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I'm just existing in the world for now
Hey there! 💜 if you're reading this, I ask for you to be active, and wont ghost me in the first few days of starting. I won't ghost you either. I know there is still an outside life as I have one too, and I can get pretty busy too.
I live CST time zone so I would love if we have about the same time so we can both be active at the same time of day/night.
Now with that out of the way, lemme talk about my writing style/preferences. Honestly, my writing style is whatever you want it to be. I write in 3rd point of view and I can go from literate to semi-literate, but im mostly semi-literate.
I would prefer no smut as I feel uncomfortable, especially since we don't know each other. I LOVE playing fantasy, fluff, angst, or pretty much any genre as long as the plot sounds good. All I ask is that romance is apart of it! Romance is a must for my hopeless romantic heart, haha. I prefer to brainstorm ideas together and I want you to have good content on the story itself, and on your replies.
But other than that I'm not really new and not really an expert at rp so I do apologize if I can get pretty short and boring, but if you keep up with good content on the replies that shouldn't happen, unless im feeling down. I only do member x member or member x oc Sorry for this long ass ad but I'm done now! Please pm if you're interested! I do check this app quite a lot so I might respond quickly😅.

Here are my preferred ships:
Jin x taehyung
Those are my most experienced ships I've played and I prefer to play as any maknae member as I've played them the most. But I would be fine as any member. Thank you💜
the platform I like to be on to rp is either here or in discord😁.
Hello! I'm Yuri! I am also CST! Yay!
I recently joined looking for good Kpop roleplays, and would love to write something with you!
I am fairly new to being ARMY, though... but I will do my best if you are willing to write with me! Taekook is just adorable 💞

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