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Realistic or Modern CS page -RP inspired by Leverage

NAME: Timo Proud
AGE: 27
PROFESSION: Con Artist and counterfeiter
PERSONALITY: Outgoing and friendly
PAST/HISTORY: Timo was raised as a carni. While growing up he always wanted more out of life so he strived for it in the only ways he knew. He liked, cheated, stole, and eventually counterfeited his way to where he is now. His penthouse looks out over the city and he is always looking for the next job. Never having been implemented in any of his jobs he was so glad to have a near perfect record.


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NAME: Shey Foster

He is sometimes calm and normal, sometimes energetic and impulsive which is what makes him a bit of a wildcard. He just takes what he wants and doesn't even realize what other people feel unless they tell him, but that doesn't mean he is cold he is just somewhat emotionally imperceptive.

He was left at an orphanage when he was five by his drunk mother who couldn’t deal with having children anymore. In the orphanage he had it a bit rough at first but things changed when he started secretly stealing toys and candy for the other children. When he was twelve he was adopted but the family wasn’t as perfect as it seemed on the outside. The father was a crooked cop and his adoptive mother was secretly a thief who thought Shey everything she knew. When he was fifteen he found a passion for parkour and stopped stealing for a while only to end up back in the same circles all over again. When he was twenty he was already one of the best in his ‘field’.

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NAME: Maria Young
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
PERSONALITY: Maria is very open and tends to always speak her mind causing others to see her as reckless. She's overly optimistic and rarely ever in a bad mood. This young lady is defined by her loud, outspoken attitude noticeable even from a distance. She is proven to be very expressive in her speech; often imitating the sounds of things when she does not know what to call it, and shouting loudly when she is upset. She also has a considerable temper which is comparable to a volcano: sudden, destructive and with many casualties. Even with all that she is a peaceful character she is invariably shown as cheerful and pleasant. Maria can sometimes appear oblivious but has also been shown as highly perceptive. She may keep a cool head and cheerful attitude to help maintain the tranquillity. Above all, she is brave and will step into any situation to save another even if she knows the odds are against her.
PAST/HISTORY: Maria grew up with her parents and two older brothers one of which was stiff as an ox and overly mature for his age while the other was a known troublemaker. Being born in a religious family Maria was expected to go to church with her family every morning at times just to drop by. It was also expected of her to go to school which she did and at a young age, she managed to get along with the girls. Her older brother graduated from college and became a lawyer, opening his own law firm. Maria knew how happy her parents were to have him be as successful as he is now although they would be even more delighted if she would marry. While their minds were occupied on their middle child's grades and their eldest future Maria was left to meddle to her own devices. Once she graduated right after her second brother she followed in his footsteps and became a cop. Her parents disapproving and once they got a reason to take her out of it like the one where she was shot and nearly paralyzed they told her to quit. And like she's always done she followed their orders, but this time was different although it's been awhile she still can't believe she's working this type of job.
OTHER: Can't hear very well (has trouble hearing)

Titus Abrams





Titus is a genius. He’s a frightening strategist. A dangerous manipulator. A man who, at heart, views other human beings as pawns on a chess board, each with their own strengths to play and weaknesses to exploit.

He is also the most chill guy you could meet.

He’s agreeable (bordering on apathetic, at times). Unless it relates to one of his plans, one of his missions? He won’t care. He won’t get involved. That is, assuming he doesn’t gain amusement from it. He’s friendly. He does well socially. He has a strong sense of humour, and doesn’t anger easily. He can, however, be thrown into a rage when his orders are disobeyed.

He is fully capable to forming bonds with others. Not as humans, though. As extensions of his own life, as side characters. They are unimportant, but useful and sometimes fun to be around. He’s never one to reach out, though. No, he lets people come to him.

Titus has never had to try hard to get anything in his life.

School was a breeze. His intellect was well beyond his peers. He never put this on display, though, of course. Why should he? They would only want to push him further, pester him. He was much too lazy for that, and perfectly content with his (purposeful) high average marks. Social life, too, was never an issue. Why would it be, when one could manipulate like Titus could?

He didn’t go to college once school ended. He lived at his parent’s place for a while, but they got sick of his unambitious attitude and kicked him out until he got a job. It didn’t upset him. Not at all. And if it did, it was for only the slightest of moments.

He bunked with a few friends, for a while. Got sick of that pretty quick, though. Eventually, he masterminded a small robbery, a few acquaintances doing the actual heavy work. Then, when that worked out so well, he did it again. Then again. Each time, he hit off a bit more. A fast food place. A bank. A government organisation. He got his own place. His financial situation went up and up.

He made a name for himself. The Brain.

He doesn’t drink decaf. He would rather decapitate himself with a rusted spoon.​

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