• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Crisis Point (Superhero Roleplay) - PRT Registration Desk (Character Sheets)



The God-Emperor of Mankind
Receiving a Like from me is indicative that the Character Sheet is accepted.

List of NPC Characters: (Characters that either will not get major development or involvement in the story unless the GM rules so.)
Mayor Bradley Atkins: Current mayor of Brockton Bay.
Commissioner Howard Ferrara: Police Commissioner in Brockton Bay area.
Director Leighton: The PRT Director for the (ENE) Brockton Bay zone.
Deputy Director Coleman: The PRT Deputy Director for the (ENE) Brockton Bay zone.
Olympian: One of the strongest superheroes; a flying artillery cannon; enhanced durability and strength, flight, and powerful laser attacks. Flight can reach Mach 6 speeds. Strong enough to fistfight Endbringers for some time.
Behemoth: The "Land" Endbringer.
Leviathan: The "Sea" Endbringer.
Simiurgh: The "Sky" Endbringer.
Khonsu: The "Time and Space" Endbringer.
Tohu & Bohu: The "Humanity" Endbringers.

: (Real identity.)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male or Female.)
Power Classification: (As described in the main thread under "Parahumans and Powers.")

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)
Paraphernalia: (Stuff you use while in suit, like weapons or gadgets. If you have a devoted team with a Tinker on it, consider asking them for something to help you out in the field.)
Superpowers: (That little oomph that your shard gives you.)
Skills & Abilities: (Non-superpower things worthy of note.)
Other Items & Belongings: (Are you a rich playboy with a mansion? Anything that doesn't count into "paraphernalia" goes here.)

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: (What does Dr. Evil do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
Theme: (Musical theme.)
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Name: Bailey Del'Lanis
Aliases: Majesty, Half-Pint
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Power Classification: Brute 8

Sexuality: Demi-Romantic, Bi-Sexual
High Concept: A very strong little lady who is constantly pissed off and underestimated.

  • Del'Lanis Crime Family: A well known family, The Del'Lanis crime family has a hold in many of the shadowy trades that plauge Brockton Bay. Yet, they're nearly untouchable. However, the heads of the family aren't the notable ones, it's their kids. William Del'Lanis was arrested by the PRT nearly 6 years ago after a two year long reign of terror that ended with a boom. Theodore Del'Lanis was arrested by the PRT just 6 months ago after he was finally caught for a string of bank robberies that ended violently. And Jasper Del'Lanis, who currently has a warrent out for her arrest for multiple reasons. The big one being multiple counts of murder. And surprisingly, Bailey is the one their parents aren't proud of because she's not really a criminal.
  • PRT: Bailey has a somewhat strained relationship with the PRT. Both of her brothers have been arrested by them, and her sister is wanted. And Bailey herself still have ties to her family and a few of more dangerous gangs, she finds herself often working for the PRT. Her part time position may change at some point.
  • Tyson "Tyr" O'Connor: Mostly a partner based relationship for now, Bailey considers Tyson one of the few people she genuninly cares about.
Backstory: UNKNOWN; Trigger Event Below; Shortly after her older brother William's arrest, Bailey Del'Lanis and two friends were kidnapped by a family rival. Missing for nearly two weeks, Bailey and her friends were victims of multiple types of torture. Bailey has declined to share what they were, but we should note that a rape kit was given, and the results were... [someone has very harshly scribbled out the remainder of the sentence, the paper is a little ripped]. She states that after her friends both perished, she seemed to snap. Or give up one. Bailey remembers thinking that "Nobody is coming to save me, so I'm going to save myself. Or die trying". After that, she remembered an odd feeling, and new found strength; before breaking through the metal door of the room she was being kept in, and after that, everything was a red blur.

Appearance: Poor Bailey. Standing at five feet, two inches in total height, and weighing in at around 125 pounds, she's a woman you would generally underestimate. Cutting an hourglass figure (You know, wide hips, strong legs, nice butt, large chest). Speaking of large chested, Bailey is a 32 G cup, and despite her super strength, back problems are still an issue. Her hair is shoulder length, and naturally slightly wavy, but Bailey often straightens her hair. Her eyes are are dark gray-ish blue color, and everything else about her face you can see, so I'm not gonna waste time describing it. Anyway, she doesn't have any tattoos, but would like some to cover up the various scars that litter her a good portion of her torso, arms, and legs from her trigger event.

  • 9mm Pistol: A pretty standard pistol uses for emergencies either when working with the PRT or when she's not. She doesn't need it often, but you know, sometimes you just gotta shoot someone. Mostly standard ammo or non lethal rounds unless the PRT says otherwise.
  • Stun Gun: What she primarily uses with lower threat targets. Also carries it with her when not working.
  • Specialised Combat Knife: Made for Parahumans like herself with increased durability, it's able to harm them. Again, she keeps it with her at all times, and to some people, that can be a little odd.
  • Combat Outfit: Usualy a black long sleeves shirt with the slaves rolled up, cargo pants that are also somehow skinny jeans, and black lace up boots. When under PRT command, she adds a PRT vest.
Superpowers: Superhuman Strength: This is pretty self explainitory. Bailey is super fucking strong, much stronger than a normal human, and even some Parahumans. Physically at least. And y'all know what Super Strength can do.
  • Enhanced Durability: Slightly enhanced durability due to her increase in strength to make she she didn't tear herself apart. If you wanted to hurt her with your fist it wouldn't work. The same goes for most normal knives, and normal small firearms don't seem to anything more than make small cuts and bruises.
  • Basic Enhanced Healing: So, minor cuts, burns, and bruises heal quicker than they normally would with some focus. Larger wounds are aided in the healing process, but to a very limited amount. Anything beyond a cracked rib or broken finger will take a normal amount of time to heal. Her trigger event only left scars because this ability surfaced after a majority of the healing process has taken place.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Marksmen/Sharpshooter - Bailey is a marksmen, or a sharpshooter, or whatever you wanna call her; as she was trained by her father, and she's a good one too. More with longer range targets, but still. Yet, who needs a gun when you have brute force?
  • Hand To Hand Combat - Not formally trained in any particular style, more a mixture of various styles and her own rather unprofessional and unpredictable form, Bailey can handle herself in most situations. She is being trained by the PRT and a family friend currently, but someone trained could get the upper hand in the right situations. But again, she can kinda brute force her way through a lot of situations
  • Tactical Thinking: What makes a brute more dangerous? Having the smarts to back them. Bailey is rather smart, And quiet good at small time.plans and spur of the moment decisions that seem.to work out pretty often.
  • Peak Human Agility: Bailey has been participating in Gymnastics and other forms of agility based actives nearly her entire life. So, it makes sense that's she's very agile and quick on her feet.
  • Musically Talented: Okay, so this isn't combat related, but still. Bailey can sing, play the piano, guitar, and the trumpet cause high school band was a thing.
  • Pole Dancing: She's taken a pole dancing class out of boredom for about three years now, so she's pretty good. It's also a very well kept secret.
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Apartment Downtown; Complete with a roommate named Kira. She works at some tech start up place.
  • Various Important Keys
  • 2 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ein; Very smart doggo, 13/10 good boy
    • corgi-play-with-ball-cute-dog.jpg
Hobbies: Volunteering at animal shelters, Singing, Playing the Piano, Spending time with the few tolerable people in her life, Planning revenge on her sister Jasper, Consuming an unhealthy amount of Cheese-Its and Dr.Pepper, Schooling n00bs, Watching Anime, Training/Working Out
Quote\s: "You should know that the world isn't just all black and white. Not everyone you lock up desever to be locked up and not everyone you save deserves to be saved. I'm sorry, but I can't help you this time."
Theme/Also Voice claim:
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: Sarah Curran
Aliases: "Powerline"
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Power Classification: Blaster 5

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Palpatine on cyberpunk-steroids.
  • Insider's Gang - She's a lieutenant in the hierarchy.
Backstory: Classified PRT Files. All public info about her is her villain name, "Powerline" and her parahuman ability.

  • Body armor - Simple body armor to help her tank heavier blows to the body.
  • Steel mask with night/thermal vision and voice changer - It's the thing you'd find on the market, so any normal EMP can fuck it up.
  • Leather jacket and black hood - It makes her look cool.
  • Two mini-UZIs, two 1911 handguns (carried with her at all times that she dual wields in pairs) + ammo for it.
  • Control of Electricity - Her shard gives her the ability to control electricity stored in her body and the ability to resist ANY sort of damage that comes from an electrical source (his lightning and electric sparks are red/orange/yellow, depending on how intense the energy output is). She can absorb natural electricity in the air, or charge up with static electricity, but they're not good enough sources for actual offense.
    • Electric storage - Her body can store as much electricity as she'd like, but the more energy she stores, the more unstable and uncontrollable her power becomes. Example: If she absorbed the equivalent of a car battery, she'd be able to control her power accurately and precisely, but if she was hit by lightning and absorbed all of its energy, her power would be extremely destructive and kind of unstoppable but nigh-impossible to control and her body would unconsciously release lightning sparks to relieve the "pressure".
    • Lightning Burst - She can release all electricity stored in her body at the same time in either an electric shockwave (offensive and lethal) or an electromagnetic pulse (disrupts electrical devices).
    • Lightning Ray - By focusing a lot of energy into a single point, she can emit a single, concentrated bolt of lightning that, however, exhausts her energy storage very quickly.
    • Neural Overload - The brain sends electric signals to the nerves to make your body do stuff. Well, she can cause you severe seizures by unloading electricity into your brain. Yup.
    • Full-body paralysis - By absorbing most of the electricity in a person's motor centers, she can paralyze that person for about 3-4 hours. Of course, she can make the effect shorter by absorbing less electricity.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Degree in: Physics, biology, and neurology.
  • Particularly selfish. Yes, that's a skill.
  • Fairly decent sharpshooter.
  • Very, veery loyal to her leader. If she fails an assigned task, she'll probably be the one punishing herself.
Other Items & Belongings: Nothing particularly important.

