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Fantasy craving something a little unusual.... [Romance, Spooky, Murder Mystery]


New Member

Hello everyone! I'm Kara and I've been roleplaying for a number of years (honestly since freshman year of high school until now, I'm 22 for reference haha). Currently, I'm really seeking a macabre spooky romance to ensue in the midst of a murder mystery plot or anything else we can cook up. I'm a semi-advance to advance writer and I do enjoy multiple paragraphs, but I also understand if we reach a sort of dead point in the plot and can't really come up with more to say.

I love fleshed out characters and what I mean by that is, I want characters who will argue with each other, who always won't agree. I want a character that stays true to whatever their personality is. For each of these plots, I have no real preference in how the characters act or what their background is but I want them to hold true to their colors.

That being said, I don't have a preference for what gender I play. So whatever you feel most comfortable doing is perfectly fine with me. As far as the pairings go, I do prefer MXF just because I don't have any experience in MXM or FXF unfortunately 😂.

If you'd like, I can provide a writing sample if necessary. Please understand that I work full-time and I also am in graduate school so some weeks I may fall off the face of the earth, but I will never ghost you. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Plot 01

**This plot is heavily inspired by the show, Lovecraft Country, highly recommend if you're in the mood for something spooky and thrilling **

Our male character returns home from war after hearing that his father has allegedly gone missing. As he's uncovering where exactly his father is, our female character also returns home after being drawn by unsettling dreams about the male character. The two have known each other for a number of years because the town is relatively small, as they uncover the mystery of his father together. The male character discovers that he has magical abilities and the female character also has medium abilities (mostly that she can see into the future through terrifying dreams). The more they uncover about his father's disappearance, the two realize that they are way in over their heads with the mystery ahead of them.

There will be murder ahead in this plot along with supernatural beings and all sorts of spooky things we can cook up.

Plot 02.

Our male character has been in the family business of hunting supernatural beings for all of his life. This is all he's ever known but recently he's been noticing a string of unusual deaths for these supernatural creatures. Not that he's too upset about it, but he is concerned about who is actually killing these people. The female character is a witch, who is also investigating these deaths and by chance the two are investigating the same murder and are about to kill each other when they must fight together to protect themselves from an unusual being that they both have never seen before. They form an unlikely alliance and fall in love along the way.

Expect murders in this plot and some good drama.

These are the two plots, I'm itching for now, but I will gladly enter some more when I get the creative juices flowing some more.

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