Creepy-Pasta School


Transform and Roleplay out!


*You can be any creepy pasta, you can also be you're own creepy pasta you made up!

* Ask someone if it's ok with them if you plan on killing them. Dead characters can be revived unless human, if a human dies their soul can still stay, or their soul can choose not to stay. Souls CAN move non-living objects, turn off lights, and can possess sleeping victims, but the victim can protect them self by holding a rock. (Don't ask.)

* Yeah, you can be hero brine, or other horror characters from games/movies/books or from fan fiction.

* The limit is up to 4 characters!

* Respect others outside of roleplay at ALL TIMES. If you feel offended (not you're character) by someone, please discuss this in OOC.

* Be creative! I don't want to see you're ability as flying only!



Character Sign Up sheet:




Role (Human, Student, Teacher):




History (Optional):




Role (Human, Student, Teacher):Teacher



Abilities:Same as Slenderman,s abilitys

Personality:He is Very nice and Happy compared too his Brothers as he likes too be with Children and other Nice people and especially with his Brothers as he even makes Tea partis with the students and very Chieldish...But get him mad and he is not going too be MR.Splendi anymore.

History (Optional):(Reveald in RP)

Other:His brothers are ((Slenderman,Trenderman,Offenderman)) as he is the Nice one of the siblings and he has a face and eyes and not like his Brothers that are faceless...well Ofenderman has a mouth but that dosent count as a face.

(Slender Line)

Yonsisac said:


Role (Human, Student, Teacher):Teacher



Abilities:Same as Slenderman,s abilitys

Personality:He is Very nice and Happy compared too his Brothers as he likes too be with Children and other Nice people and especially with his Brothers as he even makes Tea partis with the students and very Chieldish...But get him mad and he is not going too be MR.Splendi anymore.

History (Optional):(Reveald in RP)

Other:His brothers are ((Slenderman,Trenderman,Offenderman)) as he is the Nice one of the siblings and he has a face and eyes and not like his Brothers that are faceless...well Ofenderman has a mouth but that dosent count as a face.

(Slender Line)

Name: Tony/Lucifer

Age: 15/Unknown

Gender: Male

Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Student

Appearance: Tony stands at around 5ft 6, with pure black, spiky hair, and golden eyes. He doesn't particularly look scary, until Lucifer takes over. He wears a white shirt, black trousers, black boots and a black trench coat that hide two neatly folded demonic wings, which are blood red with a black membrane. There are multiple scars over his body, including one over his throat.

Lucifer however, is another story. He looks identical to Tony, seeing as they inhabit the same body, but key features are added to him when the devil takes over. Blood red horns curl up from his head, ending in a sharp point. A long tail snakes to a tip, which is more of a arrow head shaped blade. His wings grow slightly larger, and he is able to grow claws. His clothes take a more demonic appearance, torn and ragged, red staining the clothing

Abilities: Whilst Tony is in control he only has his wings and the power to manipulate ice. However, when Lucifer is in control, he can do these and also create illusions in addition, as well as fire

Personality: TBRPed

History (Optional): Tony was once a human. Orphaned at a young age, he was sent to live with a young couple. They were nice at first, but over time they became abusive. It was when Tony was protecting his younger brother (Not by blood by by bond) Ace, that he was killed, his father slitting his throat in rage. It was then that Lucifer, a deadly creature who needed a 'vessel' and claimed to be the devil, saw the boy and felt his rage toward his father's doings, and used that to share Tony's body, therefore saving him and bonding the two together. Since then the two have lived in a somewhat peaceful manner, with Tony in control unless he was hurt or angry, which would be when Lucifer took over.

Other: Tony is usually thought of as a human, as no one has yet seen Lucifer, and when they do they only think them to be twins, with Tony being human and Lucifer being a 'Pasta
WolfOfProphecys said:
Name: Tony/Lucifer
Age: 15/Unknown

Gender: Male

Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Student

Appearance: Tony stands at around 5ft 6, with pure black, spiky hair, and golden eyes. He doesn't particularly look scary, until Lucifer takes over. He wears a white shirt, black trousers, black boots and a black trench coat that hide two neatly folded demonic wings, which are blood red with a black membrane. There are multiple scars over his body, including one over his throat.

Lucifer however, is another story. He looks identical to Tony, seeing as they inhabit the same body, but key features are added to him when the devil takes over. Blood red horns curl up from his head, ending in a sharp point. A long tail snakes to a tip, which is more of a arrow head shaped blade. His wings grow slightly larger, and he is able to grow claws. His clothes take a more demonic appearance, torn and ragged, red staining the clothing

Abilities: Whilst Tony is in control he only has his wings and the power to manipulate ice. However, when Lucifer is in control, he can do these and also create illusions in addition, as well as fire

Personality: TBRPed

History (Optional): Tony was once a human. Orphaned at a young age, he was sent to live with a young couple. They were nice at first, but over time they became abusive. It was when Tony was protecting his younger brother (Not by blood by by bond) Ace, that he was killed, his father slitting his throat in rage. It was then that Lucifer, a deadly creature who needed a 'vessel' and claimed to be the devil, saw the boy and felt his rage toward his father's doings, and used that to share Tony's body, therefore saving him and bonding the two together. Since then the two have lived in a somewhat peaceful manner, with Tony in control unless he was hurt or angry, which would be when Lucifer took over.

