Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers.

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
(I will assign partners, so it is fair. Also, The mission will be posted every once in a while by me in the OCC.)

Student Character Sheet





How long have you been at Croak's:

Special skills (Sometimes you certain powers when you become a reaper. Ex: Shadow manipulation):

Specialty weapon(This is what you use to harvest soul and to protect yourself. No long range weapons):

Level(1-10. Ten the strongest, 1 the weakest. Be realistic):

Reaper Fee(The fee you paid to become a reaper):




(Teachers are free to do as they please until they receive a mission.)






Special Skills:

Specialty weapon:


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Name:Mai Yagami



Special Skills:Seeing/manipulating auras

Specialty weapon: Throwing daggers, scythe

Personalty: Mai is sarcastic and witty, but very kind to those close to her. She cares greatly for her students and would never want any of them to be hurt. She gets annoyed and jealous very easily, and easily entertained. Despite her somewhat childish personality, she is a wonderful teacher. She's also a great liar, and not opposed to breaking a few rules if it's for the better good.

History: Mai went to Croak's when she was young. She was a good reaper, but was injured while reaping a serial killer. She now has a slight limp, since she's improved her walking over the years. She now teaches at Croak's.
Ties of Death
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Name: Sayu Night

Age: 17

Gender: Female

How long have you been at Croak's: 1 year

Special skills: Sayu can bind objects with special runes. She can tighten her runes to suffocate what ever is in it, or make objects/people (that are bounded by her runes) disappear. However, the object/person is weak.

Specialty weapon:

Level: 4

Reaper Fee: Her memories of everybody she met in her previous life.

Personality: Sayu is mature and collected. She tends to keep her cool in stressful situations. This is due to her confident attitude towards everything. However, when she fighting a strong opponent, she seems to let loose. She becomes wild and fights to win.

History: Sayu only remembers bits and pieces of her memories from her previous life, like seeing the sun rise in some unknown land and going to festivals alone. She also remembers her death in a plane wreck. When she was offered to become a Reaper, she accepted, giving up her precious memories of everyone she's met as payment. Since then, it's been a year.

Other: Ties of Death

(Sorry for the big pictures. OTL )
Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Eury.jpg.f4254b9ad9c9c198da33d409fe1e535c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Eury.jpg.f4254b9ad9c9c198da33d409fe1e535c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Euryale Travis Deynair

Nick Name: Eury

Age: 16

Gender: Female

How long have you been at Croak’s: A year and a half.

Special Skills: Not, yet. But I think she will be getting some once her Level gets up

Specialty weapon: Her weapon is a shovel. The spade of it has been sharpened, so that it could split a hair and it is larger than an average shovel also.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/SHOVEL!.jpg.79b5ca0e2a4e4145f48adcd6684d291f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13845" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/SHOVEL!.jpg.79b5ca0e2a4e4145f48adcd6684d291f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Level: 4

Reaper Fee: The Fee she paid to become a Reaper was… The memory of her baby boy.

Personality: Eury is what you might call salty. She is suborn, hard headed, random, childish and did I mention suborn. She hates being told that she was wrong and can’t help but hold a grudge for a while over a silly argument, but give it a day or two and she will be hugging you for no reason. She can be a little over dramatic, but all in all she is a good friend listening when she needs too, and bringing out the sarcasm when she doesn’t really need it. She often bumps heads with authority figures, do to the fact she is not the biggest fan of rules. You may call her a rebel without cause.

History: Eury grew up in the suburbs of California. Her father was an aspiring writing and a major Greek mythology buff, hence the name Euryale. Her mother was a piano teacher and they lived happily for a long time. Eury spent most of her childhood years playing outside, refusing to wear the pink fluff her mom bought her. Dresses were never meant for her, and Eury was a child of wild imagination, often telling stories of dragons and knights. Her favorite bedtime story in fact was Joan of Arch. But like most sweet children as she grew up she became hard to handle. By the time she was nine she had already been expelled twice. Once for kicking her third grade teacher in the balls. The other for locking herself in the girl’s bathroom and refusing to come out until the teacher admitted he was a dodo head.

