The Suspicious Eye
Your Darling Devil
Appearance]View attachment 103926 -Height: 5'10'' -Weight: She weighed about 120 living and the adult skeleton is 14% soooooo *Math...Brain...Calculating* 16.2 pounds
Sona Santimingo
Human Skeleton
"Soy eternal"
But died around 20. So about, 246 years old, give or take
Sona is a fast talking, fast acting gunslinger girl with a attitude. She doesn't take any snip from anyone and is usually the first to start a bar fight. She is witty decisive and deadly accurate with a gun. She is is quick to act, but always seems to have a plan. She is a strong, independent young woman and like her first life, is planing on living this one to the fullest.
First mate (If that's okay)
2 pistols, 2 doubble barrel pistols, 1 shot gun, 6 knives, 2 machetes, 2 swords (kantana and Cutlass), ammunition and varying bombs and fireworks.
(you gotta wonder where she put it all, the you realize she's dead and it clicks.)
Devil Fruit]
Yomi Yomi
With this she has the ability to manipulate her soul and interact with the souls around her. Including, using soul and freezing bullets. There are also some other abilities that due to her skeletal body make things possible to lean more click here.
"me vivi, me muri, es todo que necesitas saber"
Sona has been dead for a while, she is used to the staring and the gapes at her appearance. She was found by the captain and has been apart of their crew ever since. She was a brave fighter in her country and has never in her life lost a battle. She died from a plague that sweep through her village. When her soul found her body it was certainly surprising, but she took control of her second life and has choosen to do as she did in her previous life, take justice into her own hand.
Everything else is private, to be revealed at a later time.
Yeah I'll probably rant in spanish at times. It won't be hard spanish but if you want to know what it is you can always google translate it. She also does have both eyes, she just likes wearing the eyepatch.

I'm sure you've seen a picture of me at some point, but here

I'm sure you've heard of me, my name is Amber, Amber Olivia Nobilié of the House Casstale
Though, the media, my family, even some of the staff sometimes refer to me as Lady Olivia.
I'm a perfectly fine Female
At the wonderful age of 20
Our physician says I'm around 5'7''
They also say I have AB Negative blood.
Oh! I enjoy, playing music, reading and boxing.
But make sure to keep these bugs, robots and annoying punks, farrrrr away.
I always have my headphones, brass knuckles and a pack of gum near by.
My attitude to the world could be described as
very charming and popular. She doesn’t sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit “flaky”. However, there is never a dull moment in a Olivia's life. Olivia doesn’t like to fit in anyone else’s “boxes”. If she feels too confined, she will break out of that box and do things her own way.
Although I am practically flawless, I am still human. I sometimes become too cocky and it get me into big trouble. I am super shy around people I like, and very rude to those I dislike. It's an instinct I can't help it. Also I have a terrible sense of direction, it takes me hours to get to someplace. The media call it fashionably late, but my friends and family know that it's that I was horribly lost.
Aside from a being of nobility, I'm interested in both men and women, although this week I'm leaning more towards dudes.
Oh you know my past, but here it is again I was born to be the organ replacement for my siblings. My parents were very wealthy and loved their first children, twins. Tia and Norren they were true geniuses, intelligent, skilled and extremely sickly. At the age of 5 they were diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). I was born to donate my cells, bone marrow and eventual organs to help save them. For the first few years of her life she didn't mind donating for them, however over time I was feeling the strain of the repeated donations. At the age of 14 each of her siblings kidneys were failing, they were placed into a comatose state to have a machine replace their kidneys. It was only a temporary solution I needed to donate both my kidney's to save their lives (Anyone who knows this book, knows the movie did it no justice). However, this would require me to be a comatose vegetable for the rest of my life. My parents were all for it, my siblings in a coma had no say and I was highly aggravated. I may have accidentally cut the breaks to my parent's car, you can't prove it and I'll deny it in court. They crashed into a building and died on impact. Luckily their organs were intact. Her parent's never told her that they were also a donor match. They were too selfish to give up their life to save their children, they would rather let their youngest give their life to be spare parts. However, it was too late her siblings died in surgery. Alone Oliva took up the reigns for everything. She hated all the wealth and responsibility she was surprised to find out that not only was she wealthy, but that she was one of the royals as well. Not entirely ecstatic about the new change and position, she became a royal. The people actually like her well enough, they see her as the down to earth and cool royal who likes to have fun. She's done a lot to help with orphans and children in foster care. The has started art foundations, scholarships, and hospital organization for medical research. She also is a performer, she writes, composes and plays her own music, going to clubs to preform.
What you want to know more about me? Well I don't have much to say, I'm a natural brunette. I like the red it contrasts with my eyes I like it very much.
Name: Diana Barker
Alias: Bat-Girl
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Costume Appearance:
View attachment 103548
Gear/Abilities: Martial Arts/Kickboxing and Savate master. She is also fluent in various languages including C. She has excellent deduction skills and is a great markswoman. Her researching and hacking skills are unparalleled. Her gear consists of various weapons including, but not limited to. Two sets of dual pistols, grappling equipment, smoke and flash bombs, throwing knives (later changed to batterangs) and her own utility belt.