Other: Tony is usually thought of as a human, as no one has yet seen Lucifer, and when they do they only think them to be twins, with Tony being human and Lucifer being a 'Pasta
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 17

Gender: female

Role: Student

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.202d223b22292bd830f1b0f8635ce8ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.202d223b22292bd830f1b0f8635ce8ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities: Dark energy manipulation: Elizabeth can control, shape, create dark energy. She can make dark energy attacks and fly by riding dark energy

Personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and likes to live by her own rules. She likes to be alone and likes to take risks. She is very brave and loyal

History: Elizabeth thought she was human while she was a little girl. She lived in a middle class family and lived with her parents and older brother. Her father was an alcoholic and her mother cheated on him more than once. Elizabeth discovered she had powers when she was 14 and tried to hide them but it didn't work. Her father saw her using her powers and tried to kill her but Elizabeth killed him before he could kill her. She decided to join the school a month after

Other: nah



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EmilyPower said:
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell
Age: 17

Gender: female

Role: Student

Appearance:View attachment 76268

Abilities: Dark energy manipulation: Elizabeth can control, shape, create dark energy. She can make dark energy attacks and fly by riding dark energy

Personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and likes to live by her own rules. She likes to be alone and likes to take risks. She is very brave and loyal

History: Elizabeth thought she was human while she was a little girl. She lived in a middle class family and lived with her parents and older brother. Her father was an alcoholic and her mother cheated on him more than once. Elizabeth discovered she had powers when she was 14 and tried to hide them but it didn't work. Her father saw her using her powers and tried to kill her but Elizabeth killed him before he could kill her. She decided to join the school a month after

Other: nah
Yep yep!!...Now lets get the party started!!!!

*Slowli pulls a tea table and kids and start too play*
Name: shimmer x

age: 16

Role: student

apperance:same as pic

abillities: skilled with swords and can shape shift

personailty: good to a fault flirty and sensitive very protictive of

Sniffs the air "do i smell tea" smiles
Name: Shade Wraith

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Student

Appearance: Shadescry.png

Abilities: Telepathy, Fear Infliction, Long Tendrils

Personality: He has Schizophrenia and is criminally insane, he is a sociopath and will kill without thought. He likes to torture his victims.

History (Optional): <a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Shadescry.png.86cc29ef3a48b7a4e751fbd6c83fa635.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Shadescry.png.86cc29ef3a48b7a4e751fbd6c83fa635.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Character Sign Up sheet:

Name: Ebony

Age:How dare you ask a sirens age!!!


Role (Human, Student, Teacher):Student


Abilities: Her voice lures men into a false sense of security before she kills them feasting on their blood she kills females by using her assassins skills.

Personality: seductive and flirty she just wants some boy to kill she lures them in acting sweet but when they come to close she kills them slowly torturing

History (Optional):N/A

Other:she likes vampires
Name: Real name unknown, however he is known to most as either "Echo" or "Mr.Moon"

Age: 16


Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Human/Student



Abilities: He sacrifices his sanity in order to be able to detect if someone near him will die or kill someone, however in order for him to keep himself in control he has to absorb negative feelings from others to replenish his own sanity.

Personality:A bit shy, somewhat quiet, he prefers monsters to other humans, and is unafraid to be around those deemed "creepypastas". He is usually very calm, however sometimes he loses control of himself and attempts to kill those around him. He likes to listen when others are talking, and does not like confrontation, mostly.

Other: He wears several charms to keep different monsters/creatures from killing him, and among those is his earrings, a necklace that has two crosses on the end of it( one black, other white) and a bracelet that catches any demonic entities that approach him with the intent to kill him on fire(however its just a normal fire that can be put out, not some OP insta-death thing).
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SilverAngel303 said:
Name: Real name unknown, however he is known to most as either "Echo" or "Mr.Moon"
Age: 16


Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Human/Student



Abilities: He sacrifices his sanity in order to be able to detect if someone near him will die or kill someone, however in order for him to keep himself in control he has to absorb negative feelings from others to replenish his own sanity.

Personality:A bit shy, somewhat quiet, he prefers monsters to other humans, and is unafraid to be around those deemed "creepypastas"

Other: He wears several charms to keep different monsters/creatures from killing him, and among those is his earrings, a necklace that has two crosses on the end of it( one black, other white) and a bracelet that catches any demonic entities that approach him with the intent to kill him on fire(however its just a normal fire that can be put out, not some OP insta-death thing).
Name: Alex "Mad" Hatter

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Student


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c07342356_ALEXISHAWT.png.292b3c3017948a6a175aa4b1e7462870.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c07342356_ALEXISHAWT.png.292b3c3017948a6a175aa4b1e7462870.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities: He is very smart and is agile with a blade. He is extremely versatile and can use small amounts of insanity magic

Personality: He is shy and slightly emo, he has a thick British accent. He has a secret attraction to guys.

