Corvus Tristram


The Only Thing Real is Nothing
Name: Corvus Tristram

Age: 21  

Race: Human
Gender: Male


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Corvus when not in combat wears a hardy leather Jerkin and a tattered long white cloak to stave off the cold. Scars are etched on his face from the myriad fights against dragons and from his own past failures. To cover his face he puts on a hood when out in public to hide from prying eyes.  He wears a single pauldron on his blade arm- his right arm-and the cloak strapped on his left with leather bracers for protection. His body is scarred much like his face, he is rather quite scrawny (he's 5,7") due to malnutrition from being in constant battle and travel. He however, is built like iron with what left he has on his bones.

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In his armor passed down to him from his previous knight-master, he retains a his white cloak and his fully plated from head to toe in reliable steel chain and plate. 

Personality: Corvus despite his mein and looks is a man made out of 200% knightly honor with his vows held sacrosanct above anything else. Defending the weak (whether they be drake or man) from oppressive forces. He's kindly but is wisened by the cruel ways of the world; he is not naive but strives the best he can though he may fail. He's a grounded realist but his philosophical mind blossoms from time to time. He has a grim sense of humor.

Weapons/Abilities: In battle he wields two swords synthesized with dragon fangs to make them extremely hard. One arming sword paired with a shield to block dragonsfire and a greater claymore as a back up weapon. He is no great warrior of any renown but has proven himself time and time again after many triumphs alone against many great-foes and dragons far beyond any mortal ken. The secret to his vaunted strength is his mind and unbreakable will. Corvus at heart is a tactician, but finds himself in the middle of the fray despite it all and fights on through though his body may fall along the way.

Bio: A young man embroiled in war, he was once the son of a human blacksmith and after his father and mother were killed by dragons, he came under the tutelage of a kindly old knight who took the then embittered boy as a page. He taught him many things, courtly manners, blacksmithing, arms training, but most importantly forgiveness and understanding. With the vicissitudes of seasons and years, the boy with hatred in his heart became a worthy knight of chivalrous heart.

"Remember this boy," the old dying knight said in his bedchambers to his page and family in heartwarming surrender. "On this day you will become a worthy knight, and my successor. The Order and their knights wage war against the dragons... Join them please and show them what it means to be true knights... For what makes a knight is not his shining plate, impressive sword play, his drive to slay mighty beasts, or the steel of which his arms are forged from... But from the steel of his own heart..." A warm summer breeze blew over the old knight's keep and from man to man the title of knight was passed on.

Doing as his late master bid, the newly minted knight came to the order, joined and found himself partnering up with another friendly knight named Golz.

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