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Realistic or Modern Crisis Point (Superhero Roleplay)

Doctor Menlo
Near Powerplant, Abandoned Building

Doctor Menlo blinked. With an eyeblink, he was behind a PRT van in cover, and Zoom stood in front of him. It didn't take long for Alan to understand what happened - one long second passed. Alan thought about it. "For now, I'll call in PRT support. Even if we win the fight, we'll need someone for transport. Plus the officers that got hit need medical aid." He pressed the communicator in his ear and informed control of what was happening.

A terrible noise rang out through the street. He heard the sound of snapping and zapping. He looked up and saw the powerlines falling in their direction. Doctor Menlo dropped what he was doing and held his hands out and clenched them. The powerlines stopped, hanging in the air. Battery at 60%, 59%, 57%. His gauntlets weren't made for this much weight so the battery would die quickly, unless the gauntlets suddenly needed to reset due to overheating. Why is finding good thermal grease so hard?

Menlo gave out a command to the others. "Get back." As he said this, he walked back, trying not to screw up. As he stepped back to safe range, and made sure everyone else was safe as well, he let go of the powerlines gently.

He looked at Zoom. Doctor Menlo ripped off his Personal Isolator from his suit and handed it to the speedster, then gave him a pair of handcuffs. "Put the device on him. It'll stop his power from working. Then cuff him up. That's my plan. If it doesn't work, call me out of ideas."

Menlo saw that a PRT officer standing in the middle of the battleground. He approached her and examined her to make sure she was okay. "Hey, hey! Are you injured? Can you walk... or stand?"

D duegxybus IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan fin fin FireMaiden FireMaiden
Darian continued running towards the downed power line. He reached it, and bent down to grab it. As he touched it his body, which was still made of lightning, went into the power line. He traveled through it, reaching the suburbs where he followed the power lines until he exited out a power socket inside of his house.
Codename: Knight
Location: Powerplant
Action: Freeing the one known as Powerline and disappearing while everyone was distracted

Knight's attention was placed back towards the Powerplant again, and saw the girl who was inside some Foam. He remembered how tough it was to break out, but with his Psionic powers he was able to do it before. When everyone was distracted he made his way over more stealthily and walked towards the girls trapped inside. He remembered his clashes with PRT and the various heroes who came out to stop him, and how he became one of the most notorious villains to exist.

He looked down from his angular helmet and squatted down, turning his head from one side to the other, looking and studying the material. He then went into one if the empty vans and brought out some solvent for getting rid of the foam. He poured it onto the foamed girl until the foam was gone, once that was down he began walking away. Only then did he decide to say one thing though...

"Prove your... Worth...."

And soon he was gone, for he had left the vicinity of the area to his true destination, without anyone noticing him.

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
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While Menlo talked, the visors over top of Raph's eyes blinked alive. Mateo worked the keyboard, talking into the comms as he brought up an image of Dr. Menlo on the screen, as well as his various achievements. "Alan Brendon Everett. Damn, Everett's a cool last name. That alter ego of his... Dr. Menlo doesn't stand up to par." Raph remained silent, scanning through the various documents on the doctor through his scanner. He looked down as Menlo gave him the personal insulator and cuffs, strapping the insulator onto his person. Menlo seemed to have the downed power line under control. Zoom turned to face Black Surge, his body still rocketing down from the height he'd dropped it at. "Who's the other guy." Raphael asked as he jogged into a sprinting form. Dust piled up from where he picked up speed as he chased after Black Surge, the body soon turned into black lightning though as it disappeared into the power line. It was the speed of light against sound, sound had taken the L, like science proved. "Shit, where do these powerlines connect to." He asked frantically, "Raph, I-I can't find 'im."

"He got away." Raph said angrily, brushing a hand through his slick brown hair.

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She was watching the fight, but as soon as she felt herself free, she looked around. She saw nobody, but only heard three words…and she immediately knew who spoke them. She nodded quickly and looked around. She saw Black Surge gone, and a couple of other heroes around. She felt a little anxious, but nonetheless, she darted up on her feet and ran to a better position where she could better observe the area.

