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Fandom CSM: Devil War Character Sheet

  • I wanna stop all the bad demons, too!





    39.7 lbs.

    hair c.


    eye c.

    Baby Pink

    hair styling

    Two braids or pigtails


    Short and Petite

    body mods.



    Eri (MHA)

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • I wanna stop all the bad demons, too!





    39.7 lbs.

    hair c.


    eye c.

    Baby Pink

    hair styling

    Two braids or pigtails


    Short and Petite

    body mods.



    Eri (MHA)

♡coded by uxie♡

  • I've sworn to serve Mistress Mirabelle, and I still will until my dying breath...!





    148.4 lbs.

    hair c.

    Abyssal Black

    eye c.

    Blood Red

    hair styling

    Short and Messy


    Large and Muscular for his age

    body mods.

    Has tons of scars from his rigorous training.


    Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)

♡coded by uxie♡

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Quinn Suzuki


Quinn Suzuki






October 31


  • Street smarts from her days as an entertainer
  • Silver tongue/smooth talker
  • survival instincts
  • beautiful singing voice
  • stealthy
  • critical thinker

  • Has principles
  • Morality
  • over thinker
  • Too cautious
  • awkward
Books-romance, fantasy
the color black
the grim reaper (It reminds her of Scythe-Devil)
Autumn/ the crispy leaves
Sketchy/ bad people
loud places
sour stuff
People creating violence for no reason

Personality & History

Quinn is the type of woman who prefers the introverted lifestyle. She has a tendency of avoiding large crowds, which is ironic considering she lives in a metropolis city. She often dreams of the day where she is free to live a regular, cozy life with her books, a cup of coffee and whoever her future husband turns out to be. It's something she strives for but cannot do it until her debt is paid off. Unfortunately, she often gets roped into situations such as saving the innocents. Her morality to protect often outweighs her desire to lay low. Though it may be a flaw of hers that might ultimately kill her, Quinn's keen senses can outsmart and overcome tricky situations. She's not as naive as she poses as she makes it a habit to think twice before acting.

Another factor is Quinn's hybrid form carries it's own personality. This is due to the Scythe devil's insatiable desire to reap souls. It boosts her confidence and morale to defend and protect. This also means she is quite ruthless as she simply wants to take care of business in an efficient way without being a devil for long in order to return to normalcy.

Quinn's life fell into ruin the day her father, Elliot, had passed. Her mother,Tory mourned the loss but eventually found love again. Her boyfriend, Devon, however was anything but a gentleman. He was wild man in a biker gang. Being around him made Quinn's mother feel revitalized. She slowly destroyed herself with drugs and alcohol just to be at his side. Quinn would watch as she became an unfamiliar person choosing him over her own daughter. There were days where she would argue, attempting to bring sense into her to no avail. The fight would end with a backhand, and a glare. Behind those eyes were resentment, for every time Tory would face Quinn is a reminder of her late husband. It became apparent to Quinn that she was no longer wanted.

One day, Devon arrived barging into the house threatening and abusing Tory as he questioned where his stash went. Quinn, in that moment jumped in to defend her mother. Seeing Tory frightened and helpless burned a fire within like never before. With a wooden bat, she bashed the man away. Devon eventually managed to grab a hold of the weapon and retaliate by grasping Quinn by the neck and tossing her across the living room. Tory held onto Devon's legs, begging for mercy. Again, the sight of her mother protecting Quinn broke her heart, but it was nothing compared to what Tory had to offer Devon. In order to repay Devon for stealing his stash of drugs, Tory offered to sell Quinn. Her words rang through Quinn's ears as she sat in shock. The last thing Quinn remembers is the devilish grin upon Devon, and carrying her off to his boss Where she became an singing entertainer.

In her time being locked up, she spent the nights crying over the fact that she had been abandoned or if her mother did what she did to save everyone. Would Tory be content to see her own daughter again? One thing is certain, it didn't matter. She could escape and not need to ever ask the same questions, but her morality to save her lousy mother won. There was no way she was going to have the death of her mother on her conscious no matter how messed up she was. Tory was once a wonderful mother who lost her grace. If only Quinn was old enough to make money and pay off the debt on her mother's head.

Day in and day out, Quinn continued the same routine and when she would make a mistake or rebel, she would be punished earning bruises, and scars. Her psychopathic owner, Dorian, reminds her of her contract. His temper is something not worth messing which often causes her to shrink or glare back at him. The glares earns her a couple of strangles for her incompetence.

Thankfully, the nightmare only slightly ended the day she left the club for good after slaughtering the faculty including her owner The same day Makima recruited her with the offer to pay her debt and shelter in turn for her service.

Meeting the Scythe-Devil
At seventeen, during Quinn's entertainment days, she had snuck out, but was chased by some guards. Quinn lead them to an abandoned factory where the Scythe-Devil slumbered. She hid behind a desk in an office waiting to be caught. Instead, the sounds of agony rings throughout the building. As Quinn was met with silence, she curiously walked out to find bodies on the floor. At the end of the hall was the Scythe-Devil drenched in blood. Their grin reached from ear to ear. The sight of a horrifying creature made her heart race, but at the same time a sense of allure, accepting the fact that she will be relieved from everything. No more pain, no more sorrow. Just relief. The devil's blades were ready to decapitate her, but instead found her curious as she gratefully opened her arms for death. Something she didn't know she longed for. After a minute, Quinn stared back at the devil perplexed. The devil found it boring to slaughter someone who wasn't afraid, but was indeed questioning why the human before them stand tall. In their eyes, they found Quinn interesting. Having nothing to hide, Quinn answers him. In the end, they made a deal where the Scythe Devil gets to observe her life. It was telling of how curious he was of humans and how they function.

For a long time, the devil was her companion. There was no remorse in the devil's tone, but eventually, the devil started to feel close to Quinn. Her home was an actual hell no different than his world. He would hear her aspirations, the dream to live a cozy life. In turn, the devil eventually began to fall in love with Quinn without both of them realizing. In the end after Dorian's intense strangling, the devil gave his life to bond forever with Quinn.

Devil & Abilities

The Scythe-Devil
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(This is Scythe-Devil not Quinn's form)

Scythe-Devil Hybrid

1.) Extension- Quinn can extend her arm blades
2.) Spike-Ball- Quinn can create extract several blades from anywhere on her body
3.) Blade Rings- Can extract blades and use them as ninja stars or knives
4.) Super-human Strength- Much like every devil, they have super human strength
5.) Regeneration- Can regenerate themselves so long as they can drink blood

Combat Style

Much like the Scythe-Devil, she's cautious and on guard at all times. She makes sure to scan her environment in case of an emergency. She adapts to her surroundings and keeps to the beat of the battle. She observes her enemy carefully to search for openings.


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Full Name: Keikoku Keisei
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

  • Hair Styling:
    Hair Color
    : Blonde
    Eye Color: Amber
    Height: 6' 2"
    Weight: [REDACTED]
    Build: Statuesque/Curved
    Body Mods: None
    Faceclaim: Tsukumo Sana (VTuber)
    A mocha-skinned youthful woman of exceptional height and proportions. Silvery blonde hair adorns their head, with twin bangs running the length of her face with the rest secured in a tight ponytail down her back to the lower thigh. Amber eyes stare out from innocent soft facial features giving off a friendly and approachable aura. She normally clads herself in soft light colors, choosing simplistic traditionally feminine fashions.
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