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Fantasy Crazy Nine [Info]


You are lost

The Kingdoms

▬ Mear ▬​
  • Royal Members; King Lumie.
  • Superhumans (referred to as witches) are hunted and killed in Mear, by King's orders. The reasoning behind it; only the gods should have such power.
  • Mear is a very bleak kingdom but is highly known for it's quality fruit and vegetable. Whether or not you are religious, it is compulsory to attend the local church weekly, if not..you might be accused of being a witch for not worshipping the gods.

▬ Svel ▬​
  • Royal Members; King Rogan, Queen Eli
  • Superhumans in Svel are regarded as any other human living there. However, because of the occasional wanderer from Mear, or witch hunters coming to Svel, a select few knights have become 'defenders' of sorts for the superhumans within Svel.
  • Svel is known for its lively music,folk dance and street performers. The kingdom is a very welcoming one. Both King Rogan and Queen Eli are very connected and involved with the people of their kingdom. It's not surprising to see the Queen herself being escorted through the streets.

▬ Tassara ▬​
  • Royal Members; King Jonah
  • In Tassara, Superhumans are welcomed and the townspeople are always very curious of them. Even King Jonah shows intense interest; for the one reason he has not said - he wants to use them as weapons of war in order to invade and conquer the neighbouring kingdoms. A power hungry King but a fair ruler. His son; Keema, and daughter; Urica are loved by the townspeople and are often seen around the town.

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The Gods


[ God of War ]​
[ Snake ]​
[ It is believed that Voran brought courage and strength. In Mear, he is cursed for war but is worshipped in Svel and Tassara. The people view Voran as a protector. ]​


[ God of Love ]​
[ Golden Dagger ]​
[ Midorian was believed to have created romance, compassion and sexual relations. His golden dagger symbol is believed to connect two people as 'soul mates'.]​


[ Goddess of the arts, theatre and celebration ]​
[ Chalice ]​
[ Yderia was thought to be the one that made Svel as it is. Yderial is worshipped as the goddess who brought song,dance and all things creative. ]​


[ God of Life & Light ]​
[ Sun ]​
[ Jul is greatly worshipped in all three kingdoms, for he is believed to have brought the sun, life and joyous emotion.]​


[ God of Death ]​
[ Peacock ]​
[ Though, often cursed in Mear as the bringer of death, Myr is greatly worshipped in Svel. It is thought that Myr will guide you safely to the afterlife. Myr is thought to have brought mercy. ]​


[ Goddess of wisdom and knowledge ]​
[ Seed ]​
[ It is believed that Tesael had brought medicine, language and curiosity. Tesael was thought to have created words and meanings. ]​


[ Goddess of justice ]​
[ Shield ]​
[ As the goddess of justice, the people believe that Ophena brought guilt and law. Court trials commonly begin in prayer to Ophena. ]​


[ Goddess of ice ]​
[ - ]​
[ Though seen as the goddess of disease and negativity in Mear, she is greatly worshipped in Tassara as the bringer of endurance. ]​


[ Goddess of the Earth ]​
[ Spade ]​
[ Worshipped as the goddess that cared for the earth, and bringer of plants and fruit. It is believed that Rwer had once made the land flat, but was unsatisfied with it and created hills, mountains and more. ]​


[ God of time and space ]​
[ Eye ]​
[ Othmir was believed to have created day & night and the stars. ]​


[ God of trickery ]​
[ - ]​
[ Not many have knowledge of the trickster's existence. But, he is often seen as the bringer of change and games. ]​

Collaboration ideas with @Starfish and deer deer

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World's History

▬ Kiah Period ▬​
  • Estimated: 880 years ago.
  • Human population was very small, estimated between 150-450. (The animal population was greatly larger).
  • Common things present now, such as education, transportation, religion, prepared and cooked food, medicine,ect ceased to exist in the Kiah period.

▬ Jek Period ▬​
  • Estimated: 660 years ago.
  • Human population grew greatly, estimated: 1.5mil- 3mil.
  • Things such as writing, cooking food and basic education was implemented.
  • Hunting and foraging were their source of getting food.

▬ Eve Period ▬​
  • Estimated: 330 years ago
  • Human population grew even more, estimated: 5mil-7mil.
  • Knowledge grew, and education was emphasised more.
  • Monarchy began to form.
  • First Kingdom was Mear, the was only one kingdom in this period.
  • Sometimes knows as the 'God Period', it is said that the gods roamed freely among the people.

