Crowns and Thrones (Docga and SC)


World-Renowned Dawdler

Name: Mahna Saska

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: The prince's hair is black and neatly combed, partially covering his ears. He has light, golden-brown eyes and fairly dark skin. He has a bit of a youthful look to him, his eyes being round and wide, his thin-lipped mouth often forming a small, friendly smile. He's of average height and weight, with excellent posture. Mahna usually wears clothes of brightly coloured silk, though it isn't unusual for him to wear toned-down white garbs.

Personality: He's very optimistic and fairly boastful, often trying to seem smarter than he really is. He enjoys being prince, but it isn't uncommon for him to think of sneaking out every so often and exploring the city. Of course, he wouldn't get in much trouble if he was caught, but acting like he knew that would erase half the fun. He wasn't born to be King of his country, and he hardly seems to care, being content with his life as second prince.

Country: Kil'Reta

Country info: A south-eastern country, Kil'Reta is filled with mountains and deserts. Their cities are filled with people of all classes, their architecture having a unique look, as their roofs are typically domed and their windows having certain shapes. Their culture is fairly well-known, as their heavily-spiced foods and often interesting paintings have been noticed by many travelers. The wealthier Retians are usually very well-educated, many deciding to learn the languages of nearby kingdoms.
Name: Anette Elgard

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blond hair and blue eyes, as many of the native people in Elheim have, due to genetics. She is about 5'7" and smiles a lot around the townspeople, but not much in the castle. She prefers to wear dresses over anything else, and often wears gloves that reach about 3/4 to her shoulder. She also enjoys carrying around an umbrella for either shade or protection from the rain.

Personality: Anette is very shy around royalty, including her own family, but always happy to see the townspeople surrounding the castle. She is up next to inherit the throne, but her father insists she find a king to marry her. She would honestly prefer to be queen on her own, but she has the utmost respect for her father, so she pretends to seem interested in someone every now and then to keep him happy. She often likes to leave the castle and associate with the townspeople, and her father trusts her enough to let her do so. She enjoys talking to the people of Elheim and buying things from the shopkeepers, even if she doesn't need the products. Her mother had left her for another person of royalty, so she never knew her much. She's not incredibly adventurous, but she is very social with anyone who isn't royalty, and she doesn't like to be treated like royalty herself, which ties into her shyness around great powers.

Country: Elheim

Country info: Elheim is a country with fairly erratic weather, ranging from very hot to rainy and cold to even the occasional blizzard, depending on the region. The cities are very social places, with lots of paths in grids throughout shops and houses. Square architecture is common, as is building up. Almost any building will have a second story, and apartments are often on top with a shop on the bottom. Most of the big cities are fairly wealthy, but also very tightly packed, so they are quite expensive to live in. Elheim takes very good care of its people, so there aren't very many slums, but they still exist. Elheim is also a major refuge for elves when they are not allowed in other lands, and has a large elf community of all sorts of eye colors, skin colors, and accents, mixed within the typical blond-haired, blue-eyed native of Elheim. Of course, Elheim also has variation to an extent in its people, but mostly from foreigners. Education is less important in Elheim than tradition, and some children don't go to school but simply learn from their parents and learn their trade. Many of the upper class children do go to academies, but it is not required by the state.
The RP:

Elheim, the prince decided, was cold.

At least, it was in comparison to the deserts of Kil'Reta, and he never actually left the country. Of course, he wasn't his father's first choice, but his older brother was off doing some other important duty, so the task of accompanying the King was left to him. Him, two advisors, a general and an ambassador, along with a bunch of soldiers for security, but those are little details.

Now, Mahna sat in a carriage quietly, staring out the window.

"Be polite," his father reminded him, in their native tongue.

"Yes, father."

"Don't say anything that you shouldn't."

"I know."

The carriage stopped by the castle, and the prince straightened out his clothes.
Anette looked out her window, seeing a carriage outside the castle. Visitors? she thought. What for? Oh no... I hope they're not royalty. Just then, a servant knocked on her door.

"Princess Anette?" the servant asked. "Are you there?"

