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Realistic or Modern Creativity or Logic?

Jack glanced down at the papers on his desk for a brief moment before turning back to the terminal screen. He input a few more of the digits before turning back to his papers, then to the screen and typing a few more. After a couple more minutes, he was finished, and saved the file before getting up from his desk, taking a small lighter, and torched the papers. After a few seconds of flame, he doused it out with some water from the sink and shut the computer off. A few silent seconds passed. He looked at the clock. 12:32 PM. He should head out to the market sector. With that, Jack put on some decent clothes, and left his house for the sidewalk.
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]Kristen typed at her computer, she was studying the human genome. She was specifically interested in one section of the twelfth chromosome. That section of the chromosome often caused a lowered immune system in children. These children often caught diseases and died very early on. If she could isolate the specific gene that caused this she thought she would be able to destroy the gene while children were still in the womb. But, for now she was stuck locating it.
Glancing at the clock she noticed that she was now working overtime. Sighing, she began to exit her tabs. She was on her last tab when she noticed that she had received a message. Seeing that the message was from her mom, she quickly deleted it without reading it. She used to miss her mom, but after the sendoff she had received when joining the A's she wasn't about to read anything her mother sent. It probably had a virus attached anyway.

Finally shutting down her computer, Kristen grabbed her bag and began to make her way out of the office building. She had made her way to the bottom floor unhindered and made it out of the building without anyone talking to her. She was glad she hadn't been stopped to talk about the matching dinner, someone always stopped her so they could talk about her compatibility with men. She was doing everything in her power to avoid that conversation.


Sasha Rosewood

Sasha frowned at the canvas. It was an almost perfect likeness to the photo of the client she had on her tablet, but something was missing... She put her paintbrush behind her ear and stepped back, surveying it from all angles. Wait... She tilted her head and smiled. That was it. She leant forward and added a few more brush strokes, putting more detail than before. Looking at the photo, she had realised how striking her clients eyes were, something she hadn't included. How with the extra detail, the person in the portrait stood out and almost shone. Perfect. She removed the canvas from the easel, and left it on her other stand where it could dry.

Finally done. She yawned and checked the time. It was getting late. She pulled the hair elastic out of her ponytail, enjoying the feeling of it cascading over her shoulders. Her overalls were once again splattered with paint, so she shoved them into her machine. Many Tives had them, specially made machines that zapped specific materials of of surfaces. Hers was programmed to remove paint. She checked the hatch, and it was full of paint from last time, which she quickly emptied back into a paint bottle. Reuse and Recycle, right?

She walked upstairs and locked the door to her study. She collapsed onto her bed and started flicking through her emails. Lots of rush orders... Didn't people realise she was only human?Often she painted outside, but sometimes her studio was better. A lot of the time she painted landscapes or animals and sold them to whever, but especially recently she was getting a fair few requests for portraits. As the Division was coming up, people wanted portraits of their soon leaving kids. Oh well. She resolved that she would go do something fun to,or row, instead of staying cooped up. She could do those orders another day... Right now she was tired. She turned over, and was asleep within minutes, a smear of purple paint still on her cheek.

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Jack's eyes momentarily glanced up at a woman passing him before averting his eyes and continuing down the sidewalk(@SassyAndroidSera) to make a turn down to his stop. The Market district. A bustling metropolis of it's own; salespeople lined up along the sides of the road attempting to get their wares across, various stands selling a variety of products, and hundreds of restaurants and other commercial buildings. He stepped into one, knocking on the desk slightly in a very particular rhythm. The woman there perked up slightly before turning around.

"Well. What are you looking for today?"

Her volume dropped, as did her happy tone.

"Here for the product?"

Jack nodded with the slightest grin at the twinge of his lips.
Desmond sat outside the studio, absently plucking at the strings on a guitar as he looked over blank sheet music in front of him. He was out of inspiration, and in a low mood. He was having such a great time right now. At least the music was soothing, acoustic normally was, but it wasn't the kind of sound he was going for right now. He wanted something loud, something fun, but his brain was disagreeing with him. With a sigh, but no pause in the music, he pushed the paper away with his foot and leaned back in his chair.