Personality: Diana is a strong headed girl. When she decides to do something nothing can stop her. She hones in on a problem and attacks it viciously. She examines every angle and thinks of a strategy before heading into battle. She likes to gather information on others before meeting them. Always wanting to be the most informed in a room. She is witty and manipulative, however push her buttons and she unravels into a angry rude normal girl.
Other: She saw batman take down one of her marks and liked his style. She changed her attire to look more like his and took on the name Bat-Girl.
Background: Diana had an interesting childhood. Growing up as the daughter to the head of one of the most dangerous mobs in the city made it difficult for her. She was taught how to defend herself, how to fight, how to out think her opponent, how to shoot a gun and how to be merciless. Constantly surrounded by guards Diana thought it was ridiculous for her to learn all these things, she was always protected. However, when her father's second in command tried to take power she learned why it was important. Her parents died in a fire at a wear house. It was obvious by how their burnt bodies looked that they were bound and tortured for hours before killed. Diana knew that her father's stupid second wasn't behind this. This well thought out plan was from someone wiser. She made a vow that she would find the man responsible and bring him to justice. She's been hunting for the man ever since, she has gotten some leads, but nothing leading to the man who planned it all.
Though, the media, my family, even some of the staff sometimes refer to me as Lady Olivia.
I'm a perfectly fine Female
At the wonderful age of 20
Our physician says I'm around 5'7''
They also say I have AB Negative blood.
Oh! I enjoy, playing music, reading and boxing.
But make sure to keep these bugs, robots and annoying punks, farrrrr away.
I always have my headphones, brass knuckles and a pack of gum near by.
My attitude to the world could be described as
very charming and popular. She doesn’t sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit “flaky”. However, there is never a dull moment in a Olivia's life. Olivia doesn’t like to fit in anyone else’s “boxes”. If she feels too confined, she will break out of that box and do things her own way.
Although I am practically flawless, I am still human. I sometimes become too cocky and it get me into big trouble. I am super shy around people I like, and very rude to those I dislike. It's an instinct I can't help it. Also I have a terrible sense of direction, it takes me hours to get to someplace. The media call it fashionably late, but my friends and family know that it's that I was horribly lost.
Aside from a being of nobility, I'm interested in both men and women, although this week I'm leaning more towards dudes.
Oh you know my past, but here it is again I was born to be the organ replacement for my siblings. My parents were very wealthy and loved their first children, twins. Tia and Norren they were true geniuses, intelligent, skilled and extremely sickly. At the age of 5 they were diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). I was born to donate my cells, bone marrow and eventual organs to help save them. For the first few years of her life she didn't mind donating for them, however over time I was feeling the strain of the repeated donations. At the age of 14 each of her siblings kidneys were failing, they were placed into a comatose state to have a machine replace their kidneys. It was only a temporary solution I needed to donate both my kidney's to save their lives (Anyone who knows this book, knows the movie did it no justice). However, this would require me to be a comatose vegetable for the rest of my life. My parents were all for it, my siblings in a coma had no say and I was highly aggravated. I may have accidentally cut the breaks to my parent's car, you can't prove it and I'll deny it in court. They crashed into a building and died on impact. Luckily their organs were intact. Her parent's never told her that they were also a donor match. They were too selfish to give up their life to save their children, they would rather let their youngest give their life to be spare parts. However, it was too late her siblings died in surgery. Alone Oliva took up the reigns for everything. She hated all the wealth and responsibility she was surprised to find out that not only was she wealthy, but that she was one of the royals as well. Not entirely ecstatic about the new change and position, she became a royal. The people actually like her well enough, they see her as the down to earth and cool royal who likes to have fun. She's done a lot to help with orphans and children in foster care. The has started art foundations, scholarships, and hospital organization for medical research. She also is a performer, she writes, composes and plays her own music, going to clubs to preform.
What you want to know more about me? Well I don't have much to say, I'm a natural brunette. I like the red it contrasts with my eyes I like it very much.
Name: Diana Barker
Alias: Bat-Girl
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Costume Appearance:
View attachment 103548
Gear/Abilities: Martial Arts/Kickboxing and Savate master. She is also fluent in various languages including C. She has excellent deduction skills and is a great markswoman. Her researching and hacking skills are unparalleled. Her gear consists of various weapons including, but not limited to. Two sets of dual pistols, grappling equipment, smoke and flash bombs, throwing knives (later changed to batterangs) and her own utility belt.
Personality: Diana is a strong headed girl. When she decides to do something nothing can stop her. She hones in on a problem and attacks it viciously. She examines every angle and thinks of a strategy before heading into battle. She likes to gather information on others before meeting them. Always wanting to be the most informed in a room. She is witty and manipulative, however push her buttons and she unravels into a angry rude normal girl.
Other: She saw batman take down one of her marks and liked his style. She changed her attire to look more like his and took on the name Bat-Girl.
Background: Diana had an interesting childhood. Growing up as the daughter to the head of one of the most dangerous mobs in the city made it difficult for her. She was taught how to defend herself, how to fight, how to out think her opponent, how to shoot a gun and how to be merciless. Constantly surrounded by guards Diana thought it was ridiculous for her to learn all these things, she was always protected. However, when her father's second in command tried to take power she learned why it was important. Her parents died in a fire at a wear house. It was obvious by how their burnt bodies looked that they were bound and tortured for hours before killed. Diana knew that her father's stupid second wasn't behind this. This well thought out plan was from someone wiser. She made a vow that she would find the man responsible and bring him to justice. She's been hunting for the man ever since, she has gotten some leads, but nothing leading to the man who planned it all.
