Creature Chase (LaceGloves & Tigress)


Feline Overlord
"At the turn of the century, an infamous lab accident would create creatures known as 'Anthros'. A gas explosion released toxic chemicals into the atmosphere which had an unexpected side effect on the populace, and it's wild life. Human and animal genetics became one, predators became more intelligent while humans regressed into a more aggressive state. These hybrid creatures were seen as second class citizens and freaks of nature, often being sold off as pets, or a cheap form of entertainment.

The smart ones stay out of the city, and live in the wild but every so often, you'd hear storied of a group of them making their way into the human cities to cause all sorts of trouble. There were unconfirmed reports of a pack of Anthros that have been causing trouble downtown lately. At least one person was killed due to the actions of these creatures.

What do you do when you encounter this pack in your own home?"

Aaaaaaaand now for my character:


Name: Jemma

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species: Lioness anthro... she thinks...
Name:Stephan Dawney


Occupation:Still lives with his parents,

although he still works at the barn next

door sometimes.

Personality:He is quiet and keeps to

himself. He doesn't even speak to his

family about his problems. He is very

passionate about other beings'lives, but

does not really care too much about his


Background:As a child he was loud and

obnoxious until his father killed a young

anthro-child right in front of his eyes.

Starting then, he spoke very little. That's

also when he became so engrossed in

other lives.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/young-anime-boy.jpg.2c673026625174e5ad02b1342d298931.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/young-anime-boy.jpg.2c673026625174e5ad02b1342d298931.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Alright then! I shall start.......)

Jemma ran through the trees, her tail hovering just above the ground behind her as she she ran. Her breath was ragged in her throat and her heart was pounding. Glancing back, she heard the pounding footsteps of the Hunters. "Shit!" she muttered angrily, skidding to a halt at the edge of the forest. She looked back behind her before quickly examining her surroundings. Her eyes locked onto an open window. "I hope there's no one home!" she said to herself as she raced across the ground on all fours, leaping through the window. She yelped as her paw painfully struck the frame of the window and she crashed to the ground, whimpering softly to herself
Stephan was in a deep sleep when he heard the window in his room smash. Despite how loud it was, all he did was roll over and groggily stand up. The boy shook his brown haired head just a bit before staring at the glass near his feet. That's when his eyes became as huge as saucers.

Almost screaming, he stared at a lump on his carpet. This wouldn't have been too much to worry about if it was just his blanket or a stray kitten, but sadly it was neither.

She had a tail, not like a kitten's, but more like a tiger's. Stephan fought the urge to reach for the gun on his shelf, because to him, she already looked hurt. He then asked the most typical question in this sort of situation, "Are you okay?"
Jemma scrambled to the side, cutting open her leg in the process. She whimpered again, looking down at her slightly twisted ankle and bleeding leg before standing up oh her hind legs. "I'm fine" she muttered, but her voice was hinted with pain. She tried to step forward, but her leg buckled, unable to support her body weight and she fell, landing on the edge of the bed, whimpering softly. She was now at the mercy of a human...
"Shhh" Stephan cooed. He couldn't help it. He felt guilty. "I have a first aid kit in my closet...don't move!" Did he think she was going to disappear into thin air? Clearly she didn't have much mobility.

He obtained the kit from his closet, and decided to bring a broom and dust pan as well. Broken glass, and bare feet was not a good mix.

"Trust me. You'll be fine."he said as he approached her with the disinfectant.
Jemma looked at him as he left the room, her head tilted slightly to the side. She didn't understand...

When he came back into the room with the broom, dustpan and medication she finally decided to speak. "Why.... Why are you helping me?" she asked, flicking her tail slightly from side to side. She was an anthro, and he was human.... Humans normally hated the anthros....
The boy couldn't think of any legitimate reasons, except for the aching in his chest. He felt bad that the Anthro had to hide themselves. He looked at her with slight sorrow reflecting in his eyes.

"I just can't bring myself down to my fathers level." He replied in almost a whisper. He then remembered his father was still home, "Which reminds me." Stephen said, while spraying on the medicine, "We have to be quiet. I hope he didn't hear that crash."

The boy then packed the wound on with bandages galore. Her leg looked like it had a cast on by the time he finished.
"Your father is a hunter??" Jemma whispered frantically, jumping back slightly before wincing in pain. "Ow.... I wouldn't have crashed through your window if it hadn't been for the Hunters" she muttered softly, already hating the sound of the human's father. She blew a stray piece of hair away from her hair before looking at the human. "I'm Jemma..." she said softly, feeling that she should at least tell this human her name...
"oh." He whispered, completely forgetting to tell the anthro his name, "I'm Stephan. Pleased to meet you."

Stephan quickly put smaller bandages in her other cuts as he replied, 'Yeah, he's a hunter. A brute one too." At the look of anger on the girls face he decided to add, "He's usually never home though so you don't have to worry."

