Crossing Haven (Actual RP!)


Lord Legendary
The current system is this: Everyone lives in the Haven, the large center of our universe. It is surrounded by an ice wall that doesn't quite make a dome. Children are assigned families and jobs by the large central government. Everyone gets the exact right amount of food, exercise, and mental stimulation to keep them from asking questions.

That is, until yesterday. Yesterday, due to unforeseen circumstances, a young unknown Shell wizard crashed part of the ice wall down on herself, exposing the land beyond. The centuries old elemental spell entrusted to make sure that as long as all ice particles were together they would remain ice is now null. The walls are melting. Yet, still, no one is allowed outside.

The Shell wizards have been demonized. It was their members that brought the wall. Everywhere in Haven, suspected Shell wizards are being violently attacked and killed, despite the government's decree that all wizards are under protected custody. And Haven is filling with water.

In the course of one day, Haven has gone from a place of peaceful compliance to a place of rebellion, tragedy, and death.

The Shell wizards are leaving and taking their magic with them. And they have given the rest of Haven an ultimatum: become a traitor to your country and come with us, or stay and try to survive the flooding, killings, and viruses passing through, having been released from the ice. Are you brave enough to leave behind everything you ever knew? Are you brave enough to watch it die? 

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