She looked towards the fallen over power lines and smirked. She ran over to them and took a deep breath, wrapping her hands around the cables. Crimson lightning bolted out of the cables and into her body and all of the electricity started flowing directly into her, instead of Menlo’s gauntlets and insulator. Her body twitched lightly and her hair started standing up on her head, as well as her body hair. Her clothing, that isn't specifically made to resist all that voltage, caught on fire and started to burn. Luckily, the flames were small.

She took sharp breaths and let out quiet whimpers as electricity continued flowing into her. Brownish orange sparks started bolting out of her body. She started screaming, letting the power lines go only to fall backward on her butt, panting heavily. Then, she noticed that her clothes were still on fire and squeaked, putting it off with her bare hands. She took a deep breath and sighed.

Smoke was leaving her hands as she stared up at the sky. “Damn it.” She spoke, getting up quickly and looking towards Menlo. She was a villain…surrounded by heroes. Her body released some orange sparks and then stopped after reaching a stable quantity of energy stored up in her body. She looked around and just sighed, identifying one half-paralyzed hero and two KO'ed PRT agents. "They're just unconscious." She spoke loudly so that everyone could hear her.

She walked over to the PRT agents that were down on the ground, placing both her hands on their necks. She squeezed very lightly and a couple of sparks flew from their bodies and into her arms. The agents then slowly woke up, confusedly looking around.

She giggled and stretched, going to get her backpack. "For all it counts, dears, you now owe me one~!" She let out all of the electricity stored in her body in a burst around her, effectively knocking out cold everyone around her who didn't have some sort of electricity-protection. She took a look around and then just took off, running away as fast as she could. And that was pretty fast. She darted past random people off the street, making some of them fall over as to make any chaser's job a bit harder.

Soon after, she disappeared into a huge crowd, untying her ponytail and dropping her white coat to the ground, changing her appearance as quickly as she could to become invisible.

Birdsie Birdsie D duegxybus FireMaiden FireMaiden
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Bailey Del'Lanis aka Majesty
Bailey stayed put, running a hand through her, hearing some of the burned bits break off as Dr.Menlo approached. "Give me a minute, I'll be fine...Can't say the same for my hair," She answered, suddenly running bother her hands through multiple times to break off the burnt ends, leaving her hair about an inch shorter than it was earlier. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Powerline aiding two PRT members, yet chose to focused on something else. Until she sent out a burst of electricity. This time, she managed not to be effected as much, yet...

After another few seconds, she tried standing. And this time, her legs seemed to not be useless sausages, however she was unsteady. Bailey could feel her healing fact start kicking in, but that was secondary to the surge of anger that suddenly washed over her. Next thing she knew, she threw a quick punch to a nearby wall, making a rather large hole in an already crumbling building. "Goddamn it! That fucking hurt!" She shouted, before taking a deep breath. Anger wasn't going to slove anything and she never thought rationally when she was angry. "Tell me we got him," She paused, looking around, "And please Tell me we still have Powerline." This day was just going to hell.
Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
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Bailey Del'Lanis aka Majesty
Bailey stayed put, running a hand through her, hearing some of the burned bits break off as Dr.Menlo approached. "Give me a minute, I'll be fine...Can't say the same for my hair," She answered, suddenly running bother her hands through multiple times to break off the burnt ends, leaving her hair about an inch shorter than it was earlier. She then noticed Powerline. Her anger resurfaced, but she didn't immediately take action because she wasn't doing anything...evil I guess, at the moment. Waking PRT agents up, then approaching her. "No... I'm fine."

After another few seconds, she tried standing. And this time, her legs seemed to not be useless sausages, however she was unsteady. Bailey could feel her healing fact start kicking in, but that was secondary to the surge of anger that suddenly washed over her. Next thing she knew, she threw a quick punch to a nearby wall, making a rather large hole in an already crumbling building. "Goddamn it! That fucking hurt!" She shouted, before taking a deep breath. Anger wasn't going to slove anything and she never thought rationally when she was angry. "Tell me we got him. And tell me we're still arresting her." She was still looking at Dr. Menlo.
Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
(Post edited towards the end, check back)
Raph watched as Powerline aided the officers up to their feet. Black Surge was gone, she was supposed to be next-- but this act of kindness showed a different side of the villain. "Hey, you're acting a lot like a hero right now y'know." Zoom called out. He turned cold as Bailey asked if he'd been able to apprehend Black Surge. "I... I wasn't fast enough--" His speech had been cut off as Powerline let out a burst of electricity. He was sent back into a steel wall, though Dr. Menlo's personal insulator had kept his memories in tact. His stomach gurgled at the impact, sliding down onto the floor. Powerline escaped from the facility, leaving Raphael groaning on the floor. "Whiplash from Powerline's electricity burst. Give it thirty minutes, Raph." He took in another puff of air before picking himself up from the floor. "I got it."