While the studio wasn't asking fro a certain type of song from him, but he wanted his first song, the first one actually attributed to him at least, to be something that he knew that he'd be proud of. While sad music could be enjoyed as easily as anything, he wanted something upbeat and catchy, keep people listening and enjoying. Not to mention he could name at least ten songs with all the chord sequences he could come up with. He knew that originality was a beautiful myth, but he wanted to at least try something uncommon with his songs, something that would stand out.

Maybe he was trying too hard. He could try actually writing a song before deciding whether or not it was good enough for him. But that still required being able to come up with something write now and his unthinking playing that wasn't going to happen any time soon. He looked around the room, trying to find anything interesting or anyone he recognised who he could talk to to distract himself from the goddamn creative process.

Sasha Rosewood

Sasha woke up only minutes later. Mystified as to the cause, she looked around. Eventually, she identified the problem as her open window, which was blowing a particularly cool breeze right across her face. Instead of, logically, closing the window, Sasha shrugged it off and decided to go for a walk. She picked up her messy short overalls and put it on. She couldn't be bothered to go and find something else to wear. She pocketed her camera just in case she saw something she wanted to paint, and left the house.

She strolled up the street in a pair of messy denim shorts/overalls with streaks of paint on her face late at night, and her hair in a loose ponytail. In any other society it may have been thought of as strange, but here Sasha had always felt that she could do anything. She had been here for almost a year now, and she felt like she kind of knew what it was like. Everyone was just way more easygoing and fun to be around. She had never properly fitted in around Physes...

She saw a slightly older guy sitting outside a building with a guitar looking bored, or maybe more forlorn. The image was actually very interesting, and her fingers itched for her camera, wanting to bring the image alive in paint. Creatives always seemed more easygoing...surely he wouldn't mind? She bit her lip and went for it. Her flash was off, so she raised the camera to her eye and took a picture. It made a clicking noise as it went off. Sasha flushed red, but checked the photo anyway. It had come out perfect, and she wanted to get back to her studio and paint it, but it might seem rude just to leave. Sasha stared determinedly at the camera, not looking at the guy, her face slowly turning pinker and pinker.


Desmond had settled back into his thoughts again, his hands running on auto pilot when a click interrupted his thoughts. It took him a few seconds to realise that the sound was out of place and look around for the source of it. His eyes landed on a girl stood a few feet away, she seemed to be blushing, but he wasn't sure. He was sure that she was holding a camera, which the click must have come from. The sound of the music cut off suddenly as he raised a hand in greeting. He didn't know why she was taking pictures, but she didn't seem like a creeper or anything...

"Do you take pictures of strangers often?" He asked, an eyebrow arched as he continued his playing and strained his eyes to try and take in the girl. She had some paint on her, so she probably was a painter, duh, and had a good eye for detail. That added even more to the question of why she was taking a picture of him of all things. It didn't make sense to him. She also wasn't leaving or looking at him, which did seem a little odd too. But then, it more common for 'tives to be awkward around people than the other two. It was one of the reasons that his family were slightly disappointed when he chose that society over them, as if the As would have let him stay anyway.

Sasha blushed and looked up, partially hoping that her pink cheeks would be obscured by the darkness."Oh umm... Sometimes. I can delete it if you want...umm.." She trailed off awkwardly unsure of what to say in this situation. "It was a really beautiful image with you looking forlorn with your guitar and the music sheets and all alone... It just looked really interesting and... Sorry..." She finished. Her jumbled explanation probably hadn't cleared anything up, but at least she had tried.

She knew that her family - all Physes - would have stared him down and asked him if he had à problem. They had always been more confident and straightforward, another reason she didn't belong. She used to try and imitate them, but it didn't work. She never had that confidence, but she now realised she didn't have to have it. That was the point of the Division. She smiled somewhat apologetically at the guy.