History (Optional): He was born in Wonderland but a portal brought him here. 


Abilities: Telepathy, Fear Infliction, Long Tendrils

Personality: He has Schizophrenia and is criminally insane, he is a sociopath and will kill without thought. He likes to torture his victims.

History (Optional):



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[QUOTE="Alex Hatter]Name: Alex "Mad" Hatter
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Student


View attachment 79475

Abilities: He is very smart and is agile with a blade. He is extremely versatile and can use small amounts of insanity magic

Personality: He is shy and slightly emo, he has a thick British accent. He has a secret attraction to guys.

History (Optional): He was born in Wonderland but a portal brought him here. 






Justin's vessel is stuck in a 13 year old boy, but he can change vessels when he wants.




He just likes to hang around school, he has no reason to learn since he collects information about CreepyPastas and knows more than a regular human could.



He always wears this gas mask, it is advised that you don't want to take this off.


He always has this jacket with him, it's a snug fit.


His jeans, Justin enjoys his clothes to be fitted just right to where there are no wrinkles in it.


His trusty boots.


He can change vessels but this can sometimes take a while due to who the new vessel is.


He's a very smooth being and is prone to snap every once in a while. Lately he's been more prone to anxiety and rarely shows his true feelings. Justin's an anti-social being and tries his best to simply live in the universe.


Justin Doesn't have a very detailed history. He searches for any scrap of information about Creepypastas, whether it be hair, clothes, weapons, or any rumors about them, he collects everything.


Always has a variety of weapons he carries around with himself, mostly knives and hatchets.
Stew said:




Justin's vessel is stuck in a 13 year old boy, but he can change vessels when he wants.




He just likes to hang around school, he has no reason to learn since he collects information about CreepyPastas and knows more than a regular human could.



He always wears this gas mask, it is advised that you don't want to take this off.

He always has this jacket with him, it's a snug fit.


His jeans, Justin enjoys his clothes to be fitted just right to where there are no wrinkles in it.


His trusty boots.


He can change vessels but this can sometimes take a while due to who the new vessel is.


He's a very smooth being and is prone to snap every once in a while. Lately he's been more prone to anxiety and rarely shows his true feelings. Justin's an anti-social being and tries his best to simply live in the universe.


Justin Doesn't have a very detailed history. He searches for any scrap of information about Creepypastas, whether it be hair, clothes, weapons, or any rumors about them, he collects everything.


Always has a variety of weapons he carries around with himself, mostly knives and hatchets.
Name: Hera Brine

Age: ??

Gender: Female/ daughter of Herobrine

Role (Human, Student, Teacher): Student



Abilities: Paralizing Stare, Immortality, Illusions, Invisibility. Her eyes turn completely glowing white when ability is in use, or when mad or depressed. But when going insane, she tends to grin and laugh out of control, usually slumping her shoulders and tilting her head. Also a little clumsy.

Personality: Not quite like her father... Cheerful (until mad), bubbly, accepting, not to gullible.

History (Optional): Hera was not exactly the child Herobrine wanted. First of all, she seemed to accepting and friendly. She had a soft heart and did not want to kill anyone, or didn't want anyone to be killed. Hera doesn't have much of a story, since she chose a different path than what was meant for her.

Other: Her weapon is a pickaxe, that is unbreakable. She usually carries it on her back or in her hand.


Name: Artorias, the Abysswalker

Age: 1,800

Gender: Male

Role: Combat Teacher

Appearance: *please refer to pic*

Abilities: Inhumane strength, speed, able to focus his abyss corruption into a blast, knocking everything around him back two feet at the least, leaves a trail of corruption behind him

Personality: When calm: nice and caring, a bit strict, when angered, he goes insane, attempting to gut "enemies"

History: Artorias was once a great knight, known for his victory against the abyss, having died in his second encounter with the abyss, he was slowly taken over by the abyss, he began to wander after his expulsion from the ranks of knight, teaching others to defend themselves

Other: Coughs up wisps of abyss, is normally always in full armor, may stop at times due to the pain the abyss inflicts upon him, teaches more by example then by books, or lectures, rarely speaks, preferring to either write or let his greatsword do the talking,

* if there's no position for a teacher to train the students to protect themselves then I would be comfortable with gym teacher, although it wouldn't be my first choice

** if ya can't find a way to add me then please inform me
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Name: Bonnie

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior

Appearance: Purple Hair, White Button up shirt, Purple Vest, Black Jeans, Red bowtie & Black Vans

Abilities: Teleportation

Personality: He comes off as a Jerk, Violent (At Night xD ) Kinda Nice (Depends on who the person is)

History: Bonnie plays the bass guitar and he can Teleport because, when he was fourteen... he was on tour with his band (Freddy, Chica & Foxy) "Freddy Fazbear" and he got bite by a dog with mutant powers which gave him that power (Lol this is from a Fanfiction xD )

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