- 悪魔とげ Akuma Toge Demon Thorn
- キメラ怒り Kimera Ikari Chimera Wrath
Name: Akane Maribara
Species: Arrancar-made Arrancar-Chimera
Age: 18
Parent 1
Donor 1: Tier Haribel
Parent 2: Unknown
Special Abilities: Arrancar (Hollow Sikigami-ish? It's 3 stages defined in tabs.)
Other Special Abilities
Is very connected to the elements, but bad with souls. She has extremely thick skin and amazingly fast healing. She has an Enhanced condition that makes her be ables to fight even stronger
角のある大暴れ Tsuno no aru dai abare
Horned Rampage.
Not only alters the appearance of Akane's armor it also gives her a substantial speed boost allowing her to move fast enough to create after images of herself.
Personality: Akane-Chan is a bubbly hyperactive girl who loves to have fun. She loves to fight and have fun. She is more mischievous than bloodthirsty, enjoying in playful banter and long drawn out battles. Although she is less serious than her DNA mother she is just as, or even more, powerful. She is a dangerous opponent when serious. When she intends to kill someone they are most certainly already dead. You can tell when she is serious when she grows quiet and her red eyes begin to glow.
Bio: Akane was made in a laboratory to replace Tier after her possible untimely demise. (Idk if this is B4 or after the whole shabang) However, she was forgotten for such a long time in the incubation process. During that time she aborbed much of the spiritual energy and when finally was released from the process was much stronger than anticipated. She was taken in by the Arrancar's although she was quite odd. Being young and curious Akane tends to wander and follow around strangers. She tends to steal shiny things as keepsakes From her journeys. She has much to learn from her family, now if only she sat still.
Goldie Pemberton
Appearance Human (Picture Optional):

Occuppation (Can Be Student):
Singer and guitarist in a fast rising band Last Note. Plus a part time student.
Country of Origin:
Goldie is very odd, she has an interesting view on the world around her. She is a optimistic, pessimist. She sees the bright side, but thinks tomorrow will never be as good as today. She lives everyday like its her last and loves the world around her. She likes to meet others and enjoys spending time with new and old friends. Goldie loves to play music she enjoys playing all kinds from pop to blues. She loves adventure and is always willing to go wherever it leads her.
Growing up Goldie had always had a happy personality and an interest in music. By the time she was 10 she had already formed a band. They played and improved until they were recruited in the 10th grade. They played small gigs for commercials and promotions to large concerts. They began their wold tour when Goldie entered into her second year of college. She has now been touring the world while also taking online classes for her college degree.
Last Thing You Remember:
"I was doing a concert in the woods, which I rocked, by the way! And then I made my way into the woods to get some fresh air And then... hmm thats it, I don't remember any of it."
What You Think About Being A Werewolf: "Do you know how many relevant wolf puns and songs I can play now? This is awesome!"
She is surprised and ecstatic about the change, I doubt she really has thought of the dangers she could face.
Other: When I made up the name I didn't realize it was the name of a Vocaloid composer so here I place their album First Trip to show my appreciation.
(I am willing to change anything that is needed)
Vampire Princess and Male Serf
Natalia Sylvie Rousseau [Pending last name]
~·~ Vampire ~·~
~·~ Rank ~·~
Appearance: 17
Actual age: 99
Physical: Glowing yellow-gold eyes and full silky black hair.
Height: 5'7''
Figure: Ample Bosom, Full hips, fair skin and cinched waist. Long slender neck and full lips. Her fangs are very neat and are hardly ever shown.
Attire:Like her mother Natalia follows a less appropriate style of clothing. She wears dresses similar to the one in the first image, showing her bare shoulders. However, since this showing is such a taboo during the 1500's she only wear these kinds of dresses when there are no guests. When guests are present she wears attire similar to her mother although more modestly in the bosom area. She prefers dark colors like navy, black and gray. You will never see her in warm colors like orange, yellow or red.
Natalia a calm, graceful and mysterious girl who knows what to expect from others. She acts accordingly, bowing and only speaking when spoken to around guests of higher stature. She is secretive, quiet and merciless to those who get on her bad side. Although she is quite dangerous and manipulative, Natalia has a kind heart. To those who peak her interest or catch her attention she approaches with caution. She may ask personal and or invasive questions to see if she can trust you.Once you get on her good side you will discover she loves to laugh, dance and explore. She has large dreams of adventure and exploration, one of her biggest aspirations is to go to the cold North Pole or the dark Antarctic and explore the vast empty land.
She has a lust for men making her very preddetorial when it comes to people in general, but especially with women. She also has a lust for knowledge, she loves to learn more about everything, including people and history. Her favorite past time is to read and investigate new discoveries. She spends her time wandering around the estate looking for secret passageways or hidden tunnels. She likes to spy on the other residents and collects their secrets. She likes high up places and occasionally can be found on the roof near the window in her room.