She definitely wasn't the best at talking to people, Desmond decided. Or maybe she was just embarrassed. Embarrassment could make a person act differently. He shrugged, sliding his hand further down the fret board. He honestly didn't really care that much about it, even if the description she'd given him weren't really words he'd used within three pages of his own name. Then again, there weren't many descriptors he'd use when talking about himself, so it wasn't hard to find some he disagreed with.

"I don't mind that much, so if you like it..." He trailed off, leaving her to interpret the rest. "Besides, I was bound to attract some attention, playing an instrument at this time. And in an open space." The music was interrupted again as he gestured grandly with his arm. This time it didn't continue again since he just laid his arm on the guitar's body instead of going back to playing. He moved to sit more upright, picking up the blank sheets and folding them. "I'm Desmond Nguyen, by the way," He told her, "If you want a title for that painting."
Sasha smiled slightly. "So... If you don't mind me asking...um.. What are you out here at this time?" This was, of course, the obvious question to ask, and she was very curious. Possibly it was for similar reasons that she stayed up to paint. She had sat outside through an entire night before, trying to perfectly capture the clearing in the small copse of trees that had been in front of her. Sometimes quiet time was what the imagination needed...

Which was what she was currently denying him. "Oh, umm if I'm interrupting... I can go?" She offered, as more of a question than an offer. If she was preventing him from getting things done...

Hattie Reinbold

It was early evening and Hattie had no dance rehearsal to go to, no "catch-up" dinner with her parents, and no class for the evening. She was a free woman for the first time in a long time. Hattie was one gifted girl. She could sing, dance, play piano, she even wrote novels and poems. But tonight, all she wanted to do was hike the outskirts of the small society. So the red head finished up her dinner, set her plates into her sink, and pulled on her hiking boots. Hattie wore dark washed skinnies with a white v-neck t-shirt. Being a bit chilly outside, Hattie pulled over a navy blue sweater over it. Her copper waves were pulled over her shoulder and brushed easily passed her rib cage. Finally, she grabbed her cellphone, her house key, and a blue knitted hat for later, and stuffed them into her back pocket of her jeans and headed out, locking her front door behind her.

On her walk, she encountered many people. A lot she knew, and a few not so much. But they didn't know about her hike passed the city limits, so she made their conversations short and sweet. Hattie smiled politely and carried on her way. She was nineteen and had been here all her life. She grew up with her parents in Tives, and also grew up with the families that she schooled for dancing lessons. It was nice to still live in the same society as her parents. Still felt like home. The warmth of the thought made Hattie smile. After a while, she passed where the outskirts of the living facilities were, and entered through a big wall of trees, entering into the forest that surrounded all of the societies. In Hattie's mind, her life was trapped and caged in by a massive circle. And she would only ever know one third of it. Well, One fourth if they counted the outcasts. But she felt stuck, trapped... And was curious to know what was outside of their "Perfect society". Hattie wandered along the well known trails through the forest. She use to always come here as a kid, get yelled at by adults, or hide away whenever she wanted to be alone. It was always a nice, peaceful feeling. She was shocked at how little people knew of the forest. Yet the scenery was beautiful. If she could photograph or paint, this would be the place to go. No one to disturb the work and peace.
Apollo Lewis

As usual Apollo was at the gym completing his daily workout regimen." Just five more reps, four more, three, two, one". Apollo never stopped to take a break in between any rep or workout, it was a rule of his that was passed on from his father. Before going to the downstairs shower he walked over to the water fountain to get a drink of water. A few moments later he walked out of the facility feeling accomplished due to that extra reps he had put in before he left.