Musical Theme:
    : ???
    Aliases: Insider
    Age: Late 20's to Early 30's
    Gender: Male
    Power Classification: Thinker 5

Doctor Menlo
    : Alan Brendon Everett
    Aliases: Dr. Menlo
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Power Classification: Tinker 6

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: Tyson B. O'Connor
Aliases: Tyr, Grizzly,
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Power Classification:
  • Changer: Lvl. 8
  • Brute: Lvl. 5
  • Mover: Lvl. 4

  • 1522699174187.png
: Bisexual
High Concept: Were-Bear man who gets pissed very easily.
  • Bailey Del'Lanis
Backstory: To be revealed

  • An old metallic bear medallion that he keeps around his neck. The eyes glow blue when he begins to change or tap into his powers.

  • Ursine Physiology - Tyr can transform into a bear/werebear, giving him superhuman strength and speed, as well as the abilities of a bear.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Lock Picker
  • Incredibly strong
  • Agile
  • Musically talented
  • College education
  • Trained in a few forms of martial arts/wrestling/boxing
Other Items & Belongings: (Are you a rich playboy with a mansion? Anything that doesn't count into "paraphernalia" goes here.)
FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Petting dogs
  • Napping
  • Trimming his bonsai tree
  • Working out
  • Smoking weed
  • Playing guitar

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: Elina Springfield
Aliases: Impulse
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Power Classification: Tinker 5, Blaster 4, Mover/Striker 5

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Business woman with profit and herself before everything in mind.
  • PRT: Elina is a member of Protectorate. She also supplies her inventions for the members.
  • Hearth Cafe: A small cafe downtown of Brockston Bay. Jointly owned by Elina and her friend, Alpha.
  • Alpha Regan: A friend she met in college.
Elina was raised by her doting mother most of her childhood. Her father worked overseas, and apart from a fleeting meeting between them during new year and summer, she had little recollection of him. During her college year, her mother died from a heart attack. Her father invited her to move, but she was hesistant to leave Brockston Bay behind. When she returned to her study, she was still distracted and saddened by her mother's death. The depressed state of mind, among with several other things, resulted in her repeating one year of her study in law. After she graduated, Elina started up Hearth Cafe with the money she received from her father and with the help of Alpha.

One reason of her late graduation was related to her Crisis Point. A shopping centre she visited became a target of terrorism. Several Powered Humans went amok, slaughtering the visitors. Confronted with violence, she ran. A boy fell down, spraining his ankle. As she went to help the boy, one of the terrorist approached her, a Changer with metallic blades on his arms. Witnessing how he had mutilated several other people earlier, she tried to find something to help. Anything that can keep the Changer away from her. The Changer cut into the child, but Elina used her body to protect him. Something seemed to expand inside her. Crying in pain, she shoved him with all her might. A pulse of force pushed the Changer away further than she could. The PRT Team arrived not long after. Elina spent a few weeks in hospital. She also discovered her power as a Tinker and a Blaster.

Discovering her power, she felt less inclined to pursue a career in law. After she graduated, she opened Hearth Cafe, which gave her more freedom to learn more of her ability. A desire grew in her heart to became stronger. The helplessness of the boy was fresh in her mind. In several weeks, she perfected her first invention as a Tinker: Pulse Generator. She submitted it to the PTR as a Tinker Parahuman. After going through detailed examination, Elina became a part of the Protectorate.

  • Pulse Generator: A device that emits a spherical force field around the user, 3 meter (10 ft) in diameter. Capable of pushing away objects with the mass of a full grown adult.
  • Urban Jungle Boots: A pair of boots that is able to emits repulsive force from its sole, allowing the user to jump as high as 7 meter (22 ft) into the air. It is also able to emits attractive force that let the user stands on a vertical surface.
  • Urban Jungle Gloves: Similar to Urban Jungle Boots, the gloves allow the user to emits repulsive and attraction force from its palm, allowing the user to hold onto vertical surface and navigate terrains easily.
  • Force Plate: A rectangular device that emits a strong attractive force field at a 5 (16.5 ft) meter radius.
  • Tinker: Area focused on attractive and repulsive force. Unable to dive into other fields.
  • Attractive-Repulsive Force: Elina is capable of emitting a pulse of attractive or repulsive force from her body parts. The strongest force she can emit is capable of pulling or pushing a small car.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Advance Driving: Nothing beats the sensation of total control over an Autocar when you drive it at maximum speed over a zigzag road straight into the country. And no one teaches Nadine to drive better than her mother.
  • Self Defence: Nadine took her time participating in self-defence courses over the time of her college and the few times between business engagements.
  • Legal Knowledge: As a bachelor in law, Nadine is well versed in the rule surrounding the country, especially around the use of superpowers.
  • Persuasion and Negotiation: One of the perks of owning a business, Nadine learnt how to deal with different clients and to induce the right stimulant to receive the reaction she wanted.
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Two Cellphones - Crucial tool for communication; She has separate phones for work and personal use.
  • Infiniti G37 - Nadine's first and beloved car; A convertible.
  • Hearth Cafe - A small building downtown. She bought it with money from her inheritance and the contribution from her boyfriend.
  • Apartment Building - An apartment.
  • Reading
  • Drinking coffee
  • Baking cake
"Let's discuss that over a table and get it done, ink over a paper."
"Sounds fun, but too dangerous. No."
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Alexandra Frost

  • Name: Alexandra "Alex" Frost
    Aliases: Plasmalight, Laserbeam Rocket, The fister
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Power Classification:
    Blaster 8 (Original)
    Changer 3 (Original - post 2nd trigger)
    Mover 2 (Classification gained after taking advantage of her power's recoil)
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Name: Douglas Warden
Aliases: Mage
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Blaster 4, Shaker 4, striker 1

Sexuality: Asexual
High Concept: Magic themed hero with minor psychic powers
Organizations\Affiliations: None
Backstory: Kept secret from the public of his own volition. (Which is fancy speak for I don’t know yet.)

Appearance: image.jpeg

Smokebomb: basic smoke bombs that can be bought at any magicians surplus store. They exude a cloud of smoke that covers 7 feet in all directions.

Regular throwing cards: In case his powers are neutralized, Douglas carries around a pack of regular throwing cards.

Sword: in case throwing cards and hand to hand combat won't cut it.


Psychic cards: cards made of psychic energy. Douglas can throw these cards and will them to explode into a blast of psychic energy. They are also sharp and can cut flesh. If douglas does not will them to explode they will dissipate when he a. Falls asleep. B. Wills them too. C. Goes anywhere outside a 100 mile radius away from them. Or D. Waits an hour.

Psychic shield: a shield that can extend for 15 feet in all directions. It will only break if his concentration is broken or if he falls asleep. He can also will it to break.

Skills & Abilities:

Expert card thrower: Douglas is an amazing shot with throwing cards.

Acrobatics: a main part of his combat style. Douglas has no powers of flight or teleportation so he needs these skills to run across rooftops and stuff.

Other Items & Belongings:

Magicians tools: all the tools of a magician. Cards, roses, and various other “tricks”. He doesn’t carry them when he heroes. They’re for his day job.

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: Magicianing.
Quote\s: “Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Children of all ages! Allow me to welcome you to the greatest magic show you’ve ever seen!”

“The world is full of mysteries. Someone should keep tabs on them.”

“Ironically I don’t really like kids.”

“A magician never reveals his secrets.”

“Trick or treat? How about just Trick.”
Name: May Newton
Aliases: Lullaby
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Power Classification: Changer 6

Sexuality: Bisexual
High Concept: Imaginative shapeshifting cat lady who can’t keep her mouth shut.
Organizations\Affiliations: She keeps to herself mostly. She often donates what she can to animal shelters though.
Backstory: According to her, “It’s probably not something I’m ever gonna flippin tell ya.”. Then again, if someone got close enough...

Clothing- Her clothes themselves are specially made so that they remain intact whenever she transforms. After her trigger event occurred, she found that when she returned to human form, her clothes had decided to take a vacation to god knows where. Almost getting arrested for public indecency was not fun.

Switchblades: When I say this girl has hidden switchblades, I mean she has a lot of hidden switchblades. She has one hidden in a pocket in her skirt. Two are Assassin’s Creed style in her sleeves. One is in the bottom sole of her left shoe. She even has one strapped to her thigh. One can’t be too prepared, after all.

Phone: She has a burner phone in the sole of her right shoe.
Superpowers: May has the ability to shapeshift into the world’s existing animals. If she focuses hard enough, she can also transform into some mythological creatures. Her creativity is what makes her dangerous. If she transforms into too many things in a certain period of time she gets incredibly tired however, hence the name ‘Lullaby’. What a crude way to remind May of her weaknesses.
Skills & Abilities:
Lock picking- High school was a crazy time.
Puzzles- For some reason she’s always been great at those escape rooms. It’s weird, but useful in tight situations.
Other Items & Belongings:
Beanie- sometimes It gets cold out, alright?

