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Counsel of Creatures

Soren's expression morphed into one of horror, her hand reaching up to delicately touch her forehand. The mermaid was in shock, she never anticipated this would happen. "Oh my god," she breathed, feeling her chest tighten. Is this what a panic attack felt like? "I-I was just going for a swim. I didn't mean any harm."
Alaidia watched the mermaid in front of her start to panic. The way she was acting made the other princess believe her story. "If that is true, then we must get you out of here. I can not break the lock because they will know and only bring you back." Alaidia tried to think of ways to help the other girl escape without breaking the lock.
At first, the mermaid was excited that Alaidia was offering to help her but then her face fell anyway. "I don't want to get you in trouble," she pressed her forehead against the bars of the cell, squeezing her eyes shut. "Why are you willing to help me anyway? Everyone else is acting like I'm the devil."
"I do not think you should be killed over an accident. You thought you were doing nothing wrong." Alaidia explained honestly, looking at the girl in front of her. She couldn't help but to look Soren right in the eyes, finding them beautiful.

"Also, I don't understand the fued between our people. I find nothing wrong with you or others of your kind."
"I do not understand either." The mermaid whispered honestly, her eyes flickering about as she tried to figure out how to get out of this predicament. "If..If you hear anything, could you tell me what's going on? Nobody's telling me anything, I was just thrown down here."

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