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Creating Worlds


New Member
I am a novice at RP with only passable grammar and punctuation. I would like some additional 1x1 partners, so please PM or reply if you are interested. I have a busy schedule and try to post at least once a day, but I am not always able to. I understand if you cannot post very often, just as long as you reply eventually! MxF, MxM, or FxF are all okay, however I would generally prefer to keep the romance at a minimum. If you don't like the plots below, I would be happy with a medieval fantasy plot. I am not interested in Fandom, or Modern plots. My post length tends to be one to three paragraphs.

Plot ideas:

A noble person out hunting in the woods discovers a strange magical castle at the heart of the woods. He/she enters and find that someone lives there all alone, but can never leave. They become friends, one trying to convince the other to leave, and the other trying to convince them to stay.

A young adventurer hires a bodyguard for a quest to a dangerous place where they are in search of a rare magical object.

A brilliant toymaker who creates magical toys takes on an apprentice. The apprentice enjoys the new job, which is a combination of magic and clockwork, but suspects that the toymaker has a dark secret. . . s/he may be using black magic to enchant humans turning them into some of his clockwork masterpieces!
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