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Fantasy Creepy-Pasta School

He pulled on his hoodie and skinny jeans and brushed out his long black hair, he then began to walk down the corridors
Walks in to main biulding and gos back to normal form and heads to locker 
Looks at class list first pro splindy what a wierd name? 
Walks down to class steps and takes a front row seat
Splendy would be sitting on his desk as he looks like paralyse and with a smiel on his face as it seems he is wating.....waiting....as he stares at the other side blankly not blinking or moving a inch as he look like a statue
Splendy would slowli turn his head towards the student with a smiel as he would say "So.....You must be one of the new students"he says staring at him without blinking or moving as he would have that creepy smiel everytime he has
Splendy would get a small list and would read...as there is only drawings of flowers and ranbows on it "Ho its...Um...Whatever Slendy would ring the bell later and start the class and he would say"he says with a warm smiel
suddenly a bell rang through the halls, signaling the start of the first class. Some weird shreiking noises were heard from teh walls, and scurrying sounds could be heard. Then it got quiet, and the bell stopped.
Splendy would get of from his desk and would stand infront of the class and says "OK student i am Splender man Or you can call mi splendy and you might know mi brother alredy and welcome too.....Um....Wait a second"He sys s he would teleport away towards slender and ask "What class am i sopos too teach?"
Ebony sashayed into the class "fashionably late," she thought to herself smiling seductively at the male members of the class. She walks up to the teacher and gives him her tardy slip covered in her lipstick before walking up to Alex and sitting on his lap and pulling out her books she smiled at him "Hey sexy want to come to my dorm after class," she purred seductively into his ear hoping that she had found her boyfriend for the week. @shimmer00
Slenderman made a sighing expression with his face. "You are teaching safety and rules for now, and after this week, you are responsible for teaching.... science." Slenderman said telepathitically, hesitating in the last word.
He walked into the classroom with his usual attire. A black T-shirt, black hoodie,blue jeans, and barefoot. Knowing full well he was late, instead of saying something, he quietly walked to the back of the classroom and sat in a empty desk. Trying not to attract attention, he wondered if the teacher was hard-core about rules or not, however not wanting to push his boundaries.
Shimmer smiles at ebony will see maybe 
Laying in his dorm smiling at the thought of ebony and did she really like him or was she just a tease he did not know but he just might want to find out
Tony was sat at the far back of the classroom, looking at his desk and no where else as he had a conversation in his head with Lucifer
Splendy would teleport in the class room once more and amidiatly say "well Good day children and remember today is your first day!....So what do we talk in the first day?"he says in a exited tone as he would wonder if anybody knows,and aswell sees a new face in the class room....Hoooo so exited ^3^
Tony glanced up at Splendy as he returned to the room, one of his eyes fading from red back to gold. One red eye meant Lucifer and Tony were talking, two red meant Lucifer was in control, and two gold meant Tony was controlling his own body. Not that anyone knew that, no one even knew he was a 'Pasta
Shade gasped and reeled back, sensing a slight disturbance run through his body, before he dissipated into smoke and died.

(I will make a new char. Shades not really good in rps like this)

Splendy would see that nobody knows why are they here and the forst thing,as he would clear his Throat and say "Well the rules ofcourse that what first no rules there no Education.....Now why we dont start too Introduse ourselfs too your fellow Partners......why we start with you Yough man"he says with a warm smiel as he points the man with the odd eye color
He froze, making sure his eyes were both gold before looking to the teacher, "I'm Tony Holmes....." He replied quietly, looking about nervously
Splendy would clap his hands togheather and say happyli "Tony Plesure for us too meat you,I bet you are going too make Good freinds in this school"he says with a smiel as his cheeck were always lightli red,as he would teleports near him and give him a paper...as this was his first Work....wait.....it was all very easy 1+1 and much more easy things as....what class of school is this,as he would teleport too his desk and sit down as he has Givin the same too al students and say "Ok finish your first work and wen you Finishe place it on mi desk and like this is your first day and there mostly nothing too do you can leave early"he says happyli as he would sit on his desk Writing as he waits for the students too finishe

(Gota go e back in 6 hours seeya)
Tony finished in about a minute, half of that time having been spent looking for a pen. Whilst he did them, he could hear Lucifer cackling at the simplicity of the sums, and continued to rant in Tony's head as the boy placed his work on the teachers desk and returned to his seat

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