Natalia was born with a intolerance toward bright lights. Although, she has a daylight ring her eyes sill do not do well in bright light. Direct contact for too long could cause her to go permanently blind. With the fear that spending any time outside would leave her permanently blind, she spent most of her life indoors. With nothing to do Natalia spent her time reading and exploring. Reading adventure and discovery books Natalia grew very interested in the outside world and all it had to offer. At night she would, climb out her window and onto the roof and chart the stars as the seasons changed. After she had charted every single one she spent her time daydreaming about all the places that could also see the same stars as her.
<Anything else you'd like to tell us about your character?>
It's Ruby Rose
~·~ Serf ~·~
<Please describe your character's appearance: body type, hair color, eye color, typical attire, clothing preferences, etc. since we all know sometimes pictures just do not do justice to our creative minds.For serfs, though, don't worry so much about clothing since most serfs only receive a simple, rough burlap dress or shirt/shorts to wear on the plantation.>
Corbin is fairly upbeat and excited person. He enjoys long walks on the beach, the sand in his toes
<Optional. Tell us about your character's favorite past time, if they have one.>
<This may be pretty simple, but just describe the kind of Plantation they came from, how they feel about their childhood growing up on a Plantation, and any previous trouble they may have gotten into (if any). >
<Anything else you'd like to tell us about your character?>
~·~ Serf ~·~
<Corbin is a tall thing build man, with beautiful silver blue hair and hypnotic blue eyes. His regular attire consist of a dark black tie, pants and overcoat corresponding with a blue striped shirt, and blue gloves. He does change into a server attire for meals and serving occasions. Which consist of a white collard shirt and diamond patterned vest. He only wears casual clothes if he’s around normal humans or has a day off, otherwise he is always in his uniform.
Please describe your character's appearance: body type, hair color, eye color, typical attire, clothing preferences, etc. since we all know sometimes pictures just do not do justice to our creative minds.
<Please describe your character's personality. Give us insight on how your character behaves and what he or she thinks of vampire society, etc.>
<Optional. Tell us about your character's favorite past time, if they have one.>
<This may be pretty simple, but just describe the kind of Plantation they came from, how they feel about their childhood growing up on a Plantation, and any previous trouble they may have gotten into (if any). >
<Anything else you'd like to tell us about your character?>

Josephine "Jo" Rain
Talents: Wizard
~ A Warden Sword
~ Red gem that allows her to locate and move through Ways

~ Shield charm bracelet

Literally the drawn picture in the first spoiler. (The one labeled this spoiler) However, she also has a big black jacket that covers her shoulder and wrist plates.
Jo is a thrill seeker, always happy to take on anything in her way. Crude, sassy and mean this girl is a eruption of fierce. She enjoys parties, drinking and kicking ass. She loves to end things, so she jumps into any fight she can get her hands on. Even if said fight has absolutely nothing to do with her. She is a live wire and easily gullible. She doesn't take time to think about what someone said so she just takes it for the truth. When she is excited she nearly bounces with bloodlust and fun. She acts a lot like a hunter, driven and focused when she is given a mark having fun with the hunt. She attacks with no remorse and does everything in her power to win. However, there are times she is calm, especially at the end of a long battle. She looks onward at the destruction she caused and grows silent. If you haven't guessed it her favorite magic is Vulcanomancy.
Why they got involved:
"Sounded like a fun fight, and any fight is a fun fight for me."
Jo's twin brother Luke went missing, so she's determined to find him. She doesn't like talking about her twin since their last encounter was anything but cordial.
(Yes she looks and sounds a lot like Molly)
Kohinoor, Lumina
Lumi, Lu-lu, Blondie, Little Miss Sunshine, Sunbeam, Lightbulb
Teen Titans
17 million years, Looks 17
December 1st

Lux craves adventure and excitement and welcome change with open arms. She loves reading and exploring, she will go as far as her power will take her and explore every corner thoroughly in her ever eternal search for wisdom. Freedom is so important to Lux that she makes decisions based on the amount of freedom that is given. As a result, sometimes a good opportunity is turned down because of it's high commitment need, but this is their choice so it is a good choice for her.
Lux seems to be guided by luck, good things happen to her and this is usually because of her optimistic outlook and positive disposition, attracts good fortune. Despite hardships, Lux is always optimistic that good things will happen tomorrow and the future carries good luck. She has a vibrant, expansive personality that is free like a bird, Lux cannot be contained. She is full of curiosity and they always look forward to the future, never dwelling on the past. Lux is detached from emotions because emotions hold a person back, she doesn't like to talk about her feelings, she simply experiences them and moves on. Lux can be reckless and irresponsible because she will jump at a suggestion of something new before she weighs the advantages and disadvantage. Lux is not a moody person, but she does get irritable when she is bored.
Overall, Lux is optimistic and positive, even deep inside because she believe that no matter what has happened, something good is always around the corner and the sun will always shine again.
Lumina came to earth in her ship to find her lost pet. She landed in the middle of lake Baikal in Russia. She ruined her ship in the landing process. Her pet was a helium beast and dispersed int the atmosphere after he ate an entire forest, people ruled it as a freak tornado. Trapped on this new foreign planet, Lumia traveled the world, learning all about the culture and language of this odd planet. She was taken in by an American tour group, who helped her travel, experience new things and hide her powers. She travel all of the eastern world hiding as a human tourist. She stayed in hostels and climbed the highest mountains learning so much about the world and all it had to offer.