Putting one finger to his chin he tried to figure out what his dad had told him to do earlier. He couldn't decide whether it was to go to the grocery store and get milk, or pick some flowers up for his mom. I'll just go to both so i don't get into any more trouble than I already am, he thought to himself.
The woman glanced around the small shopfront, nodding once she was sure nobody else was around. She motioned for him to follow her, which he did. No words were exchanged as they crossed a corner near the back of the store. She opened a small wooden door, revealing a pile of neatly stacked boxes wrapped in clean white paper. Jack grinned.

"Well. I see your selection is a great as ever. How do I know it's as good as it was the last time I made a purchase?"

The woman frowned.

"Why would we disappoint a loyal customer and lose future purchases?"

Jack nodded before selecting a box to the right and slipping it into his backpack.

"I knew as much I just wanted to see if you were stupid enough to try and trick me."

She raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment as he slipped 250 credits to her.

"Till next time."

He gave a two-finger mock salute and left the building.
Markus sat in his new apartment in the Tives society, he really liked it here but he hadn't made any friends yet, oh well. He really needed to think up some story ideas, he figured he would start with some short stories first then get longer as his plots could be developed along with his characters. He sighed to himself, it was a long way to go but he could make it. He had to!

Mark quickly glanced over at his skateboard, it had been a birthday gift from his parents when he was 13, it still worked fine as the wood was good and solid and on top of that he took good care of it. He really wanted to skateboard right now. Ah ha! He just had a brilliant idea, why not write a short story about a skateboarder, it was perfect. Easy to write and relate to, he could do this, he could do this. The mantra kept repeating inside his head as he got a clean notebook out of a drawer and a pen, finally, he put pen to paper and began his writing career. He lightly slapped himself for being so dramatic, but he couldn't help it.
Desmond shook his head at the offer to leave as he stuffed the papers into his pocket. He was looking for a distraction, and this girl was as good of one as any. And she was nice, if a little shy. But the shyness was fine, it could have been way worse. Desmond had grown up around some As, and even met some tives, who were completely self absorbed. They were a pain to be around and to do any kind of business with, and most of them weren't even that extraordinary.

"I'm looking for inspiration. Nothing's more inspiring than the night," He said, glancing around. He leaned his head back and looked up at the sky. Only a few stars were visible. It was always that way, with the light pollution and everything. He wished it wasn't, he'd always been interested in space, one of the few areas of school he'd actually tried to pay attention in, not that it had done him much good. He still struggled to recall even the smallest fact from any part of school. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but he did struggle in school. "What are you doing out here? Besides creeping on strangers, of course." He laughed to show the last part was a joke. The last thing he wanted to do right now was to make her feel bad.
Sasha glanced up at the sky he was using as inspiration. It was beautiful. So many paintings of it had filtered through the societies, from more modest artistry, even artistry from the Crown ages. Her mother in the Phys society had a copy of a Crown age painting, about 2100 years old, called starry night. That was a more surrealist image...

She broke out of her reverie and listened to the guy. She smiled. "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a walk. You know how it is... Or not! Maybe you don't..." She hastily corrected her assumption. Just because a person was a Tive didn't ,wan they were weird like her. Sh changed the subject quickly. "I've been getting rush orders for portraits of various 16 year olds. Parents scared thy won't see their children again, for a while at least." She smiled and shrugged to show that she was used to it.

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Jack headed back to his house, the boxes tucked into his backpack snugly. It was on his way that he spotted a few filthy Tives lounging around staring up in the general direction of a some floating balls of plasma. Stars were hardly interesting to him. Nothing was once you looked at it for what it was. He scowled slightly, but concealed it as he passed. He decided on a whim to play the unthreatening working man.

"Beautiful night, ain't it? Always loved them stars, yeah?"

