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Fandom could YOU be the next member of The Seven? Vought is hiring...


living vicariously through myself
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check


hola, i'm getting back into the writing game. i've been rping since i was a teen, now i'm 26 who has almost crawled across the end of a masters degree.
i suppose i'm just looking for a few odds and ends i'd be interested in writing for!

- 21+ for partners and characters
- active ooc!
- i'm all about playlists, aesthetics, and all the extra accoutrements for a rp (hard to believe by the low effort interest thread but just trust me bro)
- reply ic at least once a week, i honestly only need a paragraph or two i do not have the strength for novels rn (i'm finishing a thesis wish me luck) but if we get into it i'll be able to give more!
- good grammar, i promise i just type like shit ooc for the aesthetic
- i am ghost friendly, because i am a little spooky at times


i am mostly looking for THE BOYS!
i would either like to double canon x oc, or do a oc x oc (i can do any gender combo and in my mind everyone is bisexual)
lets give ourselves the opportunity to create some cool supes!
i would love to give playing billy butcher a go, but i could play anyone!
i'd like to maybe play against homelander, hughie, butcher, or an oc!
i'm open to AUs or something pre-season 1, honestly i'm all ears for ideas!!

other notes
- i love full cast of characters so if we double, i will enjoy creating a small world of characters,
so do not be shy if you have several ideas!
- i write only in dms, but i could be persuaded to threads
- i am also down with a universe inspired by the boys if you have any ideas!

final note
as you can see,
it's vague because i am 1. lazy, and 2. i am intentionally trying to bait you to message me with questions (:<
now prove me right and dm me champ!!
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I hate to assume, but, if you’re still looking I’d love to give this a shot. I’m open to writing just about anyone up to season 4, as I haven’t seen it yet. And I feel like I’m more than capable to help provide a Vaught inspired, and sponsored great time!

If you’d like I can send you a message, either way this is all; 1719492112722.gif

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