Creatio Ex

Rex That Betrays

Junior Member
Creatio Ex

We are gods. Deities of immense and rival power. We command the seas to fill and the sun to burn. We are before there was and we are long after there is not. We are the titans that overthrew the days of chaos and blackness and we have made pact to raise up from our creative wills a world. A heaven under the heavens where there will live and abound creatures of our craft, flesh of our forge and destiny of our design.

Creatio Ex is a world building role play. You take a the role of a member of the divine pantheon at the beginning of the world. In this role play you will be given not only the opportunity to act out the complex relationships we see occur in our own worlds ancient mythologies but can participate in the process of exercising divine influence over the world.

You actions as a deity however are not limitless, the presence of the other gods puts you in check. Therefore each god will only have a certain amount of their power they are allowed to exercise at any given time. How much power you have to spend will be represented in points. Furthermore the gods keep each other in check by limiting how often they can do or make, taking turns to spend their points.

You may spend any amount of your points as you desire during your turn, whether that amount is all of your points, none of your points or anywhere in between.

The role play will play out in three stages or “Ages” in the 1st Age the gods will work to create the geography of the world in the 2nd Age the gods will create the races of the world and in the 3rd Age the gods will watch over and guide the cultural, political and relational activities of their creations.

Each Age is important in and of itself. The events that occur in an Age will directly influence the events that occur in the Ages that come after it. For example; if in the third age there exists two rival civilizations separated by a mountain range the only thing that might prevent them from war with one another is the mountain range that divides them, that mountain range having been made in the first Age before even the races of the civilizations existed. The decision to put a mountains where you chose to made a significant impact on the way the game developed. So keeping this in mind in each stage is vital to creating a powerful and dynamic world.

The first two Ages will have a total of 5 rounds, a round ending when each player has had one turn. At the beginning of each players turn they will receive a random amount of points between 2-12 that they can choose to spend or save for their next turn. A player that ends a turn with five or fewer points will receive at the start of their next turn a cumulative +1 extra points (up to +3).

The 3rd Age will last for ten rounds.

For example; I have 5 points left over at the end of my 1st turn. At the start of my 2nd turn I receive my random 2-12 points as well as an extra point. If I end my 2nd turn with 5 or fewer points again I gain at the start my 3rd turn my random 2-12 points as well as 2 additional points. However if I end my 2nd turn with more than 5 points I will still receive my random 2-12 points but no bonus points. You can gain a total of 3 bonus points each turn this way, but no more than that.

What powers will have access to are explained in the following spoiler tag. a chart containing the point cost to use each power aswell as some rules regarding using them are contained in the attatched .doc file. As soon as I become privy to how to create a chart inside a post I will be more than happy to place it here rather than force you to download and open a file containing it.

Shape Land – This power directs the creation,

modification, or erosion of mountains, hills,

lakes, streams, rivers, forests, jungles, deserts,

grasslands, tundra, steppes, and other land

forms. On the game map, this power allows

the creation of land forms within a 1 inch

diameter area. Roughly. Using this power

repeatedly can create whole ranges of

mountains, inland seas, or vast wastelands.

Use your imagination, and don't forget a few

waterfalls. You don't need to take up the

whole area if you have a fun idea.

Shape Climate – This power directs weather

patterns that are frequent in a rough 1 square area,

like fog, rain, snow, sun, heat, cold, sleet. You

may wish to create snowy steppes, or hot

jungle upon your forests.

Create Race – This power effects the creation

of one of the traditional races for player

characters in your game system, or other

classic fantasy races. Races and civilizations

are often interchangeable. You may, for

example, have more than one race of dwarves,

each with its own unique civilization and

government. Consider not only humans, elves,

dwarves, orcs and trolls, but also dragons,

halflings, or even leprechauns. At the

discretion of the game master or would-be

author, non-traditional races may cost double.

players may pool points to create any race.

Each race must be given a starting point in the

world where they begin to build their

civilization, (or lack thereof.) Races start

either neutral, or aligned 1 (to you) or -1 (against you). See

Purify and Corrupt.

Create Subrace – This power is used for the

creation of splinter groups from an existing

race. These must arise in territory roughly

adjacent to their ancestors, and may or may not

start out getting along with their neighbors.

Dark elves, deep dwarves, human pirates and

the like are the subject of this power.