Hobbies: Ironically she is working on a graphic novel where a villain and a hero are best internet friends. They’ll log on and talk about how they were at the big fight scene, and how they had come so close to meeting, but don’t know that they’ve been fighting each other only hours earlier almost every day.

“You’re the human equivalent to genital herpes.”
“I love you, but I hate you.”
“The birds and bees are disappearing at an alarming rate.”
“Stop being a brat n’ hug meeee!”

Name: ???

Aliases: PRT Villain Names(They gave this nickname): The Knight

Age: ???

Gender: Male?

Power Classification:


Sexuality: Bisexual

High Concept: An armored individual seeking to find the limits to their power, no matter what atrocities they commit.


Achilles: Hero/Rival

Backstory: This individual's history and anything relating to them is secret, the only person who knows is them. What is known is that this individual appeared about three years ago, suited up and robbing various places while producing powers that PTR and heroes have never seen before. While it is similar to Psychic powers, they appear to be connected to a certain type of energy the individual controls, which gives them their powers. This person fought back at various heroes and PRT, almost seemingly on purpose as if the robberies were meant to draw them out.

The clashes happened for about a year, with only one hero rising up to the challenge of defeating the villain simply known as The Knight. In a final clash, the two titans clashed, but with Achilles winning in the end. Before, however, they would arrest Knight, the armored individual took off and was never seen again.

Three years have passed since the Knight left, but it was only a matter of time before they would come back.




Knight Suit: This suit of armor is much more durable than it looks and gives the user greater strength for those physical confrontations, now the suit may be durable but it is still being damaged and a lot of force must be used to destroy it, but it can be destroyed. (Anything below this is a Suit upgrade).

Jet pack: For when you gotta fly away

Wrist blades: When Knight is without powers, they will summon these two blades from their wrists, one for each arm. They durable and sharp but nothing too highly advanced like Laser blades.

Enhanced Mobility: Knight is able to run faster and pull off acrobatic moves in the suit due to the suit. This makes for running away more effective and creates a more fluid and deadly combat style.

Superpowers: (If their a bit too strong let me know and I'll remove the powers you don't like)
Psionics: This energy is what gives the Knight their powers, is it controlled by their mind and willpower and does a number of unique effects.
Psi-Pull/Push: The user can pull or push a target away, the more force is put in, the greater the distance pulled or pushed but the greater the mental strain on the user. A simple push can be used to push a target away 20 meters while increasing its power will make targets fly farther and faster.
Psi-Blades: The Knight produces two large blades of Psionic energy to cut through their foes, they use these all the time as they deal a lot of damage and can be used as much as the Knight wants.
Soul-Steal: An ability used to damage an individual and steal away their life-force to heal themselves. The user only receives half of the healing and damage may vary from extreme to low, and healing is adjusted towards damage. Can't use it multiple times without a cool down of about 5-20 minutes.
Stasis: An Ability used to completely freeze an enemy still for a short period of time (about say 10-20 minutes). Has a cool down of about 10 minutes.
Sustain: Should the Knight ever be near death, they will suspend themselves in Stasis for a long period of time to which they are immune to attacks and any noteworthy causes of death, the main drawback is that they cannot move or attack anything, nor do they heal all of the damage as they heal only enough to make sure they can live. The Sustain ability has an extremely long recharge so it cannot be used again for awhile.
Domination: The Knight is able to take control of one or more people depending on how strong their willpower is, if say a hero has strong willpower they may either resist or succumb while also making the Knights efforts be focused on that one individual, making it harder to control others.
Null Lance: This ability is a projectile that shoots forward in a line and is extremely powerful but cannot be used multiple times without a cool down of about 5-10 minutes.
Psi-Rift: This ability creates a Psionic storm that deals a lot of damage over a radius of about 20-30 meters, while also having the bonus of providing mental debuffs as well.

Skills & Abilities:
Research ability: They can research a lot of things and have been doing so for a while.
CQC: Has taught themselves how to fight hand to hand, should the need ever rise.

Other Items & Belongings:
Supposedly has a secret base somewhere, where it is though nobody knows.


Train for fights

Voice inside Suit (Whenever Ultron talks):


Birdsie Birdsie
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: Alpha Regan
Aliases: Reflect
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Mover/Blaster 5, Stranger 5

: Heterosexual
High Concept: An awkward man on the grey side of the law.
  • Hearth Cafe: A small cafe downtown of Brockston Bay.
  • Elina Springfield: A woman he gets to know during his short stay at a college.
Not much is known of Alpha's past. He had been, for some time, one of the boys roaming around the dock. His low presence disappeared from the radar around his late teen years. He only came into the notice of government after he foiled an attempt of bank robbery, only to take some of the money for himself afterward.

Trigger Event: Alpha's power was first noticed when he found a wallet laying around at the dock. Seeing him holding it, a group of youth beat him up and took it. The event shook him up and gave birth to his ability.

  • Flashbang Grenade: A typical bomb that releases blinding light in an instant.
  • Steel Sword: A sword encased in metal cylinder. Impractical, but Alpha always bring it around with him. He often use it as a bat instead.
  • Mirror Summon: Alpha is able to summon mirrors from his limbs, up to 2.5 meter in length. He can control these mirrors freely to his will, often using it to shoot sharpnels toward approaching adversaries or riding one to elevate up a building.
  • Background Presence: At will, Alpha is able to erase his presence from the mind of those around him. Unless the person specifically look for him, his presence will not be registered to the person's mind. This ability stretches to recording and photographs, where his pictures will most oftenly be glazed over. In case of physical contact
Skills & Abilities:
  • Self Defence: Alpha fighting style has been identified as judo as well as several defensive martial arts in the mix.
  • Parkour: Alpha is known for his mobility in the concrete jungle, running and going about buildings easily.
  • Street Smart: Living on the street since he was a child, Alpha is more or less familiar with the rule of the street.
  • Sleight of Hand: Quick on his hands, Alpha survived his childhood through schemes including pickpocket and mugging.
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Wallet: Filled with ready money and some cards from his contacts.
  • Hearth Cafe: A cafe he jointly owns. A small room on the second floor has becomes his living space.
  • Sneaking into houses
  • Climbing buildings
  • Eating cake
"U-um... hello."
"Sorry, but I have to do this."
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: Ashlynn Somber
Aliases: Toxin
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Power Classification
: Striker 6

: Bisexual
High Concept: An ex-con that is trying to seek redemption.
Sort of being forced to work with PRT.
Was once apart of the Evil Organization.
Backstory: Shush

Paraphernalia: Her Blades (The triggers activates a Toxin that coats the blades.) Her goggles,and her arm guards.

Toxicity: Ashlynn is able to create toxins from her palms. Concentrated liquid, or gas form.

Force pulse: Ashlynn is able to create a small pulse from her palms. This can be used to launch allies, enemies, and even herself a short distance. Longer distances require a lot of energy. She can also use it to stop herself from falling to fast.

Skills & Abilities:
Acrobatic: Ashlynn had been trained in gymnastics until she was 14.

Tie Kwan Do: Ashlynn started training when she was 6 and went until she was 15. Graduated at black belt.

Other Items & Belongings:
The majority of her items and belongings were confiscated by the PRT, but she keeps a locket with her family picture in it.


Ashlynn picked up acoustic guitar during her time in the Birdcage.

"Must we go over this again?"
"Wow... Your attitude is more toxic than my hands."
"Geez... Was I really that annoying?"

: Darian Kingsley
Aliases: Black-Surge
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Mover 5, Breaker 7, Blaster 8, Shaker 7
: Straight
High Concept: Chaotic Neutral lightning man who likes stealing and superpowered fighting.
Organizations\Affiliations: Underground Palace - Darian is a member of Underground Palace, a large criminal organization that will hire its members out for various jobs including but not limited to assassinations, kidnappings, spying, stealing, and more. The organization also deals in the black market, selling various items and weaponry, including those made by tinkers.
Backstory: Darian's past is hidden and something he never discusses because "It brings up horrible memories."

Out of Costume [Ignore the red eyes in his shadow, reusing an old photo someone made for me a while back[
In costume
Paraphernalia: None
Superpowers: Black Lightning Manipulation

Darian can control black electricity, a type of electricity much much more destructive. The electricity only contains the destructive aspects of electricity, seeking to damage, destroy, and consume everything it comes across. Due to this, Darian is unable to hack any electronics as it'll result in the electronic being thoroughly destroyed and only able to be repaired by a tinker. As a byproduct of his power, he is completely immune to electricity and if it comes into contact with him it is absorbed and turned into black electricity. He also doesn't have to eat, being able to receive all the energy he needs from electricity. If needed, Darian can turn himself and everything he has on him into a humanoid figure made of black lightning. While in this form, he is impervious to physical blows and is only affected by energy-based attacks. This form drains the electricity he has absorbed very fast so he tries not to use it much, typically only for escape. The form allows Darian to move through conductors with ease. Moving through power-lines and house sockets and the like are done easily without any damage being done, if Darian is weakens his power output down, to the wires and lines, but moving through things like computers and phones that are more intricate will always result in the item being damaged like if he tried to hack them.
Skills & Abilities: Sleight of hand, lock picking, parkour, and pick-pocketing.
Other Items & Belongings: Wallet, and cellphone.

