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Fandom Craving That (Star)Dew


needs more snacks
Yo! Em here. I have finally jumped onto the Stardew Valley bandwagon, and I've fallen in love with the silly little farm game. I’m going to keep this intro short and sweet so we can get to the good stuff. :coolshades:

About Me
27 years old, she/her
Averages 3-7 paragraphs per reply
Enjoys OOC chatting
Been roleplaying for 10+ years
Prefers to write through PMs or Discord
Laidback and friendly
Patient—you're free to take however long you need to respond

“Hm…if we had more time, I would go shopping for some darker outfits. That would better fit the Mothman aesthetic, don’t you think? Then again, if Shaggy and Velma are on camera, I need to make sure the colors won’t clash with theirs–oh, I forgot I had my black belt in here. The karate one, not the satin one.”

“Careful with the satin. It can look really shiny on camera,” Fred chimed in. Although he couldn’t see Daphne, since he was currently leaned over the opened hood of The Mystery Machine, he could hear her sorting through her suitcase. He pulled out the vehicle’s old air filter, set it aside, and then placed a new one in. He glanced over the engine and other components one more time.

“Right,” Daphne agreed, and then he heard the familiar rattle of a box. “I’ll have to make sure we have enough room in our bags for the Scooby Snax too.”

A smile forming on his face, Fred lowered the hood. For most of the past two years, he and Daphne had been working on a traveling show called Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake. They drove around the USA investigating mysterious happenings, and they kept so busy they rarely got to talk to Velma, Shaggy, or Scooby. Which was why a month ago Fred called everyone up to check out Moonscar Island, and, well, they definitely got more scares that they would have ever bargained for. They could check zombies and werecats off the list of things they’ve seen.

Despite the frights, having the gang back together brought a spark back into Daphne and Fred’s lives that they were loath to give up again. So they offered the other three permanent positions on the show. Today they would be setting off to West Virginia to investigate Mothman.

“The van’s all set,” he told Daphne, walking over to her.

“Great.” She zipped her suitcase shut. Then, when she turned around, she spotted Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby in the distance. “There they are!”

My Requirements For You
20+ years old
LGBTQ+ friendly
Have decent grammar and spelling
Can write at least 3 paragraphs per reply
Be chill. Roleplaying is a hobby, ya know? Let's just have fun with it
Patience; life is one hell of a ride. Sometimes I can write multiple replies a day, sometimes only once a week (or even longer on occasion)

Let's get to it! I'll list what ships I'm interested in below. I'm down for doing one pairing, doubling, or even doing multiple ships. If we double, feel free to ask for whatever ship you want, even it's not listed here. I also do any gender pairings, and if you want, poly ships are a-okay too.

Two things to keep in mind: one, I'm still on my first playthrough, and while I've dumped a hefty amount of hours into Stardew, I won't know everything. I don't mind spoilers though. I've gotten through like 90% of the normal heart events for all the characters. I've also gotten the Rival Heart Events mods and am going through those.

Two, I do not have Stardew Valley Expanded, so any characters from that I won't be able to do, sadly. You're welcome to play as them, however.

Who I'm Looking For:
(if a character is bolded, that means I'd prefer to play that character)

My Female Farmer x Maru
Maru x My Female Farmer x Emily
Sam x Sebastian
Leah x Haley
Elliott x Harvey
Emily x Shane

Leave a comment or send a DM my way if you're interested. In the case I get a lot of replies, I can't guarantee I'll have room for everyone, so it's a first-come first-serve basis. I apologize in advance for that!

~stay groovy~


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