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Multiple Settings Crazy in love plots

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
Hey it's Nenma here or the Nenster as my friends call me (no one calls me that) I'm here looking for someone to rp some plots here. Now you might be thinking to yourself right now. "Nenma am I even cool enough to rp with you?" To that I say.......you think I'm cool? What I'm trying to say is I'm not expecting a lot out of a partner just someone who can form human sentences. Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect you just gotta know how to spell (but a few typos is fine) and make sense. I also don't want a ton of one liners I prefer a paragraph or two. My post are usually that but if you need me to post more I can. As for genders I've been crazing some fxf so I'd prefer to roll with that. I feel I've rambled enough so let's just get to the good stuff. THE PLOTS!!!!!

A Simple Meeting- Most couples meet at a bar or in a store or maybe in a restaurant. Some even meet simply by bumping into one another on the sidewalk. This couple met after one attempted to rob the other. When Muse A attempted to rob Muse B they got the cash and tried to take off only to trip and drop the money. To their surprise Muse B began to help pick up the money and even helped Muse A to their feet. That's when Muse A realized something about Muse B, they were an idiot.

Weird Girlfriend- Muse A is often told how beautiful and amazing their girlfriend is and they know it. After all their girlfriend Muse B is incredibly athletic and popular among others. They aren't sure why Muse B likes them but they aren't one to look a gifted horse in the mouth. After all Muse B is so nice with how they always let them bath first (so they can bath in the same water), also take care of their trash for them (so they can save it to their collection), and even are always up and ready with breakfast (since they spent the whole night watching Muse A sleep). Yep such a nice girlfriend.

FOR SCIENCE-Muse A a genius in the scientific field has come to a hard stop in their work. Not due to any calculations or complex formulas but because a strange throbbing in their chest. The throbbing occurs only when they visit and nearby cafe. It gets worse when the nice waitress comes and takes her order. In order to learn more about this strange feeling Muse A enlist the help of Muse B who is this very waitress to uncover the truth of this feeling FOR SCIENCE!!

Your Knight In Pitch Black Armor-All Muse A wanted was to get groceries now here they were being held at knife point. The sound of a loud motor catches the robbers attention and a woman on a bike saves them. Muse A is thankful to the woman and offers any form of payment they want. Muse B who wasn't even trying to be a hero the robber simply ran scared cause of her looks. Just before saving Muse A, Muse B had been dumped rather harshly and so they needed a nice time to cheer them up. So the payment they ask for is for Muse A to take them out on a date
I could do the science one, but instead of a waitress, what if I just play as another patron this scientist happens across in this cafe?

The black armour one could be fun. I have a nice character or two for that.
All of these ideas sound like a lot of fun omg! I think A Simple Meeting is my favourite but I'd be willing to play any of them. Though I have to admit I've never written a romance or done a 1x1 here - I'm willing to learn as I go but I might be awkward and clumsy, would that be okay? ; w ;
Heya, I'd love to do either Weird Girlfriend or Your Knight in Pitch Black Armor! Both seem very interesting. ^^

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