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Fantasy Culture Guides



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A travelers guide to Asterian culture.

There are many things one must know in order to pertain to high society.

  1. One must never speak out of turn. When in the presence of the Royal family, one may only speak after being introduced to the family first. Always bow or curtsy before speaking before the royal family. To not abide by these rules is to certainly see yourself shunned and removed from the city with haste.
  2. One should always consider the style in which their hair is held. In Asteria, hair is everything from status to intentions. The longer and lighter the hair, the more respected you will be in their society. (Princess Sevora is perhaps the most highly regarded person in Asteria, having snow white hair that nearly reaches the floor, even when tied.)
  3. To touch anyone's hair without permission is an immediate offense. Touching of the hair is reserved for lovers, mothers, or servant. To touch someone's hair is regarded as incredible intimate. Most are lenient toward outsiders, knowing that others may not be familiar with the idea.
  4. Most will not allow outsiders to view the hair completely loose. Hair that is not held away from the face is as being seen in undergarments and is reserved for lovers or servants. Even when sleeping, Asterians will not allow their hair to flow freely.

To be continued >>
A Record of Ruvian Culture by Pallas Inkenderon, Ruvio Reckoning 3132 RB (After the Founding of Ruvan's Beacon)
Your Majesty Queen Sevora,

Per your request, since the Ruvio does not have a lot of written records or books, I took it upon myself to write this for the benefit of our people going forward so our brothers and sisters of Asteria will come and understand those who live upon Ruvan's mountain and in the forests of the Obsidian Mountains. This is so they may join their Ruvian brothers and sisters by the sacred fire to share in our beautiful union.

--Pallas Inkenderon, Speaker of Ruvan

Tattoos - All Ruvians are tattooed at their coming of age at 18 years given their clan, name, and icon symbols as well as their bond to the God Ruvan. The elaborate tattoos are usually on their chest, arms, and legs. Generally the more complex and covering the tattoos are the higher stature the bearer is. Rhonan, being the Chosen of Ruvan and the Crown Prince, probably has the most complex tattoos of his people, and they cover most of his body. Rhonan's icon is the rare Obsidian Mountain Owl, a large mottled dark brown and black owl with piercing violet eyes.

Hearthfires - Fire is sacred to those of Ruvio. All houses are circular and have a fire pit in the middle. All business and family transactions are done around the fire.

Entry into homes - Shoes are left outside, it is considered rude to walk into a house with shoes on. Ruvians are often barefoot most of the time with their increased body temperature.

Resistance to cold/natural warmth - Ruvians have fire in their blood. They run very warm compared to other elves. They prefer the cold climates of the Obsidian Mountains. The Chosen and Priests of Rovan are even warmer.

Rituals of song and music - all Ruvians sing and dance. It is a part of their culture. They sing many songs and prayers for all sorts of events. They also partake in making music and theater. Ruvian plays are often very elaborate productions.

Ruvian art - The Ruvians have found and discovered many dye colors and paints not found anywhere else in the world. Their art and style are often very colorful. Although they are rare to show this to outsiders.

Mounts - The Obsidian Mountains and valleys are treacherous to travel via horseback, the Ruvians ride and breed massive reindeer as well as large flightless birds known as Axebeaks.
" We believe that the hair is sacred, because it is the closest to the sky, and so it is closest to Astera. We do not cut it if we can help it. We believe the length to symbolize the rays of the sun reaching down to greet the earth. We keep our hair away from our face as a way to allow us to keep our peripheral vision clear, without obstacles. This has been an ancient tradition that has been kept close to the hearts of all who live here. Having the top portion in a braid is a sign of respect, letting the rest down is known to show that you mean no harm. As if to say, 'I trust you not to harm me.' A braided knot is simply a sign of beauty. The larger the knot, the more hair you have and the higher you will be regarded in our society. Many men and women will take the breakage from their brushes to stuff into their bun in order to make their hair look fuller and longer. "
~Princess Sevora​

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