Story Criticize/Critique my story


now i know how joan of arc felt
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Reflected EntityProlouge


Everything has a story and everything has a perspective. Take my school for example; A thousand students with their own lives and stories come in and out every single day. Coming along with those thousands of students are thousands of choices and events. A student is failing; a student is passing; a student is planning on asking out a girl, and is rejected by said girl. Something is happening to everyone which makes me wonder if anyone is really...special or unique.My name is K.T, and no not Katie or Katy, it is K.T. Katherine Terras. It's a weird name, I know, so I just get people to call me K.T.

This whole "Everyone has a story" thought is just me thinking deep things in a shower like every other teenager. Well, it WAS me thinking deep thoughts until my roommate shoved the shower curtains open. I screamed loudly and yelled, "What the hell, Chez?! I'm taking a shower!" He just shrugged his shoulders and nonchalantly said, "Did you eat my Lucky Charms?" I rolled my eyes and grunted as I pulled the shower curtain back. "No, and you can't just barge in when I'm taking a shower, especially since you're a guy!" I could hear Chez walking away as he said, yet again in his monotone voice, "One, I'm gay. You know that. Two, this is my house, bitch." He was joking when he called me that of course. All of us joke like that. I suppose I should explain. I live with my gay friend Chez (his full name is Chester but that is a god-awful name in my opinion) and among other roommates.

Most of our small group bum off of him. I'm one of them. But he allows it as long as there is food and no one eats his "Magically Delicious" drug-of-a-cereal. After I dry off and clothe myself, I try to fix my hair. I fail at fixing my hair, its just a giant brown mess of a pony tail in the end. I eventually give up as I put my glasses on and make my way into the kitchen. Everyone is already piled up in the small kitchen. Chez is sitting down in the only stable, not broken wooden chair while everyone else is just sitting on what they can. He was sulking over his lost cereal. Bastard. Henry, the tall shaggy guy with brown hair and a scratchy goatee, was sitting on the counter eating the final bowl of Chez's addiction. Alli, the pale zombie like girl with black hair put up in a messy bun and having pajama pants on, was sitting in the floor texting. Red, our midget girl with dark red hair and skinny jeans on was leaning on the fridge next to Ben. Ben, the curly headed kid with glasses and freckles was doing the same as Red."Damn you to hell Henry." Chez said in his monotone voice. "Hey man, don't hate the eater, hate the...eaten? Yeah the eaten" Henry replied laughing at his failed attempt of a joke and then slurping the remainders of the milk out of the bowl. I just ignored their arguing and snuck a Granola Bar out from Red's stash. Without looking up from her sleepy daze, Red said "I saw that but I do not have the energy to care."

Ben, in his own sleepy daze, slid off the fridge and slammed into the floor. He immediately jumped up and looked around being confused as to what just happened, the klutz.After munching on the bland Granola Bar, I just shrugged and walked out of the front door. A few blocks of walking later, an old Station Wagon pulled up beside me. Alli was the driver, her hair still in a messy bun. "Need a ride kid?" She said to me as she opened the passenger door. "Don't call me kid, you're only a year older." Alli laughed and said "Yeah but I'm 18 so I get the right, child." I just rolled my eyes. I guess I should explain where I'm going if it isn't obvious. It's school.

That's right, Hashwig High. It sounds so stupid, right? Well that's because it is. We live here in the run-down town of Hashwig. Everywhere you go there is just trashy homes, trashy people, and trashy lives. No one is going to really amount to anything here, so most of the graduates, or should I say drop-outs, just slip in like the rest and become drug addicts. I don't like that lifestyle, but we live in the middle of it. I want to be more and different, but that's kind of hard when everything around you is so...bleak.

Chapter 1


The car pulled into the school and I could already tell this day was going to be rough. All of the students were crowded outside. The crowd of rambunctious teenagers were all bustling loudly about random things, but all I could make out were a few words like "body" and "cops." While those words should usually be sticking out to me, I was being distracted by Alli honking her horn at me. She leaned out of the window and yelled, "Stop by the pharmacy today and pick up my prescription, will you?" I simply nodded, but before Alli drove away she yelled once more, "Oh and buy Chezy dear some more Lucky Charms."

A few hours later in class, all of the people were still talking about some stupid body. It was probably just some junkie that overdosed; these things happen here all the time! I don't see why people think it is so important. I guess it IS more interesting to eavesdrop into than to listen to the boring droning from the teacher, though. A couple of jocks in front of me were saying some things about it and from what I could hear, I came to the conclusion of why everyone was making such an uproar: The body was found brutally stabbed with their throat cut open in the cafeteria. It was a murder.

The victim was some quiet girl named Juliette. I never knew her, but I always saw her helping out in the library. Why had someone targeted her? She was always so quiet and nice; it hardly seemed fair. There was a sickening lurch in my stomach as the boys pulled their cellphones. On the devices was a picture of the girl's body, and just like the boys described, her throat was slashed and... oh god I can't explain the rest, it was too sickening to imagine. Who the hell would take a picture like that? "People are saying that the killer took this picture, everyone in the school got a text of it from an anonymous number." One of the boys said as he put his phone up. I got my stuff and ran out of the room, I don't like blood at all and THAT was way too far. Whoever did this has to be brought to justice.

Later in the bathroom, I calmed down and cleaned myself up. Then, I looked into the mirror to give myself a little pep-talk. "There has to be something I can do." I say to myself, but I don't fully understand what I mean when I say that. I'm just some girl, how could I possibly do anything worthwhile? Most adults make us think like that. "You're just a kid" or "You'll understand when you're older" they always say, even at my age. Most of us like to accept that thought, but I try to challenge it. But before I could think any deeper, I catch some movement from the corner of my eye. I sharply turned around to see what it was, but nothing was there. "Weird, could've sworn I saw something..." I thought out loud as I began looking around. As I was searching for whoever, or whatever, it could've been, my phone begins to ring. I answer the call and I hear nothing but dead silence. But suddenly, a faint sound could be heard, whispering ticking. The sound sent chills through me, in my head the ticks grew louder droning out my surroundings. It felt as if I was under a trance.

