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Multiple Settings Creative Chaos


Bored Ancient
Hello there people! You all can call me Siren, I’ve been roleplaying for about five years now (oh the weirdos you meet at the age of twelve). ANYWAYS! But as you can tell from the thread title I’m looking for some long term partners and potential friends to participate in these plots I have below. Firstly, I’ll lay down the minimal rules I have before getting into the plots!

1. Have fun for crying out loud - I want this to be an enjoyable experience for both of us! So if a plot starts getting boring or you want to change something up feel free to tell me or just go for it. I enjoy new ideas! Another part of this would be schedules, I’ll respect yours if you respect mine. There’ll be no stress about replies, so if you’re busy just let me know and I’ll do the same for you!
2. OC’s Only - I don’t like pairing up with people who use characters that, well, already exist. I like originality and a new experience with the characters I pair with. It should be noted that I only play straight male characters.
3. Comfortability - I'm okay with just about anything in a roleplay, but if there’s something you don’t enjoy like crude language, blood, or gore just let me know! I’ll avoid it for you.
4. OOC chat is encouraged but not required - I enjoy talking to people and getting to know them, but if that’s no your cup of tea then I’m fine with that.
5. Message me your favorite color, just so I know you've looked over everything!
6. I only roleplay third person - This means I follow a book type format and use quotations for dialogue. I’ll have none of this *blushes* -winks- or :waves: bull crap in character xD
7. Reply length - I usually right a few paragraphs or more, and I'd prefer it if my partners do the same. One sided plot work and detailing is something that gets on my nerves so.

Now that we’ve gotten all that crap out of the way, time for the fun stuff!!

Money is a powerful icon. It can manipulate mankinds hearts for the worst. Greed stems deep in all man, even if they wish to deny it. One such group of people, trained scientists that could’ve achieved so much in a normal line of work, found boredom in trying to better humanity and instead resorted to finding a more extreme and lucrative way to increase their wealth.

Children were snatched from their homes in an almost perfect plan. Not a trace was left behind, and no explanation could be had. What would these people need with helpless children? To create them into living weapons of destruction. Each child was put through extreme tests, of which resulted in many of their deaths. The rest was to push the human genome to another extent of evolution, and bring about what is known as Adepts.

Adepts are humans that once successfully having undergone the evolution process, have gained the ability to manipulate an element of the world. Fire, Ice, Electricity, anything was possible even to the extent of controlling the very light in the air. Once the process was completed, the children were out under an even great stress for years of undergoing training to hone and perfect their abilities. Afterwards, they would be bought and sold for massive amounts of wealth in secret auctions. Once sold, they would be reprogrammed I’m their psyche to obey any command from the person(s) of authority and they would become mindless machines.

Character A and B were a pair that were trained together in an effort to meet the demands of those who wished to have more than one of these Adepts. A team so perfect that they would decimate whole armies together. Of course, knowing full well of their fate from rumors and hidden notes from Adepts long last, they understand that In this dire circumstance they must either escape or face the same fate the others have met.
In the distant future of our home planet of earth, a Great War had changed our world into a sort of unified utopia. Or at least that’s what the people who run the place would describe it as. What was once modern day North America, Europe, and the western portion of Asia, now became a vast civilization of one people. The rest of the world, well no one knows what happened. Some think it to be a toxic waste zone from the carnage of war, others spread rumors of a resistance forming in these abandoned areas. However, all of these are nothing but stories. No one knows for sure.

Our story will take place in the reformed Europe, a sort of heart for the Utopian civilization. It is here that the self proclaimed ruler resides, “caring” for our new world. However in what once was Rome, he now uses it for his own personal pleasure of collesium battles and this is where Character A comes into play.

However the characters soon meet, and begin to discover the lies in this flawed society. Not everything is as perfect as the magistrates would like the citizens to believe. And so our characters must do what it takes to reclaim the land, and overthrow this facade.

Ideas for characters meeting: Character B could be a medic/nurse for the collesium, another gladiator that has a random duo fight with Character A, or if you can come up with something else I’m all for it.
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