"Yes," she replied. "One moment." What was she to wear? It was a very foreign-looking carriage, and it looked foreign. If it wasn't royalty, who could it be? Her father probably knew. And didn't tell her. As usual. She changed from her nightgown to a rather formal, long white dress that reached her ankles. "Come in," she said to the servant. The servant opened the door.

"Princess," the servant said, curtsying slightly, "Your father, the king, has asked me to tell you that some foreigners from Kil'Reta have come, and one of them is the king. He asks you to be as composed as possible, and then to see him in the meeting hall."

"Thank you," she said. "I will head to the meeting hall soon." The servant left. Father could have at least told me about this himself, she thought, slightly annoyed. She loved her father nonetheless. She then left her room and went down a few flights towards the meeting hall, which was on the first floor of the castle, just behind the foyer (which was at the entrance.) She saw the usual guards placed at the castle entrance, which didn't have a door, simply arches, and in front of the meeting hall. She opened the door to the meeting hall and saw her father at the farthest chair from the door on the huge, round table. She didn't like the meeting hall, because it always meant long, dreary discussions about things she didn't care about. Also, she promised some young girls in the town that she would play hide-and-seek with them today. She acknowledged her father with a nod and sat down next to one of the Elheim ambassadors at the round table, waiting for the foreigners to enter.
Mahna walked behind his father, but ahead of everyone else. The prince kept his head high and his back straight, trying to look as noble as he could manage. He paused at the doors of the meeting hall, running a hand through his hair.

"Don't say a word." his father reminded him, glancing back at the boy, who frowned and nodded.

They walked in and took their seats, Mahna sitting farther away from his father now, the ambassador and advisors right by the king. He sighed, sitting back and stretching, eying the room.
Anette watched as the foreigners entered the room. The King walked in through the entrance in front, followed by a boy who looked about her age, and various ambassadors and such from their country. He looked proud, but when he say down, he sighed and stretched, a bit like he didn't want to be here, like her. She also noticed his father had said something to him, and he had simply nodded, looking a bit unhappy. She wondered who these people were and what they wanted, but held her gaze on the boy slightly too long. She suddenly looked away, just as her father began to speak.

"Let us begin the meeting," the King of Elheim said, looking around the room and then meeting the eyes of the foreign king. "Now then, I hear there have been some issues as of late between our people. Is this true?"

Anette suddenly became extremely uncomfortable. This was one of those meetings. One of the ones that would end in a huff and possibly even fighting between guards, or worse, countries. She began to quietly tap her fingers on the table, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
Mahna shifted, glancing over at his father and the King of Elheim, frowning slightly.

"It depends." the other man responded with a bit of an accent. "You are referring to the nobles, no? Or perhaps the lower classes? If the lower classes, I think their petty arguments would hardly be worthy of the attention of a king."

The prince stared at the two, then glanced over at the girl sitting nearby. She seemed to be about his age, maybe a little younger. His gaze lingered for a moment, before he continued to watch the two kings.
"The nobles," said the king, "of course."

"And the lower classes," Anette cut in, but then immediately looked down, absolutely shocked that she had said anything.

"Excuse me?" asked her father, the king. She stayed silent for at least ten seconds before finally responding, using her words carefully. She wasn't normally one to get herself into these kinds of discussions.

"Well... The disputes with the nobles have escalated, and they have been encouraging the middle class in your land to higher their prices. Or... At least, that's how it seems. Anything they now trade coming from Kil'Reta is much more expensive, and some stores have been going out of business because of it." She paused, recalling the people in the town telling her about these issues. "The lower class is just as important." She stopped talking.

"Um... Yes, of course. But we're here to talk about... uh... the root of the issue, which is the nobles," said the king, looking back at the foreign king and not looking her in the eyes. Anette knew he was simply avoiding saying that he didn't really care about the problems of the lower class at all, but she didn't respond. She had said enough. She didn't really care that he brushed her off; she shouldn't have said anything in the first place. She knew the king wouldn't care either way.
The other king stared at the girl for a long moment, before sitting up. "Of course. The nobles, which are the root of the issue..." he said, glancing over at the advisors briefly.