@SassyAndroidSera @SecretRock
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Sasha Rosewood

Sasha turned to the newcomer in surprise. The words he was speaking were casual, but the way he said them seemed a bit... Forced. And his posture was very straight, as well as how clean he seemed to be. Either this guy wasn't a Tive or she was losing how observant she used to be. She didn't want to say much, wondering what this "imposter" wanted. The guy-Desmond- probably wouldn't notice everything she had but... That was just her.
"Uhmm yeah. They have been depicted in many paintings in different ways. It makes them seem more magical when they are painted in a surrealist piece." Chances are, if he was a Tive, he would know what that meant. Otherwise, he might not.

She felt bad for not trusting this man. Maybe he was just a normal guy. Feeling guilty already she bit her lip, and looked down.

@SecretRock @LordOfThePitch

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Desmond was about to respond when another man approached them, talking about the stars that they'd been looking at. He sounded... disinterested, despite what he was saying. Actually, patronising maybe have been the better word. He sounded like he was talking to little kids, and Desmond did not appreciate it.

"Love me some surrealism," Desmond agreed, his hand moving back to his strings and the song continuing. He stared at the guy as he played, not sure what to make of him.




~ ????? ~

Odette had been walking all night thinking to herself. It was amazing she wasn't more tired. She had a really long day and then had a concert on top of it. she stopped walking and looked around. "Huh? How did I....shoot forgot to pay attention to where I was going. Oh well I can always call my driver to come get me.....I'll walk a little longer then I'll call him." She continued on her way but then stopped when she came across three people, two guys and one girl. The conversation seemed slightly tense though she wasn't sure why. "Surrealism? Is this really how our kind talk?" She said speaking up. Luckily she was wearing a black hoodie so you couldn't really see her face though some of her pink hair was hanging down. She really didn't want anyone seeing her she knew she would get recognized right away. She pulled the hood down some more to cover her face a little more. She looked at the man who had a backpack with him. He was not tive that much she knew for sure. Not that she really cared the whole separate society thing seemed kind of pointless to her.

Beautiful music was gently carried through the air as Leigh and some of her friends went on with a music session. It wasn't an original song, but with their voices and musical talents it didn't matter. They were extraordinary and anyone who heard would stop to listen in. Leigh's grin afterwards showed that they were getting closer and closer to recording it and sending it in so pretty much anyone could listen to it. This girl belonged in the Tives and nowhere else. If she had ended up anywhere else, she honestly probably would have either killed herself or snuck into Tives. But she wasn't yet aware of the future danger she was in...
Apollo Lewis

Slightly getting caught up in the thrill of spending someone else's money, Apollo walked out of the grocery store with five bags in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. He arrived home soon after to discover it was just him and his dad alone. He was kind of afraid to face him because whenever they were in the same room he would constantly criticize him or his work out plan.

"Honey is that you", his dad shouted from the kitchen. " No dad it is just me, I got the flowers and some groceries", Apollo said with a shaky voice. He already knew he took too long shopping but he couldn't help it. " Boy if you don't get in this kitchen and explain yourself, we are going to go do the 5 mile cross over". his dad threatened. "Never mind I don't want to hear it, I think it is time for you to take your evening jog. . . just get out of my face".

Apollo so overwhelmed with so many emotions took a slow walk around town thinking about it all. He looked at the scenery picking out the many different techniques. Times like these made him reconsider becoming a Physe.
Jack chuckled.

"Oh, I wouldn't know nothing about surrealism. Though I do wonder what it's like to be a Tive. Naw, I'm... well, I ain't got a clue who I am."

He groaned and popped his spine slightly.

"Ugh, them new standing desks they put up in work are makin my back straighter and killin it at the same time."
Desmond looked up at the new girl, kind of wondering where all these late might wanderers were coming from. He looked down at his strings as he thought that, accidentally ignoring the man speaking. His fingers quickly moved over the fret board, picking out a major melody, trying some upbeat strumming. He found the beat, and he liked it. He looked back up to catch the end of the man's statement.

"What's even the point of standing desks? Isn't the point of a desk to let you sit down while working?" He asked, looking around at the rest of them. The girl in the hoodie looked kind of familiar, but he was very tired so he knew he could be mistaken.

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