Acolyte of a New God
Normal Rules of an RP apply, PVP will be allowed if it is realistic and Okay'd with the Me or my Co-Gm ( Faltasey ), but I'd really not advise it.
The Detail of posts is really dependent on what is happening, if you are in the middle of a conversation please don't write a paragraph about how your character answers, Yes, and please don't write single sentence posts if it's not needed.
This will be a Fallout RP focused around the Town of Beliane, it is located upon the Arkansas river and walled off from the world. It is the town you have lived in for years (if you start this at the beginning), It is your job to keep the town running, solve it's issues, make sure some raiders don't burn it down and go on misc quests for NPCs. Why? The town has had a group that scavenged the wasteland, and defended it keeping it stable. The Peace Keepers while noble is a profession very few actually wish to partake in due to danger, but for whatever your reason may be you joined the elite, wealthy group of the town. But a few months back about 10 of the town's Peace Keepers went missing after a seemingly normal scavenging mission (opening plenty of spots for you and your fellow players). You are new to this position and must unravel the world before you to help your friends and family survive its harsh nature.
Gm's Note:
This takes place over 200 years after the Great War, when? well that's for you to figure out, same with many things about your world. NPCs will only be given a backstory and personality to you if you bother to figure it out and talk to them. Things won't be spoon fed to you you'll need to actively seek out the lore of the world or else it could pass you by and I'll let it. The world while small for now will expand at the rate that you let it, and every decision has a benefit as well as a consequence. Every situation is more than it is on the surface so if you want investigate or just blow your way through the wasteland like raiders. I suggest at least creating a back up and possibly another character because you will be in life and death situations and you aren't a god and there is a chance you will die, especially if you are doing something stupid.
Please delete everything in parentheses on the CS
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Sheets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name: (make a realistic and pronounceable name)
Race: (What!?! Race!?! No not that kind, racists... smh. Like Ghouls, Mutants etc. I'd prefer you stuck with human but you can go with others as long as you realize what you're getting yourself into (it does change special values.. see: Fallout Tactics races) Racism exists in Fallout so like beware dude (ALSO Putting a Ban on Dogs, Humanoid Robots and Deathclaws for PC's )
Gender: (I think this is self explainable)
Age: (How old are they)
Appearance: (A picture would be nice, preferably not an anime or overly cartoony character, also text based appearances are nice)
(I shouldn't need to explain how Special works you start with your base stats (1 for all special in humans) then add your 40 (42 for ghouls) points in which ever manner you want )
((Min-Maxing is ill advised))
Strength- (This affects how far you can throw and how hard you can punch, 1 strength is like you have muscular dystrophy, 10 would be akin to an Olympic weight lifter.)
Perception- (This affects your senses and accuracy, 1 would be akin to a nocturnal fish out in the middle of a forest during day, 10 is a sharpshooters eyes and can notice details quite quickly)
Endurance- (This affects your resistance to natural phenomena like disease as well as general damage, With an endurance of 1 even the smallest of cuts can kill you, with 10 it is like you're skin is an armor)
Charisma- (How good you are at talking to others, With 1 you horribly socially unaware, and with 10 you are a master puppeteer)
Intelligence- (This affects your ability to think, 1 intelligence makes you questionably sentient, while 10 you'd be a genius)
Agility- (This affects your speed and grace, 1 would make you a clumsy buffoon who can barely keep their feet, with 10 you are as swift and delicate as a cat)
Luck- (Luck it's either bad or good, it affects everything.)
Items: (No fatmans, power armor, etc. but other than super over powered items anything goes)
Likes: (What do they enjoy and like)
Dislikes: (What do they Hate)
Personality: (What are they like)
Bio: (Their backstory)
Theme: (Something for me to listen to while reading that characterizes them a bit (Optional))
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