Cry of death


The real Warchief of the Horde
Here's the actual rp:

The scene is a present day big city where an emperor has taken control of the entire world except for tiny islands around England. This world is different then what is was before, this world's gods have been reviled to be true. The Greeks, Romans, Hindu's, Norse, and so many others were right. The emperor himself is the direct decedent of the god Hel, the Norse goddess of death and destruction. He is disgusted with these gods and wants to take the title of the true and only god of this world by killing each and everyone. Tracey is not going to let this happen. She is the leader of a make-shift group that plans to stop the empire from destroying their gods. Tracey is the decedent of Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace. There on these scattered islands only connected by a couple of bridges with a few buildings, they will stop the destruction of this world.

Now where you come in, you may make a few types of characters, a member of the liberation of earth's gods (The LEG for short) which is the 'good guy', a member of the empire from a lowly soldier to a private guard of the emperor, or a more mercenary type where they jump from side to side for pay and other things. You may have up to as many characters as you please, just keep it reasonable.

Character sheet:






Appearance (pic or good description) :

God descended from:







How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood:

Name: Tracey

Nickname: The Next

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: She is not so much serious as she is a little laid back and fun. In battle she is disciplined and worthy. When she is outside battle she makes slight jokes and a calm nature.

Appearance (pic or good description) :

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God descended from: Eirene, the Greek god of peace

Role: Main leader of the LEG

Back-story: As a quiet girl in here childhood she felt like she needed to lead the world to a better state then it was. Here 'family' was a strong and strict one that she couldn't really figure out what made them tick. She asked her dad over and over why she didn't look like her mom and he only siad, not sure but it's not important'. She knew something was up and she was going to find out in her later years. Once in highschool she was in her mythology class when the Greeks struck her fancy. She read up on a book about Eirene, the god she had the most 'connection' to some how. Then in the middle of her book the emperors men charged in, killing everyone. She stared at the barrel of the gun, watching the bullet come out. Then she was suddenly in the sky? Above a cloud? She was frighted, but a soothing voice spoke out. It was her mother Eirene. She spoke to her for hours about these monsters and how they wanted to end all the gods. It was so much to take in but she accepted the task of ending this.

Power/Abilities: To be found out, she has not been in combat yet

Weapons: a ray of light, a sword like weapon

Talents: She is patient and calm, the best singer you'll hear in a century


Name: Kikay

Nickname: Bones

Gender: Male

Age: Around 20,000 but is around 18

Personality: He is ruthless, violent, and impatient. Around others he yells and screams orders but can be 'calmed' by a few people.

Appearance (pic or good description) :

View attachment 10015

God descended from: Loki, The Norse god of lies and trickery

Role: The Emperor 'main bad guy'

Back-story: His entire childhood he lived with his father, Loki, and caused mayhem around the world. When he was '13' his father decided he was ready to do major stuff on his own. He sent him on a special task to proof his man-hood. It was a simple kill, a small women living in the back-country on her own, simple enough. He went there and without any warning killed her as she slept. This was hilarious to Kikay and just stood there and laughed for hours. He was a man to his father and was ready to take on everyone. Then he sees his father descending from the skies, laughing harder then a drunk. He asked what was so funny to his father, he said "You just killed your own mother in cold blood, this is hilarious you little bastard HAHAHAHH" He realized what he had done, this was the gods fault, they let his own father, a god himself, kill his own mother that gave birth to him. He took his knife an shoved it right through Loki but it was just a shadow clone. All he heard was a wave of his fathers laughter all around the skies. He would pay, all would pay. He got to thinking in his new mad state, mad as in insane. He thought the gods had just ruined humanity, ******* up everyone that ever lived, lying, tricking, and being unfair. He started to tell everyone he met about this, raising an army, taking every big city and country, until he owned anything. His special crew were people who were direct dependents from gods, and he would take out every god that lives!

Power/Abilities: Invisibility, shadow clone, others to be discovered

Weapons: Duel knives, dual pistols

Talents: trickery, lying, madness

Other: He is mentally mad and crazy

Nickname: Tsuki


Age: 19

Personality: quiet, and revengefull. But is a good person and know's who to trust and who not to.

Appearance (pic or good description) :

View attachment 10023

God descended from: Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (Japanese/ Shinto moon God)

Role: LEG fighter

Back-story: Tsuki always had and intrest in Shinto-ism and was drawn to the God Tsukuyomi. When his parents made them move from Japan to England he had a hard time getting to know people, so he kept to him self.One day his house was raided by the Emporer's men. He quickly hid. When every thing quieted down he got out of his hiding place to see his Mother. father and brothers dead on the floor. He vowed to get revenge on the people who killed them. That night in his dream he saw Tsukuyomi who explained to him that Tsuki was a decendent of himself. Tsuki, being the skeptic that he is, didnt belive him at first, but when Tsukuyomi tells him that he left him a pure white bladed syethe and Tsuki wakes up to see the Syethe leaning on his wall, he belives everything the deitey had told him.