He made his way towards Menlo and Bailey, a hand over his mouth as he sighed. "Well, what's next."

Interactions: Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Birdsie Birdsie
Mentions: IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
Meanwhile back at the power plant...

Douglas Warden aka Mage realized that he had been staring at this cat for way to long. The entire supervillain battle was probably over already. Alltogether not Douglas' best day. So he headed off to pick up his magic kit from the kids house and go home.
Doctor Menlo
Near Powerplant, Abandoned Building

As Menlo saw that Powerline was charging up, he panicked and shielded his face with one hand. "Oh, no-no--N-nn-NO!" The wave of power washed over him, but even after it subsided, Menlo stood in place, his equipment sparkling with power. Everything on his person short-circuited, all failsafes were released and the fuses burned out. His own equipment, overloaded by the electricity she released, literally exploded. He relied on his Personal Isolator for protection from this kind of thing, so he didn't bother working to make his equipment safer. A mistake that he'd pay for dearly.

Menlo spazzed out on the ground for several moments. His muscles bulged and contracted painfully. Pain pulsed through his entire body in heavy, dull waves. His blood boiled with a mixture of pain and anger. For a few seconds, his heart-rate effectively tripled, and then slowly lowered as he began to lose consciousness.

"C-c-crap..." He wanted to scream out. Yell, for someone to call an ambulance. He didn't even know who. A random passerby? But he couldn't - the shock raged in his body. All across his body, muscle cramps forced his mind to cry out with hellish agony.

Several, long seconds of this passed. Menlo breathed out loudly, spazzing, having a literal seizure on the ground. He thrashed around like an indignant animal, letting out constant, strangled grunts of pain.

And then, he stopped. His body couldn't take the burning anguish and he fell unconscious, his limbs still jerking very suddenly every few seconds.

D duegxybus fin fin FireMaiden FireMaiden
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May was preparing to do a little head tilt in attempt to blend in as a typical stray, when the man got up and left. Soon, explosions erupted nearby. She jumped upwards and slammed her shoulderblade on the bottom pipes, making her let out a pathetic hiss. Already a large bruise could be felt welling up on May’s back. She groaned and scrambled from under the car, willing herself human again.

Face down on the asphalt she made a weak thumbs up to nobody in particular. “I love talking, believe me, but I think a fuckin war just broke out.” May laughed half-heartedly to herself as she rose to her feet. She looked away for a few moments, observing what little she could from her location. Running a hand through her hair, she grinned. “Well damn! I’m gonna go see what I can do! Everything happened pretty fast.” She frowned, “Thatsa lotta injured people.”

May took her time in walking to the main place of conflict, her eyes quietly sweeping across the area in case there was anyone hiding. All of a sudden, another explosion erupted. May broke into a sprint, rushing to help.

