Story Curse of the Red Rose


Blue Mermaid
Well I'm gonna try my hand at story writing again and see if I can continue this one. Mind you this is all off the top of my head and I was watching a movie when I came up with this, so be gentle.

New Home

The sun was high the crowd was loud. Some women, mostly men came to buy and sell whatever they could. "Step right up and be the first to purchase one of the servant girls!" a man shouted as he started to draw in a crowd, he stepped back to let his men bring out five young girls from a covered wagon, all of different race an color while the rest of the scared girls stayed in the wagon. They listened as the people outside started making bids on the girls they had only known a few days, the girl inside the wagon prayed that they would be bought to a good home, others like the two sisters only hoped to stay together if they were bought off and then there's this one girl; she had short white hair chocolate skin that was almost covered in bruises and haunting blue eyes, that's me. My name is Chiyo; I was given away by my adopted asian father because he needed the money to take care of my mother who was sick and dying. Even though I was his only daughter, he really had no other choice.

I had been passed off from house to house, village after village and even an Okia but no one wanted me because I was too quiet and I took every beating that was given to me and now I'm here again ready to be sold to some other house that will treat me like I'm nothing. I had gotten use to the routine whenever I was sold off, they would always leave me with the last few girls and put a sack over my head when I was brought out but this time I was told to stay in the wagon, somehow not very many people wanted servant girls in the last town but as we traveled to the next town we started to hear different sounds. "Where are we?" one girl asked, another answered, "I'm not sure but it sounds busy." I just rolled my eyes and gently touched my right leg, it had been broken at the last house I was living in as punishment for not doing something I was told. The wagon came to a halt and the men that where in the back with us jumped out an quickly set up the stage. Our seller started to draw in the crowd as some of the girls started to get nervous, I just sighed and prepared to stand up when the sheet of the wagon opened up, one of the men that sat with us helped me stand as the other girls got in line. “Same old thing Chiyo, good thing your face is looking better.” he said as he held up a brown sack, “Yeah I know.” I said quietly as I continued to look at the floor as the sack was placed over my head and I was lead out to the stage.

The noise from the crowd hurt my ears a little but I had gotten use to it, I could hear some of the other girls crying as bids started flying. I was glad to hear that the two sisters were bought together before I came out but then I heard the sick question I never wanted to hear, “What’s with the girl under the sack, she ugly or something?” the crowd laughed and agree, I knew it had to be said but I kept my head down and stood my ground as the sack was taken off my head, everyone was silent when they saw what I looked like then my sellers voice came up. “This little lady is one of a kind, with cocoa skin and snow white hair no one wanted to keep her because she took what was given to her.” he said as he gently guided me to the front of the stage, I limped a few feet with his help and stood there with my eyes closed. The boss started the bids at a 400 yen that was at least 250 in American dollars, the highest he’s ever started on me, some of the men started to mumble why I wouldn’t open my eyes and I guess my boss heard them an whispered in my ear. “Show them why.” I took a deep breath and slowly let it out as I slowly opened my eyes.

Suddenly numbers were being shouted out left and right, I fought the urge to turn away but I held firm when the boss tried to keep up with bids as the other girls were bought off quickly, all that was left was me. Things started to get crazy until someone rang a bell, I tried to look around to see where it came from without being noticed until a young man came up to the front of the crowd and held up a wad of money, “By order of the Emperor, he pays 10 million yen for this woman!” he shouted, the crowd fell silent, I stumbled a bit against my boss and looked up at him, he gave me a ‘good luck’ look an a small grin then shouted to the crowd. “SOLD!"
[QUOTE="Star Dragon]I might put up chapter 2 soon. :D

Looking forward to it :P
Two for one!! Lol

Chapter 2:

That was three months ago and I’m still at the palace. I was so happy that they had kept me to be one of their many servant girls. My leg had healed nicely thanks to their healers and my bruises were all but faded away, the clothing that they had us wear were still some getting used to but it was still nice to be in something other than rags. Learning Chinese wasn’t that hard even a few of the sensei’s were impressed by my quick learning skills. I had been helping serve the Empress and her sons for a while and I had yet to see the Emperor, I had gotten use to wearing a silk handkerchief over my eyes whenever it was time to serve the Empress her hourly medication, for some reason she hated the color of my eyes and ordered me to hide them behind something.

