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Multiple Settings Crow's gay rp search plot


Things finally getting back on tracl
Honestly if you just fan girl over our characters I’ll love you forever. I’m pretty chill. Just keep communicating with me and I’ll keep our rp open for a very long time.
-I'd prefer if you were 21 or older, anything younger, especially since I do like stories involving romance, would make me uncomfortable
-I'd prefer things to be believable. I want our story to make sense. I want the world to be complex and full of things and not just an empty world with our two characters in. That being said please come in here prepared to have some NPCs or side characters because I will write them too and I don't want to be the only one that has them.
-Responses need to have some depth. I want to know what teh room looks like, what the character feels, things like that. I won't give a minimum to write but I just want to see good responses that give me something to write back to
-Be Patient. I work 40 hours a week. I go to school. I have mental health issues. I sometimes won't post. That being said when I'm doing well I can post several times a day so it just depends.

Onto Plots!
These are just small ideas and can be changed or mixed and matched
  • A world where superheroes are real. The industry is statured in mutants trying to become the next superman. The stakes of fame and money shouldn't be mixed with the safety of the public but in the mega capitalist world that is what it's become. MC has been a hero for a while, been trying to keep his face out of the limelight but still doing his best to protect people. He knew of the corruption a year into his career but felt the need to keep going because he thought he was doing some good. Until a terrible accident had him injured and taken to a rehab center for heroes who can't control their powers. Unable to leave. Trapped in a haze of drugs and helpless he meets YC who has been in the facility much longer. Together they may be able to leave the horrible place.
  • Each kingdom is made up mostly of one creature. Kingdom for the fae, for the merpeople, for the werewolves, etc. Tensions have been high between kingdoms for a while. MC a messanger goes to YC's kingdom to deliver a bad message, he's taken captive for information on his own kingdom.
  • World where magic is real, the supernatural roam, mostly free and the government is working hard to figure out how to control this new population of what could be considered very dangerous people. MC has been on the run from his powerful witch bloodline, his family wanting badly to keep him under control. To capture him they tell human police where to find him and arrest him as soon as possible. In the cell MC meets YC another supernatural that was locked up in the same cell. They need to leave as possible as possible. (This story may lead to a corruption storyline where our character could be seen as villians.)
  • Ghost team working on a haunting that goes from bad to worst of the span of a few days.
  • MC inherited a house, has many issues involving mental health so he fairly reculsive. YC is homeless in need of help but too prideful to ask.
  • Adult Gravity Falls, small town, weird shit happens, locals ignore it
Hello! Id be happy to plot with you! I’m getting back into activity and honestly forgot I had an account here!

I am older than 21, I’d be happy to tell you my age privately, so writing more complex, intimate things is what I prefer. I also work 40+ hours a week in the ICU at our hospital, which happens to be night shift, so my sleep schedule is erratic. I can post 2 during the day hours and 10928484 times at night, especially when I’m off work.

I’m especially interested in your next to last plot! ^^

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