Someone lay unconscious on the ground, and May wasted little time before sliding to a stop in front of them. They were twitching and jerking, sparks fizzled on the ground. “I don’t know first aid! Whythefuckdidntschoolteachmemedicalshit?” May kept her hand planted to her sides. The thought of making it worse overwhelmed her.
BackSet BackSet FireMaiden FireMaiden Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Bailey Del'Lanis aka Majesty
She could do nothing but watch as Menlo started spasming. The electricity that Powerline released soul have defiantly caused. Then, some woman can outta no where. "Hey! He'll be fine...i think, just.." When the spasming stopped, Bailey squared down, and picked up the unconscious Menlo. Bridal style. "We just gotta get him help." Who expected this little 5'2" lady to pick up this guy so easily? Anyway, she turned, making sure not to his the lady with Menlo, and looked at Zoom. "Come on, you're hurt too, aren't you?" Birdsie Birdsie fin fin Yumiko Yumiko
Raph stood dumbfound over Menlo's body, he was knocked out, and was in his opinion, more of a leader than the rest of them. He looked down at Bailey as she spoke to him, quirking a brow before calming down into a subtle smirk. "Mademoiselle... je suis pas d'importance maintenant, fille belle." He turned to face Menlo once more. "...Don't worry about me. We should get him out of here before PRT get involved. I can help him... just, both of you calm down." Zoom warned, glancing towards May. In seconds, he was able to transport Dr. Menlo to the Zoom base, laying him down on a hospital bed of sorts. He did the same for May, Alex, and Bailey, bringing them down to the base, before quickening his perception of time. Mateo leaped up by his desk at their arrival, "Puta madre!" He cursed, "Ya scared me. Who're-- who're they? You're not supposed to bring anyone else here.' Raph thumbed the middle of his forehead, letting a sigh escape his mouth. "He needs help, okay, Mat. I can't take a lecture right now."

"You know for the fourth smartest person I know you're being pretty stupid right now."

"You don't know enough people." Raph commented, before turning back to the three girls that stood in the middle of the room. "You guys... you guys have uh, any names? Somewhere I should take you? A loved one who'd want to see you right now?"

On the other hand, Mateo was busy assessing Menlo's body. Screens flashed the man's vitals, Mat set up various injections and fluids as he monitored him. "Ugh, what if he's comatose." Mateo whispered.

Doctor Menlo
Zoom Base

Menlo's body was badly burnt. His left forearm was covered in severe first-degree and light second-degree burns, and so were the places where he kept his equipment. His gear was steaming and his suit was discolored and black in most of the places. The scan would indicate that his nervous system got fried and he suffered a mild-to-moderate brain injury. His body also showed some things that were not characteristic of lightning - courtesy of Powerline absorbing Black-Surge's lightning - Menlo had minor internal bleeding as if cut with glass, in some of his tissues but the wounds were practically microscopic and would most likely heal on their own given time and proper medical care.

There are going to be long-term consequences, but Doctor Menlo would survive.

After some time passed, Alan opened his eyes lethargically. He felt the king of all headaches assaulting his mind. His body still felt spent, completely engorged with dull pain, but the cramps were gone.

"G-G-God-d..." he said promptly. A long moment passed and he finished his sentence with a breath of relief. He stuttered as he spoke - the pain made it difficult. "I th-thought... I'd d-die, right there. The results are..."

He looked around the place, recognizing the faces, or at least most of them. Plasmalight was next to him, as well as a man he did not know. Not far away from him were Zoom, that PRT officer from before that he checked up on, and a girl... a heroine?

"S-shocking." he finished speaking. Even in a situation like this, he joked. "Where am I?"

D duegxybus fin fin FireMaiden FireMaiden Yumiko Yumiko
Bailey Del'Lanis aka Majesty
Zoom Base

She cocked her eyebrow, cause she didn't remember anything from the few French classes she took. Reguardless, Menlo was taken from her arms in a split second. "What the-" And she was then taken somewhere else in the blink of an eye. Immediately turning to Zoom, "Can you like, warn someone when you're gonna do that, it's like, really weird," She told him, before going and taking off her PRT vest. The shirt underneath had been burnt in multiple places, but her under shirt had been spared, allowing her take the damaged clothes off. During the time that they were waiting for Dr.Menlo to wake up, Bailey was examining the room.

Zoom, she knew who he was, and so would anyone with internet. Then Plasma, kinda knew about a little. Actually, pretty much everyone in the room she at least knew of. Also, she got around to answering Zoom. "Bailey Del'Lanis, or Majesty. And just drop me off street side when you can, I'll call A ride. Then a soft chuckle left her as she heard the little joke Dr. Menlo made. "Shocking indeed," She replied, standing at the end of the bed. "You are like, really light you know that. Like a bunch of grapes." Birdsie Birdsie D duegxybus fin fin Yumiko Yumiko
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It took a few moments to gain her bearings as she was quickly transported. She took a deep breath to quell the slight nausea that had arisen.