: Raphael Dante Chimirel
Aliases: Raph, R.D., superhero mantle Zoom
: 21
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Stranger 7, Mover 11, Brute 5, Striker 8, Changer 4,

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Billionaire playboy seeking a road to earn true honor in the way he seee fit/Making a name for himself.
Organizations\Affiliations: Chimirel Drug Cartel, Chimirel Industries, High-Rank City Politicians

Second-Generation holder of Chimirel Industries, Louis Chimirel inherited the company at the death of his father, Louis Chimirel. By the time he'd inherited the business, the Chimirel family was already a respected name in Brockton, and with the new business, Louis took pride in ownership alongside his wife, Maria Chimirel. In 2014, the business that was formerly worth 1.13 trillion dollars in U.S. Dollars was pushed to the point where they'd almost had to file for bankruptcy due to competing business settling close to Brockton as well as the appearance of Parahumans, no one needed weapons anymore. In a desperate hope, Chimirel partnered with underground dealers for beer and alcohol where he thrived and used the money earned to further Chimirel Industries as well as henchmen to scare off any competitors from Brockton. He's known as the notorious leader of 'Le Gang d'Alcool,' as "Big Boss," and rarely meets with those he deals with. The news has never caught Louis. With the money earned from the gang, Chimirel Industries was back at the top in the stock market by 2015, Louis Chimirel listed as the fourth richest man in the world over the arms dealership, selling air-based vehicles such as powered jets and whatnots, all the way to energy cannons and plasma rifles, Chimirel has advanced warfare in various ways the past decade. Louis' gang has also continued to be feared throughout Brockton, and has dabbed in human trafficking, sex slaves, slavery as well as parahuman trafficking.

Recently, le gang d'Alcool has been receiving a lot of upsets due to the rise of a super hero with what seems to be a personal vendetta against the gang, Zoom. Chimirel holds a large grudge and who he doesn't even know is his son, and wouldn't hesitate to kill Raphael if he were costumed.

Mateo was born to Mexican immigrants, Humberto and Daphne Lopez in Brockton bay. Mat was a stellar student throughout his school career and took a love for hacking and computer sciences. He was praised by his schoolmates for his prowess, switching marks for A's, a couple fraud thefts here and there and his heavily hacking-boosted social media pages. Mateo was also encouraged by his family and the Latino community for his intelligence and as a representative of those groups, graduating highschool by age fourteen. When he'd received his drivers license (age sixteen), Mateo flew out for university and studied in computer sciences and engineering as well as advanced robotics all around the world. He returned to Brockton after receiving his second degree by age twenty-two and took a job at Chimirel Industries as a white cap hacker for the organisation. There, Mateo met the son of his boss, Raphael Chimirel who he immediately became best friends with. At word of Raph's powers, Mateo encouraged that Raph work as a super hero and better their city, and has aided Zoom as his oracle and guide ever since.

Note: Mateo is currently twenty-three years old and doesn't know of the Chimirel cartel.
Backstory: Raph was born to Maria and Louis Chimirel II uptown Brockton. He lived a life of lavish and received whatever he needed. He excelled in school, and was often very popular due to his family's money and importance in Brockton, Louis Chimirel was very important due to their company transporting many weapons to the U.S. and Brockton army as well as police forces. Their aid did not go unnoticed by the town. As Raph grew into teenhood, Chimirel industries began to receive loads of backlash due to a system failure that formed a clerical error in the police department's system. During a night's walk home, Raph was beaten by some of the rebellion who'd recognized his face, and there his second generational powers were born. He easily subdued his attackers with his newfound powers. Later that week, while keeping word of his powers under wraps, Raphael stumbled into his father's office and accidentally uncovered plans of forming an underground drug cartel. With things not getting any better, Raph had also found his late mother's old stash, and discovered her past as a superhero vigilante, and that he'd acquired the same abilities as her. Torn, he fleed Brockton for university, before returning two years into his university schooling. He took a job as head of bio-weapons at Chimirel Industries, and while torn between who he is and who his family is, Raph has soon taken out his anger on the streets, stopping his father's cartel on multiple occasions, as well as making a name for himself on the Brockton suburbs as Zoom. He also informed his bestfriend, Mateo Lopez of his work as Zoom, and Mateo ha since aided Raphael with his genius.

Note: No one knows of the Chimirel family's stems in the drug cartel, his father Louis going by "Big Boss" instead of his real name.

  • Zoom Suit: Modelled specifically after Raphael, the Zoom suit is actually a micro-weave of kevlar and the materials used in the uniforms of firemen. It's made like so, so that when moving at high speeds, the suit doesn't burn up onto Raph, and can handle the heat exercised by Raph whenever he runs.
    • Comms: To reach his trusty Oracle, Mateo Lopez, communication systems are installed into the headset of the suit to allow Raph to hear any information Mateo or whoever is at Zoom Base, has to offer.
    • Visor Set: A retractable visor is set in the suit both to disclose Raph's identity as well as to aid him in the field. It includes a HUD set that gives him information on most anything about his current environment, as well as voice coded access to the internet.
  • Prototype Zoom Suit 2.0: Currently being worked on at Zoom Base, the prototype suit includes heavier armour with a nanotech build up that allows the suit to rebuild itself after taking damage as well as regurgitate any kinetic energy it comes across. (Will go into further detail if the 2.0 suit is ever needed)
Superpowers: Superhuman Speed -
  • Raphael as a byproduct of his parahuman gift, is able to move his entire body at the speed of light, currently a max of mach 9, but with time can theoretically get faster. His speed gifts him with an accelerated thought process and perception, allowing him to see things unfold at a pace slower than the naked eye. His agility is also boosted up to quite the level of an olympic athlete. Raph's endurance is pushed beyond limits never thought possible for man, and can run hours on end without rest. His stamina is equally raised to this level. Due to his cells healing so fast, Raph's skin is constantly replenished, and as a cause of that, constantly at peak human durability. The speed of his cells' regeneration also has changed the rate of his healing, small cuts and wounds closing in seconds, broken bones healed in hours and deep lacerations disappeared in only a matter of seconds. Raphael's body has also adapted to moving at such high-paced speeds, allowing him G-Force adaption and resilience whenever running that fast.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Intellect: Not a "genius" per say, Raphael is undoubtedly one of the smartest men in the city, on honour roll throughout his middle school and highschool career, as well as a top prospect for Ivy League schools today, Raph specialises in the maths, sciences and coding alongside with his dream of becoming a doctor, he is very skilled in human and animal biology alike.
  • Silvertongue: Raph has a great ability to lie, and believably as well. He's sweet talked his way into getting information on multiple occasions and is a very good actor.
  • Bilingual: Raphael is of Canadian-French descent, and grew up in a household where English and French was interchangeably spoken (I'm French and can easily speak the language. Shouldn't be hard to input this to my character)
  • Parkour: Alongside his speed, Raph took on parkour rather quickly, using it as a means to move around the city and his environments both quicker and more agile.
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Heir to Chimirel Industries: As the heir to his father's arms development industry (known for it's large building settled in the middle of Brockton with the 'C' Embezzled to the side, think Avengers Tower), Raphael works as a chief of staff in spite of his young age, and receives a large income due to the company's success.
  • Heir to Chimirel Cartel: His father's underground drug cartel is something Raphael never dreams to accept. His father has not told Raph about the business yet, or of how the money there is used for their company and playthings, Raphael stumbled upon the cartel while in his father's office. The cartel is responsible for drug and beer smuggling, as well as dipping into human trafficking and slavery. They go by the 'Le Gang d'Alcool' on the streets or when appearing in newspaper, with their call card being a drop of beer at the crime scene.
  • Raphael's Estate: Stapled by the outskirts of town, the estate is a large 10.65million dollar worth castle that resides in the middle of lake Chimirel, bought out by the family. Solely Raphael lives in this large estate.
    • Zoom Base: Built underneath the Estate, the Zoom Base has one of the city's largest computer grids, even though no one knows about it due to it being completely anonymous. It houses multiple Zoom projects, as well as his planning and gadgets. The base requires either a blood sample of Chimirel DNA, or the passcode to gain access through the first floor elevator.

  • Thwarting Chimirel Cartel Plans
  • Re-reading his favourite books
  • Watching surgery film
  • Watching national basketball
Quote\s: "Mon histoire est passé. Maintenant c'est seulement le futur. Trust me, I've been there."
Raphael's Mix
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: 367 or 'Steve Daniels'.
Aliases: Blackout.
Age: 22.
Gender: Male.
Power Classification: Stranger 8. Although not technically a power, he also has cybernetic enhancements.

: Heterosexual.
High Concept: The greatest threat to villains that they'll never know about.
Organizations\Affiliations: The PRT. He works there under the strict orders from the government - not that anyone knows that. As far as anyone is concerned, he is just a naturally stealthy guy who wants to do good.
Backstory: His back story is classified. Even to the few that manage to dig deeper, they would only find lies and rumours. According to every physical record, 367 is called Steve Daniels and he grew up in England. There, he grew up and when he was 12 he suffered incredible bullying - to the point where bullies would push him down stairs and steal his personal belongings. That caught the attention of a Shard, which gave him stealth abilities that he needed to hide from his bullies. From there, he decided to use his powers for good and took up military training, before being assigned to the PRT in the fight against super villains.