After finishing their walkabout, backpacking and traveling the tour group left Lumina in Italy with a friend of theirs. Not wanting to be apart Lumina followed the group back to America. There she was introduced to the world of villains and heroes. She was surprised that people so freely used their abilities. When she tried to ask someone why they were using her powers they suddenly attacked her. She fought the attacker off using her power, thoroughly defeat in him. Amazingly enough it was a very well known villain and the whole event was caught on camera. She was considered a hero and was interviewed by the TV crew. In a few minutes, the entire country loved her. A couple from the American tour group recognized her and took her in. Luckily they were billionaires and gave her everything she needed. She went to school and became a cheerleader. She learned a lot about human interaction and social skills. She became the lovely light of the American nation, everyone loved her. Wanting to give back to the world she noticed that the Teen Titans were recruiting and applied to join. She isn't one to fight, but she thought it would be nice to try.
(She's based of The Sentry so his powers, but way weaker)
Lux can generate, control and emit visible light, commonly referred to simply as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.
- Create/generate/increase, absorb, shape and manipulate light and colors.
- Alien Anatomy
Doesn't need to breathe, blood made of pure light.
[*]Super strength
- Type II: Being able to lift heavier structures from battleships to massive aircrafts.
[*]Absolute Light
[*]Bend and/or shift light particles:
[*]Light Attacks
[*]Light Solidification via controlling light.
[*]Move at light-speed.
[*]Manipulate Tachyon particles to create hyperspatial "rainbow bridges" which can transport herself, or others if she is present, at trans-light speeds.**
- Lux's light is affected by everything that all light is:
Glass Manipulation and/or Reflection Manipulation bounces back by a reflective surface.
- Gravity Manipulation bends light.
- No matter how powerful the light is it will pass through anything completely transparent.
[*]May be overwhelmed by Darkness Manipulation.
[*]Since light is a constant existing element, the user will have to keep any light constructs in check to keep them from going on forever.
[*]* Cannot become invisible without the help of a gravity manipulator to bend the light.
[*]** Can be very draining, especially when manipulating Tachyon particles for transportation.

If she ever was evil

Name: Cherry Davis
Nickname: Cher, Berry, Blondie, Baby
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Super Strength
~ Type I: Being able to lift up cars to trucks, buses, and trucks of great size.
Kryptonian physiology
~ She has some of the physical abilities of a Kryptonian who has absorbed the solar energy of a yellow sun. However, due to the human DNA supplied she lacks the more advanced powers of flight and heat vision and is presumably incapable of ever acquiring them.
In addition, her existing powers are considerably inferior to Supers, (man, boy, girl)
And Supernatural Invulnerability
~ Users body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing them to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, and changes in temperature. They also gain enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard their body has become, allowing them to resist tearing a muscle and/or their bones shattering easily. (Note: Not complete invulnerability.)
~ This invulnerability allows her to rush into dangerous scenes with little care for what might actually happen. Out of all her teammates, Lollipop has taken the most punishment from their missions but has displayed no lasting injuries. She can be tackled through walls, shot with guns and explosives, have feet dipped in lava, and come out with no obvious physical damage. She has yet to be permanently injured, but she does experience pain.
Costume Appearance: She doesn't have a costume, but she does try to keep her identity hidden. So she dyes it brown when she is in public. Also, she wears glasses.
Alias: Cheer!
Side: Hero?? "I guess although I love ripping a new one with one my chainsaw. Is that bad?"
- Athletic Ability: As a former Cheerleader Captain, Cherry is highly skilled in athletic ability, allowing her to perform leaps of unrealistic feats, acrobatic capabilities, with extended endurance, and sheer force.
- Karate Training: Cherry has been trained in defense, capable of fending off several enemies, nearly without any signs of difficulty or vulnerability.
- Chainsaw Training: Cherry favors her Chainsaw as her primary weapon of choice, in formal combat. With this knowledge, she is capable of construing harm to her opponent with ease.
Bio (including how they got their power):
Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada Cher had everything she ever needed. That including seven years of karate, gymnastics and weapons training. When Cherry was 9 she was taken by a group of villains, and for the next two years of her life she was forced into hard labor and testing in a unknown facility. It turned out to be a illegal testing facility for adding alien DNA to children. It was found and shut down by the Justice League and all the children were returned to their families. However Cher and the other children lost all recollection of what happened during those past two years. Ever since that day Cherry has been trained in self defense to assure that it will never happen again. She excelled In combat rapidly, it was almost as if she had been training already.
In the beginning of middle school, Cherry joined the cheerleading team. Although, the other students didn't want to hang out with her due to her sketchy past. The cheerleading captain was the one who helped her fit into school. That head cheerleader became her best friend and her role model. She was happy to be with her and when her friend graduated she took on the role of head cheerleader. Continuing the cheerleading tradition she joined the cheer squad in high school as well at Saint Romero. Sadly the school was bombed by a villain. As the sole survivor it was then that she learned about her odd abilities. "Being the sole survior of a bombing, makes you question why." She decided that she would try to understated her powers.