When she finally reached high school it wasn’t unusual for her to sneak out of the house and do normal teenage stuff. Then it happened when she turned 15 her ‘friends’ had taken her to a house party where someone had spiked the punch and some jerk weed of a guy had taken advantage of her. She woke up the next day feeling so ashamed, and when the news came that she was pregnant she panicked, but later came to accept it along with the help of her parents. 9 months later came her baby boy Noah Deynair. She loved that boy, so much. She settled down and stopped acting like a wild child. She knew she needed to be there for her boy. She was happy for once in her life, and she was going to stay that way.

Unfortunately death comes when you least expect it, three months later after Noah was born Eury was “hit” by a car, killing her almost instantly. She was later deemed a grey soul and given the choice to become a reaper.



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Name: RJ

Age: 23

Gender: Male?

How long have you been at Croak's: Long enough. Trust me. (Three years)

Special skills: Commanding voice - Trance like effects, works best on the dull or easily influenced, but even for the brightest most resistant one his voice holds sway.

Specialty weapon:


Level(1-10. Ten the strongest, 1 the weakest. Be realistic): 6

Reaper Fee(The fee you paid to become a reaper): The sensation of pain.

Personalty: *#@! you. (Brash, inappropriate, antisocial, detatched)

History: Yeah, you ain't gettin' that. (Was a typical kid that got into trouble and stayed there. Partied a bit too hard one night and with his guard down he was mugged, and in that process died.)

Other: Pickled juice? Lamb of sacrifice... erm Ties of death.
Appearance: Green eyes, white hair. He's quite skinny, but also rather tall.

Name: James Wilson

Age: 24

Gender: Male

How long have you been at Croak's: four years

Special skills: he can temporarily copy the power of anyone.

Specialty weapon: a huge claymore, with a blood-red blade

Level: 8

Reaper Fee: he was unable to remember his entire life

Personality: He's mostly fairly friendly, and an easy guy to get along with, but when he has his mind set on a task, his mind will not waver, and he becomes stubborn and determined

History: all he can tell is that he had some kind of training with the claymore that he uses

Other: not much really.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed11c599_img-thing1.jpg.9ec9a7197fa43bafb82257e8ded10bb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed11c599_img-thing1.jpg.9ec9a7197fa43bafb82257e8ded10bb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: William Ky?ki

Nick Name: Willy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

How long have you been at Croak's: 2 years

Special skills:

Insanity World - Allows the user and those around him to start hallucinating strange things, seeing things that would alter the world around them in their own eyes. Anyone can be affected by it, even the Reapers and Monsters. The user must make eye contact with the victim first, before it can truly take effect. Can have as many people under this trance as the user wants, manipulating & torturing them until they're satisfied. The user can see what their victims will see in their hallucinations or make it the other way around (Which is worst). Sometimes it will relate to something they fear or have forgotten, even things that were locked deep with the victim's brain.

Specialty weapon: A chainsaw

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed155dc4_Chainsaw_by_The_51.jpg.6f923aeb813d9a27b76da4f202fff2f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13905" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed155dc4_Chainsaw_by_The_51.jpg.6f923aeb813d9a27b76da4f202fff2f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Level: 8

Reaper Fee: His own personal sanity

Personality: Friendly guy who just wants to be everyone's friend, whether they like it or not. He's tough, nice, goofy, and what else... oh yeah. HE'S F***ING INSANE! Does very extreme actions in and out of missions, doing things that would normally be considered extremely dangerous, stupid, or sometimes both. Known to pull pranks on others at random times, sometimes stealing the teacher's underwear or just starts a fire in a student's room because it was messy. His mood is unstable, so expect anything to occur. So the more unstable he is in combat, the more his level grows up and his skill's effect becomes more crazy, making the victims go into a mental breakdown if he tortures them in this mood. But he does listen only to his partner's command in combat, but sometimes out of combat too if he feels like it.