"You guys... you guys have uh, any names? Somewhere I should take you? A loved one who'd want to see you right now?"

May grinned at the question. She loved it when people worded it that way. It opened the door for jokes, and jokes and profanity were her guilty pleasure. “Nah, I don’t have a name. When I was born, my mom just didn’t name me. She just waved the nurses off with a cigarette hangin outta her mouth.” She mimicked the motion of holding a cigarette and puffing out smoke. “However,” She crossed her arms, “Petty thieves and low-profile criminals know me as Lullaby. Before you ask, no, I do not make people fall asleep.”
fin fin FireMaiden FireMaiden Birdsie Birdsie D duegxybus
Doctor Menlo
Zoom Base

Menlo moved to sit on the medical bed, but his burnt muscles failed and he barely lifted himself a few inches before dropping back down. "Gah." He grunted. After a moment, he let out a strangled sigh. "I'm never taking off the damn isolator again. Ever. Not when that psycho bitch is as much as two blocks away from me."

Menlo never understood was so appealing about his persona. In stores, you could see Doctor Menlo figurines and merchandise, including comics which were about as historically accurate as Star Wars was related to real space travel. Of course, it was sold by the Protectorate, you had to agree to this when you signed up. He was well-known in Brockton Bay and well-liked. But he didn't get the idea behind his fame; making electrical appliances was a kind of lame superpower - or at least stale.

But for some reason, people still liked his brackish setup, cheesy one-liners, and name which was a paltry reference to Thomas Edison being called the 'Wizard of Menlo Park.'

Perhaps it was this attitude that was the reason why people received him so well. The Protectorate's ethics committee squealed with pure glee when 'The Electrifying Doctor Menlo' made a charity visit to children as a part of the make-a-wish foundation's activities, or made an official statement regarding a recent villain bank robbery. Did he really have a magnetic personality?

But none of that was the problem. No, he actually kind of semi-enjoy the attention. The problem lied elsewhere.

Because of his widespread fame, people seemed to just assume that he knew everything, could do everything, and was the absolute expert when it came to fighting villains. Even other capes came to him for support, reference, or leadership. Well, no. He was just a Tinker in his mid-20's with a penchant for electronics. He barely spread out his wings and started to fly, and yet, equally inexperienced doves and some that flew for longer came to him for advice. Why? Because he had good reception. And having good reception, in people's minds, translated to being a superhero who did his job right.

And right now, he proved them all wrong, much to his dismay. Taking off the one item that shielded him from electricity, in a place full of villains that manipulate electricity, just to execute a capture plan that had low chances of success. God, he was so stupid. He would smack himself over the head as punishment if he wasn't already in complete anguish.

Bailey walked up to his bed. He smiled, hiding the shame of his rookie mistake with guilt. "Y-Yeah, I guess. I'm not exactly known for my g-girth. I'm known for s-s-shamelessly r-ripping off all sith lords to ever exist." He looked at his ruined gauntlets. He thanked God that he had spare equipment back in the PHO for exactly this kind of situation. The thought of spending time building new equipment right now was nightmarish.

Alan heard Lullaby introduce herself. "You d-don't?" he stuttered. "That's k-k-kind of a st-stupid name then, isn't it?" He giggled, but there was no malice in his words, just deadpan honesty.

D duegxybus fin fin FireMaiden FireMaiden Yumiko Yumiko
"Damn, he's badly burnt. His left forearm is covered in severe first-degree and light second-degree burns," Mateo sighed, "and so were the places where he kept his equipment." Dr. Menlo's fried equpment lay in a pile beside the bed, as well as his shirt. His torso and upper body remained unclothed for closer examination. The scan would indicate that his nervous system had been fried and he suffered a mild-to-moderate brain injury. "Menlo-- Alan, has a load of internal bleeding as if cut with glass, in some of his tissues but the wounds are practically microscopic. They'll most likely heal on their own given time and proper medical care, that's me." Raphael nodded by the side of Zoom Base, leaning on the ledge of the staircase. "Great, so Alan's not gonna die." He sighed thankfully, "but no one's told me who they are--"