Afterwards Cherry changed her hair color and her name and moved to Washington DC. However, she still used the Saint Romero cheerleading outfit and fought crime whenever it was necessary. Not wanting to be called Crazy Chainsaw Cheerleader, "although, C.C.C would be cute." She decided to take on the nickname her head cheerleader friend gave her, Cheer!
Other: Cher has two weapons, her bejeweled chainsaw (won't be used much) and her electric pom poms. The pom poms each hold a charge of 240 watts. (Which is safe for human use.) She dyed her hair with color changing dye. When it's in warm water her hair turns back to blonde. When cold it turns back to brown. Cher loves cheerleading, music, partying and singing. She is a candy fanatic and a big fan of girl power
Nickname: Cher, Berry, Blondie, Baby
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Super Strength
~ Type I: Being able to lift up cars to trucks, buses, and trucks of great size.
Kryptonian physiology
~ She has some of the physical abilities of a Kryptonian who has absorbed the solar energy of a yellow sun. However, due to the human DNA supplied she lacks the more advanced powers of flight and heat vision and is presumably incapable of ever acquiring them.
In addition, her existing powers are considerably inferior to Supers, (man, boy, girl)
And Supernatural Invulnerability
~ Users body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing them to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, and changes in temperature. They also gain enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard their body has become, allowing them to resist tearing a muscle and/or their bones shattering easily. (Note: Not complete invulnerability.)
~ This invulnerability allows her to rush into dangerous scenes with little care for what might actually happen. Out of all her teammates, Lollipop has taken the most punishment from their missions but has displayed no lasting injuries. She can be tackled through walls, shot with guns and explosives, have feet dipped in lava, and come out with no obvious physical damage. She has yet to be permanently injured, but she does experience pain.
Costume Appearance: She doesn't have a costume, but she does try to keep her identity hidden. So she dyes it brown when she is in public. Also, she wears glasses.
Alias: Cheer!
- Code words: There is a black out code word (of your choosing @Shog ). Hearing it she will black out for several hours, remaining completely still until he snapped out of the hypnotic trance.
- Kryptonite: Due to her Kryptonian DNA, she is vulnerable to the unique radioactive properties of this green mineral. Instead of weakening her, it completely removes her powers, until it is taken away. As of yet no one has used Kryptonite on her.
Side: Hero?? "I guess although I love ripping a new one with one my chainsaw. Is that bad?"
- Athletic Ability: As a former Cheerleader Captain, Cherry is highly skilled in athletic ability, allowing her to perform leaps of unrealistic feats, acrobatic capabilities, with extended endurance, and sheer force.
- Karate Training: Cherry has been trained in defense, capable of fending off several enemies, nearly without any signs of difficulty or vulnerability.
- Chainsaw Training: Cherry favors her Chainsaw as her primary weapon of choice, in formal combat. With this knowledge, she is capable of construing harm to her opponent with ease.
Bio (including how they got their power):
Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada Cher had everything she ever needed. That including seven years of karate, gymnastics and weapons training. When Cherry was 9 she was taken by a group of villains, and for the next two years of her life she was forced into hard labor and testing in a unknown facility. It turned out to be a illegal testing facility for adding alien DNA to children. It was found and shut down by the Justice League and all the children were returned to their families. However Cher and the other children lost all recollection of what happened during those past two years. Ever since that day Cherry has been trained in self defense to assure that it will never happen again. She excelled In combat rapidly, it was almost as if she had been training already.
In the beginning of middle school, Cherry joined the cheerleading team. Although, the other students didn't want to hang out with her due to her sketchy past. The cheerleading captain was the one who helped her fit into school. That head cheerleader became her best friend and her role model. She was happy to be with her and when her friend graduated she took on the role of head cheerleader. Continuing the cheerleading tradition she joined the cheer squad in high school as well at Saint Romero. Sadly the school was bombed by a villain. As the sole survivor it was then that she learned about her odd abilities. "Being the sole survior of a bombing, makes you question why." She decided that she would try to understated her powers.
Afterwards Cherry changed her hair color and her name and moved to Washington DC. However, she still used the Saint Romero cheerleading outfit and fought crime whenever it was necessary. Not wanting to be called Crazy Chainsaw Cheerleader, "although, C.C.C would be cute." She decided to take on the nickname her head cheerleader friend gave her, Cheer!
Other: Cher has two weapons, her bejeweled chainsaw (won't be used much) and her electric pom poms. The pom poms each hold a charge of 240 watts. (Which is safe for human use.) She dyed her hair with color changing dye. When it's in warm water her hair turns back to blonde. When cold it turns back to brown. Cher loves cheerleading, music, partying and singing. She is a candy fanatic and a big fan of girl power

Pénélope Triblune
Name: Niki Davis
Age: 18
Host: Ma'at
Chaos or Balance: Balance
Afinity: Good
History: Niki grew up surrounded by the magic of war. Her mother was in the military and for the first 9 years of her life she spent roaming the globe with her mother. Her father was a member of the House of Life. Niki didn't know much about her father, since he decided to leave Niki with her mother to continue his work. Niki didn't care about her father and told others that he was dead. Niki and her mother lived a happy life traveling the world, that is until the incident. At the age of 13 her mother was killed in a ambush near a war zone in the far east. Niki was devastated, she didn't know what would happen to her now that she was orphaned. However, Niki was sent to Egypt to live with her father and thus introduced to magic. Niki didn't believe in magic, or the House of Life. Although she showed a natural talent for magic and combat, she preferred to be a outsider looking in. She didn't care how much proof was put in front of her she wouldn't join the House. However, when the release of the Gods occurred once again she became the host of Ma'at. Niki felt closer to the House of Life and the Gods, but hid it. The last thing she wanted was to be apart of this whole thing. But somehow she is.