William grew up in a small town near the city, where his family was good to him and life was great. But not his social life though, due to the bullies within his school that would mentally torture him with hurtful words and names. This made William disinterested with life, making him and his sanity detached from it as time went by. When he entered high school though, that's when things got worse. As time went by in the beginning of high school, William saw how demented a person's soul could become and how those faces are simply masks of lies. He saw betrayals between best friends, no honor and trust among groups of people due to skin or culture, and saw how people used others for their own advantages. After seeing this for too long, he decided to leave his new social life and became more of an shut-in everyday, making sure his sanity would remain despite this decision. This continued for some time until something strange occurred. As he was leaving school one day, William saw a random girl about to jump off a bridge and commit suicide, but wouldn't move at all at the ledge.

William decides to stand next to this girl on the ledge, asking why she couldn't jump. The girl looked at him, surprised and scared since she thought he was there to stop her. But after William stood there for a while waiting for an answer, the girl tells him that she has a fear of heights and couldn't do it alone. After a few minutes of thinking and debating what to do, William shows her his hand and tells her that he'll jump too if it made things easier. He told her that he wasn't really interested with this life anymore and wanted to keep his precious sanity intact in the end, saying it was a win-win solution for both sides. Then after the girl grabbed William's hand a minute later, they jumped and committed suicide together as one.

William was later deemed a grey soul and chose to become a Reaper.

Other: Never have a staring contest with William at all, as he will use Insanity World on you without knowing and cause you to blink. Usually leaves a headache after each successful game. Also, lets people call him Willy due to it being his nickname before.

Ties of Death



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Name-Lola Martin

Age- 23

Gender- Female

How long have you been at Croak's- 2 and half years

Special Skills- N/A..for now

Specialty Weapon-

Level- 3

Reaper fee- the loss of some of her emotions

Personality- She's very stoic due to not having many emotions. The only real strong emotion she has is the need to do her job fast and efficiently.

She doesn't tend to frolic with the others with not being able to get excited about things like them, so she usually is found at the local coffee shop, passing time with a book. The only other thing she feels is complete loyalty to her partner. That never waivers.

History- The day Lola died, she was supposed to be getting married. She had woken up early that morning just like she had every one before that. With a pep in her step and a bright smile on her face, she begun the chore of getting her hair and makeup done. As she was leaving the salon a car has ran a red light and hit her car on the driver's side. Naturally she had been hospitalized, and after being on life support for a month, her fiancé made the choice to pull her plug. Lola looked down as she watched her body lie stiffly there and the looks on her fiancé's face. Not wanting to let him or her old life go, she became a grey spirit. She chose to become a reaper so that she could at least see him every once in awhile even though he'll never see her. She's grown accustomed to the chose she made, even if it wasn't the right one.

Other- ties of death
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(Me on the left hand side, MADZ on the right :3) @MADZ

Reiji (Ray-E-Gee)



How long have you been at Croak's:
3 months

Special skills (Sometimes you certain powers when you become a reaper. Ex: Shadow manipulation):
Can manipulate what others are feeling, or manipulate what they see. so, Reality distortion.

Specialty weapon(This is what you use to harvest soul and to protect yourself. No long range weapons):
She uses two small switchblade knives, that are always hidden underneath her sleeves.

Level(1-10. Ten the strongest, 1 the weakest. Be realistic):
2... Because I guess 5 or 4 isn't realistic ;o;

Reaper Fee(The fee you paid to become a reaper):
She has lost the ability to speak. Whenever she tries to talk, nothing comes out.

Reiji has a pretty two dimensional personality. In a way it's kind of bland, although she enjoys giving other people a hard time, and is often mysterious or mischievous.

The only history that they have, or at least remember, is that they have always been together. They relatively never let the other out of their sight.

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Appearance: (I'm on the Right @BEX on the left)

Name: Reiko

Age: 18

Gender: Female

How long have you been at Croak's: 3 months

Special skills (Sometimes you certain powers when you become a reaper. Ex: Shadow manipulation): Can manipulate what other see.

Specialty weapon(This is what you use to harvest soul and to protect yourself. No long range weapons): A double headed battle axe, and keeps 2 butterfly knifes in her boot.

Level(1-10. Ten the strongest, 1 the weakest. Be realistic): 2

Reaper Fee(The fee you paid to become a reaper): All of her emotions.

Personality: Because she gave up her sense of emotions, she doesn't really have a personality.

