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Fandom Creepypasta Academy


Junior Member
In a space between reality and oddity lays city of unmatched size and confusing shape. The buildings move and streets grind away to nothing as the city takes its full place once more. This is the Empty City, and to the humans who are pulled into it nothing but terror and a short end to the confusion of their lives can be expected. But that is only for the humans, for a city must have citizens to occupy it, and this one is only different due to the occupants of its never ending landscape. At first glance those who live within the city are simply shadows, shades of those who had become trapped within, and alongside those shades are monsters and their chosen retainers. They exist within the one unchanging part of the city, the center. The center contains the two most important parts of the city, the grand seal that keeps Zalgo trapped within his void, and the Academy.

The Academy itself is a building almost beyond descriptions. It is tall enough to reach the sky and wide enough to swallow other buildings like snacks, hundreds of towers rise like teeth around its expanse, providing rooms for the students that attend within its hollow halls. At first glance the students appear normal, human, as if the place they stood in weren't a monument to madness and chaos. But under their skins are monsters and terrors of the next generation. Beasts, viruses, angels, demons, and killers that if taught properly can provide the horror that will one day fuel invention.

Today is not business as usual through, today marks the arrival of a batch of newly uplifted shades, their identities and aspects fueled by stories or theories that drive fear into the hearts of humans. Some will cloak themselves in the fear of things gone by, being both thousands of years old and freshly created. Some will be creatures the world has never seen, waiting to make a mark upon the world in some fresh way. As they enter in through the gates of the Academy they take the next step toward a future of fear.

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