Power/Abilities: None that he knows of

Weapons: Sythe

Talents:Great at martial arts

Name: Kanika (K to friends)

Nickname: Black Cat

Gender: Female

Age: Looks about 20

Personality: She is kind and loving yet fierce and harsh depending on what mood you catch her in, much like a cat.



God descended from: Bastet and Apep

Role: Mercenary and Assassin

Back-story: K was born of Bastet and Apep and given to an Egyptian family loyal to the goddess. She was raised as a normal girl of the time but because she wasn't gifted with what the woman considered beauty she was ignored and beaten by both her parents and those in her village. K visited her mother's sanctuary after a particularly harsh beating and her mother revealed to her the advantages of her being the daughter of a goddess. That night she left her village and lived on blending in with society as her own person, many years passing as a man because of the restrictions that women had. When the gods and goddesses were first revealed, she began to make a name for herself as the black cat and daughter of Bastet. Recently, she has been wandering the area blending in here and there with nothing but her identifiable black jacket and many weapons.


From Bastet: Balance, precision, and is able to shape shift into a cat

From Apep: Able to control shadows around her and see clearly in dark places

Weapons: Many small daggers as well as three swords that she has picked up on her travels. She has a bow for long range and hates to use guns.

Talents: Very good with her weapons and a very good thief.

Other: Doesn't generally let her self be seen but will approach others when she's bored or wants to 'hunt' as she calls it

This is an awesome RP idea!!! I can't believe you're the first to think of it!!!))
Name: Stayne Almist

Nickname: Little Destoyer

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Stayne is brash and arrogant. However, he is pretty optimistic, but loves to fight.

Appearance: View attachment 10028(Stayne is the one with black hair while Resmion is the one white hair.) (Stayne also has red eyes.)

God descended from: Ares, the Greek God of War

Role: Mercenary

Back-story: Stayne is the son of Ares, and was given to his mother's brother as she died during childbirth. Stayne was raised like a normal child in Osaka, but he did not have Ares's strength and was beaten like a drum by most of his peers. One stormy day, while trying to escape another brawl with one boy named Tozawa. Scared out of his mind, he got down on his knees and started to say heartless over an over. He began to glow in a red light and brutally beat up not only Tozawa, but wounded everyone who happens to get in his way while trying to leave Osaka. He said that day, "Wow. That must be what they meant by Like Father, Like Son." He traveled place to place being his own man on the road to finding the balance between ecstasy and destruction.

Power/Abilities: Superhuman Strength and Great Resilience

Weapons: Stayne mainly uses his own physique as his weapon of choice. He also uses two broadswords.

Talents: Stayne is skilled with close range weapons. He is also skilled in martial arts.

Other: None

Name: Resmion Avueille

Nickname: Rez, White Phantom

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Resmion is calm and composed to the exterior. He is also very intelligent, but is not above insulting his enemies and sometimes friends.

Appearance: (Resmion has silver white hair and silver eyes.)

God descended from: Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom.

Role: Sorcerer

Back-story: When Resmion was born, Athena stayed with him with four years until giving him to a couple in Paris. Within eight years, he had graduated high school, but decided to leave Paris to go see the world. Three months later and arriving in Osaka, he comes across an bloodthirsty Stayne. He got in a pretty heated fight, but manages to calm to him down. He invites Stayne to travel with him, not only for company, but to make sure Stayne does not end up destroying the world.

Power/Abilities: Resmion utilizes non elemental attacks along with being able to distort enemy attacks and create various effects by refracting air and light.

Resmion uses a mysterious gauntlet which looks like an armband on his right arm.

Talents: Resmion is pretty good with machines and has a knack for figuring things out.

Other: Resmion is capable of strong bonds of friendship as he is rarely seen without Stayne.
Character sheet

Name: Selecus

Nickname: Thunder

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Personality: Serious, agile, strong.

Appearance (pic or good description) : Dark medium-length hair, fair skin, and pale golden eyes.

God descended from: Zeus and Hera

Role: LEG member; intelligence recruitment

Back-story: Parents taught him to be strong growing up, and he never really showed his emotion when he was sad. Now he's become independent and a little snobbish.

Power/Abilities: Controlling of thunder.

Weapons: Master of sword weilding.


@The BetterKuja @Kurisuti Accepted

@The BetterKuja @Kurisuti Accepted

Here's a story to lighten the mood

?So there was a girl I like and I thought I'd show her my Yugio collection

But then she ran and screamed and I chased her with full force

But then she called the cops on me

I just gave them my killer smile and they let me off the hook

But they ended up letting the girl get away

I didn't let my hopes up quite yet though, I called an old buddy who was good at tracking

He pulled out his super duper device and found where she was

In the end she was pregnant with her boyfriend so I let her go. But not with out giving her a gift

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I would have wait longer myself, but perhaps more people will come. We have to just give it some time.

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