Corvis University for Paranormal Research


Tactical Goat

Welcome to the Corvis University for Paranormal Research, where students take on an intensive, albeit unusual, curriculum. Ghost hunting.

Built in Kettering, England, the Corvis mansion is home to the world's only school dedicated to paranormal research. Students take courses covering all aspects of the subject, including EVP sessions, demonology, and handling cases of poltergeist activity. The odd selection of courses have raised quite a few protests in the past, with many accusing the school of teaching demon worship and other such nonsense, though that hasn't slowed attendance over the years. Only those with a truly open mind are invited to come here, and only those with truly open eyes may discover the secrets the school holds.


Welcome to Corvis University! This RP is the brainchild of too many ghost hunting shows and a dash of insomnia. The rules are simple, and are as follows:

-First and foremost, have fun!

-All of the students here are human. The only thing supernatural about this place is the courses... hopefully.

-No God-moding or other such nonsense.

-No Mary Sues. I'd like to see originality here.

-Literacy is required. I'm not asking you to write a novel with each post, just make sure it can be read.

-Cursing and the like are allowed, just don't turn into Gordon Ramsey or anything if it's uncalled for.

-Fade to black if things start getting raunchy.

-Lastly, have fun! Did I say that already? Oh well.


(Put your character's picture here, at the top.)

Character Sheet:






Just post up a character sheet in this thread, and I'll give it a yay or nay. Anyways, this was kinda rushed, I'm more or less just testing the waters to see who'd be interested in something like this.



Name: Alexander Richards

Age: 22

Personality: Alex is a quiet person by nature, not due to any sort of anti-social tendencies, but because he very easily gets lost in his own thoughts. He's easy to approach, though many don't just because he doesn't seem very friendly.

Bio: Alex was born and raised by a heavily christian family in the United States. Ever since he was young he's been seeing and hearing... things. Whispers, apparitions, family members long gone. His parents told him multiple times they were just demons, trying to lead him away from the Lord. Even as a child he had a feeling that what he was being told didn't match up with what he was seeing, and it didn't take him long to start ignoring the people that were calling him crazy.

He dealt with name-calling and gossip all through high school, ignoring it when he could. As he got older the visions and the whispers became less frequent, though he would still experience them every now and again.

He received his acceptance letter to Corvis when he turned 21, and having no other options booked a flight to rural England. This is now his second year, and he's happy to go back. At least it will get him away from his crazy family...
Wow. I'm surprised nobody has signed up for this yet. I personally enjoy ghost-hunting shows a great deal, so this really caught my interest.

I'd like to reserve a male spot, if that's alright.
Sure thing. I'm a little surprised too, sort of. Then again, the forums seem to be a bit slow lately. Just post up an app whenever you get the chance.


[ His eye color is ice blue. ]


Zacharie Levius Astor




Zacharie was shaped by both his past and his physical conditions. Some were for the better and some were for the worse.

Zacharie's insomnia is what shows the most through his personality. He always seems very tired or worn down, as if he had just worked several hours beforehand without rest. This makes him generally much calmer and quieter than a lot of other people - and sometimes not in the best way. This tranquility is really passiveness to just about anything. If he's given something to do, he'll do it without a word, but there always seems to be a note of boredom whenever he does something that isn't one of his hobbies - a task, a job he's given to do, mostly. He doesn't freak out over problems. If anything, he's the one to calm the person down and reassure them. If he's left alone in the quiet, he'll sometimes be found either dozing off (only to jolt awake after a couple of minutes) or staring blankly at nothing, lost in his weary mind.

Although the man seems standoffish to a lot of people, he really isn't that bad of a guy. Although his tired atmosphere tends to put off some people, he can warm up to somebody if they come to him - even if slowly. Deeper inside of Zacharie, past all the damage his insomnia has done, lies a very empathic person. He can feel for other people, feel what they feel, and he can sympathize with them. He really can be a sweet person when he wants to be. He just . . . can't sometimes, too, what with his passive trait turning people away from talking to him. Another thing that's deeper inside Zacharie is that he can become very passionate over things he enjoys. His weariness disappears when he's practicing his guitar and is replaced with a true, warm serenity with each pluck of a string. His focus returns when he studies the paranormal and conducts research for it. If he grows into something and comes to like it, it'll eventually make it's place in his heart as a passion rather than just likable.