"They're arguing about the quality of goods they receive from your traders, on my end, as well as--"

"Actually," Mahna said, sitting up, and his father sighed quietly. "the, uh, lower classes are suffering from this, too. Like you were saying, father, the quality of goods has gone down, and that's probably because of how the shops are- are... um..."

The king had leaned in, staring at his sun with wide eyes. "Little boys should keep quiet, Mahna." the man said in their own tongue, his face blank. The prince shuddered, glancing away quickly. "...sorry about that."
Facing downward, Anette listened to the others speak. Suddenly, the boy interrupted her father, and... agreed with her. She quickly looked up and at the boy, shocked. What was he doing? He cut himself off after the foreign king said something to him in a language she didn't understand. How odd. Still shocked, she found herself staring.

"Anyway, back to business," the king of Elheim said. "The nobles have been claiming... ownership on certain artistic works that don't belong to them. They seem to think that the arts are theirs to keep, but they must share these things with the other countries. Don't you agree?" he asked the king passive-aggressively.
"That depends. If they bought the art, I don't see why someone would be unhappy. And if there are complaints that an artist refuses to share, what problems are there?" he said, staring at the other king. Mahna sighed, sitting back and glancing around, resisting the urge to start whistling or trying to distract himself through similar means. After a few moments, he turned to his father.

"Father, may I go to the bathroom?" he asked, leaning a bit towards him. The King replied with a frown and wave, and the Prince quickly left the room, stopping outside.
Anette became progressively more restless in her seat as the two kings went back and forth with their exceedingly boring discussion. She saw the boy whisper something to the king, and the king then seemed to beckon for him to leave. She needed to talk to this boy. But he's royalty, she thought, remembering him calling the king father. I'll be fine. But I need to know what made him agree with me. No. I won't be fine. Royalty ALWAYS makes me nervous. The boy had already left the room. She shifted her position, getting very bored, until she finally made a motion to her father implying that she wished to leave for one reason or another, and he nodded. She walked out the door and closed it behind her, but was surprised to see the boy right outside instead of back in his carriage or somewhere else. She started to shake a bit, and looked at him, wide-eyed. Her mind went blank. He's just another person, like you, she thought to herself. However, despite thinking this, she couldn't make herself move or say a word. She just observed him, and then looked down. He seemed about her age, and he wasn't exactly intimidating. In fact, he seemed like someone she could talk to. But for some reason she simply couldn't.
Mahna glanced over at her, raising an eyebrow. He was still for a few moments, before turning to face her, bowing.

"Are you the King's daughter? I'm Mahna." he said, trying to make his voice as clear as possible, though he had a bit of an accent. "Er, Prince Mahna. A pleasure to meet you, miss." he said, running a hand through his hair quickly and smiling, straightening up. "I left because I didn't really feel like listening to their arguing. Ah, you weren't here to take me back, were you?"
"Ahh, yes!" she responded, curtsying. "I mean no. I'm not here to take you back... um, I just thought..." Her thoughts were racing through her head. He bowed to her. He was royalty, and yet he bowed to her. Sure, it was proper etiquette, but that didn't mean she could handle it. She noticed how he had run his hand through his hair and straightened up. He looked better that way. More like a prince. Not that that meant anything to her. She preferred what the king called "commoners."

"I just thought what you said... was true. I was bored, too, so I came out." She paused, realizing that he had barely any idea who she was. "I'm Anette. Princess Anette, technically, but you don't have to call me that. Unless you want to." Boy, did she sound stupid right now. "How do you like Elheim?" she asked. "Is it different from your country?" Would he think this was small talk? Was this awkward? She had no idea. Her mind was spinning.
He shrugged, leaning against the wall and glancing around. "Very different. My home is... hot. Elheim is much colder, and the sky itself seems different. And all I've seen is the castle." Mahna paused, tilting his head. "It's a very nice castle. I like it. It's different from my own home, which could be expected, really." he sighed, straightening his coat and smiling at her. "How is living here? Nice, yes? I bet your seasons vary more than our own. It's always hot and dry where I'm from. Unless you get closer to the mountains, as there are more plants and little bits of water around there."
As he responded to her, she began to become slightly more comfortable. He wasn't degrading or condescending in how he spoke at all. "Ah, yes, thank you," she said. "I love our castle, too." She looked at him, focusing in on him, and her mind slowed down a bit. Now that he was talking, his voice was rather calming. He smiled at her and continued to speak.

