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Fandom Cross over conundrum: Open


Loveable Ass hat.
I have been unable to find enough one on ones, I decided to make a group.

Keep in mind upon signing up you agree upon slight violence and fighting to go on in the Roleplay, this group will jump from franchise to franchise depending on what's popular.

There are rules to joining;

If you sign up don't back out right away, you sign up because you mean it not to be a troll.

Be active, I can understand not being on every second of the day but you must drop in once a day or be kicked from this group. (unless you have a reason of course, don't make excuses be honest. I will not tolerate lying. )

This is a vary open group anyone is welcome as long as you follow the rules.

Try not to overdo yourself, meaning don't hog all the canon characters to yourself.

You may have more then one character in the Roleplay but don't go over board with it.

Remember to have fun and just relax.

If the anime calls for more tougher characters then I will let stronger characters slide on into this but only if the franchise calls for it.

So this group is for fan based roleplays, if someone wishes to play a canon character go right ahead just don't fight about it.

Our first group Roleplay will be decided on a vote, unless the fandom dies down or majority of members wish to move on then we stick to what we voted.

I am hoping a lot of people join this.

Now for the voting, I will post what anime I am aware of and have watched. I will try to keep up with other anime's if majority of votes are in a certain anime I have not watched, I will simply watch it and help organize from there.

Anime I know:

-D.Grey-man -Bleach -Attack on Titan -Black butler -Death note -Soul Eater -Fairy tail -Persona -Pokémon ( I would rather watch paint dry over going into this for a Roleplay, too much complaining from people come with it) There is a few more but cause too many arguments or bickering if I take them into consideration.

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