Personality: Niki is a independent thinker. She is calculating and tactical finding the best ways to win without much effort or loss. She is proud and arrogant, but can be humble and modest when she must. Niki prefers to take the lead in things, having control over others. She is blunt and undetering and on occasions jumps to conclusions. She hates to be lied to, has one hell of a temper and is a fierce fighter. She prefers for others not to know that she hosts Ma'at, she still hates the whole magic idea.
Wing Manifestation- is able to grow and retract multicolored wings.
Sixth Sense - able to see others in Ma'at froms, identify those who will die soon, & ability to sense and identify others, especially hosts.
I'd thought I'd mention some of her more Ma'at like powers.
Weapon: Although she carries a weapon she prefers to use her hands. She has learned various fighting styles from across the globe however her favorites are kickboxing, Savat and Karate. Her weapon of choice is a dual fan axe. Although it was never really a weapon as more as a ceremonial staff it gets the job done. She is also a very good shot, and has trained with various guns however, was banned from using them by her father.
Her Dual Fan Axe:
Full Name:
Pénélope Du Barry Triblune
Palette, Paint, Pen but never Penny
Blood Status:
Unknown, but considers herself Muggle Born
French- American
Sexual Orientation:
Wand Type:
Length: 10 3/4 in.
Wood: Ebony.
Core: Phoenix Feather.
Flexibility: Reasonably Supple
Study of Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures
Quidditch Position:
A Screech Owl named Towanda
Personality: A very passionate and fun loving girl. She is adventurous and enjoys spending her days either lazing around or getting an adrenaline rush. She isn't a stickler for work and all, but is pretty smart. She is more talented in action, she is never afraid to volunteer first, or jump into danger. She doesn't mind loosing, because she believes what doesn't kill her only makes her stronger. She is somewhat intense at times, not a tomboy though, she loves all things girly.
She is brave, but she is also very stubborn and a little rude. Pen holds a great deal of self worth. Although she is confident, she sometimes gets pushed to the sidelines. She doesn't understand why and it hurts a little. She hates being discarded. She reaches out to anything to establish her meaning in this world. Although it has always been in a positive light (sports, art, drawing, ect.), but if she were to ever hang with the wrong crowd... Who knows what she could turn into?
Penelope has an issue with girls, she never had a good experience with girls as a child and that has changed the way she has interacted with girls over the years. She speaks to them, but doesn't show any warmth or familiarity like she does with guys. She seems almost uninterested in what any girl says to her. She doesn't think that what is said is unimportant, but it comes off that way. She tries not to make direct eye contact and says almost anything to get them to leave.
~ Sweets
~ Chilling out
~ Exploring
~ Animals/Creatures
~ Art
~ Bullies
~ Girls
~ Sour things
~ Spiders
~ Mannequins
Fears: Being forgotten or discarded by those she cares about. Or being taken, by Mannequins and turned into one. Or being eaten by spiders.
History: Penelope is adopted. She never knew who her parents were and will probably never know. Her foster mom told her that she was placed on their doorstep in a basket with a egg and a scratched charm bracelet with the words Du Barry. Not wanting to be called Du all her life she picked the name Penelope from her favorite book. After a few years in foster care she was adopted by an American couple and shipped off to America where she would spend the next five years of her life. Growing up in America Pen, had always felt alienated by the others around her. Sure she had friends, but she never felt like they treated her well. In school she got along with all the boys in her class, playing sports and hanging out with them, it was the girls who she could never relate to. Girls didn't like her very much. Sure on the occasion they would treat her nicely, but usually they would pick on her. One day in 3rd grade, one of the girls poured purple paint all over her hair. It stained it, nothing would get the purple out of her hair. Penelope was so saddened by the destruction of her golden locks that she didn't go to school or leave the house. So her parents decided to fix the situation by dying her hair completely purple. Penelope loved it. She returned back to school and showed off her new purple hair to everyone. All the girls who bullied her were shocked and envious. Ever since that day Penelope has been dying her hair various colors, getting interested in art as well as sports, and steered clear of girls altogether.
She joined various sports teams, defense and art classes, and loved the library. She was more optimistic and cheerful about the world around her. She was surprised and excited that a owl came and delivered a letter saying she was invited to a boarding school. Not really impressed with going to any school other than Magic school and begged her parents to let her go. They reluctantly agreed. Secretly Pen wanted to go to find out more about her biological parents. She didn't know then that there was more than one magic school until she arrived. Pen was somewhat dejected that there were various schools that her biological parents could have attended. However, she didn't let that get her down and tried her best to be apart of Hogwarts.