Another hour had past an I was headed to wherever the Empress was to give her medication to her, my new friend Chan had helped out a lot when it came to this and walking without tripping over my dress. “Your servants kneel before the Empress.” I said in Chinese, “Your Majesty’s medication for the hour is ready.” Chan finished when I couldn’t. We both had our heads down as I gave a small smile but quickly removed it; I could tell that the Empress was looking at me. In the Imperial Palace it was disrespectful to look at the high Empress or Emperor in the eyes at anytime. “What is your name?” The Empress asked, I hesitated for a second but I manage to answer her, “Chiyo, you majesty.” The Empress continued to knit before speaking again, “You’re the one that the Emperor bought at the town fair?” she asked. “Yes.” I answered; the Empress was silent for a few minutes before she allowed us into her space. Chan and I served the Empress her medication and stayed quiet when she poured the rest of the liquid on the tray, she never finishes the entire cup but we were in no place to correct her. After she was done we quickly left her room and went to carry on our own duties. Chan had told me once that she had a thing for the Crown Prince; I thought it was cute even though it was forbidden. “I hate that we have to hide our affection for each other.” Chan said as she helped me put my hair in two buns, “Chan you know that it’s forbidden. Plus he’s the Crown Prince and you know that will mess things up for him.” I said then went over to look in the mirror. “It looks like you have two snowballs on you head.” Chan giggled, I silently called her a name in English then put a white see through scarf over my eyes and got ready to greet the Emperor.

Chapter 3:

Dinner was being served and I was asked to help out, on the inside I was excited because I finally get to meet the Emperor with the rest of his family but I never let it show on my face. I poured everyone their drink and then I did the same for the Emperor and bowed before I walked away but he gently grabbed my arm and slowly pulled me back to the table, even with the scarf over my eyes I kept my head down. His hand moved from my arm to my wrist as I knelt down beside him. “I finally get to meet the servant I bought in the town square and I see I made a good choice.” He said as he took the tea pot from my hand. “Yes, your Majesty and I'm greatly honored to be in your services.” I said softly, I took a calming breath when the Emperor placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head up, “Then why do wear such coverings over your eyes? They are such a beautiful shade of cloudy blue?” he asked in English. I gasped at this making the Emperor smile a little. “Do you gasp at the complement or the fact that I can speak English when no one else can?” he asked, “Um…well both your Majesty.” I answered back in English. “I’ve never received a compliment before.” The emperor smiled again, “Well then get use to them, for there will be more the days you are here.” He said, I bowed my head as I looked at my wrist in his hand, we talked for a few more minutes, his Majesty not caring that the Empress was watching with a hateful look, his Majesty then told me to meet him in his personal quarter later to night so that we could talk more,. I bowed my head and left.

The rest of the day went by like normal, I helped bring the Empress her hourly medicine and carried on other duties, once dinner was over and everyone went their different ways, things were on edge with the Empress but I knew that she couldn’t do anything to me without the Emperor finding out. A few hours past and was given permission to retire to my room, thankfully the Emperor had given me a place to stay outside of the palace. I was sitting at my mirror brushing my hair, finally able to relax away from everyone, I wanted to change clothes because the top that they had all the women wear had bound my breast and it was getting harder to breath because I was well endowed than the other women. A knock came as I was reaching for the tie on my robe; I sighed and went to answer. It was a messenger sent by the Emperor, he gave me a letter sent from the Emperor. It said to come to his quarters in one hour; I thanked the messenger in Chinese and went to get ready. Out of habit I put a scarf over my eyes and left my hair down and went to the palace, it would take at least an hour to find his quarters for it was a big palace.

I was announced quietly when I came close to the Emperors quarters and was escorted in, “Your servant kneels before the Emperor. You wanted to see me?” I asked in Chinese still kneeling, he sighed a little then sent away his guards. I was a bit nervous when everyone left but in a way I felt comfortable around the Emperor, like I could just be myself around just him. I was use to being around older men even in the other places I lived, they would use me for their release but they would never go below my waist or beat me for disobeying, you see at my two previous homes I was forced to wear a chastity belt by the wife because she didn’t want any of the men in the family be lured by my looks and end up having mixed children running around and to this day it was never taken off. “So how do you like it here?” the Emperor asked in English, “Oh it’s wonderful, I’ve learned so many things and finally getting use to not getting beatings.” I answered back. “Beatings? Why on earth would anyone do such a thing to a young woman like yourself?” he asked as he motioned for me to sit on his bed. I masked the pain as I sat down; part of the metal rubbed a raw spot on my inner thigh. “It’s because I have dark skin, your majesty. I was always told to stay silent or the beatings would get worse.” I said softly as I fought against grabbing my stomach, the Emperor sensed this and lend over and touched my waist, even though my clothes my chastity belt was slightly visible through what I was wearing. “What’s this?” he asked as he moved closer and trailed his fingers over the cloth an around to my back. “It’s a chastity belt. I was forced to wear it when I lived in my last house. They claimed that I would try to seduce any man I see, and I told them I wasn’t like that but…they put it on me anyway.” I explained then winced when his hand grazed at a tender spot on my hip. He saw the expression on my face and asked me to lie on my back.