What nobody knows, however, is that his 'story' is all completely fabricated. In fact, 'Steve' is actually named - or, rather, designated - 367 and is the product of a governmental project to create super spies to track down villains. Which would be fine and all, except the ways that they are created aren't exactly...legal. Even by the government's standards.

: Steve is clearly military trained. Even without his obviously Black Ops stealth suit, he has the look of a spy about him. He is well built with a stony gaze, and his body is covered in scars. He stands roughly at 182 centimetres, and weighs in at about 85 kilograms. Although no-one would know, he has no navel.
Paraphernalia: 367 typically prefers three weapons when fighting, although is trained in many more. He typically uses a combat knife, a silenced pistol and a high powered sniper rifle that he carries on his back. Each weapon is always with him - even when he sleeps.
Superpowers: Thanks to his...ahem...'dodgy' past, 367 has the ability to make himself completely invisible for long periods of time. This, coupled with his stealth training, make him a very good candidate for the PRT's stealth and subterfuge missions.
  • Invisibility - probably 367's most well known and used ability. With this, he can render himself invisible to a person's senses, cameras, animals and even down to laser grids and pressure sensors. In fact, the only thing he seems incapable of hiding from are those with detection superpowers. Even then, he is still harder to detect.
  • Render Invisible - 367's powers do not extend to himself, however. He can also render his gear invisible and, if he has to, one other person and their gear. Useful for extraction missions, but has other usages.
  • You Saw Nothing - in dire circumstances, 367 can wipe the memory of a person making them forget they ever saw him. This, however, seems to leave the target with a headache and only really works against low intelligence (such as dumb brutes) or those with low wisdom on who he is (for example, a common civilian or a low levelled grunt).
He also has cybernetic enhancements designed to assist him in his stealth mission.
  • Robotic Trigger Fingers - designed to coordinate with his robotic eye, 367's main trigger fingers have laser precision when it comes to firing a gun. As in, complete and perfect precision - not even shaky hands or the motion from his breathing puts him off a perfect headshot. They can also act like a memory stick, and can access data ports without triggering any firewalls.
  • The Eye - 367's famous robotic eye. His eye can calculate distance down to the centimetre, wind direction and strength, temperature and even humidity - in other words, factors that could hinder a perfect killshot. This, combined with his skill and robotic fingers, give him a 99% hit streak - 75% of which were perfect headshots. If he takes a shot, he'll pretty much hit. The eye also gives him infra-red vision, X-Ray vision, night vision and even EM vision - perfect to be able to track down electric power users, but can also tell if electrical wires are live or not or if water is electrified and so on.
  • SMART Heart - probably the most advanced of his tech. His heart is not human - in fact, it is completely mechanical. Without the use of coding or electricity, his heart can regulate his blood flow far better than a human's heart, meaning that it takes him longer to bleed out or suffer the effects of poison/illness, but can also give him a temporary adrenaline boost when he needs the ol' fight or flight to kick in. There are safety measure set in in the case of metal bending users - while they could break the heart, they couldn't completely destroy it to the point where he bleeds out.
Skills & Abilities: First and foremost, 367 is trained in everything military. How to use guns, knives, grenades and so on. However, due to his specialisation, he excels in CQC and stealth. It is also virtually impossible to tell the difference between a lie and the truth with him - his facial expression does not change either way.
Other Items & Belongings: None. He has all he needs in the form of his weapons. Unless you classify his body suit, which is built for stealth more than combat (although, it is padded in a way that makes thing like knives ineffective against his vital areas). Cheeky edit - he'd probably also have an earbud comms device.

: Hobbies? What are those? (367 doesn't exactly enjoy himself in his spare time - he can usually be found either hunting down criminals or training his already near perfect aim.)
"Peekaboo. Found you."
"Tango down."

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: Lionel Awarnach
Aliases: N/A, may change.
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Changer 11 (possibly could be considered "other.), Brute 8, Mover 8. Though, for the most part, Brute and Mover classifications can change depending on the stage of evolution.

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Man who evolves and enjoys the thrill of battle.
Organizations\Affiliations: N/A
The origin of his shard's awakening is mostly unknown, but for the most part, it is assumed he had experienced a near death experience and the ability had successfully manifested. Thought, whatever evolution he had gained at that time was successfully reverted and he had been living as a normal human for some time. His parents do not appear to be previous power users, so he is the first in his immediate family. Lionel had grown up in Germany with a generally middle class family, and he lived a quite decent and average life from a young age. He had not gained the trigger until later in life, implying that he was either not bullied or none of his experiences were intense enough to cause a trigger event in him. When he began to grow older, he moved to the United States and left his loving family behind, having been disconnected from them for awhile now, but keeping them close in their heart. When he arrived to America, he hoped for a decent job, but nothing immediately interested him - he wasn't enjoying anything that he was doing or trying to do. He started with gas stations, and had possibilities to go to college, but chose not to. Eventually he simple turned to what he thought was thrilling, and generally led to enjoyment of life - thievery. As a thief, he chose not to hurt others unless absolutely necessary - and he made some amazing money from what he was doing. He never took any high end jobs like robbing a bank, because frankly, he believed there was too much risk. He now lives in Brockton day, with new plans for the future with his newly awakened power.

Lionel has no real equipment that they have a use for. With their power, nothing is really necessary equipment-wise.
Lionel has the power of evolution. The way this power works is, it allows the individual to enter a next stage in evolution, altering their appearance in some manner with each stage, along with, for the most part, heightening all of the individuals physical attributes such as speed, strength, and possibly giving them the power of flight with the addition of wings.. These stages of evolution usually come about after a fight where the body needs to become stronger, or where the user is near death and is in the face of death. Evolution does not give the user any sort of elemental, magical, etc, type attributes, purely physical. Each stage of evolution is usually more powerful than the last, but sometimes certain attributes may be replaced or lost. For the most part, stages of evolution do not change the individual's personality traits, though it may change their voice, and minor personality differences are possible with the change. Reversion from stages of evolution into a previous state can be achieved, even to the original human form of the user. Reversion usually takes time and concentration to achieve, and for the most part, there's usually no reason to revert - after all, these evolutions are to increase power of the user, it's a good thing for the most part. If the user wishes to blend in with society again, reversion would be necessary, as in later stages the user might end up looking like some sort of monster.
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Skills & Abilities:
- Parkour: They were a frequent freerunner and parkourist, usually scaling buildings and scaling them with relative ease. The whole thrill factor always was fun and interesting for him to experience.
- Hand to Hand: They have some knowledge in close quarters combat, but nothing truly extensive, especially in his human form.
- Strategist: Generally a smart fighter and intelligent person in general.
- Sleight of hand, skill in thievery: A good pickpocket, and generally can get in places and steal, all while getting away with it.

Other Items & Belongings:
Nothing noteworthy in particular. Just average necessities for someone.

They enjoy doing multiple things such as freerunning, reading, and especially doing things like going out and experiencing nature. They're not particularly a fan of industrial-like cities, and loves to interact with animals and the like. Going out and getting a breath of fresh air is something he enjoys to frequent. Sipping coffee is also one of his hobbies, which he considers himself to be an expert on. Music is something he indulges in frequently, listening to a lot of songs and having a wide array of variety in his musical choice.

"You made me do this, it wasn't my choice."

: Kypher Hawthorne

Alias: Cryosis

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Power Classification:
Other 7, Shaker 7, Blaster 6, Striker 3, Brute 3, Mover 3

: Heterosexual

High Concept: A cursed child with a frosty nature looking for a purpose.

Kypher has interests in certain heroes, villains and all the Endbringers, but currently has no affiliation or relationships with anyone.

Kypher has always been a special case, right from the beginning. There are rumours that some superhumans are not made through crisis and panic. Some are made at birth, defying all creation theories in the meta human field. Kypher was one such case, born unnaturally cold yet perfectly healthy. Although understandly unnerved, his parents, who were well off enough to live rather comfortable lives, kept this child and raised him like a normal human. But for all their love and care, such a happy story was doomed to catastrophe.

Kypher’s powers grew exponentially with every birthday, the ability to see people through walls, his strangely cold and hard skin, breath that could freeze water. It was due to these odd and frankly frightening powers that lead to Kypher’s alienation from society. The other children were too scared to play with him, the teachers were too scared to teach him, and the calls and letters from the government detailing their “proposition” did nothing to alleviate the strain on Kypher and his parents. Kypher would grow up void of friendship, companionship and relationship, other than his parents.

His power soon grew too dangerous, marked when his control over it began to slip into accidentally freezing everything. His clothes, parts of the house, his father’s hand; it soon became all too much for the poor family. And someone else realised this. On one fateful night, Kypher awoke in his frosted bed to the sounds of roars. Flames licked at his open door maliciously and the stench of charcoal was immense. Although he was young, the boy understood what this meant, even if it hadn’t been for the agonised screams of his parents next door. And then there was a snap, perhaps in his mind, perhaps in reality. Everything seemed to... stop. Kypher wander about his partially destroyed home that night in quiet fear, peering at the burnt off pictures that had adorned the blackened walls, the dusty ashes that belonged to his things, the burnt bodies of his parents. It was like watching a memory frozen at the most painful possible time... Time restarted. The house burnt down, Kypher survived thanks to his accursed powers sealing him in a ball of ice. In the ashes, he noticed a pristine steel suitcase. In it lay some fancy clothing and a note written in calligraphy: Cryosis.

