CthulhuTech any good?


Junior Member
System and setting look fascinating. Particularly Tagers.

Anyone played it and have some thoughts to share?
There was an active game of it just a few months ago. I'm not sure if it's still running, but even if not, you can hunt through the 2014 archives and find out who's been using it already.
None of the subsystems interact very well (tagers don't play well with non-tagers, mecha don't play well with non-mecha, sorcerers don't play well with anything including sorcerers), the dice odds are bizarre and hard to intuit, the exp curve is incredibly screwy, magic is nigh-useless, psychics go from useless to gods in the space between dots, insanity is trivial to manage, the creators are control freaks and the more of the actual details you read, the more it devolves into excessive rape and a middle schooler's idea of 'edgy horror'.

I've run 3 games of Cthulhutech. I agree that the basic idea is awesomeness, but everything beyond that just gets worse and worse. Run FATE an just nick the setting idea
I'm actually currently running a C-Tech game. While I agree with many of LoC's points, that's why the Golden Rule exists; "DM is Right."

I am, as it stands ,reserving the right to fuck with any setting or rules that I think are BS in the system- within reason. So far, yet to have an issue- but so far, we've only had one combat.
I love the setting. It's very versatile, and a necessary reinterpretation of the Mythos, I've seen high-octane Pacfic Rim style games, and I've played in a wonderfully dark Evangelion-flavoured game. There's a lot to play with as long as your GM keeps a tight rein and a clear vision. I question the presence of some items (the Xan'Tuum Violator) but applaud the inclusion of others (Dark Young), while noting that the really, really make the selection of GMs and players a vital affair.

The system is... odd. I'm not sure it coheres too well within itself across the style and power levels, and some people just do not like the dice-poker aspect. But I think it mostly serves its purpose while needing the odd tweak or tune up, here and there.

I think it remains one of those games I'd prefer to play, rather than run, but if I play enough of it I'd likely take up running it. Most of the games I've been in ended just when they were getting really good.
There is an active game. It slowed during the merge, but is kicking back up again.

So far, it is a pretty tough system. Not so much deadly, but it is hard to accomplish much without the right skills. Then there were times where a really lucky roll would kick in.
I too think the setting is great, the rules like most any set of rule require some tweaking. Sure the magic is mostly useless but I have always felt magic in a Mythos setting should be mostly useless at one end of the spectrum of powerful but deadly to the caste at the other end. I have the book but have never run it but I have played and I agree there are better systems--then again there are far worse. Some of the ideas in the system are novel if a bit odd, but it is hard at this point to come up with a system that is both novel and functional--so much has been done already.

solyrflair said:
There is an active game. It slowed during the merge, but is kicking back up again.
So far, it is a pretty tough system. Not so much deadly, but it is hard to accomplish much without the right skills. Then there were times where a really lucky roll would kick in.
I agree with this the fact that straights and multiples are so rare, and far more likely the more dice you roll, the advancement curve ticks upwards exponentially. So that a person rolling five dice is way further above some rolling four, that the person rolling 4 is above someone rolling three. At the lower levels with 2-3 dice most of the time you are only keeping one and hoping for a 10.

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