Creative uses for demons


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Aside from the most obvious uses for bound demons (canon fodder, slave labor, general purpose lackey), have you guys come up with any unconventional ploys?

What's the most unique way you've seen a demon used in Exalted?

How successful was it?
Let's see, I've seen Neomah used in careful programs to increase Exaltation rates in DB families, or to take care of sterility problems. Successful, but somewhat risky.

Other demons were considered as a possible method when mixed with mortals, training charms and aging spells to breed a Demonblooded army, but the plan was thrown out as too immoral in the end...along witha  variety of other get army quick plans.

Bottle Bug medic. Somewhat successful, but tends to result in dead bottle bugs when someone tries to have them heal in combat.

Information sources. Summoning 2nd Circle demon to seek ancient or sorcerous lore has shown useful. Particullarly once someone put together that Mara sounds suspiciously like one of the 'spirits' Brigid met in her legendary journey. Even mortal thaumatrgists can occasionally find it useful, though it is much more dangerous for them...  

Currently a Twilight is looking into Celestial Sorcery and Demon of the Second for the purpose of summoning Alveua for a date and possible shop talk dealing with artifice.  Untried so far.
Alveua is MIIIIIIINE *kills*

She has cute horns.. yay ^^

Anyway, my twilight in our game uses demons quite a lot.. uses so far have included..

Demon Progenitor beasts for use in Spawning of Monsters (yes, we kept that spell, tho I use it more for fun/fluff than breaking the game)

Summoning forth a 2nd circle of kimberry, (*cough* The Kraken!) to destroy half of a realm army while it was at sea, while we attacked the rest with the help of Octavian, after having used -another- 2nd circle demon to teleport our army to Cherak (Cherak doesn't exist anymore.. .. sorta blew it up a little)

Sending an Agata after a lunar who was shapeshifted into a spider. Epic wasp vs spider battle, the ancient enemies!

Summoning an amphelisia and getting to make about 60 gallons of venom.. which we then dropped on top of a realm legion from an airship.. which air elementals making sure the winds were in our favour for our aerial poisoning.

He wear perronele armour, and also has a stomach bottle bug, which he calls Bob.

Oh yes, and my twilight has Alveua as his patron, she taught him sorcery, they have a daughter, and he's currently making lots of manses for her ^^
the Invisible Fortress adventure uses demon-blooded beasts as a food supply. I can't picture any of my players casting a summons spell to eat an actual demon, but they chowed down on the Ice Eaters. Whether they made the connection between the demonic snow cats they fought and the demon hunting party they met shortly thereafter I don't know.
To take a fall.

The demon was summoned for the sole purpose of making the 'Hero' look like a hero.  I mean... who would believe a demon when it is discvered dead in the princesses royal sleeping chambers.  I was bit irked that the ST never bothered to have someone ask "Well, the demon is slain... but what were you doing here..."

Ahh well, wasn'y my game.  I did think that was a bit crafty on the summoners part.
He wasn't exactly summoned... but one of my PCs stole Octavian's acorn.  I told him he can go ahead and jot down in his backgrounds: 'Major Enemy 5".
I was witness to an ST using a demon as a spy from the enemies.

The DB sorceress summoned it, and had it lurk around us, then when our Twilight attempted a summons, it interviened, and pretended like it was the summon. Stuck around for months and months doing just like the twilight wanted, then when the DB's showed up the twilight tried to send the demon to fight, and the demon turned on the circle.

The only thing I really didn't like about that setting was there really was very little evidance to show us the demon was a rogue summon. Except that the original summons only got like one suxx... Not enough in my head to tell the Twilight or any other player that something is truely wrong about this demon.
Hmmm.. not keen on that.. sorcery isn't just summoning demons, it's fully binding them to your will.. I wouldn't allow faking like that.. of course.. there's nothing stopping the -general- gist of the plan.. she could indeed summon a demon and make sure it was the one summoned by the twilight... and possibly summon it back afterwards and question it on what it saw.. but.. the demon -certainly- shouldn't be turning on the circle.. that seems very off to me
And I thought that when you summoned a Demon you summon a specific one.  Sure you summon a Blood Ape, but you summon Bob the Blood Ape not Steve the Blood Ape....
I doubt that sorcerer's summon specific First Circle demons. There are too generic, and there are too many of them. I'd say they do summon "a blood ape", not "Bob the blood ape".

However, I also don't think that a sorcerer could be duped that easily, nor could a lowly 1st Circle demon subvert sorcery like that.
I also think that was pretty cheesy and shows a poor understanding of exalted metaphysics. He should have held that plot twist back for a higher circle demon or some other special occasion etc.
We haven't used demons very much in our game, but our Dawn caste sorceror summoned a hunter demon in an old, abandoned Manse, in order for it to hunt souls to be used for soulsteel, which we then used to tweak a travel device to bring us back home.
I've seen summoned demons being used as pets. Something like "Hi! I have a dog!" "Cool! I have a blood ape!".
Our Sorcerer summoned each of us an Agata to take us on day trips all over Creation. Or even just for a few hours.

We'd just roll a dice across the map and visit where it stopped.
The guy playing the Eclipse sorceror in my group has a plan for the so-called "Diplomatapult", in which he plans to have his Hopping Puppeteers chuck him from across the field, invoke Adamant Skin, and then start talkin'. :P

He's also used (successfully, I believe) the Tent Trick: anyone who tries to attack him in his tent at night will quickly discover it's just a canvas sheet over a Hopping Puppeteer, who'll scoop up the offender and throw them away.

While I find the term "Diplomatapult" hilarious, I was always under the impression that Puppeteers were virtually useless for anything except construction.

Sure, they have enough strength to lob people around, but from their description, they seem almost autistic in their focus on Craft.

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