Crossing Over


New Member
Trying to get a crossover fantasy story going. The main idea is mystery so the players will design their characters as modern day humans with little to no knowledge of the world they'll be entering. Once they cross over they'll need to explore and investigate in order to understand and survive this new world. The RP will also have a super-power element, as PCs who crossover will receive magical abilities as a result of the transferrence. Like the new world, however, PCs will know nothing about their powers at first and will have to discover them during the course of the game.

What I'm shooting for here is a game that starts out as an exploration where players discover the world, then as they uncover their own abilities they will have the power to shape this world they are coming to know either for good or evil.
Everyone's welcome of course, assuming you are capable of writing a paragraph that does not make the GM want to hammer railroad spikes into his eyes.

Just joshin' :)

Yeah, I think I can handle that. Though I hope there are no accessible railroad spikes close by....Just in case :P

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