Raph stood up steady as another sound cut through the room, Dr. Menlo's voice. "You're awake." He let out a short laugh at Alan's joke, "and you're funny too." Zoom then turned to face Bailey who'd mentioned something about him warning them whenever he was going to carry them off like that again. "I make no promises, mademoiselle." He answered, flashing a set of perfect teeth to Bailey. "I'm the one who kept you alive, not that bastard. He just endangered your internal organs by running you over here, that stupid." Mateo interrupted. "Jeez, you couldn't've been any more harsh than that?" Mateo hissed as he continued to tend to Dr. Menla's body. Raph glanced back at May, a smirk painting his face at her witty reply. "Your mom's a dick." He finished with a chuckle, "and Lullaby's not half bad."

"Well, the suit's getting hot," Raphael whined, pulling down the cowl of the blue suit. In a whisp of air, the uniform reformed itself over a once bare mannequin as Raph stood in a pair of jogging trousers, a bomber jacket, and a plain white tee underneath. "I'm Raphael, and that there is Mateo." Mateo waved solemnly from his place over Dr. Menlo. "Oh yeah, I've got your insulator, partner." Raph said quickly as he tossed the object up and down in a palm. He walked towards the stash of equipment that lie by Alan's bed, tossing it lightly to the bunch. "You shouldn't be movin' yet, man. Your muscles are burnt up, nervous system's in a wreck. I'm surprised you're not howling in pain right-- oh yeah, parahuman. Still."

"Just take care of Dr. Menlo, Mateo. But if you're feeling it, I could really go for some take out right now. Been a long day, and we've got lots to talk about."

PHQ Training Room -> War Room

Faint echoes of gunfire emanated from the training room, as several other nameless PRT members twisted their head in surprise. Once they realised the situation, however, they soon carried on with their normal routines - going back and forth on patrols, going to their food breaks and so on. After all, the situation was the same like it normally was around this time - Steve was trying to better himself even more.

And that was no easy task - it took some time to dig it up, but some of the technicians in the control room managed to find out that Steve had military training and seemed to exceed far greater than the average 16 year old who applied to the join the cause. It was probably his Shard power that helped with that, though - naturally able to make himself invisible at will. It was a surprise other governments weren't hunting him down to 'kindly' ask him to join their ranks. Perhaps that was why it took so long to find out his story; maybe he wanted to keep his abilities secret. Of course, not even the highly trained and incredibly intellectual technicians knew the truth. Designed in a lab to be the perfect soldier, Steve - or, as his real name was, 367 (standing for Batch 03, Subject 67 - technically, his full name was B03-067) - had no parents both metaphorically and biologically. He had been trained with one goal. To track down the untrackable, and to bring them to either justice or to hell.

That was what Steve was doing at the current moment. Any free time he ever had, in-between sleep, food and work, he spent in the training room improving himself. Trying to increase his 99% accuracy to 100% - to be completely perfect at what he does. It was almost scary, when people really thought about it. Steve never relaxed, never played games or read a book for fun and doesn't even seem to watch TV except for the news channels. Even then, it is made redundant by the staff of dedicated workers keeping him up to date with what he needs to know. As far as anyone can tell, he has as many friends as good jokes - by that, none at all. No girlfriend or wife, not even a goldfish. If one did not know any better, they'd say that his eye and fingers weren't the only robotic parts of him. They'd say his personality was robotic, too. Not to say that he didn't have hopes, dreams or life goals - just that he took his work far more seriously than anyone else did.

He was currently firing a sub machine gun of some kind when he heard a voice over the intercom. "Steve Daniels to the War Room. I repeat, BLACKOUT to the War Room." Blackout. His nickname. A word of many meanings, and all of which applied to him. Causing power cuts where he went, giving temporary, sudden loss of consciousness to enemies. A perfect nickname, when one truly considered it. With little more than a simple nod of understanding, Steve placed the machine gun back on the weapon rack and left the room leaving the cardboard cutouts he was firing at with considerably less head area and far more holes in them than usual. Within a short while, Steve was standing in the war room - arm raised in salute - as his commanding officer turned to face him. Director Leighton was his name. He had been the director for as long as Steve knew - not that he would know anyways. It didn't really matter to him where he got his orders. Orders were orders.

