busy and too tired, I do apologise in advance.
- I believe that practically every concept has been done in media; however, every execution of said concepts haven't been exhausted yet!
- I can be picky about who I RP with. I've learned that for me to really get invested into an RP, I have to like the person I'm RPing with to some degree. Basically, if we vibe well, you're all set!
- I prefer playing as the male, but generally prefer MxF or FxM RPs, meaning I can play as the female if preferred.
- I prefer artwork/animanga in general, but real life FCs can be used if the setting/vibe calls for it.
- Preferable genres is the superhero genre, supernatural genre, and fantasy genre. Romance is also preferred, but not mandatory.

Without further ado, see the concepts below! These are taken from a mix of shows, books and whatnot. So if you read it and think "Wait a minute, that sounds familiar..." guilty as charged!

Please note that these are just settings from me personally, I can also get along with a good number of TV shows, video games, etc etc. If in doubt, just message me and I'll let you know much I know about a fandom.

Modern Supernatural
Themes - Witches, Practitioners, Spirits, Rituals
The city of Graymire, a coastal city built over an underground lake. During the initial colonisation over centuries ago in America, it served as a reliable water source as a quaint little down. However, it's close spot to the sea drew in more and more people as time went on, it has a fairly mild climate, the summers are warm at best, and the winters are one of the mildest in the Northeastern states. The city has been stagnant for over fifty years; old families hold deeds to large parks, woodlands, general land that could be teared down for business, residential needs or otherwise, and they're blockading it.

In truth, there's power in this city, not just the influence and wealth that the arrogant families hold, but centuries of arcane knowledge passed down from generation to generation. The latest one are the family of the Howleys, known to dabble in dealing with demons. Such a focus is blacklisted by spirits and practitioners alike; for they are the magical equivalent of nukes when weaponised. One by one in the past decade, the Howleys have died under mysterious circumstances, accidents on the road, overdosing, heart attacks, all plausible, tragic incidents.

But the last Howley knows better. The old families have become strong enough to stick it to the Howleys who have been prominent for so long. Maybe your character is the last Howley, or mine could be. The other one who isn't a Howley could be an unintentional ally, a spirit, a best friend, or frienemies. There's quite a few ways to go about this. I have some worldbuilding in mind as well and more exact details as to what occurs here should this hook interest you.

Themes - Superheroes, supervillains, good vs evil, superpowers
Back in 1983, people started to experience what could be explained as "breakthroughs", essentially, one has the worst traumatic day of their life and in a tight spot, their inherent powers awaken and seem to be an almost perfect solution to the issue they deal with. People that experience a breakthrough by being locked in a cage may suddenly teleport, whilst another trapped under stone debris would suddenly have super strength to lift themselves free, and so on. Not every solution is perfect however, and although minor, there is a statistic of people who die anyway despite going through a breakthrough in tough situations.

This gave rise to the MMT, otherwise known as the Mobile Metahuman Taskforce. It is both a PR and paramilitary organisation, the US government's official branch in dealing with all matters parahuman (the label for any person who have superpowers.) They act as an enforcer to ensure that no parahuman gets too unruly, whether they be a hero or villain. The USA's superhero program is known as the "Protectors", with each country in the world having their now policies and organisations for dealing with parahumans. In the US's case, the MMT uses it's power of media very carefully to ensure that there isn't mass hysteria over the collective potential that parahumans have.

Graymire just seems to be a hotspot for parahuman activity in the past thirty years. Some attribute it to the warm climate that the area has, making costumes easier to wear, whilst others believe that with the recent addition of tech giants being built in the business district giving an economic boom to the city of Graymire and with it, pickings for ambitious supervillains to try their hand at.

Your character could be a superhero, supervillain, or maybe a recent person who went through their breakthrough and they're still trying to figure out everything in general. How do they hide this from friends and family? Are you even going to entertain the idea of having a masked persona? Maybe your life was just that stagnant before and the breakthrough might've been a good change for you, despite the trauma.

What I want out of a partner

- Give and take. I'm happy to listen and adhere to what you want, I expect the same courtesy to me.
- At least 18+.
- No less than two lines, and even then, I want to have a reply that gives me enough to reply back to.
- Speaking your mind! The above are just ideas and hooks, but I'm very happy to change things around as needed.

I hope to hear from you soon!
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