Tick... Tick... Tick... TICK... TICK. ....

But thankfully after a few seconds the call dropped. "What the hell is going on today?" I said as I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the bathroom. That was really creepy, but in truth, it was probably just some prank call. Pushing those thoughts aside, I scrambled to get to my next class, but I'm stopped suddenly by a tall man with a certain noticeable goatee. "Hey there Half-pint, how's it hanging" He spoke in that annoyingly sarcastic voice. "Are you high again Henry? You stink of pot." I replied as I continued walking down the hallway. "Whaaat? No, the Chez banned it after 'The Incident'" he rebutted.

"The Incident" he was referring to was when he and his dumb friends did some more serious stuff, and ended up burning all the bras in the house. "Good! You still owe us all for that! We didn't have any bras to wear for almost a week!" I yelled. "Oh, come on!" Henry groaned, "Are you still angry from that? It was almost a year ago, AND it's not like you need one anyways! You've got almost nothing the--" I cut him off by punching him in the arm. "Oh, shut up you dick!" I snapped as I ran into my class to escape from him. I successfully made it into my classroom and took a seat in the very back.

The rest of the daily went by fairly quickly, I wasn't called again by some weirdo. I wonder how he got my number anyways. I pull out my cellphone to check the number of who called earlier. As I scrolled through my recent calls I noticed something shocking, the number wasn't there. This was seriously creeping me out now, did he hack into it maybe? No that is an irrational thought. Stop overthinking it, that is not helping anyone, especially yourself. I just kept reassuring myself about it, I had a high tolerance for horror but this was just...different.

I walked out of the school entrance and it was already getting dark, the sky was a dark shade of orange-ish purple, the kind of mix you see when the sunset is about to transition to night. Why would it be this late if i'm just finishing school you may be wondering? Well that is because I usually stay late to finish any homework I get earlier in the day because its hard to focus at home. "Oh shit!" I say out loud, I forgot that I had to run to the store and pharmacy. After a quick run to the store and a stop by the pharmacy for Alli's pills, I start making my way down the sidewalk to home. Alli has to run to the pharmacy every week to get a refill on her medicine, i'm not exactly sure whats wrong with her, shes never told anyone. I guess its a personal thing so I never ask her about it.

After the dark walk home, I open the door to a terrible smell. On top of the stove sat what looked like a burnt cat. "Ew, Chez what is this?" I yelled. Chez circled the corner from the hallway and answered "Oh, Red and Ben tried making a casserole of some sort. They failed." I sighed. "I can see that, where are they?" He pointed to Ben's room. I sat the bags of Groceries down, which seemed to peak Chez's interest because he ran immediately over to his new fix of his sugary addiction. I then walked over to Ben's door that was opened by a crack. Weird, hue usually always keeps it closed, he must've been distracted by something. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I stared into the room and saw Ben holding Red...and they were kissing. Immediately, after seeing that regretful sight, I close their door and run to Alli's room, whose door is opened wide. She is sitting by the computer playing music out loud.

"Ben and Red are at it again!" I grunt. "I know, these are paper this walls, why do you think I play my music so loud? Anyways, why are you surprised? They're nothing new." She replied. She is right, they are constantly in and out of their own relationship, they recently had a fight so I figured it was over between them. "Yeah you're right, anyways, here are your meds." I threw her the orange bottle and sat on her bed.

Alli paused her music and stared me in the eyes. "Why the long face kiddo? Something happen?" She asked. I sighed and replied. "The whole crime scene this morning, I figured out what happened and I can't get it out of my mind. I don't know why, I barely even knew the girl." Alli looked a little surprised. "Murder? Explain." She asked and demanded. "A girl was found in the library and she was...mutilated. Cuts on her neck and arms but, worst of all, her chest was opened up." Alli then put on her "Mom" face, I bet shes gonna try to console me. "Aw honey-" Yep here it comes. "That is a perfectly normal reaction, what kinda kid wouldn't be freaked the fuck out about a murder inside their school?" She said empathetically. "No, its not that it just feels...unfair. Why her? Why was it so violent? Why did the killer do it? I just...want to figure this all out." I said. She nodded her head and was lost in thought for a few seconds before she finally responded. "Well...maybe you should stay out of it and not ask a lot of questions. You know how it is around here, questions start trouble. Just forget about it, the world will move on." I was taken back by her lack of sympathy for the girl, I mean she didn't know her but its a thing of morality...right? "No! Thats not fair! I will not accept that, people can't just let this blow over, it was a murder. Someone died. Do you not realize how serious that is?" I yelled at her. "And that is exactly why I want you to stay out of it, I care about you kid. Just don't get hurt." Alli snapped back. She then sighed and walked in for a hug, I gave into it. "Just be safe... Anyways, it is getting late and you have school, so get to bed." She whispered. I laughed quietly and left her room, walking to mine.

I got to the door and took a moment to stare at all the things on it. I had stockpiled pictures and small posters of bands from my young edgy days and put them here, they were all torn and the color was fading off from them by now. After that small nostalgia trip, I entered my room. It was noticeably more edgy in here with more old posters and an old thrift-store record player accompanied by a pile of disordered records. After throwing all my school stuff on my bed, I slumped down on a large beanbag that I kept in the corner. Reaching around the backside of the beanbag, where I usually keep my most important things, I grabbed my TV remote and flipped to some random channel wanting to zone out. It was successful because withing an hour I was sound asleep.

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