It was from hence forth that Kypher truly hardened himself from life. His past was a tale of sorrow, and his future would be one of vengeance. Kypher would become Cryosis and become powerful enough to ensure he could never get hurt again. Not from those kids, the teachers, that government and not from whoever had done this to him. Only then could he venture to discover who his nemesis was and how he could destroy them.


Thermo-Coil Attire: Kypher wears specially adapted Tinker clothing fitted with coils that run all along it. The actual material is heavily insulated and the coils serve to heat it up. This is to offset Kypher’s natural Cold Touch ability, although it is not enough to even affect his Second Skin. Despite the heating and insulation, the clothing is still unnaturally to cold to touch.

Cryokinesis: Ice/frost manipulation in its highest form. Kypher’s potential in it is particularly advanced and powerful. However, for some reason it is highly unpredictable and randomly sporadic in its activation that Kypher is unable to fully control it. This has lead him to take measures in order to suppress his power, lest he suffer powerful and destructive outbursts.

-Ice/Frost Control: Kypher may manifest ice, either in ridiculous amounts directly from his body or by freezing and condensing liquids or moisture in the air. He is then able to adjust its precise temperature and manipulate it telekinetically into specific shapes and forms with varying degrees of speed, strength and durability. Any ice or frosted object currently under Kypher’s direct influence cannot be influenced by another being non-physically. Due to his power, Kypher can no longer feel the cold.

-Cold Touch: As a result of Kypher’s inability to control his powers properly, anything that comes into contact with his skin will immediately begin to freeze. He can speed up this process to freeze a person he touches within a few seconds, but on its own it can freeze a person’s hand with a brief handshake. To offset this, Kypher wears special clothing including gloves to avoid freezing people and his surroundings.

-Second Skin: Another byproduct of his lack of control, and linked to Cold Touch, Kypher’s body is encased in a thin barrier of ice. This ice regenerates naturally and is unnaturally transparent, requiring acute perception for one to actually notice it. This armour is capable of stopping most normal melee attacks and small firearm rounds, but only partially mitigates standard rifle rounds and fails to defend from armour piercing rounds. Kypher may change the thickness, opacity and shape of this ice at will, but is unable to completely dispel it from its base existence. Additionally, if Kypher is knocked unconscious or incapacitated in some way, the layer of ice will autonomously move his body to safety. Oddly enough, the ice also serves to clean Kypher’s body, blocking any sense of smell that comes from him, however it also leaves him unable to properly feel anything. Those that touch his skin will notice it is harder than it should be.

-Ultimate Barrier: Against Kypher’s own violation, his power will activate and generate a protective ice barrier in the way of any incoming attack it decides will actually harm Kypher within a 1m radius of his body. This barrier at a base level has the same properties as Second Skin, but adjusts itself to deal with more powerful attacks, to a limit. Incredibly powerful attacks may break past this barrier or those with impressive speed may slip through it, however it will always react to an attack even if it is not perceivable. Kypher can not influence this ability whatsoever directly.

-Snowstorm: As the name suggests, Kypher has the power to generate a large-scale snowstorm across a 100m radius area around his body. This will generate powerful winds, blistering hail, coat the landscape in snow and obscure anything further than one’s immediate surroundings. Due to his power’s instability, Kypher must exert a lot of effort to actually get it to start and once it does, Kypher will be unable to stop it again without intense effort and focus.

-Absolute-Zero: Kypher is capable of generating a 10m radius around his body that hosts such low temperatures that it saps kinetic energy from anything within, to the point where the atoms stop moving altogether. This can freeze people and incoming attacks in their entirety, turning most into statues of ice in several seconds and causing speeding bullets to drop to the floor having lost all momentum. Even grenades and small explosive ballistics freeze before they can explode, although larger demolitions may prove more successful. Fast-moving objects or people (faster than a bullet at least) are able to reach Kypher and leave the field again with only a slight layer of frost. This ability is difficult to start, stabilise and maintain, requiring intense focus and is liable to fail at any point. As a result Kypher cannot use his other non-passive abilities whilst it is active.

Skills & Abilities:
Perception: Kypher is impressively observent and has unnaturally developed reflexes. His eyesight is very good and hearing well adapted, as well as his sense of smell. This is to be expected given that he no longer has the sense of touch.

Close-combat: While he has never formally trained in anything, Kypher has had nearly a decade of experience in fighting numerous people, including several heroes and villains each. Kypher is particularly skilled in hand-to-hand and swordfighting as his preferred weapons. He has essentially developed his own style of fighting that involves watching and waiting for his opponent before dodging incoming attacks at the last second, then proceeding to counter swiftly and decisively. He repeats this cycle until victorious and rarely changes this pattern unless the situation is truly dire.

Cooking: Living by one’s self requires one to be able to keep the body healthy. Kypher can cook most food providing it’s not overly complicated and does not require overly specific equipment.

Other Items & Belongings:
Kypher lives in a small apartment near the docks, but rarely visits it.

Fighting: Its pretty much the only thing he’s ever does. Instead of doing something normal or at least practising his fighting style, Kypher chooses to jump straight into combat with whoever he finds on the street in order to gather as much experience as possible. From drunk hobo to greedy mugger to overzealous hero to overconfident villain. No one has beaten him yet.

Cooking: But only because he needs to keep this skill sharp to survive. If he could train it by fighting people, he would.

Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
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Elizabeth Myers




Power Classification:
(First Trigger)
Master - 7
Changer - 3
Mover - 4
(Second Trigger)
Blaster - 6


High Concept:
Voices in her head given form and an explosive personality

PRT - KABOOM!!'s relation with PRT is pretty clear, she's a menace that needs to be dealt with. In short, she's a villain, though from time to time she tries to help out due to, well, no reason at all, but it often ends in a bang, with lots of blood, gore, and body parts in the mix.

Insane Clown Posse - A super exclusive, super awesome, super fabulous super villain team. Requirements for entries are super strict and specific, specifically being an exploding clown clone with the penchant for explosion, bright colors, gore, and the occasional rainbow ponies. Members are expected to be present every Thursday for the weekly meeting (absentees are detonated), tea party every afternoon, and for the mandatory team building exercises every other week.

Insider's Gang - While not an official member, KABOOM!! isn't above taking jobs for them, though hopefully not for stealth or subtlety since, wooh.

Other Brockton Bay Gangs - KABOOM!!'s practically a free mercenary, working with you one day then blowing you up the next.

(Not a secret but will have to be filled in later.)

KABOOM!! used to look just like every other girl, you know, except for the specific features. She was normal and regular and mundane and unoriginal and, most of all, BOOOORRRRIIINNNGGG!!!!! Well not anymore! After her trigger event KABOOM!! is now more beautiful than ever! Gorgeous lilac hued skin, blood red and oh so empty eyes, a smile that reaches from ear to ear, and for some reason fingers with no nails, is she not the most beautiful creature of them all?

(Stuff you use while in suit, like weapons or gadgets. If you have a devoted team with a Tinker on it, consider asking them for something to help you out in the field.)

Instantaneous Self Cloning - Pretty self explanatory, KABOOM!! can instantaneously clone herself. Each clones she creates lasts indefinitely until slain or detonated, and curiously each of her clones appears to posses their own unique quirks, traits, and personalities. She can only create a maximum number of 5 clones and due to them all being of one mind their teamwork and coordination are insanely airtight and almost perfect. Also, due to the partial autonomy of each clones, they each can perform various acts without being constantly commanded and supervised. KABOOM!!'s inherent insanity and craziness also adds an element of unpredictability to the clones, making them even trickier to fight her. However, the dangerous (for her enemies at least) part of this is that, of the prime dies, her consciousness can transfer to a still living clone and is thus, essentially, reborn again.

Bounce - One of KABOOM!!'s powers is to essentially redirect force, essentially allowing her to 'bounce'. For example, falling from a great height and then, while falling, redirecting the force of momentum, allowing her to bounce in midair with the built up momentum. This power offers her great mobility, especially when paired with her exploding clones.

Extreme Flexibility - A minor power of hers is her extreme flexibility. She can fold her arms the wrong way, bend over and have the back of her head hit the middle of her back, twist her neck nearly 360 degree, tie herself into a sort of pretzel, and do perfect splits. Perfect for party tricks.

EXPLOOOOSSSIIOOOON!!!! - After undergoing her second trigger, each clones created by KABOOM!! has the capacity to explode, yep, exploding clones. Each explosion's power can range from a concussion grenade to a stick of dynamite, each adding in intensity the more clones are bunched up when exploding. The explosions doesn't affect KABOOM!!, though she is still affected by explosions not of her own doing. She will still be affected by the force of the explosion itself, and when paired with her Bounce power, could be used for either mobility or escape.

Skills & Abilities:
Acrobatics - Befitting her appearance, KABOOM!! is quite an acrobat. Flipping in the air, doing somersaults and cartwheels, tumbles and handstands, even coordinated acrobatic acts with her clones, it's quite a hell of a show to watch actually.