Though Zacharie has his good traits, he also has his more negative ones. He doesn't like being reminded of his teenage years, and keeps away from the memories as best he can, averting the subject away if it's leading towards that. He'll sometimes fall into states of depression if his past is brought up, and he becomes more emotionless than usual. At least, with his passiveness, you can feel his calmness and pinch of usual boredom. But in these depressed states, he just seems . . . empty. He also has a very hard temper to try, so annoying him is ineffective, since he'll just brush you off and carry on with his day. Persisting takes a long, ridiculous amount of time, but if you do, you'll eventually meet his wrath. He doesn't lose his temper often at all, yet does have moments of anger. He has a venomous tongue and, yes, he is strong enough to defend himself or even start a physical fight of required. He's never had to move to physical violence before, and tries not to in his states of anger. These are receded quickly once the fight is over, and he needs some time to cool down before he goes back to normal.


Zacharie was born as an only child into a moderately rich family. His childhood was fairly normal for a while; he was a happy, kind child for the first several years of his life in a well-off family. There didn't seem to be anything wrong - until he hit age eleven.

This is, basically, when life started to plummet down-hill. Zacharie developed a strange habit of hearing little whispers from nobody. The strange phenomenons that would occur confused him to an extent - sometimes it'd seem like soft phrases, other times harsh and cruel hisses, and other times choked and pleading muffles. But the young man thought nothing of them, being the naive pre-teen that he was. As time passed, Zacharie began to hear more than just unintelligible whispers - he heard messages, phrases in them. These voices were accompanied by energies that varied in mood and tone, some very rarely being loving and warm, most others being freezing and filled with sadness, longing. Since Zacharie is a naturally more empathic person deep down, the negative presences began to get to him, and started a mild case of depression as he moved into his teenage years. Not only did mild depression come into play, but the young man also dove into the developing stages of insomnia from disturbing nightmares and growing anxiety of the unknown.

Too afraid to go to his parents, Zacharie began to research the symptoms he had, trying to find some plausible explanation as to why he was changing, what was happening to him. With a couple months of fervent searching, the teenager began to delve into the world of the paranormal upon finding the symptoms to be fitting to all of his criteria. It was absurd, but it was all that he had. Meanwhile, Zacharie continued to change - his personality was chipped away at and molded by his slow, creeping, growing case of insomnia which would, in time, turn into a chronic condition. As his condition seemed to worsen, his depression ever so slowly growing deeper into him, he held onto hope by his fingertips as his obsession with the paranormal sprouted. He researched mostly demonology, finding a particular interest in that field of the unknown.

Time passed. Zacharie grew older and older, and his conditions grew further and further into him, implementing themselves into his daily life and his personage. As age continued further, and as Zacharie's knowledge in the field of ghost-hunting and demonology expanded, the voices and the presences began to fade and water down somewhat. He picked himself back up from his older, more desperate and frightened teenage self and built himself up into the man he is today. Along the way, Zacharie grew an interest in music, his father deciding to teach him the basics of playing the guitar (being honestly very happy to see the young man interested in something normal and acting normally again, since his parents were very concerned through the whole ordeal of his teenage years). He grew a love for acoustic guitar and has been practicing ever since he turned about seventeen. It helps him calm his nerves, and he usually plays it after a stressful or nerve-wrecking experience. It's somewhat like a coping device for all the crazy shit that has happened/happens in his life. Also, Zacharie eventually told his parents about his sleeping problems, and he was brought in to be tested for the insomnia condition. Surely enough, he was in the developing stages of a chronic condition of insomnia, too late to go back. The young man was prescribed a certain nightly dosage of a medical sedative for insomniacs, and with this medication, Zacharie can sleep longer, even if only a little.

Zacharie's life started to become normal again - with the addition of the strange phenomenons that have grown to become normal in daily life. Luckily, they weren't quite as intense as the experiences Zacharie had as a teenager. He picked his grades back up, graduated high school, and moved on to college to soon graduate and return home for a few months. After this time has passed, at about age 22, Zacharie moved from his parents' home to go live out in the world, gaining some starting financial support in the beginning to get a livable home, find a job, etcetera. For a while, the young man worked small jobs at smaller places along with his hobbies - studying the advances in ghost-hunting and all of his paranormal interests on the sidelines, practicing his guitar daily, looking for a profession he might want to pursue in the future. The strange phenomenons faded until they almost never happened, besides when Zacharie wanted them to or summoned them to occur (he did it at times for the sake of his research, which he doesn't normally share with other people).

Zacharie wasn't completely hunky-dory in life, though. The insomnia still continues to this day, and he still continues to take his medication in the correct amount of dosages. His insomnia has been a huge factor in shaping Zacharie into who he is as a person today, and even changed some of his physical features - his skin growing paler and almost a bit sickly, frequently-appearing dark circles under his eyes, his body structure becoming leaner over time. His depression also has affected his personality somewhat, though luckily, not his physical appearance. If anything, his insomnia is the most serious illness he has.