"Yeah, we have some hot and dry seasons, but those aren't really the only ones we have..." she said. "We have all sorts of kinds of weather." She laughed. "It's funny you say today is cold, though. To me, this is kinda nice. I can't imagine what your country's like!" She was actually feeling more or less comfortable, which was extremely unusual with royalty like him.
He shrugged. "Really hot, during the day. It's even worse farther away from the cities, out in the desert. And at night, it's cold. Again, really bad outside of the cities. We usually build around an oasis, if we can find one." Mahna thought for a few moments, before smiling slightly. "Our cities are fun. We have all sorts of entertainers in the capital, on almost every corner. Jugglers, sword swallowers, fire eaters. What are the cities here like?"
Jugglers? Sword swallowers? Fire eaters? That sounded amazing. "Well, I don't know about any of that," Anette replied, "but the cities here are always bustling with new faces to meet. There's shops everywhere and all sorts of interesting merchants that come and go. Lots of places to eat, lots of bizarre shops with cool trinkets... and the people here are so lovely and kind." She blushed, thinking of all the wonderful people in the cities.

"Would you like to see the city?" she asked. "I know lots of fun places that really show off the culture of Elheim."
Mahna watched her, nodding. Perhaps not as loud and thrilling as his home, but the city sounded nice. He glanced back at the door briefly, wondering if his father would want him to return any time soon, before deciding that his interrupting him was enough to make him unwanted. The prince turned back to Anette and smiled.

"Yeah, I'd like that. That sounds really nice."
"Alright," she said, smiling. Wow, was she actually comfortable with someone on her level of power? How unusual. "Follow me," she said.

She confidently left the castle, walked down the steps past the carriage that Mahna had arrived in, and outside of the courtyard into the city. "Here's only the start of the city," she said, presenting a pathway in between some buildings and lots of people bustling about in the path. "If we go farther down, I know some great shops and places to eat! Are you hungry?"
He followed her down the steps and through the courtyard, taking in the different country. Eating some foreign food sounded interesting, and he was getting pretty hungry. He nodded, glancing around and adjusting his coat again. "Sure. Food sounds good. What kind of foods do you eat here?" he asked, tilting his head. His eyes scanned the buildings, taking in the foreign architecture.
"Here, follow me!" She walked down the path between lots of typical Elheim people mixed with Elves of all sorts of shapes and sizes until she arrived at a small restaurant. "We have all sorts of foods from many different cultures, but this is one of my favorite bakeries. They make lots of wonderful breads and soups!" She beckoned to a table inside the bakery with two chairs. Why was she so comfortable?
He enjoyed looking around as they walked, observing everyone as the two passed by. He stared up at the shop before smiling, stepping inside and sitting down. "What kinds of breads and soups?" he asked, his eyes darting around the bakery. Mahna adjusted his coat, sitting up and smiling. How odd everything was. He quite liked it.
"All sorts!" she replied, smiling as a waitress handed them menus.

"I'll take the usual," she said. The waitress clearly knew her, and replied.

"Broccoli and cheddar soup?"


"And for the young man?" the waitress said, looking at Mahna. "I've never seen you around here before! Welcome to the Royal Elheim Castle Bakery. What would you like for her first time?" She leaned in and whispered to Anette, a bit too loudly. "Is her your date?"

Anette blushed madly. "No!" she said. "He's a prince. From Kil'Reta. He's never been to this country before."

"Ahh!" she replied before turning back to him.
The prince glanced around the place, pausing as the waitress approached and handed them menus. He stared at the menu, tilting his head, before glancing up at her, clearing his throat.

"Ah... f-fish chowder?" he asked, sitting up a little. "That, please." Mahna nodded, smiling at the waitress. Truthfully, he didn't exactly know what fish chowder was; he'd only eaten fish a few times, and he had never even heard of a 'chowder'. He sat up a little, skimming over the menu again. Fish chowder sounded like a safe option, at least.

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