Cry's post [A Legacy of Dreams and Destruction]


Junior Member
Between the dunes, sheltered by a giant limestone cliff, is a place where the howls of the sandstorms are only a distant ambient noise, reminiscent of the sounds of the ocean. But the calm is constantly broken by the sound of steel clashing against steel and the screams and cheers of the Ivory Arena, that dominates the small valley.

On one end, carved into the limestone of the towering cliff shaped like a crude scorpion's tail, and on the other end the arena is built from bone, ivory and marble, providing for a defensible wall dozens of yards high. The Ivory Arena itself is a perfect round, save one quarter of the round is missing, where the cliff rises from the sand of the dunes.

Down the side of the cliff cascades a small waterfall, it's source on a plateau atop the cliff, which also forms the base of Five Suns Dojo. The dojo consists of a rather small training square, surrounded by a garden consisting of beautiful flowers and fruit-bearing vines that crawl a few meters down the cliff. No water ever reaches the ground at the arena, instead evaporating in mid-fall, summoning up a rainbow on occasion, or when any of the Fae wish it so.

In the arena, mortals are matched against anything the Raksha can find. The desert's predators, wyld monsters, anythin Princess Nasha can either convince or force to partake in the violent tournaments.

Only the victors will ever be allowed entrance to the dojo, the only place where there is other food and drink than raw flesh and blood.

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