Fist Fighting - KABOOM!! isn't a slouch when it comes to an old fashioned brawl, though not in a conventional method. She uses her flexibility and bounce to outmaneuver and dance around his enemies. Her insane unpredictability paired with her flexibility can be quite annoying to deal with, and of course, she's never alone, so prepare to be dogpiled.

Other Items & Belongings:
(Are you a rich playboy with a mansion? Anything that doesn't count into "paraphernalia" goes here.)

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
(What does Dr. Evil do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)

(Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)

(Musical theme.)

Birdsie Birdsie practically finished, will fill in the other things later.​
: Achilles Breiman
Aliases: “Supernova”, “Star-Warrior”
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Power Classification: (First Trigger) Mover 9; Brute 8; Striker 4. (Second Trigger) Mover 9; Brute 8; Striker 6; Trump 2.

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Knight’s arch-nemesis and the most popular hero around, followed closely by Menlo.
  • Protectorate: He is a veteran of the Protectorate. He apprehended more than 200 villains in his entire career and he is renowned as one of, if not the, best heroic capes in the PRT’s ranks.
Backstory: Achilles was born in Brockton Bay in a middle-class family and had a normal childhood. He has always been interested in space as his father always told him tales of all the astronauts that traveled to space and how cool space was. So, in his heart and mind, appeared a dream: go to space and see it with your own eyes. Fast forward by a couple of years and Achilles got into college. He majored astronomy and astrophysics just to get a chance to be picked by the most recent Space Program.

Luck would have it that NASA reached out to him, asking if he wanted to be a part of Pegasus 1, a space program with the focus to study more closely the sun. He accepted without second thought, and so began his training as an astronaut. It was finally the day of the Shuttle’s liftoff. He put on his suit and walked in the cabin, sitting (or laying, whichever you prefer) in the co-pilot’s seat. He felt something was odd, but he was too happy and excited to pay attention to that weird presentiment.

10…9…8…7…6…5….4…3…2…1…And liftoff. The shuttle flew upwards at great speed, pressing his body back into the chair. The shuttle left the atmosphere after about 20 minutes of flying. One of the bigger rockets detached itself from the main body and floated away. He looked around and felt…weightless. He was finally in space. The team got off the chairs and started doing standard procedures, contacting Houston and everything of the sort. However, something went wrong…horribly wrong.

ALL of the thrusters turned on at maximum power and started propelling the Shuttle towards…the sun? Achilles and the other astronauts tried to disable the rockets, but they could do nothing. They were going to die. They got close together and started praying, but Achilles wanted none of that. With great effort, he climbed up to the pilot’s seat and got into it to look at the sun as they flew into it. His mind was a mix of emotions…

…fear, anxiety, terror, anger, awe and hopelessness. There was a flash of light as they got closer to the sun and the scorching heat that was making Achilles sweat and groan in pain suddenly started feeling like a comforting warmth. He looked at his hands and noticed that his skin turned dark blue, with white small dots in it. He was shocked, turning around to look at his team. They were already all dead.

Without thinking, he got off his seat and “dived” towards the rear of the shuttle at great speed, punching through it. The thick plating that served as a shield for all that heat was blown away by his fist. Thanks to the momentum of that first “leap”, he kept flying forward, into deep space. He thought he was going to choke, or that his head would explode…but nothing happened. He was “breathing” normally. He looked around at the beauty of space, as tears started flowing out of his eyes. They were tears caused due to mixed emotions…

Sadness; his team had just died a horrible, painful death and he was the only one left alive. Anger; he could only manage to save himself thanks to this miracle. Amazement; his dream to see space with his own eyes had finally come true. Fear; how would he explain what happened? He flew back to Earth and landed back at Houston. He explained what had happened and explained his newfound abilities.

He joined the Protectorate as a hero under the name “Supernova” and began his career. In his almost 20 years of experience, he apprehended and put in the Birdcage at least 200 villains and defeated way more. Nevertheless, his real challenge appeared when one particular villain attacked Brockton Bay…KNIGHT. They immediately became rivals: fought almost every day as Knight tried to defeat him. However, Achilles’ willpower was too great and his sense of justice too strong to just give up.

In their final fight, Knight got the best of him thanks to his mind-control. Knight was sick of him and started beating the crap out of him as to hurt him as much as he could while Supernova could do nothing to avoid it. Achilles’ Shard decided to help and all of a sudden, he was freed by Knight’s control. He flew upwards into the sky and then dived back at him, punching Knight into the ground with the might of an exploding star. The shockwave from that punch resulted in all of the windows in Brockton Bay to shatter/tremble intensely. That was the day of Knight’s supposed death.

To this day, Supernova is happily retired, doing some hero-work every now and then to pass some time and to help new heroes pick themselves up.

: (In costume appearance)


  • Supernova Suit: Made by the PRT’s best Tinkers, his suit:
    • allows him to avoid catching on fire on fire when he flies at great speeds due to friction;
    • resist the heat of his star-blasts;
    • is extremely elastic, to allow him freedom of movement;
    • can appear on his body with just a thought;
    • is weightless.
  • First Trigger (In The Shuttle)
    • Super strength and durability: your classic power that allows him to lift incredible amounts of weight (10 tons max.)
    • Star-blasts: due to the solar radiation he absorbed, he can decide if his punches, kicks (or whatever) are just plain strong or release an extreme amount of heat and energy, adding an extreme amount of force to the punch. This is only used in extreme situations or particularly hard battles, as it wears him out very quickly. In a normal situation, he can use a maximum of 10 powered-up punches before beginning to get tired.
    • Flying: He can fly (ONLY fly) up to speeds of about Mach 5.
  • Second Trigger (Final Showdown with Knight)
    • Psychic Resistance: Supernova can resist every kind of psychic power. So, he can’t be mind-controlled and his mind can’t be read.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Major in astronomy and astrophysics
  • Skilled MMA fighter
  • Physically buff and in shape
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Thanks to his fame as the best / most popular hero, he has gained a large sum of money. However, he donates frequently to animal shelters, orphanages and offshore helping agencies.
FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Quote\s: “Don’t worry, I’ll help now.”; “I got this.”; “Retreat and get backup, I’ll deal with this for now.”
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Name: Jesse Miles

Aliases: Sheriff, Ranger

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Classification: Mover 4, Blaster 8, Brute 7, Thinker 6, (The Tinker he knows is a Tinker 5)


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: Your Good Samaritan cowboy trying his best to lock up bad guys and save the day

Julia Sarge: Tinker who helps him with specialized bullets and Gun modifications

BBPD (Brockton Bay Police Department): He recently transferred over from Tennessee and is eager to help out the men in blue against Parahumans.

Jesse Miles is the second son out of Five siblings to Kaity and Jack Miles. The Miles family is mainly a Rancher family's hat tends mostly to Cows and pigs, but they also have Horses, chickens, and all other domesticated critters, and they even own some land specifically for farming. Now this family has quite a bit of money and influence to be well respected down in the state of Tennessee so what other do they do then help out their community. They helped pay for some city projects and gave a lot of money to various charities.

When Jesse was about 17 years old, he decided to join his counties local Police department, always viewing that protecting the innocent and keeping law and order should be something everyone should strive for. He went through about 2 years of training and learning, and was officially an officer by the age of 19. Though by the age of 20 he faced his first Supervillain and this activated his own Trigger event.

Jesse was traveling with his partner when they heard by dispatch that two armed men where robbing a bank, so they go over to stop it and to keep watch while other officers arrive towards the scene. Being the first there, Jesse and his partner James went to scope out the situation to see what exactly was happening. As soon as they even arrived at the door, they were blown away as they activated a bomb the robbers placed on the front door. Jesse was on the street looking like a mess, but he was still barely alive, his friend was less fortunate.

He saw the two baddies walk down the stairs towards Jesse, and decided to go and finish him off. The amount of pain Jesse was in was almost unbearable, but when the villain shot him directly in the head, that's when his Trigger event was activated. Jesse was mentally scared, he wanted to run, but couldn't, he was in pure physical pain. He tried to beg for his life before being shot and killed but he was scared, he just couldn't get the words out due to his emotions. This was the end for him, he just hoped that there was a heaven waiting for him...

When the bullet entered, it didn't kill him as the bullet missed enough of his brain to activate the Trigger completely. Jesse was rapidly healing and was up and about in 5 minutes, he grabbed the closest gun near him, which was a handgun and saw the get away vehicle speeding away with great perception.

He ran forward with surprising speed, and turned down a different street to try and cut the vehicle off. When he was in front of them, he took aim and fired two precise shots at the suspects and disabled both as they crashed into a nearby street light. When Jesse checked his ammunition, he was surprised to find that the magazine was still full of the standard amount of ammunition.

That day he was heralded as a hero for stopping a supervillain. This began his job as a superhero and a cop. Jesse became quite famous west as he had stopped many criminals from around Tennessee and the surrounding states as he stopped tons of criminals and his fair share of supervillains.

Jesse felt though that there was enough heroes and good natured cops back home, so he decided to move east towards the city filled with heroes and villains. He left for Brockton Bay after serving five years in Tennessee as a hero. He would try to help bring law and order back into this city whether by himself or with the PRT by joining the BBPD and helping out the department by handling the Parahumans, surprisingly he's the only Parahuman within the police force, most of the good guys are either with PRT or they're vigilantes.


Two single-Action revolvers modified to be more powerful and have a higher rate of fire. Basically they're like dual handcannons

A 45/70 Repeater Rifle modified to be twice as powerful, and made to be fired faster.