She spent the first year wandering around the school not really sure how to contribute. She had very little confidence in herself and how she would participate in school. She knew nothing of the magical world, what to join or what to do. That is until she took her first flying class. She absolutely loved it. Flying high into the air the whole world open to her was like a dream come true. She instantly took to flying and her skills did not go unnoticed. Pen was recruited for the Quidditch team. At first she didn't know what to think, she never expected to be asked to join anything. She thought she would have to scramble and beg to join anything. She declined joining her first year, wanting to get a foothold in this new world before falling into one specific sport. However, after a year of being on the sidelines, she knew that Quidditch was exactly what she was looking for. She loved her team and more importantly she loved the game.
Being apart of something opened the whole wizarding world to her. She made friends, got involved in school and felt more confident in this new world. She became apart of the wizarding world and for the next few years, flew through her classes. She wasn't the top of her class, but she was certainly in the top 15. Pen spent most of her time exploring the area, sometimes, getting into trouble. Needless to say a few points were lost because she "went out of school borders" and "disturbed the peace." She really didn't care about the problems she caused, because what she experienced was certainly worth it.
Now starting off her sixth year she isn't letting anything get her down. She has had a nagging suspicion that her parents life are still hidden somewhere here. However, with the end in a year she thinks its time to let it go. Her life is just beginning and she can't hold on to a broken past forever. She is now looking to the future and has made it her resolution to at least try to get along with both girls and boys.
Adopted parents:
Selina Diego (Triblune): adopted mother, professional chef. Selina is an fun loving woman full of joy and laughter. After finding out she couldn't carry a baby, she went through a blue period. It wasn't until her husband considered adopting that she cheered up. She loved Penelope with all her heart and hated to see her leave when she was first accepted to Hogwarts. However, she has seen her daughter grow and mature as a person and is overjoyed. However, she wishes that her daughter would get over her dislike of other girls.
Joseph Triblune: adopted father and multibillionaire. Joseph invented a nano tech company that created various components used in almost every electronic from vending machines to missiles. Joseph couldn't stand his wife depressed with the lack of a child. He went to the adoption agency and spent years waiting for a child. When Penelope stepped off the plane he loved her instantly. He was uncertain of letting her go when she was accepted to Hogwarts. She was such a young girl and she has been through a lot. However, seeing her grow as a person every time she came home. He now believed that her going to Hogwarts was a great decision.
Lydia Berrymill biological, pure-blood witch. All that can be scrounged out about her is that she went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, but suddenly disappeared before graduating.
Father: Unknown, wizard. Nothing could be found about him except for a water damaged letter found in one of her mother's books from Beauxbatons. In the letter was the words "meet me at Hogwarts."
Her parents are death eaters who ran way after the final battle to be together. Her parents were hunted down by a group of anti death eaters and separated. Lydia had her baby unknowing as to where her husband was she left her daughter with a charm bracket and and a owl egg. She hoped that she would be able to find her child eventually however, she died of a curse put upon her. Hiding in one of the attics in a abandoned building in Knockturn Alley her husband found her. However it was too late to save his wife, before Lydia died she told him of their child. Their Daphne Umbrius-BerryMill. Her father has been tirelessly looking for their daughter leaving bodies in his trail to find her. However, it has never occurred to him that she has changed her name. He was last seen somewhere near Birmingham, and headed closer to his daughter.
Niki Davis
Niki Davis

Name: Niki Davis
Age: 18
Host: Ma'at
Chaos or Balance: Balance
Afinity: Good
History: Niki grew up surrounded by the magic of war. Her mother was in the military and for the first 9 years of her life she spent roaming the globe with her mother. Her father was a member of the House of Life. Niki didn't know much about her father, since he decided to leave Niki with her mother to continue his work. Niki didn't care about her father and told others that he was dead. Niki and her mother lived a happy life traveling the world, that is until the incident. At the age of 13 her mother was killed in a ambush near a war zone in the far east. Niki was devastated, she didn't know what would happen to her now that she was orphaned. However, Niki was sent to Egypt to live with her father and thus introduced to magic. Niki didn't believe in magic, or the House of Life. Although she showed a natural talent for magic and combat, she preferred to be a outsider looking in. She didn't care how much proof was put in front of her she wouldn't join the House. However, when the release of the Gods occurred once again she became the host of Ma'at. Niki felt closer to the House of Life and the Gods, but hid it. The last thing she wanted was to be apart of this whole thing. But somehow she is.
Personality: Niki is a independent thinker. She is calculating and tactical finding the best ways to win without much effort or loss. She is proud and arrogant, but can be humble and modest when she must. Niki prefers to take the lead in things, having control over others. She is blunt and undetering and on occasions jumps to conclusions. She hates to be lied to, has one hell of a temper and is a fierce fighter. She prefers for others not to know that she hosts Ma'at, she still hates the whole magic idea.
Wing Manifestation- is able to grow and retract multicolored wings.
Sixth Sense - able to see others in Ma'at froms, identify those who will die soon, & ability to sense and identify others, especially hosts.
I'd thought I'd mention some of her more Ma'at like powers.
- Cosmic Manipulation
- Order Manipulation
- Season Manipulation
- Truth Inducement
Weapon: Although she carries a weapon she prefers to use her hands. She has learned various fighting styles from across the globe however her favorites are kickboxing, Savat and Karate. Her weapon of choice is a dual fan axe. Although it was never really a weapon as more as a ceremonial staff it gets the job done. She is also a very good shot, and has trained with various guns however, was banned from using them by her father.
Her Dual Fan Axe:

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