Command Race – By this power, the priests

of the gods influence a race to action. Cities

are founded with this power, but it can be used

for just about anything. An immortal must

first establish his presence by creating sects

within the race before influencing them via

create order. The creator(s) of the race gets

this sect automatically. This power may

be used for starting wars, founding cities,

making alliances, settling territory, etc. Of

course, you'll need an army to go to war...

Command City – Here, the god directs one

single city to create something. This can be a

wonder, wall, school, tower, or the like.

Armies too are created with this power, though

any given city may only produce one army in a

given turn.

Advance City / Civilization – This power

causes the City or Civilization to gain expert

knowledge of a given science or magic. These

might include war magic, healing, warfare,

steel, weapon smithing, sailboats, writing,

literacy, engineering, architecture, farming, or

the like. So long as that city or civilization

persists, it will always be the greatest in this


Purify / Corrupt – Here, gods go about

changing general alignment of a civilization,

city, or a one square region of landscape by one

step per turn. The alignment of a city is relative

to you; corrupting a city or civilization makes it

behave in such a way that makes it act in favor

of or opposed to your domains. For example;

if you are the goddess of life and corrupt a city

the city will begin to venerate death, the more

corrupt it is relative to your domain the more it

behaves according. A -1 city against you domain

may find death beutiful but a -5 city will find life

meaningless and a -10 city may promote suicide

and human sacrifice.

Event – Through this power come the

changing of fortunes for an Avatar, Order,

City, or Civilization. A gold mine may be

found, a storm at sea may strike a fleet, an

Avatar may escape death, plague, famine,

drought may strike, or technologies may be

lost. These are the great, unplanned winds of

fortune that blow through the history of the


Create Order – By this power, the god creates

an order of people within a civilization or race.

These may include thieves' guilds, religious

sects (see command race,) orders of knights,

bands of brigands, pirate ships, etc. These

orders may last indefinitely or be created for a

particular purpose, such as the extermination a

sect or opposing race. It is vital to keep track

of who created a given order, as the cost to

command them can vary.

Command Order – Through this power, the

god makes an order do something. For

religious orders or sects, add +10 points if a

non-creating player commands them. For

other orders, add +5 points to the cost if a noncreating

player commands them.

Create Avatar – Through this power, the god

creates a major figure within the history of the

world. These may be high priests, dragons,

warriors, dynasties, or the like. If slain or

wiped out, they may be resurrected or

reestablished by the creating player for 5


Command Avatar - An avatar can perform

ONE of the following immortal or Many

Mortal actions (such as leading an army) in a

turn when commanded. Immortal actions

which an avatar can perform include:

Command City, Create Order, Command

Order, Create City, Corrupt/Purify City, Create

Race (ONCE) , gather an army. Through the

use of an avatar, players may for example

raise two armies in a turn from the same city,

or execute two commands upon a race.

Catastrophe – By this power, the gods

express their wrath. From fiery mountains to

the destruction of avatars, the loss of great

advancements to the destruction of city walls,

this power brings ruin upon them all by

whatever clever mechanism the player can

imagine. (How will you feel when your avatar

drowns in a lake of acid?)

Remember anything you create or do can influence or be influenced by what other gods choose to create or do. Your forests can be burnt up bu another god's volcano if that other god decides to spite you in such a way. Thus the relationships between the gods will be tested and decided by how you decide to spend your points.

Turn order will change from round to round, turn order being determined by who has the most points at the beginning of each turn (after adding the points you gain each turn and your bonus points).

The ultimate goal of this role play is to create an interesting setting to role play in, a setting with preexisting mythologies, geography, cultures and histories based on what occurs in Creatio Ex and decided upon ultimately by the same people who will role play in it. After the end of the tenth round in the 3rd Age the role play will end,with any unresolved conflicts or consequences remaining to be decided by the flippant hand of history, to decide the foundations for what adventures may come in the future, in the 4th Age.

To sign up for the Roleplay all you need is to provide is the following.

Your Divine Name: (The name your god refers to themself as)

Domains: (Interests or affinities your god has, such as fire, music, beauty or anything else you can think of. Domains can be shared by multiple deities, you may have three domains)
Eh, I'll bite :3

Your Divine Name: Avalon

Domains: The soulful arts of music, abstract thought, and magic. More like soulful feelings and ecstasy, as well as tragedy and loss, actually.
Divine Name: Shiio

Domains: Power of Earth Catastrophes (earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis etc)
Sounds interesting, if not confusing. But fun too.

Divine Name: Yggdrasil

Domains: Nature and the natural world, animals and light.

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