Western styled Combat armor: Armor made with the idea of resisting damage both blunt and projectile. Not the toughest thing in the world but it's about as tough as military armor.

Various special bullets for various purposes made by a Tinker Jesse knows, they range from tracing rounds to incindiary to frost rounds. Powerful but limited, has about Ten each.

A Lasso for when you gotta tie up those evil guys or knock them off their feet.

Superhuman Perception: This is what gives Jesse his great accuracy as he can see an ant from like miles away with clear detail.

Fast Regeneration: Jesse regenerates his wounds at a quick pace, so say like he has a knife wound that is deep, he would be back in action in about 10-20 minutes. A bullet wound or something not as bad as a knife would takes about 2-5 minutes. The more wounds he has the longer it takes to completely regenerate.

Greater Mobility: Jesse is quick on his feet and so is his movement speed. He may not be a speedster but his quickness is shown more in combat when you gotta roll away quickly or do some sort of side step maneuver.

Gun-Sei: This power allows Jesse to use any projectile weapon as if he's been using it for years. Oh a new gun? He knows everything there is to know about how to effectively use it.

Unlimited Ammunition: Jesse is able to shoot as many bullets he wants unless they are Tinker rounds which cannot be replicated.

Skills & Abilities: (Non-superpower things worthy of note.)
A skilled driver of cars and motorcycles

To notice things like a car is suspiciously parked in front of a bank or something misplaced.

He has a charm to him that many can't name. Maybe it's his southern accent or his polite manners. Either way he's charismatic in nature.

Other Items & Belongings:
Jesse owns a black 1969 ford mustang
He lives in a house on the outskirts of the city
Jesse owns at least two horses, George and Franklin.


Helping people
Shooting guns at a gun range
Strolling around the country side.

"Ya see, Robbin' people isn't a nice thing ta do."
"Why I Outta."
"Pardon me."

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    : Jira Svátek
    Aliases: Flow, Backhand Blastwave (Old alias), ****** *****
    Age: 23-24
    Gender: Female
    Power Classification:
    Brute 11 (Classified due to the initial misunderstanding about her powers)
    Brute 9 (Re-classified)
    Shaker 8 (Original)
    Striker 8
    Mover 7
    Thinker 2

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: Tanner Jasper Reynolds
Aliases: Arsonist
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Mover 8, Shaker 9, Breaker 8, Blaster 7, Changer 8, Trump 6, Tinker 5
: Heterosexual
High Concept: Clumsy teen trying to make the world a better place with newfound powers.
Organizations\Affiliations: Wards-Subset of Protectorate training younger heroes, Chimirel Industries
Backstory: Tanner grew up a normal life, born in Brockton to an unmarried couple, Robert Reynolds and Dianne Windslow. Tanner settled with his father in the middle-class, visiting his mother and her boyfriend on occasion. In spite of his estranged parents, Tanner grew up with little mental products of their split, and took interest in skate boarding, video games, and girls like any other teenager would. He hasn't an expertise in any subject and never really thrived in school, but has always been quite the artist, displaying works of art in Brockton art shows and so on. Tanner's trigger was three years back during the last fight between Supernova and Knight. He was caught in the crossfire of the two's "final" battle, and when the hurdling men of power rocketed into his father's office where he'd stayed for the afternoon, Tanner was flung out of the premises as the cause of the impact. His body dived towards the ground, catching fire before his body was covered in flame. In what he deemed instinct, Tanner was able to fly himself off before he became a pile of blood on the concrete floor hundreds of feet below him, and has kept this a secret ever since. Only recently did Tanner steal materials from his employer, and with his artistic, unique Tinker-like designing, made his own suit out of parts from Chimirel Industries.

Note: Tanner has only been in the hero job for two months, hasn't much a relationship with Raphael Chimirel, and was employed by Louis Chimirel on an internship as a future designer for Chimirel Industries' weapons program. Tanner only has level 3 clearance in the Chimirel tower. Tanner's father also lost the ability to move both legs during Supernova and Knight's battle three years back, Tanner has held a grudge against Knight ever since.
  • 32d644a16c486fcb6df6af619f0c9e87--human-torch-toro.jpg
    Suit: Made of a fireproof mesh material, the Arsonist suit was made for Tanner to use his fire abilities as well as have his entire body aflame without the suit burning to a crisp. The suit is able to store heat and fire energy through the golden areas in the suit, allowing Tanner to manipulate that fire rather than create more himself. The visors in the suit, unlike the version Raphael Chimirel has, solely enables thermal sensors, x-ray vision and night vision when on Tanner's person. He also has a series of mini-explosives on his utility belt. The golden jets in the suit also helps Tanner maneuver through the air as he flies at high speeds.
  • Backpack: Always on Tanner's back, his backpack holds not only his suit, but his trusty skateboard, school books and plenty more.
Superpowers: Fire Manipulation -
  • Arsonist is able to manipulate and generate flames, utilising and controlling his flames psionically. Tanner can also manipulate the flames around him, and is able to solidify the flames and create fire constructs out of the fire. Besides manipulating the fire, through pyro-telekinesis, Tanner is able to fly with his fire at deafening speeds. He is adept at coating his body in a flame, using himself as a human projectile, as well as using even a simple touch to burn objects when in his total fire form. Inferno can also raise the heat in a given area, a max of about a 12 metre radius, he can raise the heat to up to 2000 degrees celsius.
  • In spite of his power, Inferno is very clumsy with his powers, vulnerable to most water attacks, and can only use his powers in oxygen-rich environments.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Skateboarding: Outside of the costume, Tanner is an able skateboarder and has multiple awards and trophies to show for his skill.
  • Creativity: With his overactive imagination, Tanner has become a great artist and weapons designer for Chimirel, shown in his suit design. He's also very good at sketching in particular, as well as painting and modelling.
  • Athletic: Outside of his powers, Tanner is very athletic and physically active, performing feats in parkour and MMA with ease.
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Cabin: Tanner's family owns a cabin in the outskirts of Brockton, an ideal safe house if ever needed.

  • Skateboarding
  • Swimming
  • Drawing
  • Reading comicbooks
  • Attending high school parties
  • Track and Field
  • "I catch fire, man. It's pretty sick if 'ya ask me."
Tanner's Mix
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: Ethan Bailey
Aliases: Triffid
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Nuker 7, Master 6, Brute 2

: Bi
High Concept: ______ vs. Zombies
  • Wards - Subset of the Protectorate training younger heroes.
Backstory: No


  • A dagger. More for keeping his plants in check than stabbing other humans.
Superpowers: Ethan is capable of summoning various flora from other dimensions on any surface within 10 meters of him, within his line of sight, and viable for a plant to grow. Any plants he conjures are rendered stetile so that they don't become invasive, although most of the more powerful ones are incapable of surviving in Earth's climate and can only be maintained via Ethan channeling energy into them.
This energy, which Ethan creates via photosynthesis, promotes cellular generation, and can also be used to heal himself and others, or to make plants native to Earth grow rapidly.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Pretty good at most things involving plants
  • Uhh
Other Items & Belongings: Stuff
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: Oscar Deckland
Nickname: Ozzy
Alias: Shadowborne
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Power Classification:
  • Lvl. 5 Mover
  • Lvl. 6 Breaker
  • Lvl. 10 Changer
  • Lvl. 10 Stranger
  • Lvl. 7 Brute


: Homosexual
High Concept: Poor shadow boy.
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)


Human Form

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)

Superpowers: (That little oomph that your shard gives you.)
Skills & Abilities: (Non-superpower things worthy of note.)
Other Items & Belongings: (Are you a rich playboy with a mansion? Anything that doesn't count into "paraphernalia" goes here.)


FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: (What does Dr. Evil do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
  • "I never asked for this.. What have I done to deserve this..?"


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: Henry Jameston
Aliases: The Butler [Not chosen by himself, a name given to him by the denizens of the internet]
Age: 72
Gender: Male
Power Classification: Brute 8, Mover 5, Striker 7, Shaker 2

: Straight
High Concept: Bad-ass old guy on the bad side of the law
Organizations/Affiliations: Henry is a contact for many people to receive jobs in the Underground Palace. He also is the person responsible for overseeing a portion of the parahuman teams that work for Underground Palace. He holds a high up position, with only a handful of people outranking him. He is able to receive almost anything from the black market that is needed through here.
Backstory: Henry doesn't talk about his past much, all that he's ever said is his trigger event happened about 35 years ago.



Paraphernalia: None
Superpowers: Henry possesses supernatural strength, super speed, enhanced durability and a tad of a regeneration factor. He's able to lift 10 tons at his most. Henry can punch through concrete with ease and when putting a lot of effort into it can barely rip through and shatter iron. He's able to move his body at 75 mph, and at a full sprint can run 90 mph. Weaker firearms, such as low caliber handguns and rifles are deflected off his skin with stronger firearms such as higher caliber handguns and rifles being able to damage him. He's also able to withstand melee attacks from most sources unless from a higher level brute classification. His regeneration factor allows him to heal a stab wound in a few hours and a gunshot in a few days. More severe damage, such as very bad burns and limb amputation take longer, close to a week or two to fully heal.
Skills & Abilities: Cleaning, Sewing, Cooking, Also adept at various martial arts
Other Items & Belongings: Pocket watch, Cellphone, Wallet
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