Life seemed to be getting back on track, for the most part. And then he got his acceptance letter.

Zacharie had a huge conflict over this for a while. It took him time to mull over what he was going to do, and with a convincing and firm talk with his parents, Zacharie gained the money he'd need for his trip and possible stay and packed his things to fly out to England. The idea of being accepted into a paranormal academy honestly excited Zacharie - his deep knowledge and interest in the world of ghosts, especially demonology, would be enriched even further. Although he did have his doubts about it, what with a possible return of the presences and voices (who was he kidding, a definite return), he tried to push those details to the back of his mind and simply allow himself peace in knowing he would be nourishing one of his favorite hobbies.

= - = - =

Apologies for the lengthy CS. I tend to get into more detail than necessary.

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Ooh. This seems rather interesting. I'd love to join if that's alright. Should have a character up in a bit.

(Her hair is black, her eyes are a forest green.)

Name: Ally Carter

Age: 22

Personality: Ally has always been more of the observant type, preferring to step back on many situations and just watch how things play out. Mostly when it comes to interactions between real people, and living things. This often conflicts with her highly curious side, which often ends up making her do rather reckless things sometimes to satisfy her need for knowledge. Give her a whiff of something intriguing or mysterious and she'll take off running, but she'll run carefully of course. She'd curious, not suicidal. She'll let her curiosity lead the way, but she'll still take precautions. This curious side of her is mostly reserved for things paranormal related, although if the situation calls for it, she can become serious if really need be, but that's not very often.

Ally is usually rather truthful, and at times it can make her come across as rather blunt, but not always, she prefers speaking her mind, and is rather reserved towards strangers, but she warms up to people quickly, and once she does, they'll find she's incredibly intelligent, loyal, and caring. She has a strong set of morals that she always sticks to, and a black and white definition of right and wrong.

While others may be wary of the paranormal, Ally is not. She does get scared, but she looks forward to that adrenaline rushing through her veins, and harnesses it to make her think quicker and move faster. Frightening is her forte. That doesn't mean she doesn't jump or scream like the rest of them, it just means she doesn't go running for the hills.

Bio: Ally was born into a dysfunctional, but caring middle class family. By the time she was 10, she had already grown to believe in all things supernatural, much like those on her mothers side, especially considering, all three of her mothers sisters, her aunts, were mediums, having grown up seeing ghosts all their lives. The psychic genes seemed to have skipped over Ally's mother, but not Ally.

From the youngest age she can remember, Ally has always caught glimpses of strange figures, and heard eerie conversations. When she was five, she saw a woman in the hallway, seven, the disfigured guy in the driveway, twelve, the demon looking kid in her brothers room.. And those were just the more notable occurrences. There were still the shadows, the whispers, things loving about. She seemed to be a paranormal magnet growing up, yet Ally managed to keep these things to herself.

Her father was a skeptic, her mother, terrified of everything paranormal, and her grandmother who lived with them, well, she was afraid of giving the old woman a heart attack. Her brother was much younger than her, she couldn't talk to him about it, besides, he seemed not to see much of anything either. She figured she could talk to her aunts, but letting her aunts know would mean letting everyone know, and getting herself labelled as just another family freak.

You see, by the time she was 12, her family had already started not to get along as it was. Arguments, cursing, name calling, crying.. It slowly went into a downward spiral as the years went by, ultimately ending on the beginnings of a divorce between her parents by the time she was -8, and a fierce hatred towards her mother, and a distant relationship with everyone else in her family. Needless to say, Ally got the hell out of there the second she could, traveling around, drifting from place to place, using as little of the money she'd saved up as she drifted.

The things she'd saw never went away, she'd just grown to live with it, with the hollow feeling in her gut, the cold shivers down her spine, the goosebumps, the scary images. In fact, she acted as a medium of sorts, helping people conduct seances and banish spirits and whatnot. She wasn't that great at any of it, knowing only what she observed fro her aunts, but she learned as she went, and the bad family ties were soon shoved into the dark recesses of her mind, left to be forgotten.

Ally enjoyed her travels, roaming, helping people as best as she could, which wasn't very well, accepting meager payment, etc.. They were, curious times, fun times, free times, but it was lonely, with nothing but the paranormal, nothing but the dead to keep you company.. The acceptance letter to Corvis University was a godsend. She didn't even know how they'd managed to get it to her, traveling around so much, but she'd decided to attend this school, maybe learn some new things, maybe live a new way. Maybe start things over again. Maybe.

Back in present times, it had been quite a few years since her first day, and she was still surprised by the place each year. Ally just wondered what crazy stuff this year would bring, because, having attended before, she knew the place was far from normal.
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