"At ease, soldier. We have a small problem...We heard about Powerline charging up at a local power plant, and sent a strike team."
"Major casualties. Another one turned up...Black Surge, I believe? The sit-rep is simple - find where Powerline has ran off to, then call for back-up. I'll send the location to your phone."
"Yes, sir."

With a final salute, the military trained man began to turn and walk away...until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder urging him to look at the hand, the faint metallic sheen of his eye catching in the light. "Not so fast, Steve. You aren't alone on this one, for once." Turning to the microphone, Director Leighton began to speak again. "Elina Springfield to the War Room. I repeat, IMPULSE to the War Room."

Birdsie Birdsie (not sure if I should tag you or not XD) Damafaud Damafaud
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Unknown Location

Tens of computer screens blazed in the darkness, illuminating the figure whose body was stretched in a white suit with a question mark on his face. They displayed camera recordings from various places around the city. It was just supplementary data. He was overseeing if everything went along with the plan. His power provided him with everything he needed to set up the dominoes, all he needed was to make sure nothing disrupted their fall. And the dominoes were falling already. When the last one hit its mark?

He would rule this city. Maybe more in the future. Regardless, he'd accomplish what most villains can only dream of - control over an entire city. Control of the world is childish, cliche, and unrealistic. Gangs constantly bickered over territory, but the control of one city, with enough support, was a realistic goal, and the income from crime in the city would be enough to set him for a life of luxury, power, and control.

Insider pressed a button on his keyboard, opening a direct connection to Powerline. "One time," he said. Insider's voice was harsh and aristocratic, he sounded like a rich businessman or renaissance nobleman. "One time, do I let you plan an operation on your own. One time, and you were almost caught. What do you have to say for yourself, Powerline?"

The girl was wild, like a rash on his coccyx, but she was worth it. A mid-level Blaster, as unstable as she may be, is useful. She can deal with a lot of threats, but apparently, not a standard PRT response.

"The only reason you're not in prison right now is that Black-Surge and Knight were nearby and decided to take pity on you, presumably for their personal reasons or empty grudges against the heroes that were about to incarcerate you. This failure to act accordingly with the most basic law enforcement responses is simply inexcusable - no - outright disgustingly stupid."

He knew what was going to happen right now. He knew everything that would happen. "Powerline, don't come to the lair. You are being tracked, or will be. Drop off your batteries at a secure location then retreat to a backup location and await further instructions."

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
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Location: Where tf am I...

[ ]

"Gck." Alexandra attempted to cough, but couldn't. Something was holding her down. She opened her eyes, which were damn near rolling back into her head from both fatigue and injury. Tilting her head down, she saw her arms and legs were still intact, despite being riddled with several burns. Most of her suit was intact as well, presumably since it, itself, was unaffected by the electricity.

She bolted upright and winced, then turned to see everyone else talking about something. She didn't know what to say, or what to do. As she attempted to stand up, a pain shot through her body, from her head down to her hip. Alex froze in the middle of the movement. Around her arms and legs pulsed a faint blue light. That's how I didn't completely die.

Of course, her power did a negligible amount of protecting, as it only helped her run faster and shoot energy beams. Alex slowly took another step, despite moderate injuries, and began to limp out of the room. As much as she wanted to address anyone near her, she felt that she couldn't. All she did was stay by and defend that one PRT soldier that she didn't even know the name of, and shoot energy at the villain.

Despite having been a "hero" for three years, and a member of the Protectorate for half of one, Alex seemed to be a little distant on the job from others, preferring to do everything on her own even if she was called for team efforts. She gave a slight glance toward Menlo, talking to someone, then to the one who was responsible for all the warping and moving in the abandoned building. A high level Mover, most likely. "Thanks." Alex mumbled, then took another step.

She couldn't find her balance, no matter how hard she tried. Two concussions, notably, from being flung back with the electricity. Of course, Alex tried to play it off as nothing and wobbled toward the nearest thing she could call as an 'exit.'

After messily holding herself up with several tables, chairs, and unoccupied beds, Alex lost her footing and fell flat on her stomach just inches from the door. After lying on the ground for five or so seconds, she pushed herself up in an attempt to walk again to the exit. "Where's...where's that soldier? The one...that...was with me?"