It wasn't entirely true, but he wanted to comfort his unexpected guest. Stephan got up and decided to dispose of the shattered glass on his floor. He carefully swept it up and put it in the trash can next to his bed. "My dad is going to be pissed about the window." He mentioned, "That is...If he doesn't find out about you first. I'd probably be dead if he did."
Jemma shifted over so she could place her paws on the ground. When she did so, she subconsciously flexed her claws, but she didn't try to get up. "And exactly what am I supposed to do while waiting for my leg to heal?" she asked him, meaning him no offence or disrespect. "And food.... I'm a hunter, so I tend to eat a lot of meat" she said as she reached up, running her clawed fingers through her short and shaggy hair. Since she was only wearing the essentials when it came to clothing, her stomach had been left completely uncovered. Every time she took a breath, he muscles moved gently and rhythmically.
Stephan stared an the fur on the girls stomach, quite fascinated. Despite all the talk about the anthro killing humans, he had never seen one in person. She seemed harmless yet strangely aggressive. Like a pittbull, he thought. He laughed at his own analogy and then regained his composure again.

"I could feed you and claim I'm going through a second puberty, or I could steal food from my older brothers meat locker. He moved out, so my family hardly ever uses it anymore. Plus, there's a lot in there." Stephen explained. "As long as you stay hidden at all times, I'm sure it'll be fine." He then smiled reassuringly.
Jemma thought for a moment and nodded. "Alright" she said softly as her ears perked up. She could hear footsteps.... Whimpering as she stepped on her injured paw, she limped towards the en suit bathroom without saying anything. After closing the door behind her, she lent against the wall before sliding down to the ground. She wrapped her tail around her legs as she placed her hands over her muzzle, stopping herself from whimpering
Stephan froze. He heard the footsteps as well and judging by how loud they were, it was clearly his father.

The door wasn't locked, so the tall man just waltzed in without any warning. "What are you doing awake at this hour boy?" He asked. An angry tone stuck in his throat, "And why the hell is that window busted?" He almost yelled. The country accent getting stronger.

Stephan winced at the tone and looked at the closed bathroom door. Jemma had gotten out safely at least. "I was sleepwalking." Was the first response he could think of. " my first aid kit and um...threw it at the window."

His father scowled at him, raised a fat hand and slapped his son hard across his right cheek. "You realize Imma have to pay for that durn window right? It's coming out of your savings."

And with that, the man was gone, slamming the door behind him.
When the door slammed behind Stephan's father, Jemma pushed open the bathroom door silently. She limped out and sat on the bed again. "I'm sorry. That was my fault" she muttered softly as she looked at the broken shards of glass on the ground. She sighed and looked around, hunting for a place where she could hopefully fall asleep without getting noticed by the Hunter if he walked into the room.
"Nah" he replied quietly, "He's almost always like that anyways." Stephan sighed and rubbed the welt forming on his cheek.

He started to stare at the girl once again, "You could sleep under my bed." he suggested, "It's sort of typical, but still comfortable."

The boy shrugged. "I have plenty of blankets."
Jemma looked at him and raised her paw, gently touching his cheek. The pads of her paws were pleasantly warm compared to the chill of her fur. Taking her paw away again, she nodded slowly. "Under the bed will be fine..." she told him before looking down at the ground. "And... Thank you.."
He couldn't help but smile at her thanks, "You're welcome." He said happily. "It's no problem at all."

He handed her all the extra blankets that were in his closet and two pillows. One for her leg and one for her head. He even had the decency to prop Jemma,s leg up for her.
Jemma yawned, very much like a cat or dog would yawn, and she curled up under the bed in no time. She pulled her tail under the bed with her, the silky soft tuft of fur at the tip lightly brushing against Stephan's legs as she did so. Resting her head on the tip of her tail, she closed her eyes and, for the time being, just lay there thinking about everything that had happened during the past two hours
Stephan, like Jemma, couldn't fall asleep either. Thoughts of his fathers potential rage in finding an anthro under his bed plagued him.

Eventually, the thought lulled him to sleep, but it felt like only a moment later that the alarm clock rang loudly.

Stephen jolted up in a flash and swung over his bed to check under it.
Jemma yelped at the sound of the alarm clock, hitting her head on the wooden plnks at the bottom of the bed. "oww......" she moaned, lightly rubbing her head
Stephan smiled, "Good morning." He chirped. "How did you sleep?"

He knew he didn' t sleep well. The bags under his eyes made it obvious. Stephan heard his own stomach grumble. "Are you as hungry as I am?" He asked.
Jemma pulled herself out from under the bed and stretched, her tail slowly getting dragged out after her. She shook her head, allowing her hair to fall over her ears. "I slept well thanks.... and I'm Probably more hungry since I haven't eaten in two days" she told him.
He raised an eyebrow, "Two?" He questioned, "How can you not eat for two days? I can't survive for more than six or seven hours."

Stephan leaped off his bed. "What kind of meat do you prefer?"he asked.
"One has to learn to survive without food if there is nothing to hunt" she explained as she pulled herself up, testing her injured paw carefully. "And I don't mind, as long as it's raw" she smiled slightly at him

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