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Multiple Settings Craving some good, unusual plots!


Hi there! So my current RPs are a bit slow, so I’m on the lookout for one more to keep me distracted. (:

I’m 20, from central Europe, and still a college student. That means I’ll sometimes have a day or two where I can’t reply, but I’ve been improving my time management, so it shouldn’t happen too often. Otherwise, I’m online to talk everyday and reply at least once a day, and I’d like it if my partner can be equally as active as well.

Ideally, my partner would be female. I’ve had too many bad experiences with males and looking back, my best RPs were always done with the other (but I might open exceptions for this). OOC chatter is also a big bonus, I’d love to make a friend out of you and gush about our characters, find songs for them, pictures, everything!

My most favoured pairing is m/f, with me playing the female part. If I’m enjoying the plot and I’m super into it, I will definitely bring in more characters and explore more pairings (m/m, f/f). Change is good and I like to switch up my characters sometimes, but I’d like to start out as m/f, as mentioned before. I tend to use realistic faceclaims, and I’m not really into anime ones. Artistic/drawings ones are okay. (Just something extra, but I adore playing younger characters against older-looking men, they are my weakness. Vice versa, I enjoy playing those types of characters when I'm writing the male role.)

Third person, past tense. My posts tend to range from 600-1000 words, depending on what’s happening. Sometimes more if there is a lot of action involved, sometimes less if the current scene is driven by dialogue. I’d like a partner who writes in these waters, one liners or just one paragraph tends to be a bit too little for me.

I’m into some heavy/dark themes, and this is something that you have to be okay with. I’m not really into a super simple, lovey dovey romance that always goes smoothly and both characters are perfect. Having said that, don’t expect us to jump immediately into the RP if we start talking. I enjoy planning out our characters and our plot thoroughly before starting, so it might take a day or two of brainstorming together before we actually begin. I’ve found this to be a very effective method to premake relationships between our characters and talk about potential plots and routes that could come up.

Some themes that I’m super into:
asshole characters, mental illness, psychological themes, supernatural beings, the occult, addictions, toxic/abusive relationships, age gaps, fbi agents/cops, dirty fbi agents/cops, affairs, historical settings, military settings, love triangles, amnesia, forbidden romances, romantic tension, lots of drama, enemies to friends, conspiracies, angst, death, platonic relationships, family, bad tempers.

Plot ideas:
These are just some ideas to get us started, mostly taken from shows, series, or just came up with them on my own:
  • MC is a patient who had just been admitted to a mental hospital against her will, where the staff is negligent and/or abusive of their patients. YC is a doctor who can either be new as well, or have been operating in the hospital for a few years. From their first session, the two discover a connection between them. Perhaps YC leads quite a miserable life as well (family problems, financial issues, etc), and they end up giving advice to each other on how to best deal with them.

  • Any plot based on the movie/book Lolita really. I’m a big fan of toxic relationships and darker elements in plots.

  • Will add more as I go.

Pairings: (italics are my preferred role)
Vampire/Supernatural hunter
Asylum patient/Doctor
Subject of obsession/Obsessed

Don’t like any of these plots and would like to do an idea of your own? Feel free to share and we can brainstorm!
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Hey! I'm extremely late to the party, but just came across this post, and wondering if you happen to be at all active? I think we could make a real great writing pair.

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