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Craving Fandoms


Three Thousand Club
So,I don't feel like editing my last thread and I feel like threads that limit to a certain type or topic do better than ones that mesh fandoms,pairings,etc.That's why I have this fancy new thread here for my strong need for fandoms!I'll most likely do a lot of plots for the fandoms listed below,but I've also included pairings that I have in mind,the bold words are ranks I want to play,or would rather play.*s show how much I want to do a specific fandom or pairing/plot,anything over 5 *s is something I really want to do.After the list of fandoms,I'll have my requirements and what I am capable of :) .

The Hunger Games*********please,for the love of Peeta,somebody do this with me!


-Peeta x OC*****

-Cato x OC*****

-Finnick x OC*****

-Gale x OC***

-Thresh x OC**

-Master x Avox*****

-Peacekeeper x District Resident*** (have,but still willing)

-Capitol Resident x District Resident**

-Tribute x Tribute*

-Victor x Poor Resident*


-Members of the rebellion

-On the run from the Capitol

Sonic the Hedgehog***** (some require working knowledge of the comic book series)


-Remington x OC*****please!

-Scourge x OC**

-Razor x OC*****

-Elias x OC***

-Silver x OC*****

-Knuckles x OC***

-Sonic x OC****

-Sonic x Sticks**** (she won't be crazy like in the commercials,I can't play crazy people,haha)

-Shadow x OC*****

-Mighty x OC**

-Silver x Blaze**

-Silver x Sticks***** (it might be fun...or funny xD )

-Zonic x OC*****


-Sonic Boom team style,but with my OC as well

-Villains take over,capture all of the heroes,and take them as slaves (could work with any of the romance pairings)

-The Hunger Games plot,but with Sonic characters instead (I'd need to play as an OC)

-Sonic X style plot

-Hoagan's Heroes style with Dark Egg Legion/Dark Legion/Eggman (if not comic world) prisoners

Heartland*** (TV show)

I'm open to most pairings on this one with the teenage characters as long as I can play an OC.*?

Also,a plot like Ty,only with a girl OC and a guy OC to fill the role of Amy.

My Little Pony*

maybe...convince me with some pairing or plot xD

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron****

all horse roles would be able to talk to each other

-Spirit x Rain** (they would be able to talk)

-Indian Horse x Wild Horse**** (I'm fine with either and switching genders)

-Army Horse x Newly Caught Wild Horse***** (I'm fine with either and switching genders)

-Army Member x Indian*


An Indian with a wild horse recently caught****


The Hunger Games - Sonic the Hedgehog********


Master (The Hunger Games Canon) x Slave (Sonic OC)*****

The Mobians are left alone until the rebellion starts.The Capitol attacks their safe haven in the unsettled Capitol land (Wilds) and District 13 offers help.The Mobians join the rebellion and our characters would be in the high ranks of it (Canon x OC)****

Heartland - Sonic the Hedgehog**


I have no idea xD .It might be fun to just take the plot of the show and use Sonic characters (I'd be OC or Silver) instead.

I might do more fandoms...I just can't think of anything right now!I won't do Harry Potter,Supernatural,or anything with stuff like that.


-A literate player who can do at least one eight line paragraph with good grammar.

-An active player who can reply often.

-A friendly player who is willing to chat :) .

-A player who is knowledgeable of the fandom we're doing.

-A player who can contribute to the plot.

-A player willing to not curse and not take romance over the top or more than what you might see in a family TV show.

-A player who will understand if I suddenly can't reply or disappear for a while.

-A player willing to do males and canon characters.


-I am an unwilling mirror poster who has a hard time getting a lot out of a little from my partner,but I normally try to hit at least a nice chunky paragraph.I have the most fun when it's my usual 2 paragraphs.

-I am very active.Very.

-I am homeschooled with no set schedule.

-I ride horses on Wednesday,take drum lessons on Tuesday,and will be starting 4H (I am not young,I'm starting really late xD ) in November,so that will take my time away sometimes.

-I am a partner in three racehorses and almost always go to their races when they are home,that will also take me away from replying.

-I will not curse.

-I am a Christian,not that that affects my roleplaying (I might use blessed instead of lucky at times).

-I will not do any serious romance stuff...I am not comfortable with any fade to black stuff or things even dancing on too much.

-I only do mxf

-I stink at playing canon characters.The only ones I can pull off are Silver from Sonic the Hedgehog and I play a funny Amy from Sonic the Hedgehog (I don't like her at all so I make her annoying xD ).I need to play OCs unless otherwise mentioned or needed for a plot.

-I feel like I am forgetting something...I will do this sometimes xD .Brain toots.

-I like to chat out of character.I feel like it makes the RP lighter.I have to do it a lot,just here or there :) .

-I think that's what I forgot...

-I tend to use contractions a lot.

-The only chatspeak I'll use is lol.That's it.If you'd rather me not use that either,please let me know.

-I also like using smileys,but not in my actual replies.

Okay...Want to RP with me?Please?I would love to do what I listed,but I am also open to suggestions!I will also do Master x Slave ones (I prefer with no romance between master and slave...slave x slave maybe if we double up...).Message me about them since this is a fandom thread and I'd like to keep replies just that :P .
Hiya! I'm Apollogy8. I'm interested in doing a Hunger Games RP or a Master x Slave, which ever you prefer...or both xD I normally write about two paragraphs, though I can write more or less depending on what you give me. I can totally follow your rules or no cussing and little romance, totally fine with me. ^^ If you are still interested, drop me a PM?
Yay!I got a reply on one of my threads!Where's big foot!? * looks around *

Anyways,PMing you!
If you can convince me with a good enough plot.I really don't have an urge to do one,but I like MLP so I thought maybe somebody could come up with a good enough plot.

I'm considering doing a Pirate x Slave roleplay as well :) .It sounds like it would improve my writing style even more :) .
Oh, actually, I think my messages are activated now. :] So we could discuss the plots and whatnot through there, since it'd be more convenient and neat.

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