History: She can only remember that her and her sister, Reiji, have always been together.

Other: She helps her sister talk to others and can understand her sister perfectly. Also Reiko likes to smoke.
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Name: Shin Arashi

Age: 18

Gender: Male

How long have you been at Croak's: He's new at the school, this will be his first year.

Special skills (Sometimes you certain powers when you become a reaper. Ex: Shadow manipulation): Since he just became a reaper, he has no special skill yet.

Specialty weapon(This is what you use to harvest soul and to protect yourself. No long range weapons): Dual swords


Level(1-10. Ten the strongest, 1 the weakest. Be realistic): Not yet classified. (If it's possible like this)

Reaper Fee(The fee you paid to become a reaper): He had to lose his humanity.

Personality: Shin is very tough-headed person now. He's not really clever, and when it comes to fights, all that matter to him is the joy that the fight itself can provide for him. In casual battles he can keep his rational thinking, but when facing the toughest opponents he becomes a beast and his true combat skills are shown only in these cases.

History: In his life, Shin was completely the different person he is in his death. He despised all that was not rational, or human-like.

Other: Ties of Death
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Croak2.png.7c6b0e8fa761ba9a688b961e7fa55667.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Croak2.png.7c6b0e8fa761ba9a688b961e7fa55667.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jameson Croak

Nickname: Croak.

Physical Age: 25

Actual Age: unknown


Special skills: He read body language, meaning he can tell when people are lying. And he can turn grey souls into Reapers. There are other skills, but they will be revealed later in the Rp.

Specialty weapon: He wields the old fashion scythe, except his is made out of Obsidian.


Personality: Croak is intelligent and cane sometimes seem cold, because of his don't give a sh*t. but if you cause trouble here I will eat your liver while you are still alive personality. He is like a father leading, his little family down good paths or in his cause. Paths of never ending death (YAY). He is pretty laid back most of the time, and loves to hang out with the young Reapers at school, and he often goes on the major group missions if he feels like the mission is too dangerous for those in the group. He truly cares about his reapers here and wants them to graduate, but he is a business comes first kind of person and you have to remember that.

History: Jameson Croak is the Head Master of Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers, and he has been since well forever. He created thus school, because the death and life balance was coming undone and he needed reapers who could handle it.



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Name: Sister Courtney Morris. Even though it has been ages since she had lived, she still prefers to be called Sister Courtney by her students, regardless of their beliefs (though if heaven and hell exist, there is some aspect of religion to the story if not a Christian faith)

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Special Skills: She can cause others to speak the truth. This requires eye contact. For example, her favourite use of her skill is to ask what the person's last sin was. This is ineffective if the person cannot answer, although yes or no questions are often accompanied with nodding or shaking their head.

Specialty weapon: Whip. She carries this around always on a belt around her waist. She has never used it to punish students but according to the rumour mill she has.



She is grim and methodical in her work as a teacher at Croak's. Despite her frigid exterior and intimidating clothing (not to mention that whip), Courtney truly cares for her students as much as she possibly could. When she became a Reaper, she gave up what she considered her most precious ability, and one that greyed her soul away from "God's good graces": her ability to feel love. While she cares for her students' well-beings and their success, she cannot feel much more than friendliness and kindness towards anyone. That goosebumps in your stomach, high as a kite feeling you get when being in love or caring for someone you adore simply does not exist for her anymore, and it depresses her greatly.


When she was a teenager she did many questionable things, from drugs, alcohol, and naughty-times to stealing, blackmailing, and all sorts of illegal activities. When she was around 20 years old and completely lost in her ways, a local priest of a Catholic church helped her back on her feet, gave her room and board, and offered her aid. She eventually became a nun, and vowed to stay away from all the vices of her youth. However, it was not meant to be.

Her life continued as a God-fearing maiden of chastity and purity. She became a teacher in a Catholic school, where she loved her children very much and cared for them with all of her heart. She avoided using the strap as much as possible, and her class was happy and cherished her.

