Custom Robo RP

The New Kid

New Member
Yes, Custom Robo. While I know the series isn't as popular as it should be outside of Japan, I decided to have a crack at seeing if it'd make a good RP anyway.

So, the general idea of the Custom Robo series is to pit two robos, each with customisable parts, against each other in an arena called a "holosseum." The robos are controlled by "commanders," through a method called "diving." Anyway, that's the basics for anyone who hasn't heard of it/played it. If you want more information, here's the url for the wikipedia article. My apologies for not remembering how to post links.

In any case, the plot would not be so simple as the one(s) present in the games. At the same time, we wouldn't want something over-complicated. So, here's the pitch.

The RP would take place on an island, hosting the Robo Cup (basically, a tournament for commanders who want to test their skills). Without warning, people start winding up dead - staff, contestants, civillians, everyone. All the wounds seem to be from a robo, the same one at that. But while this is gong on, communications to and from the outside are cut off, and any means of escape seem to just turn right away from the island. But what will you do? Will you try to escape, after building your own craft? Will you find out what's going on, and defeat whoever - or whatever - is causing this? Or will you just run around like a headless chicken?

So, crits please, opinions, etc..
Well,after a quick glance of thw Wikipedia page,it doesn't explain Diving. Maybe you could explain that? However,as a fan of robots (are they sentient,like Metabots?),I'd RP this into the ground and back. Repeatedly.
Oof, I'm not particularly good at this explaining lark, but here goes.

Diving is when a commander takes control of his robo, via their mind. So in essence, they're controlling the robo with mind control. The robo is commanded like the commander was using their own body. The amount of time someone can go for depends on their "mental energy," which is diving's equivalent of stamina. The robos themselves aren't sentinent, but can be programmed to be autonomous. Autonomous robos generally aren't as skilled as controlled ones, however. Also, I believe that I should point out robos are carried in compact forms called "robo cubes." Basically, it's your robo, in a cube. Said cube is launched out of a cannon to initiate the battle. And the robos are about a few inches high.
*Casual bump*

In all seriousness, I was actually surprised someone showed inteest. The series isn't as popular as it should be outside of Japan, so it's to be expected.

Guess all that work's down the pan then... I had a villain planned out as well, and a typically vague explanation... Maybe I'd have better luck with a Monster Hunter RP... Wait, that's also a series that's big in Japan, not here. Bah...

*Sits in corner, brainstorming various ideas*

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