I was a bit nervous about what he asked but I knew I had to trust him, I did what he asked and he pulled the waist band of my dress down a little to get a good look at the belt. He could already see the countless scars and raw edges on my skin, “Can you take it off?” he asked as he picked up the padlock then looked up at me, with my head still turned I replied, “No sir, I can’t.” He examined the scars that he could see, “Hmm. You know, you don’t have to wear that scarf when you are around me.” the Emperor said as he gently removed the scarf from my eyes and for the first time since I’ve lived there, I finally got to really see the Emperor.
Chapter 4:

For the past few months I would go about my duties as a servant and visit the Emperor at night after everyone had retired to their rooms and he would do all he could to bring me comfort from the cursed chastity belt. “I will see if I can get a locksmith here so you can finally be rid of this.” The Emperor said as he gently rubbed salve and placed new bandages over the wounds that were still forming under the chastity belt, “Thank you sir, but I’m pretty sure people sill notice that I will walk differently once it comes off.” I said as I sat up once he finished, the Emperor chuckled and agreed to help me get past it when the time came. After leaving his quarters, I put the scarf back around my eyes and headed to my home but before I could make it past the last corner someone slapped me hard across my face. I landed on the floor in a heap, not really knowing what had happened then I looked up and saw the Empress and her eldest son Jai standing over me, I stayed on the floor not daring to move. “I knew you were nothing but a whore.” She said in Chinese, “Father’s coco mistress.” Jai said before kicking me but his foot came in contact with my chastity belt, “Hmm a chastity belt.” The Empress said after she ripped part of my dress. “If I even catch you near him again, you’re going to need more than a chastity belt.” As soon as she and her son left I ran back to my home, never in my life have I ever been so scared.

For the past few weeks I had been trying my best to avoid the Emperor or the Empress when he wanted to talk to me, I really didn’t want to piss off the Empress but I did need him to change my bandages even thought I tried to do it myself. Winter was coming and the heat in my home was growing dim, I had to figure something out as I wrapped up in a blanket. I sat in my living room huddled by the fire place praying that the wood would last a few more days but I knew then that it wouldn’t, I hated that the nights were getting colder as winter time started and I dared not risk going to my room. “Oh how could this be?” I said aloud after I hear a knock at the door, with my throw blanket still around me I answered the door, I sighed after seeing who it was. “You shouldn’t be here.” I said after letting the Emperor inside, “The Empress will have my head if…” I started but was cut off, “She doesn’t rule over me and never will.” The Emperor said, “I’ve been wondering why you haven’t been around for your cleaning.” He added as I sat a little closer to the fireplace, he had noticed how cold it had gotten in my little house and said that he would have more firewood sent over as soon as possible because the winter nights in China were bad and that I should sleep in the living room until spring, I agree and told him that I’ve been doing so for the past few nights and that was the reason why my wood supply was so low. “You should have told me sooner, I would’ve had some brought to you.” He said then set about changing my bandages. I was glad that I wore a robe and a blanket when I laid down and he got a clearer look at my scars, “We need to get this off before another infection sets in.” he said as he saw none of the wounds were healing properly, I just sat there as he looked at the lock. We talked for a while and I told him everything about eh Empress banning me from visiting him and how she threatened me. The Emperor was very displeased an I could tell that he was going to have a few words with her, another servant of the Emperor came with more wood that would last the rest of the winter and he had another man with him, the Emperor said that it was the locksmith that he had told me about and I allowed him to come in.

With the extra wood it was getting warmer in the house but I kept my upper body wrapped in the blanket while the Emperor and the locksmith examined the rusted lock on my chastity belt. “Aside from the scars,” the locksmith said in Chinese as he poured a small bit of acid on the lock after covering it with a piece of rawhide to break it, “She is a very attractive servant.” he looked up my body with a bit of lust in his eyes, when he met my eyes he saw a death glare that said he was on thin ice but the Emperor spoke those words before I could. The locksmith corrected him then went back to finishing his task; once the lock was broken the Emperor quickly placed a sheet over my waist and reached under to gently remove the chastity belt. He gave me a look to see if I was prepared for what was going to happen and I nodded my head and he gently pulled, I winced a little as some of my skin was pulled with it but I didn’t mind when I finally saw the evil chastity belt slide past my legs and over my ankles, I slowly pulled my legs under me and adjusted my robe and blanket finally able to sit properly. “Thank you, your Majesty.” I said softly. “It’s been years that I’ve wanted it removed.” The Emperor chuckled a little as I held back the tears. “And now it’s gone.” he said then moved the sheet a bit to take a look at the scars on my hip while the locksmith put his things away and being mindful to block his view of me. “I’ll have my doctor come see you tomorrow. Then after you heal I have something to ask you.” the Emperor said before closing my robe and helping me stand, I bowed slightly and thanked him as he and the locksmith left.

I sighed as I slowly walked around the living room a bit, happy that I was finally free of that cursed chastity belt, “Now that I can heal, I can sit properly as well.” I said as I went to my room and brushed my hair, seeing snow white hair against my chocolate skin, I kind of laughed a bit, it was funny but in a way really cute. I sighed then blew out the candle, went back to the living room and went to sleep on the little bed I made a little ways away from the fireplace.
Gosh I almost forgot this was here. I have a few more chapters written up but they will take awhile to type in but I will make sure to keep my story more active in the days to come. ^_^
[QUOTE="Star Dragon]Gosh I almost forgot this was here. I have a few more chapters written up but they will take awhile to type in but I will make sure to keep my story more active in the days to come. ^_^

Looking forward to it :D

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