A strapping young man caught her eye and Courtney fell madly in love. At night she would go meet him, keeping her life as a nun a secret to him. She found out he had a wife, and was completely devastated, not only with him but with herself for breaking all the rules and efforts she had made over the years to improve herself. In her fragile state of mind, Courtney hung herself with a rope in the steeple of her church. There her soul was approached by a Reaper, and she was offered the choice of becoming a Reaper or trying to make her way to Heaven (or Hell if she failed). Scared of Hell and the wrath of "God", Courtney decided to become a Reaper and offer her services in that way.

After many years of experience as a Reaper in her own right, she became a teacher at Croak's. Her ability to force others to tell the truth did not lend well to fighting, anyways. Now she teaches to the best of her abilities, loveless and as cruel as an old school marm.

Other: Ties of Death
Teacher Application

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a48e464051249c7373617eae982bef23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a48e464051249c7373617eae982bef23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kerrigan Thayer

Age: 17



How long you have been at Croak's: 8 Years

Special Skills:

Beast Within/Blood Scent -

At the signs of violence, Kerrigan transforms into his true self: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.4aaa376b2b5acfd0b6f6eff43d83c338.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15425" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.4aaa376b2b5acfd0b6f6eff43d83c338.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He has highly increased strength and reflexes in this form, and his senses are attuned to the offending soul, so that he can trace it across great distances, to a maximum of 500 miles.

Specialty weapon: Himself (claws, tails, etc.)

Personality: Highly unsocial, he seems to have no real feelings other than disgust and a sense of snobbiness, like he is better than everyone else. There are very few who have actually seen him in a friendly conversation, including Croak himself. He appears to live for the thrill of the hunt, planning battle strategies almost on the spur of the moment and very few times have they failed.

Kerrigan does seem to have a softer, hidden side though. He can be seen in the school library with a large tome with no title and a cup of warm tea, two lumps of sugar and a tablespoon of cream, every afternoon during the school sessions.

Though he remains aloof, he never fails to aid a student in urgent need, whether in the class room or on the mission field.

History:Kerrigan was a terrible child. He grew up in the slums of a big city, weaned on thievery, murder and abuse of every variety. He made up for his fear of the outside world, fear of death, by surviving. He would pick fights with neighborhood bullies, shoplifting food to bring home, small crimes that quickly grew. By the time he was 14 years old, Kerrigan had already joined a well-known street gang, helped pull off several heists, arsons and robberies. Armeline, his older sister, was his only ray of light, and though she begged him every day to come back home, his now-18 year old mind knew no other life. He turned his back on her, but she kept watch over him in his criminal activities.

He rose to power in his gang quickly, due to his quick thinking and big aspirations to control the entire district of the city. The only crime he had not yet committed was killing a human being himself. His opportunity arose when his boss ordered him to execute a rich family they had caught walking the streets, innocents at the wrong place at the wrong time. The cold metal of the pistol was pressed into his hand as he aimed it at the young girl, wrapped in her mother's arms, sobbing and wailing that she wanted to go home. That she was scared. That she didn't want to die. Like Kerrigan. Young Kerrigan. The same thoughts that still sat in the head of the now-adult Kerrigan. 25 wasted years.

He pulled the trigger. Armeline fell in a pool of blood at his feet, between him and the family he had been sentenced to kill. He stared in shock. She had saved them. At full cost. Kerrigan's emotions built into bitter rage.

He pulled the trigger again and again and again. His gang members fell like trees. He looked at the frightened faces of the family that were open-mouthed in horror.

His sister lay on the ground, gasping her last breaths. Kerrigan, tears pouring down his face, his heart pounding in his ears, mouthed the words he had never spoken to anyone in his whole life. "I'm sorry."

He pulled the trigger again, all went dark. He never heard Armeline's last response.

He woke up in Croak's Academy.

Reaper fee: His mortality. His lifetime is lived backwards, from his death back to his birth. He must make amends for his previous life or be cursed to repeat the cycle forever, endlessly repeating his memories of Armeline in his head, for even the Ties of Death do not stop him from seeing her face every moment. 
^(So, yeah, re-reading it, I realize I wrote a book. And this RP probably isn't accepting anymore, but it looked like a cool story, so I thought I may as well give it a shot :) [had to make a new comment, this wouldn't fit in the 150 character OOC :P ])



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