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Multiple Settings craving these plots - advanced mxm/nb [ NEW ]


live, laugh, yeet
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Hello! I'm eliwantscake, and since I just started winter break after my first semester of college, I'm hoping to find partners for a few plots that I'd really like to do. I'm seeking active, advanced partners for a handful of my favorite plots. I've got a few rules and notes before getting to the plots, but I promise, I'm super chill most of the time.

rules (-) & notes (*):
- I'm looking for advanced partners, meaning someone who can match my post length. I almost always write a minimum of five paragraphs per reply, sometimes more. However, advanced doesn't just mean long replies; I'd like partners with the same writing skills that I have. There's no point in writing five paragraphs that are so poorly written they can't be read, or don't contribute to the story. I'm no English major, so don't be too afraid, but if you're looking for a casual role-play, we won't work well together.
- I'd like partners who are active, though I tend to be lenient on this. I'd prefer someone who replies at least once a day, but what I'd truly like is someone who messages me OOC-ly several times a day. I want a partner who I can have conversations with, both about our plot and characters and about life in general. I want consistent responses IC-ly as well, but I understand that sometimes that can be difficult. Chatting with an RP buddy? Much more manageable.
*All of these plots are mxm. Please do not ask if any of the genders can be changed.
* This is only a note, but it's super important. I prefer to role-play in first person. I am perfectly fine with role-playing in first or third person point of view, and tend to let my partner choose which we use. If you respond to this, please let me know which you would prefer

Now, for the plots! If you're interested in one, shoot me a message letting me know which one, as well as your POV preference. From there we can discuss the plot more.

Note: This plot is set in a mixed world setting -- medieval and modern. Think princesses with iPhones and young knights shouting "Yeet!" as they throw spears.

As powerful as magicians are, it's surprising to believe that they are the lowest class of society. However, with all of their magical abilities, they are still a minority, and are oppressed by non-magical society. It is impossible for a magician to progress beyond lower class status, and they are often killed on sight by lower or middle class non-magicians. A magician's only chance at living a decent life is to be caught by a royal or other member of the upper class and taken in as a servant. However, as inviting and easy as the position seems, there is an added danger: mage fighting, an illegal sport that many royals keep alive in secret for their entertainment. Because of this, most magicians prefer to live on the outskirts of society, surviving using their powers and the help of small communities.

Ioann Kazimir Volkov has always relied heavily on community and his own intelligence to survive, rather than his sub-par magical abilities. Ioann was abandoned by his family when he was young, and was never taught how to use his powers. He was moved around from family to family until he was thirteen and found himself living in an abandoned barn with several other homeless magicians. After nineteen years, Ioann still hasn't given up on trying to learn how to use his powers, and a hard life of oppression for powers he barely has resulted in borderline radical anti-magician ideas.

Y/C has never known the struggles of the magicians who hide in fear of being slaughtered or used for fighting, as he was born a royal, and has spent his whole life being waited on hand and foot. However, unlike many royals, he feels it unfair that magicians have been so mistreated for decades. Because of this belief, when he wakes up one day to find that a young magician has been caught stealing from the castle's kitchen, he is quick to jump in and prevent the teen from being sentenced to death. Unfortunately for both of them, the only way for this to happen is for y/c to take Ioann on as his servant. To avoid trouble, Y/C will have to teach Ioann how to behave like a servant, and Ioann will have to abandon his anti-royal ways of thinking, or it could cost him his life.

Muse A [my character] was moderately paranoid, severe thanatophobe who had been suffering from death anxiety since he was thirteen. He distanced himself from others in fear that they intended to harm him. There were times where he would skip class because he was afraid that there would be an incident. He never did anything that was too much of a risk. Anything that could kill him would; anyone who could kill him wanted to. And to someone with his fear, there was no risk worth taking if it could result in his death.

Muse B was a risk taker, a daredevil. He would do anything for an adrenaline rush, no matter how dangerous. He went cliff jumping, skydiving, anything he could do. His main goal was to have fun, and no fears would ever get in his way. On top of this, he was also well-known for dating around. He wasn't necessarily disrespectful, but he just wasn't good at finding people he was compatible with for long term relationships; he also liked dating people to get to know them and then dropping them to just a friend.