▬ Core Period ▬​
  • Estimated: 120 years ago
  • Kingdom of Mear became suppressing. The death of the first King, things became tense. Perhaps the tense atmosphere made the gods leave.
  • A rebellion formed, lead by Dranair, the group gained a large following.
  • Dranair led land seizures, killing off land lords. A minor war became of it after the land.
  • Dranair ended up winning and building the Kingdom of Svel on the land that he had possessed.
  • A few decades later, the King of Mear gave land away to become the Kingdom of Tassara - Tassara is still technically under the King of Mear's rule.

▬ Yil Period ▬​
  • Estimated: Current
  • Kingdom of Tassara is plotting war against Kingdom of Mear.
  • Superhumans have started appearing.

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Dranair Week; Svel

The Dranair Week is for Svel's first king, King Dranair who was the one that lead the war against the Kingdom of Mear and seized land of which is now the Kingdom of Svel. King Dranair was a beloved king who brought peace, harmony and freedom. Because it was believed that the gods helped King Dranair to achieve victory, and because King Dranair heavily worshipped the gods, each day is dedicated to a certain god.
  • [Day 1] Jul, celebrating the life they were given. Flowers are the theme of the day.
  • [Day 2] Voran, for the beginning of the war for the Kingdon of Svel (to become of). fFsh sparing competitions, archery competitions and jousting. The Knights would lead in prayer at the supper service.
  • [Day 3] Tesael, for her gifted wisdom. This day, they would all fast. Scholarly lectures of adults and puppet shows for kids to recount the history of Svel's founding.
  • [Day 4] Ophena, for the end of the war, and the victory of which was the new kingdom. Remembrance service for the death of King Dranair. Feast by night.
  • [Day 5] Yderia, for the dance and song that became of Svel. Heavily revolves around folk dance, theatre plays and choir.
  • [Day 6] Midorian, for the love and freedom the people had under King Draniar's rule. A day of appreciation and gift giving. Message tying to the sacred tree of Life.
  • [Day 7] Myr, for belief that Myr guided their beloved king safely to the afterlife. A prayer service for King Dranair's death, a parade at mid-day and flying lanterns by night.

Collaboration ideas with @Starfish and deer deer .

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The Laws

▬ Maer ▬​
  • Witches are to be hanged, burnt or drowned.
  • Anyone previously associated or connected to said witches will undergo purification rituals and/or witch trials [1]
  • Crimes such as theft and murder will receive harsh and long punishments in prison.
  • Attempted assassination or assassination of noble families, or royal members will receive a swift execution as punishment.

▬ Svel ▬​
  • Accusations of crimes such as theft, murder and scam will be given a trail. Punishments can very, usually being moderate is most cases.
  • However, any murders of the royal members or their Knights and servants will receive higher punishments.
  • Abductions cases will not receive a trail and will be given long sentences in jail - sometime being indefinitely
  • Superhumans are under a protection act, anyone attempting to kill superhumans within Svel will receive harsh punishments. [2]

▬ Tassara ▬​
  • Crimes such as murder, theft, scam and abduction accusations will all be given trial. Punishments can vary depending on the severity of the crime.
  • Superhumans are prohibited from using their powers in public, unless otherwise authorised by the King. [3]
  • The safety of the Prince and Princess is taken very seriously. If assault, harassment of any kind, or attempted murder is threatened upon them, punishments can be harsh and extreme.
  • Stepping onto palace grounds without authorisation can result in prison time. [4]

▬ Footnotes ▬​
[1] Many people involved with witches (family and friends) will be captured and undergo witch trails, however these witch trails are impossible to fail. The King of Mear placed these witch trails, thinking he can identify witches. If they pass the trail they will be freed, if they fail they will be executed.
[2] The Superhuman's protection act was implemented after numerous witch hunters entered Svel and distrupted peace. Because of this, Svel may have conflicted views on Mear.
[3] Because of risks, the King of Tassara has made usage of powers an illegal act. If a superhuman is found doing this, they will be thrown in jail immediately.
[4] Because King Jonah has things he wants to keep private, he has often emphasised the punishments of trespassing onto the palace grounds.

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