Interaction: fin fin
Mentions: Birdsie Birdsie FireMaiden FireMaiden Yumiko Yumiko
Bailey Del'Lanis aka Majesty
Zoom Base

As she watched him, Bailey frowned, "Powerline is gonna pay, I promise you that," She said, running a hand over her left arm. Small burns from Black Surge's attack were slowly healing, but in Bailey's eyes, they were healing fast enough. Neither were the few caused by Powerline. Pulled out of her thoughts, she looked over to Zoom, "You mind taking me Downtown?" She was ready to go home and see her dog. And possibly her friends. She then looked to Alex who had just woken up. "He's probably on his way back to head quarters," Bailey answered her, before quickly going to help her up. "I don't think moving is a great idea right now, you took a lot of damage." Birdsie Birdsie D duegxybus fin fin Yumiko Yumiko
Doctor Menlo
Zoom Base

He looked at Mateo. There was a feeling of drowsiness and unease in the way that Menlo spoke. "T-thank you for helping me. And, not to be a downer or anything, but be honest with me. How bad is it? Am I gonna make a fully recovery or will I be scarred for life? Something in between?" His eye contact was short, his eyes kind of falling all around the place and having a hard time focusing on Mateo.

The burning sensation of lightning still filled his senses. Alan felt like every square inch of his body was constantly being stabbed by a thousand daggers that slid off of each other in attempts to gut through him as much as they could. There was a certain kick to this, the pain kept him conscious, but that didn't really have to be a good thing. Mateo mentioned the pain and Alan's focus kind of shifted to it because of that, only making the experience worse.

"Call me an idiot, b-but this wouldn't be the first time I get shocked, although it would be a first getting electrocuted... by someone else, no less. Anyway, it doesn't make me immune to electricity, but I th-think my power helps with the pain... or at least I like to think that way."

He looked at Alexandria as she stood up, but hesitated to speak for a moment until she mentioned the soldier. "He's fine - better than any of us, probably - concentrate on yourself." Doctor Menlo paused for a moment. "I called in for support, and paramedics. The scene is most likely secure already. My communicator got fried, so I don't know."

"That psychopath earned herself a one-way ticket to the Birdcage. There's no way the court will let this slide. At least one count of mass assault using a superpower and several accounts of bodily harm, and I'm pretty sure that powerplant thing counts as terrorism. And Black-Surge--he--he..." Dr. Menlo stopped talking and clenched his fists so hard the pain in his hands intensified. He didn't finish the sentence, but everyone knew what he meant. Black-Surge killed several PRT officers - mass murder, with a superpower.

Damn it. Is this how superpowers affected society? Trigger Events result from trauma, so it's normal that more than a few people that go through them are crooked upstairs. Villains outnumber heroes almost 2:1, but so many psychopaths that kill people without a second thought are among them that it's just... terrifying.

D duegxybus fin fin FireMaiden FireMaiden Yumiko Yumiko
Raphael looked up as Alex finally spoke, maybe she'd been in shock about what just happened or something, but she'd remained quiet the whole time. He winced as he watched her push past her pain, he didn't like seeing people in pain, especially for bleeding wounds. He was studying to be a doctor though, how ironic. With reflex, Raph sped up to catch Alex in his arms, grunting at the sudden weight on his person. He pulled one of her arms over his, steadying her into a standing position, before glancing back towards Bailey. "I could send you back downtown in a limo if you want, my chauffeur's rather nice and wouldn't mind coming off break. As for the rest of you, if you need to stay the night, I see no reason why not. Your injuries could be tended very well here, especially you, Plasmalight." He said, looking back into his arms. "You've got burns all over you, you're heavily wounded. Don't make it any worse." He said, beginning to walk Alex back towards another bed.

"You're gonna make a full recovery, a couple scars you can brag about to your girlfriend though." Mat teased, "There shouldn't be plenty long-term repercussions. I think you'll be fine, Menlo." He nodded, "Yeah, neither Powerline nor Black Surge are getting away with this. Just get your rest." Raph turned to face Alex, steadying her onto the bed. He made sure she was comfortable. "Can I see them?" Raph asked, gesturing towards her burns.


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