B had obviously noticed the shy kid who sat at the edge of the cafeteria, completely alone every day. He knew very little about A, but he did know that he was another senior who never did anything. Nobody had ever seen him at parties. He never spoke in class. He seemed normal enough, but it was obvious that he wasn't the type to do anything out of his comfort zone, and it didn't take long for it to become clear that his comfort zone was a very small area. So he decided to ask the other teen out. A, in a moment of shock, said yes before realizing what he was agreeing to. He was too polite to change his mind, and suddenly, he and B were dating, and every date they went on, B insisted on doing something stupid and dangerous. A found himself getting sucked in by his new boyfriend's assertive personality, but no matter how many risky adventures they went on, A was always afraid that something bad would happen to one of them. And with the sort of activities B enjoyed, eventually, one of them getting hurt was inevitable.

Tl;dr: My character, a bored house husband, joins a gang.

Nolan Mack Travis, née Lagrandeur, was the only child in a moderately wealthy family with parents who could afford to buy him anything. He was an intelligent child who did well in school and had from a young age aspired to go to college and become a lawyer. However, Nolan’s parents didn’t think that he should ever have to work hard for anything. They encouraged him to find a rich, successful wife and become a house husband. When he came out at the age of fifteen, his parents did not change their way of thinking, and they started trying to set him up with the sons of other wealthy people they knew. Still, Nolan never gave up on his dream. He graduated high school top of his class and was accepted to three Ivy League schools. He attended Yale with intentions of becoming a lawyer after getting his bachelor’s degree in political science. However, his plans changed after he finished his bachelor’s degree, because the night after he graduated, he met Matthew Travis, the son of a wealthy businesswoman who was getting ready to take over one of his mother’s companies. In one night, Matthew had done what no other man had managed to do: he swept Nolan off his feet. Within six months, the two were married, and Nolan was living the life he had sworn up and down he would never accept.

However, as in love as he had been in the first part of his relationship with Matthew, after two years of marriage, Nolan was starting to get bored. Matthew was extremely protective, with an unrealistic fear that someone would hurt his husband, so there was very little that Nolan was allowed to do. He also wasn’t allowed to go back to school, and since Matthew could pay people to keep their house clean, he didn’t even have to do that. The most exciting things in his life were exotic vacations, and over time, even those became less entertaining.

Suddenly, Nolan found himself in what was the most exciting situation since his honeymoon – he found himself being held for ransom by members of a gang, something that Matthew had always feared. As frightening as it was in the moment, Nolan realized that the incident was the most interesting thing that had happened in his life, and for some reason, he loved it. A few months later, he found himself watching some of the members of the gang getting arrested for petty crimes, and decided to bail them out… in exchange for them letting him join the gang.

I couldn't think of a shorter way to describe this plot. Y/C will be a member of the gang; plot will form more through conversation.

Timothy Barett had once loved his powers. His mother had gotten very involved in the supernatural when she was pregnant with him, and it had resulted in him having psychic abilities. His visions were very draining, often to the point of causing him to pass out, but aside from this inconvenience, he’d loved being a psychic for most of his childhood. However, his love of his powers disappeared when he was fourteen. He had always dreamed of being a police officer, until he had a vision of himself being killed on the job. After his abilities revealed to him that he couldn’t take his dream job without dying far younger than he should, he decided that he hated being a psychic, and that he wanted nothing to do with the supernatural.

As his psychic abilities weren’t something that he could simply get rid of, Timothy learned to live with them, and abandoned his dreams of becoming a police officer to instead become a tattoo artist. He could sometimes go months at a time without having a vision, and he had been doing exactly that – until your character almost ran him over. Y/c managed to stop the car before actually hitting Timothy, but Timothy wasn’t hurt by the car; he was hurt by a vision he had of a stranger ending up in a dangerous situation. And when he came to, he saw this stranger from his vision frantically checking his pulse. Timothy was fine, but he knew that he had to do something to protect y/c. So he did the only thing that he could think of: he asked y/c on a date.

It was never a secret to anyone that Cassius Layton was an extremely talented individual. He could do complicated magic at a young age. He was smart. And he was never, ever very far from his best friend. Not until, at the age of sixteen, his father sent him off to a magic school in New York, where it was discovered that he could sing, and he became famous.

[your character] never really spoke with his old friend Cassius after he became a star. But it wasn't because of his friend's newfound fame; three months after Cassius left for New York [your character] found the man who he'd thought he'd spend his entire life with, and he had never introduced him to his friend. They ended up getting engaged, one week before Cassius ended up back in town after the end of his latest tour. However, he didn't know that his old friend had ended his tour in their hometown to try and win his heart.

Cassius wasn't discouraged by the fact that his old love was engaged. He only saw it as a competition that he would have to win. But would he be able to? Or would he end up getting his heart broken by his own best friend?
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