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One x One CS Thread (Unnamed RP)

Veronica Snyders
S-rank Valkyrie.

Those who hold or have held this incredibly rare title number less than fifty since Muro's organization of the Valkyries, and all have left their marks in innumerable operation records and history itself as they defy the odds to keep humanity safe just one more day.

All except those of House Snyders.

A Great House of Muro, one of the founding families that has been with the organization from the beginning, those of House Snyders are all easily described with one word: "Cold."

Veronica is in her own way no exception. In spite of her rank she holds no tales of glory to her name, and many who meet her can only think of her as a frosty individual with no care for anyone who is not part of her mission.

As a teacher of St. Ruth, however - and, moreover, the founder of the school - this perception has thawed if just a bit. Nobody would claim her to be the nicest person about, but she clearly cares for the children put under her care and does her best to nurture them so they don't end up another tally on Muro's casualty sheet for the month. It could be said that in these last eleven years, she's actually achieved more than many other S-rank Valkyries by proxy, raising so many promising individuals to safeguard humanity in her place. While off active duty she still is on reserve call in case something really bad happens, but such incidents are incredibly rare and unlikely to happen closer to her than the active S-rank Valkyrie stationed in Japan.
36 y/o
186 cm
66 kg
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Student1.pngMiki Muto
Miki appears on the older side for a student of St. Ruth, but with the girl in question being uncertain of her age and due to the circumstances around her discovery and admittance one last hand was waved for the sake of smoothly taking care of things. The girl, a self-professed orphan, was discovered by Veronica at a Disaster Site in Kimitsu. The Disaster that necessitated the deployment of an S-rank Valkyrie left a scar that may never heal in Chiba Prefecture.

Yet, strangely, Miki came out of it completely unharmed, almost seeming like she had been patiently waiting for Veronica and the A-rank Valkyries deployed as a response force. Investigations were conducted but nothing unusual could be determined and the girl was let go into Veronica's care to be taken to St. Ruth for her above-average Honkai adaptability.

While there are no records relating to her and the girl herself remains tight-lipped about her past, she was apparently educated as she adjusted well to the curriculum of St. Ruth. In academics she performs a frustratingly accurate bare minimum, but in physical examinations and combat training Miki performs head and shoulders above her peers with only a few capable of staying on her tail.

Miki has not used weapons in training thus far stating that she prefers the responsiveness of her own body for CQC, though she has put in a request for a laser firearm from Rostok-Yantar. Her battlesuit has sturdier gauntlets and greave designs than most to facilitate her hand-to-hand style while the request is still processing.

An odd detail about Miki that most have noticed but any who have asked have been brushed off about is how while she resembles a native in her features (besides her stark white hair irregular among normal humans) her Japanese is noticeably stiff and unpracticed, while she seems much more proficient with English and German.​

?? y/o
167 cm
56 kg
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Clara Lupei
Next in line of the Great House Lupei, Muro's loyal dogs who have been peacekeepers since the organization's founding. With no siblings or close relatives besides her mother, Clara stands to directly inherit the House should the S-rank Valkyrie fall in battle. Perhaps due to the pressure of being an heir to a Great House that may be her own at any point, Clara takes things like duty and responsibility with seriousness unbefitting her age.

Student2.pngThat may just be a trait of Lupei, though.

On first impressions, Clara is a somber and melancholic girl who most may not realize had disappeared were she to stop coming to classes one day. She's only average in her performance at St. Ruth, and her social awkwardness has led to a sort of ostracization.

She uses a Zweihander stylized after the Divine Gift of Lupei in combat, though her apparent discomfort with the weapon has lead to her physical evaluations suffering even more than her academics, and many whispers among classmates.
17 y/o
181 cm
59 kg
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Надя "Пандора" Ю́рьевна Янковский
- Status: Active -

"Никто, кроме нас. Nobody, but us."

Such were the words that Pandora grew up abiding by in the hell that was Saint Petersburg. Born into an affluent Oligarchy of Arms Traders, it was hardly any surprise that she found her place in the family business. The collapse and complete buyout of the United Aircraft Corporation by Rostok-Yantar meant that the silver spoon she was born with never truly left her mouth.

With a smile both serene and yet unhinged, Pandora is a thorough enigma even to those who have the rare privilege of knowing her personally. She is cheerful, poetic, and talkative all the same, though her tendency to wax philosophical can be pretentious or aggravating to those who don't have the patience to tolerate. Despite her high standing in society and position in her family's company, her whimsical nature and tendency to question authority leads her to acting on her own motives first and foremost.

However, under her cheerful demeanor, Pandora has a dark side to her.

True to mythos behind her name, Pandora is more than willing to hurt and torture others to get what she wants; her obsession with the Honkai and her desire to learn of them can cause her to act erratically ambitious, and even treacherous as she has no problems betraying or otherwise acting behind others' backs without any sense of remorse and regret. She is also arrogant and overconfident, as she readily mocks her opponents and use pragmatic tactics to defeat them. She does deeply care for friends and family who break through to her heart however, and those who earn her affections are privy to unconditional love and loyalty.

Beware those who run afoul of her however, as Pandora can and will crush those who stand in the way of her goals.​

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- Status: Active -

Amongst the wild and different of the Fushimi Clansmen, there is an anomaly.

Personal Assistant to the Fushimi leaders, Tokuhime is but one of many examples of the Clan's enduring presence and survival. Originally found as a nameless orphan in the dirty alleyways of Osaka, Tokuhime was taken by the clan to be raised as one of their own. Her childhood spent growing up with who would eventually be the current Heiress would ensure a deep and steadfast loyalty to the people who took her in, something that she continues to repay with her words and deeds.

Tokuhime is, put bluntly, someone who cares little for affairs that take place outside of her or her clan's jurisdiction and interests. She is dead set in her ways of upholding ideals of loyalty and honor, and it reflects in her respectful, but otherwise aloof demeanor. Such is it that she has become known to bear a chilly and dismissive attitude to people who she might perceive as wasting her time, but share a deep fondness and reverence to fellows who wear the Fushimi Kamon.

Deep down however, Tokuhime is someone who has yet to find her place in the world. She is forever grateful and indebted to the Fushimi, but she is more than aware that she is, in all respects, an outsider pretending to be one of them. It is her hope that should she ever live to see the Fushimi restored to their former glory, that she would then be free to explore and discover who she is and where she belongs.

Her skill in the martial arts is not one to be taken lightly. In an age where new exotic materials and technology is the norm, the humble kama-yari still manages to match and even exceed it's more fantastical peers when it comes to the art of combat. Large, imposing, and yet graceful in Tokuhime's hands; the normal human makes light use of Honkai technology and otherwise relies entirely on herself and her weapon. It is a hard art when one is constantly fighting to keep up with rapidly advancing weapons tech, but Tokuhime and the Fushimi find a way.​

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